Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1234: origin

The latest website: Although the Wan Mojiao has been established for a short time, it has a number of god-turning forces within it.

The large and small demon cultivators in the Myriad Demon Islands are controlled by them.

The current Ten Thousand Demons Sect, on paper, is comparable to the previous Seven Star Alliance.

Even so, they did not dare to attack Zhenhaizong easily.

The White Bone Hall had several gods and demons, but it was forcibly destroyed by Zhenhai Sect. It only took more than ten years before and after.

Such a method has a very strong deterrent effect on those magic cultivators.

In the case that the strength of Zhenhaizong is not clear, Wan Mojiao will only try it slowly, and will not make a desperate shot.

Zhenjun Lei Yan nodded: "The Ten Thousand Demons Sect really won't take it lightly, but they have to guard against it.

Since you want me to help in the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, I will go to Tianquan Island. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "The current president, Jia Qi, is my clone.

You can find him anything you need.

It's just that when I'm not around, the avatar's ability to do things is still at his own level.

Leaving him alone to manage the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce would easily cause trouble.

If there is any problem over there, please help take care of it. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan said with a smile: "Don't worry, no matter what, I have been an elder in the Shenbing Pavilion for hundreds of years.

At that time, Baoding's lineage was surrounded by powerful enemies, and I also brought Baoding's lineage out.

At that time, the main purpose was to use force to deter me. Now, with you, the No. 1 expert in the Seven-Star Sea Cultivation Realm, no one dares to use force against me. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little worried: "Master, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is a start-up, and the internal forces are still unstable.

If you use force blindly, I am afraid that these forces will be distracted from virtue. "

"Don't worry, being a teacher is not a fool.

When dealing with the Demon Race, Wei Wei was the leader of the Beiyuan Human Race, and he did not issue orders indiscriminately.

As a teacher, I still understand the principle of giving both kindness and power.

Besides, isn't there still business?

He has been the head of the Wang family for decades, and he has also been the prime minister of the Yan Kingdom for more than two hundred years.

If there is anything difficult, I will ask him for more advice. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly: "Then I can rest assured, these things are not in a hurry, just wait for Delin to pass the tribulation first.

I would like to see how strong the supernatural powers of Xuanming Zhenshui are. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan also said with a smile: "I also want to see this wonder, Xuanming Zhenshui is mentioned in the ancient books of Shenbing Pavilion.

But it is also vague, this time I have the opportunity to see it, I can't miss it. "

Although Wang Delin was young, he possessed the Heavenly Spiritual Root and the Water Spiritual Body, which was a talent that he hoped to cultivate to become a great power or even an earth immortal.

In addition, the Wang family has not lacked resources over the years, and his foundation is very solid.

This time, it has absorbed the gifts of heaven and earth, and the realm has been difficult to suppress.

After sitting down on the island, the aura on his body fluctuated violently.

He swallowed the Infant Transformation Fruit, Broken Pill Grass, etc., and waited quietly for the elixir to take effect.

Before long, he opened his mouth and spat out the golden pill.

At this time, the golden core has been eroded by the broken Dan grass, and it has become extremely unstable.

After leaving the body, it didn't take long for it to break into countless pieces.

Afterwards, the entire Zifu flew out of the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

The purple palace collapsed, and countless purple debris and golden core debris were mixed together.

The purple-gold soul was exposed, surrounded by Jindan and Zifu debris.

The black water droplets that were left in the outer layer of the Purple Mansion drifted near the soul, not knowing where to go.

After half an hour, Jindan and Zifu debris were completely integrated, wrapping the soul layer by layer, forming the prototype of the Nascent Soul.

Black water droplets exuding a chilling air fell on Yuan Ying's eyebrows.

At this time, Wang Delin's breath skyrocketed, and then stabilized.

His spiritual power fluctuations are no longer inferior to those of most early Nascent Soul monks.

The current Wang Delin has broken through the realm of Nascent Soul.

Next, it depends on whether he can withstand the baptism of the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation.

At the moment when his breath was steady, a dark cloud appeared in the sky.

The dark cloud expanded rapidly, and soon grew to a radius of more than 400 miles.

It is extremely rare for the calamity of the Nascent Soul to reach this stage.

Soon, a black ball fell from the cloud, which was the mine robbery in the Five Elements Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation.

Wang Delin's Nascent Soul calmly took out a blue gourd.

This gourd is a magic weapon that Wang Daoyuan personally refined for him. He used his supernatural powers to cultivate Xuanming True Water, and Xuanming True Water produced a lot of spiritual spring water.

Moreover, this spiritual spring water contains extremely strong cold air, which can be used against the enemy.

The usual function of this gourd is to store the spiritual spring water produced by Xuanming True Water.

But this gourd itself is also an extremely extraordinary sixth-level magic weapon.

Using it to resist the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation is a bit like killing a chicken with a knife.

The mine robbery fell and was directly taken in by the gourd, without even a single bit of energy leaking out.

Nascent Soul draws out strands of heavenly tribulation power from the gourd, tempering itself.

The power of catastrophe is naturally the main destruction, but there is a trace of vitality in the destruction.

It is perfect for tempering the body or tempering the Nascent Soul.

Soon, the five elements of thunder robbery all fell, and the blue-skinned gourd was also received according to the order.

Wang Delin's Nascent Soul was not damaged, and the Nascent Soul Tribulation was over.

Of course, he has magical powers.

After the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation, there is also the Divine Ability Tribulation.

A quarter of an hour later, the robbery cloud in the sky changed dramatically.

At the center of the robbery cloud, a large black hole opened.

Drops of black raindrops fell from this black hole.

True Monarch Lei Yan, who was observing from a distance, took a deep breath: "My dear, these raindrops contain an extremely terrifying cold air and repressive power.

Before I broke through, if I was trapped by this method, it would be difficult to get out of my body. "

Wang Daoyuan's face was very solemn, Xuanming Zhenshui was unusual, he had long thought that Wang Delin's magical powers were not simple.

But I didn't expect this to be so terrifying at the beginning.

Wang Delin's Nascent Soul looked at the dark and raining sky, and his little face also showed a solemn look.

He put away the blue-skin gourd, and the magical power calamity can only be carried by himself, and things like magic weapons can't help at all.

Then, a drop of black water flew out from the sea of ​​consciousness of the flesh.

As soon as this water drop appeared, it was like a spring, constantly spewing out black water.

These black waters condensed together and turned into a black basalt.

Yuan Ying was shrouded in black Xuanwu, and Xuanwu's turtle head and snake head screamed up to the sky, swallowing the black rain in his belly.

True Monarch Lei Yan nodded again and again: "This kid has a solid foundation, and he has practiced the Xuanwu Water Repelling Technique to such a level.

Even for a late Nascent Soul cultivator, it would take a lot of effort to break his defenses. "

Wang Daoyuan also breathed a sigh of relief: "It was not in vain to let him and Minglong Molong fight before.

With this means, the hope of surviving the Divine Ability Tribulation is still very high. "

The black rain that kept falling from the clouds did not cause any harm to Wang Delin.

At this time, the body of Xuanming Zhenshui was also in the body of Blackwater Xuanwu.

Spiritual water can absorb water spirit power and convert it into its own power.

The Xuanming True Water is no exception. The black rain of heavenly tribulation that was swallowed by the Black Water Xuanwu was absorbed by the Xuanming True Water, turned into black water again, and completely merged with the Black Water Xuanwu.

Blackwater Xuanwu is getting bigger and bigger, and its power is getting stronger and stronger.

Next, the biggest test is whether Wang Delin's consciousness can control so much spiritual power.

Once the consciousness can't support it, the spell will hurt the body, and the trouble will be big.

At this time, the black raindrops falling from the clouds are getting less and less.

Wang Delin didn't dare to relax, Hei Yu only spent less than a cup of tea, and it was absolutely impossible to get through the supernatural power calamity so quickly.

Taking advantage of this gap, he sacrificed a blue-skinned gourd, drew out a stream of black water from the black water basalt, and put it into the gourd.

The black water in the Black Water Xuanwu was refined by him.

Although it still contains the power of catastrophe, it can already be suppressed with a magic weapon.

True Monarch Lei Yan said with a smile: "This kid is really greedy, and he won't give up even a little bit of the power of the calamity.

Saved so much power of calamity, all used to temper Nascent Soul.

I am afraid that within two hundred years, he will be able to try to break through the transformation of God. "

Wang Daoyuan also nodded with satisfaction: "This child has always been strong, and his talent is also very good.

Otherwise, I wouldn't give a sixth-order magic weapon to a Jindan cultivator. "

Wang Delin was still taking in the black water, but Jieyun in the sky no longer gave him time.

A black streamer of light shot from the crack of the robbery cloud.

Wang Daoyuan observed carefully and found that these black streamers were arrows composed of black water.

The power of this arrow is not comparable to black raindrops.

ding dong~~

One after another water arrows hit the black water Xuanwu's back, like raindrops falling into the water.

But the power is extremely good, and the entire body of Black Water Xuanwu is shaking violently.

This water arrow contains a lot of spiritual power, and even Xuanming True Water is difficult to quickly refine, and the size of Blackwater Xuanwu is getting smaller and smaller.

Wang Delin simply reduced the Black Water Xuanwu to the extreme, but it was just enough to wrap the Nascent Soul.

One after another water arrows shot into Heishui Xuanwu's body, and Wang Delin's Nascent Soul was also affected.

The supernatural powers are so powerful that few people can survive without injury.

Wang Delin gritted his teeth and insisted, constantly refining the water arrows.

Soon, the duration of the Divine Ability Tribulation is up.

The water arrow no longer fell in the robbery cloud, and the robbery cloud began to change.

Wang Delin breathed a sigh of relief and dispersed the Black Water Xuanwu, and Yuan Ying fainted instantly.

True Monarch Lei Yan said with a smile: "This child's resilience is really too strong, and he has been able to hold on until now, all by holding on to one breath.

With such a strong talent, but also with such a strong tenacity.

With just a little practice, it will become a great tool. "

"I have also been focusing on cultivating this child, and after his cultivation has been consolidated, I will let him work in the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

It won't take long for him to become an independent existence. "

A quarter of an hour later, Jieyun completely turned into auspicious clouds.

A group of purple-golden water **** fell from the auspicious clouds and merged into Nascent Soul's eyebrows.

Afterwards, purple-gold petals rained down from the sky.

The petal rain lasted for more than an hour before it completely disappeared.

The younger children of the Wang family once got a benefit.

After the gift of heaven and earth ended, Wang Delin flew to Wang Daoyuan's side, bowed and saluted, "Seventh Uncle, I have now broken through the realm of Nascent Soul.

I thought of taking a job in Wanchuanfang City, so I could give myself some experience. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Even if you don't say anything, I will arrange for you to do things.

I remember that in the Qinglicheng Palace, you once learned the way of magic symbols and formations. "

Wang Delin replied, "My grandson is a water-attribute cultivator, so he is not suitable for alchemy and refining, so he tried to cultivate spiritual talismans and formations.

It's just that the level of the two paths is not high, the first talisman is only the third-rank high-grade, and the array method is only the fourth-rank low-grade.

Later, when I was busy with cultivation, these two paths were abandoned. "

"You have a good talent, so don't worry about your training speed.

A lot of rest charms and arrays will benefit a lot in the future.

You go to the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce and listen to it beside Judge.

Judge is my doppelganger and he'll take care of you.

There are many masters of the formation technique on Tianquan Island, you should ask them more.

When these two attainments reach the fifth-order level, they will be able to work as a steward in the Hall of Formation or the Hall of Lingfu.

You have just broken through, and you still need to consolidate your cultivation.

Go back to Dongfu first, and I will go to Tianquan Island after a while.

When the time comes, you and I will go there. "

Wang Delin said goodbye and left, and Wang Daoyuan and Zhenjun Lei Yan also returned to their caves.

Half a month later, Wang Daoyuan took Zhou Luan, Wang Delin, and Zhenjun Lei Yan on a flying boat and left Tianquan Island together.

After more than two days of trekking, Feizhou came to Tianquan Island.

Wang Daoyuan handed over Lei Yan Zhenjun and Wang Delin to Jia Qi to arrange, and went to the underground space where the Intelligence Hall was located with Zhou Luan.

Ming Jiao immediately came to greet them and ushered the two into a secret room.

The breath of Ming Jiao was not weak at this time, and Wang Daoyuan promised to help him break through into the gods.

He should have also put in a lot of effort to improve his own strength.

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "Your cultivation is diligent again. When you are sure to make a breakthrough, come to me and ask for pure yin and pure yang."

Ming Jiao hurriedly cupped his hands: "Thank you, Lord, the foundation of my subordinates is unstable and needs to be polished.

After a few years of breakthroughs, it will not be a big problem. "

"It's good if you can bear your temper, tell me how the situation on the Ten Thousand Demons Islands is.

All the big moves of the Wan Demon Sect are clearly explained one by one. "

Ming Jiao bowed his hands and said, "The earliest action on the side of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect was two years ago.

The Blood Sea Sect in the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, after hearing about the way the White Bone Hall cultivates the cultivators, sent people to investigate the ancient battlefield.

I want to find the remaining disciples of the White Bone Hall and interrogate these secrets.

But Zhenhaizong has been sending people to manage and search the periphery of the ancient battlefield, trying to dig out the remnants of the White Bone Hall.

The two sides met on the edge of the ancient battlefield and fought a battle.

There are thousands of years of corpse puppets in Zhenhaizong, naturally taking advantage of it.

But the blood sea sect cultivator's escape method was superb, and he got rid of the Wannian Corpse Puppet's pursuit.

The Blood Sea Sect has only three early-stage cultivators of God, among the God Transformation forces of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, they are the worst.

This cultivator of the Blood Sea Sect also has self-knowledge, knowing the secret that his family can't eat the White Bone Hall, so he stabbed it out.

The secret of cultivating three spiritual cultivators in ten years made the Ten Thousand Demon Sect very tempted.

Therefore, they plan to explore the ancient battlefield with all their strength and find out all the remnants of the White Bone Hall.

At the same time, they were also worried that Zhenhaizong would get there first.

They also sent some people to harass Zhenhaizong's industry.

The two sides tossed for two years, but there has been no trouble.

Some time ago, the Soul Lock Palace under the Ten Thousand Demon Sect attacked an island occupied by Zhenhai Sect.

This matter was relatively big, and the disciples who were arranged in the Myriad Demon Archipelago by the Information Hall learned about this matter. "

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