Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1238: Weird Formation

The latest website: This puppet is covered in thick armor, holding a large shield in the left hand and a large axe in the right hand.

More than two feet tall, it looks like an iron tower.

"This puppet is specially used to explore the way and be beaten. Not to mention the gadgets of the White Bone Hall, it is also a piece of cake to fly the warship with a rigid front."

The cannon fodder puppet didn't hesitate and walked straight to the cave.

After entering the cave, the entire low mountain began to tremble violently.

The top of the cave is constantly falling with dust and gravel, and it seems that it will collapse at any time.

The cannon fodder puppet didn't care, and continued to walk deep into the cave.

After going into the cave for hundreds of feet, I found a secret entrance.

On both sides of the entrance to the secret realm, there are more than a dozen strange-shaped sculptures, both human and animal.

At this time, the cave was no longer covered by a large formation, and Wang Daoyuan could penetrate his divine sense.

Wang Daoyuan's expression was a little solemn when he found these sculptures.

Zhou Luan was a little strange: "What's wrong? Are there any enemies that are difficult to deal with?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "It's not an enemy, it's just that something complicated has appeared in it. Do you still remember the two stone statues in Soul Domain?"

Zhou Luan nodded: "Of course I remember, the two stone statues were too strong at the beginning, and we two used almost all our wealth to win the victory.

What, there is that kind of stone statue here? "

"There are more than a dozen stone statues on both sides of the entrance to the secret realm inside.

These stone statues are very similar to the stone statues in Soul Domain, but I don't know what the situation is.

Of course, the statues were left unattended.

I don't know how many years have passed, 80% of them don't have much power.

If there is a level on the Soul Realm, the White Bone Hall will not be completely destroyed by the stone statues.

How much skill this stone statue still has, we have to try it to know. "

After all, use the divine sense to control the cannon fodder puppet to test these stone statues.

The cannon fodder puppet held up the shield in front of him and found the most dilapidated human-shaped stone statue.

The mountain axe in his right hand was raised high and slashed toward the humanoid puppet.

There was a rumbling sound, like a thunderous explosion.

The entire cave trembled violently, and cracks appeared on the rocks on the cave floor.

On the low mountain outside, gravel kept rolling down.

The axe of the cannon fodder puppet was so powerful that its iron tower-like body was knocked back more than ten feet by the force of the shock, and it almost hit another stone statue.

But the stone statue that it chopped down was unscathed.

The stone statue was originally full of cracks, and there were many incomplete.

It seems that just a little bit of trouble can completely shatter this stone statue.

The cannon fodder puppet was carefully refined by Wang Daoyuan, and the power of this axe was enough to inflict heavy damage on the late stage cultivator.

Without high-level spiritual veins, this axe can also be flattened.

But this kind of power can't hurt a stone statue that is about to shatter.

Wang Dao's face was sinking like water, and he used his spiritual sense to investigate the situation of each stone statue.

More than a hundred breaths passed, and these stone statues did not move.

Only then did he feel relieved. If this stone statue is like the stone statue in the soul domain, it can attack on its own.

More than a dozen stone statues shot together, even if they broke through the Mahayana realm, they could only give up the cannon fodder and escape with all their strength.

"Back then, the two stone statues in the Soul Realm needed a complex formation to activate them.

The stone statue was hit hard, but there was still no movement, and other monks were allowed to enter the secret realm. Eighty percent of the time, the formation was damaged, and they were unable to move the statue.

Without the activation of the formation, no matter how strong the stone statue is, it is just a decoration. "

Only then did Zhou Luan feel relieved: "Then shall we go in?"

"Go into the cave, wait for the puppet to investigate the situation in the secret realm, and then enter the secret realm.

There are so many stone statues with extraordinary origins here, which should be left by experts many years ago.

In the secret realm, there may be a cave or a place where the masters sit, so don't take it lightly. "

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan took Yunyi into the cave and stayed outside the entrance to the secret realm.

Wang Daoyuan inspected more than a dozen stone statues one by one, but found nothing.

"Yunyi, you are more sensitive to souls. See if there are soul-like things on these stone statues."

Yun Yi shook his head: "I have already probed, and I have not sensed the appearance of any soul.

With me here, no wandering spirit would dare to approach within a thousand miles.

Even hidden in these stone statues will be affected. "

The cannon fodder puppet walked to the entrance of the secret realm and entered it, the puppet was in front of an endless sea.

There are no islands, not even reefs.

There were waves on the sea, and the puppet observed for a long time, but did not see a single living thing.

There is only water in the sea, there are no coral reefs that are common in the Seven Star Seas, and there are no swimming fish and birds.

At this moment, a dark cloud appeared out of thin air in the sky.

The clouds expanded rapidly, and there was a might to suppress everything.

Looking at this posture, it is a bit of a robbery.

The cannon fodder puppet raised his big axe and slashed towards the sea below.

With a heavy blow, there was no movement on the sea surface, not even a single wave was stirred.

Even the spiritual spring water derived from the spiritual water, it is impossible for it to have no splash under the full blow of the combat power in the later stage of the transformation of the gods.

Undoubtedly, the sight in front of you is an illusion.

The puppet's consciousness is the biggest weakness, and it is completely foolish to want to get rid of the illusion by his own ability.

It stayed where it was, quietly observing the changes in front of it.

After the robbery cloud formed in the sky, there were actually thunders falling down.

It's just that this thunder is not simple. Every thunder and lightning is gray with purple, which is somewhat similar to the Taikoo Thunder Tribulation.

This Thunder has no target and has been hacking around.

After tossing for a quarter of an hour, hundreds of lightning bolts fell from the cloud, but none of them hit the cannon fodder puppet.

At this time, in a stone room outside the illusion, two god-turning cultivators were staring at a bronze mirror.

One of the middle-aged monks asked, "What's going on? Someone broke into the phantom array, but this tribulation thunder couldn't find its target."

Another young monk was also puzzled: "I don't know what's going on, this formation has been around for thousands of years, maybe it's damaged.

The spiritual power stored in the formation is limited. If it continues to be consumed like this, it will not be long before the spiritual power will be exhausted.

Only relying on the spiritual power generated by the spiritual veins can only barely maintain the illusion array and cannot attack. "

The middle-aged monk sighed helplessly: "Then stop the attack first, the inheritance of our White Bone Hall is still too shallow.

After finding this secret place for many years, I can barely control the formation.

If you want to repair the incomplete part of the formation, it is still not enough. "

The young monk came to a stone platform, and after sitting down with his knees crossed, his hands began to form seals.

After a while, the thunder around the cannon fodder puppet completely disappeared, and even the robbery cloud completely disappeared.

The cannon fodder puppet didn't know how to probe everywhere in the illusion, but couldn't find any breakthrough.

Then, he took out three jade talismans.

The three jade talismans were divided into three colors: white, yellow, and red. The cannon fodder puppet thought for a moment and crushed the topaz talismans.

At this time, Wang Daoyuan was outside the entrance of the secret realm, observing those stone statues, and suddenly sensed a change in the Qiankun Ring.

Divine Consciousness penetrated into it and found that the Topaz Talisman was broken.

"The puppet is in trouble, but it is not in too much danger. Eighty percent of it is trapped."

Zhou Luan asked, "Then what should we do?"

Wang Daoyuan took out the avatar Demon Prison: "The Demon Prison is also the late stage of God Transformation, and in the Lingzhu space, there is enough time to study the formation method.

I am afraid that the accomplishments in the formation method are still above me.

Let him go in and investigate, even if there is any clever formation in it, he will have a chance to retreat. "

After all, the Demon Prison walked towards the entrance of the secret realm.

After entering the secret realm, the situation was exactly the same as what the cannon fodder puppet encountered, and there was a sea in front of him.

He also saw the cannon fodder puppet, and the puppet was standing dumbfounded.

Wang Daoyuan's panoramic perception clone also saw the situation inside.

"There is an illusion inside, it seems to be very clever.

With the ability of the Demon Prison, there is no hope of breaking the formation.

Your Royal Highness, you enter the Spirit Orb space for a while, and I will go in and break the formation. "

All kinds of dangers may appear in the ancient battlefield, and Zhou Luan also knows the seriousness.

"Then be careful."

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly, and put both Zhou Luan and Yun Yi into the Lingzhu space.

Then, he strode into the entrance of the secret realm.

After entering the illusion, the prison and the puppet quickly approached.

At this time, the cannon fodder puppet was useless, and Wang Daoyuan also included him in the Lingzhu space.

Then, open the domain supernatural power.

Domain supernatural powers can suppress a space, and everything in this space is under the control of the domain, and the formation is no exception.

With Wang Daoyuan's current strength, the general sixth-order low-grade formation can be forcibly suppressed by the domain, so that it cannot exert any power.

The sixth-order mid-to-high-grade formation method is more laborious, but it can also greatly weaken its power.

After the realm was launched, Wang Daoyuan used the power of the realm to explore the direction of the surrounding spiritual power.

But under this investigation, nothing was found.

Moreover, his secret realm was restricted by a force, and he could only expand to a few miles.

Wang Daoyuan was shocked, he had already understood the laws of space from the field of supernatural powers.

For opponents without domain supernatural powers, even in the early stage of Mahayana, it is difficult to suppress their domain to such a degree.

The spiritual energy in the ancient battlefield is only the level of the sixth-order middle and upper grades.

The formation maintained by the sixth-order spiritual meridian can suppress his supernatural powers.

When this formation was first laid out, how tyrannical was its power?

The Soul Sealing Sword was already in his hand, and five sword shadows appeared. Wang Daoyuan mobilized all the spiritual power in the domain and injected it into these five sword shadows.

Soon, five-color flames ignited above the five sword shadows.

Wang Daoyuan released the sword intent, condensed the prototype of immortal power, and injected it into the sword shadow.

Domain supernatural powers, Soul Sealing Sword, plus the prototype of immortal power, the means that can be used to break the formation are basically taken out.

The five sword shadows grew rapidly, and soon exceeded a hundred feet in length.

A large amount of spiritual light was released between the sword shadows, connecting the five sword shadows together to form a huge cage.

The Five Elements Sword Region takes shape, constantly absorbing spiritual energy from the outside world.

As more and more auras are absorbed, the scale of the Sword Region is also getting bigger and bigger.

In the stone room outside the illusion, two cultivators looked at the scene in the bronze mirror, not knowing what to do.

The young cultivator asked: "This person has reached the late stage of divine transformation, he looks young, but his strength is so strong, he seems to have supernatural powers in the domain.

When did such a person appear in the Seven Star Seas Xiu Xianjie, why have I never heard of it?

The guy next to him seems to be a demon.

I heard that there is a new Diyan Archipelago Wang Family in the Seven Star Seas. The leader of the Wang Family, Wang Daoyuan, is very powerful, and there are two Demon Clan clones. Could this person be Wang Daoyuan? "

The middle-aged cultivator shook his head: "Absolutely impossible, Wang Daoyuan has only broken through the middle stage of God Transformation for a few decades.

This person is a late-stage cultivator of God Transformation, with a strong breath, not like he just broke through.

Do you think it is possible to break through a small realm in decades?

Our White Bone Hall is in a corner of the game, and the news has been blocked.

Now that the White Bone Cliff has been lost again, they are huddled in this ancient battlefield, completely cut off from the outside world.

Even if there is a rising star in the Seven Star Sea Xiu Xianjie, we don't know.

This person's exercises and spells are obviously inheritance of the right path, and they should not be monks from the Myriad Demon Islands.

The power of his sword formation is extraordinary, and 80% is from Yuheng Sword Sect.

This person is likely to be the genius of Yuheng Jianzong Xuezang. Eighty percent of the time he came to the ancient battlefield for the treasure in our hands. "

"Then what should we do? It's not a solution to spend like this all the time, we have to find a way to solve them.

Otherwise, let the thunder robbery be released.

The range of this sword formation is so large that it should not be impossible to chop. "

The middle-aged cultivator nodded: "Let's do it like this, let's try his ability with Thunder Tribulation first."

Wang Daoyuan used the supernatural power domain to extract spiritual energy from the surrounding formations and injected it into the Five Elements Sword Domain.

Suddenly, a black cloud appeared in the sky.

The black cloud grew rapidly and soon became boundless.

The rumbling thunder continued to explode in the clouds.

Suddenly, a thunder with purple in the meeting fell from the cloud, just above the Five Elements Sword Domain.

The entire Five Elements Sword Region was trembling violently, and then the power of Thunder was divided by the five sword shadows.

Blocking a thunderbolt, Wang Daoyuan's face did not show the slightest joy: "Immortal Thunder Tribulation? Who has such a means?"

It is not uncommon to use the power of thunder to attack the enemy, but the price of this method is too high, and it may implicate oneself. There are very few people who are willing to do this.

But these methods are all to provoke the enemy's thunder calamity, and what kind of calamity is overcome depends entirely on who the opponent is.

If it is used on monks who have done many evils, the thunder tribulation they will attract will be very terrifying.

But no matter how to use the means, the thunder tribulation that is attracted should also be the thunder tribulation of the current cultivator.

Only those immemorial beasts, UU reading may attract immemorial thunder tribulation.

This formation can attract the ancient thunder tribulation, it is too strange.

While he was thinking, another gray-purple thunder fell.

Wang Daoyuan mobilized the power of the domain and formed a defensive mask above the sword domain.

The thunder fell, and the defensive mask was instantly shattered.

The aftermath of thunder slammed on the sword field, and the entire sword field trembled violently.

After that, the thunderbolt fell faster and faster, and Jianyu barely persevered under the thunderbolt.

The tenth thunder fell, with a "click", and a harsh sound came.

The entire Five Elements Sword Region collapsed, and the five sword shadows turned into colorful sparks and splashed around.

The powerful Five Elements Sword Region collapsed like this.

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