Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1233: Resurrection

"Beiyuan Immortal Race (!

Wang Daoyuan couldn't help laughing, I really don't know how bad my brother's cooking skills are, making Master so indignant.

"Since the master is confident, then there is no problem."

After all, he took out two branches, one red and one black.

"This is the branch of the yellow spring willow and the hibiscus tree, which contains a lot of pure yin and pure yang.

It is more than enough to temper the Nascent Soul for more than ten cultivators at the peak of Nascent Soul. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan took the two branches and examined them carefully.

"I can't ask for this thing, these two things are rare refining materials.

Although the hibiscus branches do not come from the real hibiscus tree, they are not ordinary.

Whether it is used to refine magic tools, or to build a nest for your Golden Crow Alien Species, it is excellent.

Needless to say, this yellow spring willow branch is pure yellow spring willow.

The yellow spring willow branches of the sixth-rank high-grade can completely be used to refine the sixth-rank high-grade puppet.

You can just give me the rootless fire of Chiyang True Fire and Guishui Mingyan. It will take twenty or thirty years to temper Nascent Soul into Nascent Soul. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "I have a lot of these things, and I don't care about that.

Moreover, the pure yin and pure yang energy in these two pieces of spirit wood are all raised by me with spirit fire.

To put it bluntly, these two pieces of spiritual wood are containers for yin and yang, and I don't take it seriously.

If you extract some of the yin and yang energy, it will not destroy the two pieces of spiritual wood, and I can continue to use the spiritual fire to nourish it. "

Pure yin and pure yang are special, and things like the Qiankun Ring cannot be preserved for a long time.

It is necessary to find those spirits with obvious yin and yang attributes in order to preserve them for a long time.

The blood fire Fusang in the Lingzhu space has been in contact with the Chiyang True Fire all the year round, and naturally can store a large amount of pure Yang Qi.

And Huangquanliu has been exposed to the Guishui Mingyan all the year round, and it can also store a large amount of pure yin energy.

Only then did Zhenjun Lei Yan agree to use it: "Since this is the case, then I can use it with confidence.

However, when the calamity is over, I have to trouble you to help me protect the law. "

"Whatever Master said, it is only natural for the disciple to protect the Dharma for you."

"Then I will go to nourish Nascent Soul. I will break through the spirit transformation earlier, and I will be able to help you manage the affairs of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce earlier."

After that, he returned to the Fire Dragon Mountain Fire Room with two pieces of spiritual wood.

It takes a lot of time to break through the God Transformation Realm and refine the Nascent Soul.

Even if pure yin and pure yang energy is sufficient, it will take more than ten or twenty years to trigger the catastrophe.

Fast, it may only take less than a year.

Wang Daoyuan couldn't wait, and returned to the cave with Zhou Luan, entered the Lingzhu space, and continued to comprehend the laws.

Two years later, terrifying coercion spread over Tianfu Island.

The clone, who stayed on guard in the cave, sensed something unusual.

Wang Daoyuan's primordial spirit immediately returned to his body, and after scanning his consciousness, he found that Master's state was not quite right.

He is in the state of meditation at this time, and the breath on his body is rapidly rising.

Looking at this posture, it only takes a moment and a half to break through the realm of God Transformation.

Wang Daoyuan flew to the door of the refining room where True Monarch Lei Yan was closed, and waited for the master to complete his breakthrough.

Not long after, True Monarch Lei Yan woke up from the meditation.

Wang Daoyuan hurriedly said: "Master, the power of the inner demon is extremely powerful, and it will cause great damage to the surrounding environment.

Let's leave Tianfu Island and break through to the surrounding islands. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan came out of the refining room: "Don't worry, although I haven't survived the calamity of the soul, I have read quite a few books about this calamity."

After all, it turned into a purple-golden thunder light and escaped from the Fire Dragon Mountain.

Zijin Leiguang left Tianfu Island, headed towards the north, and finally landed on a small island more than 7,000 miles north of Tianfu Island.

This small island is only dozens of miles in diameter, and it is also a volcanic island, but the crater has long been silent.

Don't worry about causing a volcanic eruption here.

Wang Daoyuan followed closely and came to the vicinity of the island.

True Monarch Lei Yan said with a smile, "This is the place that my teacher has long looked for to transcend the calamity.

By the way, send a letter to Daoyin's incompetent guy and ask him to come back.

If I succeed in transcending the calamity, he will also be able to take a little gift from heaven and earth, which is good for his cultivation. "

"Master, although you can cross the calamity with peace of mind, the other things, the disciple will arrange it properly."

Zhenjun Lei Yan just nodded and sat down with his knees crossed, ready to welcome the arrival of the inner demon.

Soon, a robbery cloud appeared in the sky.

Within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, a wind of spiritual energy was blowing.

At the center of the robbery cloud, a vortex appeared, continuously extracting the surrounding spiritual energy.

Soon, Jieyun expanded to a radius of more than four thousand miles.

The robbery cloud that transforms the spirit of the heart and the devil can reach this level, it is already a rare existence.

Even those cultivators of Heavenly Spiritual Roots rarely reach this level.

The robbery cloud stopped expanding, and a purple-golden ball fell from the middle of the robbery cloud, hitting the eyebrows of True Monarch Lei Yan.

An aura that destroyed everything radiated from True Monarch Lei Yan.

In this case, it is extremely suitable to comprehend the Law of Destruction.

But Heavenly Tribulation does not recognize people, and if you spy on it at will, it is easy for Heavenly Dao to think that it is disturbing Heavenly Tribulation.

Once God's punishment is triggered, even if you don't die, you have to take off a few layers of skin.

This aura of destruction enveloped the entire island, and cracks began to appear in the rocks on the island.

The surrounding area of ​​the sea was like boiling a pot, and large strands of air bubbles surged upwards from the bottom of the water.

Soon, the water mist evaporated from the sea formed a large white mist.

The entire island was surrounded, and the naked eye could not see through the inside.

It was not the first time for Wang Daoyuan to protect the Dharma. He just found a rock nearby and quietly waited for the end of the calamity.

A day later, a warship came from the northeast.

The warship flew around the area covered by the robbery cloud, and then stopped on the reef where Wang Daoyuan had settled.

A man and a woman flew down from the warship, and the two were Wang Daoyin and Wen Chengxian.

The two landed on the reef and saluted Wang Daoyuan: "I have seen the second brother."

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "The third brother and sister don't need to be too polite."

Wang Daoyin asked: "How is the situation of the master?"

"Master was in a good state before, and for more than a thousand years, there is no irreparable regret, not to mention inner demons.

In this state, the chance of success is still very high.

Generally, it takes about three days for the Heart Demon Tribulation, and now only one day has passed.

You don't have to worry, just wait. "

Even if Wang Daoyin was a little anxious, he could only find a place to sit honestly.

Time passed quickly, and more than two days passed quickly.

The aura around True Monarch Lei Yan began to quickly converge, the sea water no longer boiled, and the mist of water in the sky gradually disappeared.

The coercion in the robbery cloud completely disappeared, and Wang Daoyuan was relieved.

Divine Sense probed towards the island, Master was lying flat on the island, his breath was very stable, there was no sign of injury, and he even snorted a few times.

Wang Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "Master is fine."

Wang Daoyin's frown finally opened: "That's good, if this old man can't survive this disaster, I will be the worst cook in the future.

With Master at the bottom, I am somewhat comforted. "

The robbery clouds in the sky changed rapidly, from dark clouds to white auspicious clouds.

The auspicious cloud quickly shrank, and finally shrank to the size of a few miles.

At the center of the robbery cloud, a drop of crystal clear water was formed.

The drop of water fell, just right between the eyebrows of True Monarch Lei Yan.

Soon, Zhenjun Lei Yan woke up.

He sat cross-legged again, refining the majestic power in his body.

He was wrapped in purple-golden flames, which sometimes burned like a candle in the wind.

In the end, the flame disappeared, and Zhenjun Lei Yan shouted, "Daoyin, come here.

There are too many gifts from heaven and earth in my body, and it is too much to consume.

After a while, you will be unable to suppress it. You come to absorb some scattered gifts from heaven and earth, which will be of great benefit to improving your aptitude and consolidating your foundation.

And the children of the Wang family who are about to break through the realm, also bring them here. "

Wang Daoyin flew over with Wen Chengxian: "Master, you finally succeeded in transcending the calamity.

If you don't get through this, no one will cook worse than me in the future. "

True Monarch Lei Yan glared at him: "If it wasn't for a good mood today, I would have to destroy you traitor.

You are almost five hundred years old, and you haven't cultivated to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Ming Ting is your disciple. Before we came, we were in the late stage of Jindan cultivation.

Many years have passed, and I am afraid that it has broken through Nascent Soul.

It's not ashamed to be overtaken by the disciples. "

Wang Daoyin whispered: "Your own cultivation has been surpassed by the second brother for more than two hundred years, so I don't feel ashamed."

Zhenjun Lei Yan's beard was so angry that he planned to do it at that time.

But seeing Wen Chengxian aside, he couldn't ruin his image as a teacher, so he had to stop.

With a cold snort, he continued to meditate on the spot, slowly releasing the gift of heaven and earth that could not be refined in his body.

Wang Daoyuan sent a letter to Tianfu Island, and soon a flying boat flew over.

More than ten people got on and off the flying boat, including Wang Degong and Wang Delin.

Wang Degong is now in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, and is the head of the royal family of Tianfu Island. He usually manages the affairs of the family.

Wang Delin is a Heavenly Spirit Root and a Water Spirit Body, and his cultivation talent is very good.

Now that he is at the pinnacle of Jindan cultivation, he can break through the realm of Nascent Soul at any time.

Wang Daoyuan was worried that his eagerness for success would lead to an unstable foundation, so he let him accumulate a few more years before breaking through.

When everyone got off the flying boat, they saluted Wang Daoyuan.

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "Don't worry about these red tapes, hurry up and absorb some gifts from heaven and earth.

This is a gift from the heavens and the earth, as long as you can absorb a little, it will be a great creation for you. "

Hearing this, everyone flew to True Monarch Lei Yan, sat down cross-legged, and introduced the gifts of heaven and earth into their bodies.

After two days passed, the aura on True Monarch Lei Yan completely subsided.

All the disciples of the Wang family have benefited a lot.

Wang Degong took the Wang family's children and returned to Tianfu Island.

However, Wang Delin could not return to Tianfu Island, but came to Wang Daoyuan's side.

After absorbing many gifts from heaven and earth this time, he was filled with strong water-attribute spiritual power fluctuations.

In this spiritual power fluctuation, there is also a chill to the bone, which is the breath of his life's spiritual water, Xuanming True Water.

At this point, his cultivation has also reached the edge of breakthrough.

"Seventh Uncle, grandson's spirit and energy have reached the pinnacle of the Golden Core Realm, and he cannot improve it any further.

This time, he has received the gift of heaven and earth from the great master, and the realm can no longer be suppressed. The grandson plans to break the pill and form a baby now. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "It's okay to accumulate to this point.

The realm can no longer be suppressed, and it is the best way to break through. "

He took out the Infant Transformation Fruit, Broken Pill Grass, and the Essence of the Five Elements: "These are the auxiliary materials needed for the Broken Pill to form Infant. You can break through here."

Wang Delin's face was full of joy. He had already cultivated to the pinnacle of Golden Core a few years ago, and he could break through at any time.

It's just that Wang Daoyuan was worried that his foundation was unstable, which would affect his future path, so he did not let him break through.

Now that I have permission, I can finally break through the Nascent Soul.

He took Huaying Fruit and other items: "Thank you, Seventh Uncle."

Wang Delin sat down on the island and made final preparations for the breakthrough.

At this moment, a message token in Wang Daoyuan Qiankun Ring lit up.

I took out the token and saw that it was news from Judge.

After reading the content of the letter, Wang Daoyuan's face became solemn.

Zhou Luan saw that his face was not right, and asked, "What happened?"

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "I wanted to stop for a while, and when our cultivation base has broken through the peak of God Transformation, we will clean up the demon cultivators in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands.

But these guys don't know whether to live or die, and they have to provoke them now.

Several demon cultivators in the Ten Thousand Demons Temple have begun to reach out to Zhenhai Sect. "

True Monarch Lei Yan hurriedly said with a smile: "You set up the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, and the banner you launched is to wipe out the Ten Thousand Demons Islands and wipe out all the demonic cultivators.

These words were said in a large audience, and it is impossible for the Wan Demon Sect to get wind.

They should have wanted to strike first and wipe out Zhenhaizong.

At that time, even if we want to take action against the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, we will not be able to find a suitable offensive fulcrum in the Ten Thousand Demons Islands. We can only cross the distance of millions of miles and go on an expedition to the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

The top priority is to keep Zhenhaizong so that the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce can have a bridgehead in the Wanmo Islands.

In the future, the two sides will fight, and there is also a place to stay.

Is there anything I can help with this? I am a lightning-type cultivator, and I have a strong restraint on magic cultivators.

I heard that the inheritance on the Ten Thousand Demons Islands is very shallow, and the strength of the cultivators is also very general.

With my own strength, I shouldn't be afraid of the middle-stage magic repair of God Transformation now.

not to mention……"

He sacrificed the Zijin Linglong Pagoda: "What's more, I have the Linglong Pagoda, the power of the Linglong Pagoda is much stronger than the golden furnace.

With the cooperation of the Zijin Linglong Pagoda, I will not necessarily be at a disadvantage in dealing with the late-stage demon cultivator of God Transformation. "

On the top of Linglong Tower, a little kid wearing a bellyband appeared out of thin air: "Junior Lei Yan, you have finally broken through the realm of God Transformation.

After following you for so many years, I have been unable to eat and drink enough.

This gift of heaven and earth finally made me eat a full meal.

After more than 20,000 years, I finally recovered to the sixth level.

Junior Lei Yan, when will you take me to play with the cultivator of God Transformation?

After tens of thousands of years of no action, the tower body is almost rusted. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "I planned to let you go to Wanchuan Chamber of to serve as the vice president and the master of the refining hall.

It's just that you're about to break through, so you put it off.

Now that your cultivation base has broken through, it is time to go to Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

As for the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, there is no hurry.

After all, Zhenhaizong has been a big force for tens of thousands of years, and it has the family legacy left by Yulingzong.

Even if the Ten Thousand Demons Sect attacked with all their strength, it could last for decades.

Now it's just a test for both sides, and it's not time to start a war. "

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