Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1239: treasure

Latest website: Wang Daoyuan was surprised, he knew the power of the Five Elements Sword Region.

Before dealing with the old tea trees with some Mahayana strength, they could not fall behind.

In this formation, it was actually broken.

None of the Five Elements Sword Region can resist the power of this formation, and there is really no other way except the Spirit Orb.

The thunder robbery did not stop, and one after another gray-purple thunder continued to fall.

It's just that the quasi-head of this thunder robbery is not enough, but occasionally a few will fall near Wang Daoyuan.

And unlike the real catastrophe, the target can be locked.

He can easily dodge by using the escape technique.

However, the power of the Heavenly Tribulation in this Taikoo Thunder Tribulation is a good thing and cannot be easily wasted.

He sacrificed the Forging Immortal Cauldron and the God Refining Gourd to see if they were able to deal with this formation.

As soon as Du Xian came out, he was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Master, where did you go to have such a powerful formation?"

"In a secret realm in the ancient battlefield, this formation can release the ancient thunder tribulation, and my Five Elements Sword Region has been broken."

Duan Xian had an incredible look on his face: "Impossible! Your power in the Five Elements Sword Domain is not bad, plus you have supernatural powers in the domain.

Even if the monks in the early Mahayana stage made their own shots, it would be difficult to break through them in a short period of time.

There is no seventh-order spiritual veins in the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm, and the formation method cannot exert much power. "

Talking Tuber Refining God remained silent at this time. He controlled the body Refining God Gourd and caught a gray-purple thunder.

"It's not the ancient thunder tribulation, it's just a special thunder method, with some of the power of the ancient thunder tribulation.

Forging Immortal, do you still remember the Immortal Imperial Tribulation Formation? "

Duan Xian was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Of course I remember, that is the strongest array mage since the birth of Qianyuan Realm.

You mean, this formation is his masterpiece? "

Lian Shen shook his head: "Who can be sure of this? I've only heard of his name, but I haven't seen his methods.

I just swallowed a thunderbolt, and the thunderbolt contained only extremely pure thunder-attribute spiritual power, without the slightest power of catastrophe.

But whether this thunder is imposing or mighty, it is no different from the real immemorial thunder tribulation.

Lei Fa played the power of Heavenly Tribulation, and only the Imperial Tribulation Array Immortal and his descendants were the only ones.

As for who it is, it's hard to say. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little confused, he had never heard of the name of the Immortal Imperial Tribulation Array.

"Who is the Immortal Royal Tribulation? I have read a lot of God Refinement Sect's array books, but I haven't seen any records about the Immortal Royal Tribulation."

Duan Xian replied: "The Immortal Imperial Tribulation Array had already ascended to the Immortal Realm more than 400,000 years ago.

This person's formation was psychic, and at that time, the human race and the demon race often had wars.

He once relied on the formation method to destroy an army of the demon clan.

In this army, there are four divine beasts of the Earth Immortal realm, and there are more than ten divine beasts of the seventh-order peak.

There are countless monsters of the seventh rank and below.

After that battle, the demon race began to go downhill, and the human race became the real master of the Qianyuan world. "

Wang Daoyuan took a deep breath, and if he took out any divine beast, his strength was better than 99% of the human monks of the same rank.

Among the human race, only a very small number of peerless geniuses can compete with divine beasts of the same rank.

Compared with the divine beasts, the advantage of the human race is only that it grows faster in number.

In the first battle, he killed four divine beasts in the realm of Earth Immortals, and there were more than ten divine beasts that were comparable to power.

Even his own master cannot face so many powerhouses at the same time.

"Since the Imperial Tribulation Formation Immortal is so strong, why is there no record of his deeds in the inheritance of the Divine Refinement Sect and the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts?"

Lian Shen sighed: "Because there is nothing to record, he has long since ascended to the Immortal Realm, and he has not left a Dao Lineage in the Human Realm.

Before he ascended, he left behind two disciples, both of whom had cultivated to the realm of Earth Immortals.

One of them also flew to the Immortal Realm, and the other rarely showed up, and later disappeared.

The Immortal Lineage of the Imperial Tribulation Formation did not even leave a trace.

Everything about him is just a legend.

Many things are exaggerated by later generations, or even completely fabricated.

There is no inheritance as evidence, and everyone listens to it as rumors.

Since it is a rumor without evidence, there is no need to record it carefully.

We know this, and it was also mentioned by the master once when he explained the way of the formation to his disciples. "

"Then why do you say that this formation may be from the handwriting of the imperial robbery?"

Du Xian said: "Because his formation inheritance is too special, it is said that the imperial robbery formation immortal can use ordinary grass and trees to set up a formation method to kill the earth immortal.

You can also use the array method to construct the world in the array, and even imitate various magical powers and celestial phenomena.

This formation can suppress your supernatural power field, and it has some meanings of the world in the formation.

Using the thunder method to display the power of the ancient thunder tribulation, this method can only be done by the legendary imperial robbery fairy.

It is a pity that this secret realm was not discovered that year. "

Lian Shen also sighed: "It's really a pity, if I discovered this formation method back then, I would study it thoroughly.

The human race can have one more powerful weapon, and the number of human races killed in battle will be much less, and the master may also survive. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little excited: "I heard you say it so seriously, this formation is still a rare treasure, it seems that I can't destroy it yet."

Refining God nodded: "Of course it can't be destroyed, whether it is the handwriting of the Imperial Tribulation Array or not, it is a rare treasure to be able to use the thunder method to display the power of the catastrophe.

If you can fully understand this formation, use it for your own use.

In the future, whether it is a battle of luck or dealing with a catastrophe, it will be a very strong trump card. "

"I said you two were too optimistic, and now we are trapped in the formation, maybe we will be struck to death by lightning at some point.

Before thinking about those, you must first ensure your own life. "

Lian Shen looked disdainful: "Master, you are also the son of luck, the direct disciple of Guiyuan Jianxian, haven't you seen the details of this formation?

To maintain the formation space, suppress your magical powers, and launch such a powerful attack.

Without the support of the seventh-order spiritual veins, how long can it last?

When the stored spiritual power is exhausted, you can pick up the ready-made one.

This formation is chaotic, and 80% is damaged.

Just like this, if you stay in the formation for ten or eight years, you don't have to worry about not being able to carry it. "

Wang Daoyuan turned into a silver light, dodging a thunderous attack: "That's right, this quasi-head is really bad.

If all the thunders were on target, I would have died a long time ago. "

After having the care, Wang Daoyuan is no longer in a hurry to break the formation, but instead deals with Lei Ting.

Duan Xianding greeted a thunderbolt and put it in the cauldron: "Lian Shen, you kid is not righteous.

The thunder spirit power contained in this thunder is extremely pure, and you didn't tell me. "

Lian Shen smiled and said, "There are so many thunderbolts, you don't have the guts to eat it yourself, how can you blame me?"

When the two of them were noisy, the frequency of thunder falling from the clouds became less and less frequent.

The black clouds that covered the entire sky also became thinner and thinner.

After a quarter of an hour, the thunder completely disappeared, and the black cloud completely disappeared.

Du Xian glanced around: "I guessed right before, such an attack can't last.

Without the suppression of thunder, a single illusion formation is no big deal.

Master, you use the domain supernatural powers and the Five Elements Sword Domain to forcibly extract the aura that runs in the formation.

The formation space is unstable, and it is not easy to suppress the supernatural powers of the domain.

Once the spiritual power is not available, the formation will collapse. "

Wang Daoyuan acted according to his words, and recruited the five sword shadows again to form the Five Elements Sword Domain.

At the same time, the five elements of spirit fire were all released.

A large amount of spiritual power in the formation was ignited by the flames, and the spiritual power was consumed very quickly.

Wang Daoyuan continued to extract flames and put them in the space of the Spirit Orb.

Lian Shen smiled and said: "Master, your strength is really strong, and the speed at which spiritual fire draws spiritual power, even a sixth-order high-grade large-scale spiritual vein can't support it for too long."

Soon, the scene in front of him began to distort.

On the boundless sea below, cavities slowly appeared one by one.

Through the cavity, rock and loess ground can be seen.

In a stone room outside the formation, the two monks were a little anxious.

The young cultivator asked, "Senior brother, this formation can't hold up anymore, what should we do?"

The middle-aged cultivator's face was ashen: "How do I know what to do? The two of us are here to sneak up on the Zhenhaizong cultivator, who would have attracted such a evil star.

There was a formation to cover it up, and he touched it all here.

The formation method of this phantom formation and killing formation combination did not take much effort to deal with the late stage cultivator of God Transformation, and it capsized here.

The two magic tools he sacrificed were both extremely intelligent.

Any one taken out is stronger than the golden furnace.

That Five Elements Sword Formation can actually hold the thunder.

Such a character, even when our White Bone Hall is in full bloom, is not necessarily an opponent. "


A sound like a dull thunder sounded, and the formation that trapped Wang Daoyuan was completely shattered.

The scene in front of him changed drastically, Wang Daoyuan appeared in a small valley with the Refining Gourd and the Forging Immortal Cauldron.

Looking up, the valley is surrounded by low mountains.

Beyond the low mountain is the edge of the secret realm.

This secret realm is very small, only forty or fifty miles in radius.

There is a sixth-order high-grade non-attribute spiritual vein in the secret realm, but the scale is relatively small, and the aura generated is not much.

Without the restrictions of the formation, Wang Daoyuan's domain covered the entire secret realm.

"When are the two fellow Daoists going to hide? Two cultivators, hiding here and plotting against me."

In the stone room, the two cultivators looked at each other.

The young monk asked, "Senior brother, what should we do?"

The middle-aged monk shook his head and did not speak.

Wang Daoyuan was a little impatient: "Do you two think that King Nengman is investigating?"

After all, control Gui Chenyan and fly towards a boulder in front of him.

The flames of returning dust fell on the boulders, and the rocks burned.

After ten breaths, a small pile of ashes remained on the entire stone.

Below the rock, there is a stone room that is ten feet square.

The Refining God Gourd flew over: "Master, these two boys are still pretending to be stupid, I just put them away and refine them all."

The two of them could also see that the God Refining Gourd was extraordinary, and they didn't dare to pretend to be stupid.

He quickly opened his mouth and begged for mercy: "Senior, forgive me, we both made an unintentional loss.

I have offended the seniors, and I ask the seniors to forgive me. "

Wang Daoyuan gave them a cold look: "Do you think this nonsense can change your life?"

Lian Shen also helped: "Why are we here, you should know in your heart.

The master doesn't like killing people, so there may be a way out if he tells the master what he wants to know.

If you think about him, you two will just wait for your soul to refine. "

After breaking the formation, Wang Daoyuan only suppressed the fire of the Five Elements Spirit Fire, and did not put away the Five Elements Sword Region.

The middle-aged cultivator looked at Jianyu and the flames, without the slightest desire to resist.

"Junior withered bones, this is my junior brother's jade bones.

The two of us are the elders of the White Bone Hall. We usually hide in this small secret realm and sneak up on the Zhenhaizong cultivator.

I didn't expect the senior to come here, and the little one didn't know how powerful you were, so he offended you. "

He wanted to continue to flatter, and Wang Daoyuan pointed at him with the Soul Sealing Sword: "Okay, don't talk nonsense.

Where are the treasures that you cultivated as monks in the White Bone Hall, and what are they?

Be honest, take me to find those things, and I can keep you guys.

If not, I have a lot of ways to extract the soul and refine the soul. "

Withered bones and jade bones were covered with sweat on their faces. This sword domain and spirit fire put so much pressure on them that they didn't even have the desire to resist.

The two were silent for a long time, neither of them said a word.

Wang Daoyuan sneered: "It seems that you are toasting and not eating or drinking."

After saying that, with a light wave of his hand, the five sword shadows flew above the heads of the two of them.

True Monarch Withered Bones gritted his teeth: "Senior and slow down, I said.

In ten years, the White Bone Hall has cultivated three treasures of the cultivators, one black and one white beads.

The white beads can absorb the fire attribute aura, and then generate a large amount of pure yang energy.

The black beads can absorb the water attribute aura and generate a large amount of pure yin energy.

This bead produces a lot of pure yin and pure yang energy. If there is a sufficient supply of spiritual energy, it only takes a month to generate pure yin and pure yang energy, which is enough for a person to break through the realm of God Transformation. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little disappointed, and there were many black stones on the ancient battlefield.

The four-forbidden black stone in his hand can generate pure yin and pure yang energy.

It's just that the amount produced is very small. Ming Jiao's father has tossed it for thousands of years, but it is only enough for one person to break through.

The White Bone Hall has cultivated three Spirit Transformation cultivators in ten years. If it is Black Stone, there may be a lot of restrictions.

The more blackstones that are banned, the more residual spirits are preserved, and the more helpful the residual spirits in the four banned blackstones are.

Now I know that the treasure that produces pure yin and pure yang energy in the White Bone Hall is actually two beads, and 80% of it has nothing to do with Black Stone.

These two beads are by no means ordinary things. In one month, the pure yin and pure yang energy generated is enough for a person to break through the realm of God Transformation. UU reading

This speed is much faster than his Chiyang True Fire and Guishui Mingyan.

Such treasures are not as simple as sixth-order treasures.

"Are those two beads treasures from heaven and earth, or treasures refined by experts?"

After thinking about it for a long time, True Monarch Withered Bones replied: "The younger generation has a clumsy eye and can't see the details of those two beads at all.

Those two beads were discovered in this secret realm.

The two beads were the size of fists and were placed on a yin and yang jade plate.

My Bone Hall cultivator made a mistake, entered this secret realm, and got those two treasures.

Apart from beads and jade plates, there is nothing else.

By the way, on the back of the yin and yang jade plate, there is a line of strange characters engraved, which we can't even recognize. "

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