Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1244: consult

The latest website: All the magic corrections are playing hard, and suddenly they feel that the flow of spiritual energy in the whole body has become unsmooth.

The released spells fly at a speed comparable to that of a turtle.

It is also very laborious to use the escape technique to dodge and move around.

True Monarch Withered Bones shouted loudly: "Junior and others are here to fight with the enemy. If you offend senior, please forgive me."

He and Wang Daoyuan had already agreed in advance, and the two sides pretended not to know each other.

Wang Daoyuan snorted coldly: "You demon cultivators, besiege a righteous cultivator together.

As a monk of the righteous way, I naturally want to help. "

Wang Daoyuan did things for Mo Xiu, and he did not vent the ghost swordsman beforehand.

After this battle, the power of magic cultivators could not make waves in a short period of time.

It doesn't matter whether the Ten Thousand Demons Sect knows about the matter of subduing Zhenhaizong.

However, he did not explicitly say that Ghost Swordsman was his subordinate.

The ghost swordsman also quickly understood: "Senior, junior was looking for an opportunity in this ancient battlefield, but was besieged by a group of demon cultivators.

I also asked the senior to save the life of the junior for the sake of being a righteous cultivator. "

The other demon cultivators wanted to defend themselves, but Wang Daoyuan sneered: "Infighting in the Seven Star Seas for thousands of years, and having no time to manage the affairs of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, it really turned your salted fish over.

Back then, the demon cultivators who were like mice dared to openly besiege the cultivators of the right way.

If you dare to take action, you will have to pay the price. "

Before he finished speaking, dozens of khaki-yellow spiritual power **** appeared out of thin air in the field.

At the same time, Wang Daoyuan sent a voice transmission to True Monarch Withered Bones: "Hurry up and escape, don't worry about the rest."

True Monarch Withered Bones reacted very quickly, and the whole person turned into a fog, blending into the endless gray fog of the ancient battlefield.

If it weren't for Wang Dao's domain, it would be impossible to find his trace.

Seeing that True Monarch Withered Bones had escaped, the others quickly fled.

These people's life-saving means are really good. If it wasn't for Wang Daoyuan's supernatural powers in the domain, he really wouldn't be able to keep them.

Dozens of khaki-yellow spiritual power **** condensed and formed, flashing with dazzling light, and there was a faint power of thunder.

This is Wutu Shenlei. Wang Daoyuan obtained the body of the reclamation god. From his residual memory and physical instincts, he explored the inheritance of the authentic Wutu Shenlei.

Combined with the Wutu Shenlei that he deduced, he has what it looks like today.

The speed at which the Wutu Shenlei was cast was slightly slower than before, but its power had doubled several times.

The spells deduced by oneself are still very different from the spells passed down by the Five Thunder Gods.

Dozens of Wutu Shenlei attacked the seven demon cultivators of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.


A muffled thunder sounded one after another, and the gray fog in the valley was dissipated, replaced by khaki smoke.

It looked like a sandstorm had been blowing up.

The smoke and dust slowly descended, and there were six loess mounds on the ground.

Wang Daoyuan chuckled lightly: "It's really good, I even escaped two."

The ghost swordsman said quickly: "Those two must be seriously injured and won't be able to run very far. I'll go after them."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "No need, running may be more useful than dying."

The two people who escaped, one was the True Monarch of Withered Bones from the White Bone Hall, and the other was the True Monarch Bloodthirsty, the Blood Demon Cultivator of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

True Monarch Withered Bones has already been subdued, so naturally there is no need to clean up.

As for the bloodthirsty true monarch, he was released to shock the Ten Thousand Demons.

The seven god-turning monks disappeared inexplicably, and the Ten Thousand Demon Sect didn't know anything, but they didn't have much deterrent power.

Let them know that they have killed six cultivators in an instant, so that they can be deterrent.

Moreover, the bloodthirsty true monarch fled back, so that he could start the next plan.

Wang Daoyuan had no intention of chasing and killing, and Ghost Swordsman did not dare to take the lead without authorization.

It's just a bit embarrassing to be beaten by this group of people.

He fell to the ground, raised his long sword, and slashed towards a loess heap.

When the sword fell, only a few deep sword marks were left on the loess pile, and he himself was shaken back a few steps by the force of the shock.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "No need to work hard. With your means, you can't break this mound."

This method was learned from the God of Reclamation. The God of Reclamation made a note of the earth and thunder, which directly destroyed the battleship of Baibao.

What can a mere few demon cultivators in the early stage of transformation be counted?

What's more, Wang Daoyuan's earth attribute spiritual power has the corrosive property of returning to dust flames.

The ghost swordsman asked, "My lord, how are these demon cultivators doing now?"

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "Even if they are physical practitioners in the late stage of God Transformation, and they are trapped inside, they will never have a chance to survive."

After all, he flicked his hand and fired six small khaki flames.

The flames fell on the pile of loess, and it was burning brightly.

But after a while, the six mounds completely disappeared.

Wang Daoyuan took back the spirit fire, leaving no trace where the mound was.

The six cultivators of the early stage of the transformation of the gods just disappeared out of thin air.

Wang Daoyuan looked like a light cloud and wind, but the ghost swordsman's heart turned violent.

The six cultivators in the early stage of God Transformation were instantly beheaded.

Those khaki-yellow spiritual power **** just now, I am not sure to avoid them.

It was impossible for him to let the monks in the early stage of the transformation of the gods die so neatly.

Just when he was afraid, Wang Daoyuan instructed: "Zhenhaizong will not care about the things on the ancient battlefield.

This time, I dealt with the six cultivators of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, but they would not dare to seek death again.

After that, Zhenhaizong would recuperate and recover his strength.

As long as the magic cultivators don't take the initiative to provoke them, don't care about them. "

Ghost Swordsman was at a loss, unable to understand what Wang Daoyuan planned.

He didn't dare to ask random questions, so he could only bow and salute: "This subordinate understands, and this subordinate bids farewell."

After all, he rode the Peng Bird Corpse Puppet and headed northwest.

Wang Daoyuan also flew to the northwest, and after flying more than a thousand miles, he caught up with True Monarch Withered Bones.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan coming, True Monarch Withered Bones hurriedly saluted: "Master, what should your subordinates do next?"

"The seven cultivators of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect were killed by me.

The bloodthirsty true monarch was let go by me, and he should have suffered serious injuries.

You should contact him first, and then find a way to join the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

It doesn't need the White Bone Hall to play a big role, as long as it can enter the decision-making level of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

If there is any news from the Wan Mo Sect, report it to the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce headquarters immediately.

As for how to fool the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, I don't need to teach you, right? "

True Monarch Withered Bones said again and again: "Don't worry, your lord, your subordinates will definitely find ways to join the Ten Thousand Demons Sect."

"As long as you do this well, the magic cultivators in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands will be governed by the White Bone Hall in the future."

True Monarch Withered Bones thanked him again and again, and Wang Daoyuan performed the escape technique and went west.

The matter on the ancient battlefield has been temporarily completed.

There are many dangers in the border areas.

It is suspected that the formation technique inherited from the imperial robbery formation is an unknown treasure.

If you continue to go deeper, the ghost knows what you will encounter.

The true demons or true immortals who died in battle here in the past can send themselves away if they come out with a little remnant of their souls.

Leaving the ancient battlefield, took out Lei Peng's flying boat, and flew all the way to Zhenhai Island.

When I arrived near Zhenhai Island, I sent a message to Tianquan Island with a message token.

There is no message formation on the ancient battlefield, and there is no way to communicate with Tianquan Island.

During the time he left, everything on Tianquan Island was stable.

With Master and Jia Qi guarding, all affairs were not delayed.

Knowing this news, Wang Daoyuan was relieved.

Instead of stopping at Zhenhai Island, he flew due south.

The Tai Chi jade plate and the two beads are still unstable in the spirit bead space.

Even if there is a suppression of the formation that isolates the spiritual energy, it is still continuously extracting the spiritual energy.

The concentration of spiritual energy in the entire Lingzhu space has a downward trend.

There are too many spiritual plants planted in the Lingzhu space, and there are many Qiankun gourds, which require a large amount of spiritual energy to maintain.

If the two beads are allowed to absorb the spiritual energy, the space of the spiritual beads will be destroyed.

Now the seven-star sea area has basically stabilized, and the Ten Thousand Demons Islands have just balanced the situation a little.

No one is making trouble, and there is time to go to Jue Tian Yuan to ask Master how to deal with these two beads.

In addition, there are still questions about cultivation that need to be consulted.

Previously, there was an old tree to help perform the Dao, and he had a deeper understanding of the laws of wood and fire attributes.

As long as you practice step by step, it won't take long for you to reach the pinnacle of God Transformation.

Next, you must understand your own way.

Wang Daoyuan had some ideas about his own way for a long time, but he always felt that something was separated.

When you really want to understand your own way, it is best to have the guidance of an elder with a higher cultivation level.

The most suitable candidate is Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

The flying boat went all the way to the south, and within a few days, it came to the edge of Jue Tian Yuan.

Wang Daoyuan was also familiar with this place, so he retracted his flying boat and entered the abyss of absolute heaven.

When he came to the stone pillar where the projection of Guiyuan Sword Immortal Tomb was located, Wang Daoyuan bowed to the projection of the long sword: "Disciple sees Master."

Guiyuan Sword Immortal's voice came: "I haven't seen you for a few years, but your cultivation has actually broken through the late stage of God Transformation.

Moreover, there have been many changes in the breath of this body, and the two laws of wood and fire seem to have improved.

how? Did you suddenly enter the realm of the unity of heaven and man? "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "How can it be so easy, the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to enter the unity of heaven and man.

If the disciple can make progress in the two paths, he still got the guidance of an ancient tree before.

The ancient tree was planted in a secret realm for hundreds of thousands of years. It was a seventh-order mid-grade spiritual plant that gave birth to spiritual wisdom.

I entered that secret realm and discovered his extraordinaryness.

Fight with him and have the upper hand.

That old tree acted for me in order to make me stop bothering him, and I also learned the law of life and the law of destruction from it. "

Guiyuan Jianxian was a little puzzled: "Ancient tree? I really don't know that there are ancient trees that have lived for hundreds of thousands of years in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

Could it be that this ancient tree is deep in the ancient battlefield?

The depths of the ancient battlefield are extremely mysterious. Even when I was in my prime, I didn't dare to go deep. How dare you go in casually?

You are the son of luck, and you have the vision of a dragon, and you are definitely not comparable to the general son of luck.

The possibility of becoming the leader of the human race in the future is extremely high, and you must not take risks. "

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "It's not on the ancient battlefield, but on Tianquan Island.

There is a small secret realm there, and the old tree is in that secret realm.

Back then, the Divine Refinement Sect also occupied that secret realm.

However, none of them found that the ancient tree already had wisdom. "

"Then I can rest assured, the entire Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World, except for the ancient battlefield, should not threaten you anywhere else.

Plants and trees are good at preserving their own essence, and the old tree was once a seventh-order mid-grade spiritual plant, and now it should still be able to exert some of the combat power of a Mahayana cultivator.

It is really not easy for you to fight against it with the cultivation level of the late stage of God Transformation, and you can still have a slight upper hand.

Plants become spirits, and it is easy to master the laws of wood attributes.

It is normal for wood to make fire and to master some fire attribute laws.

But the rules of the other three attributes are difficult to grasp.

You came here this time because you want me to help you perform Dao and understand the laws of the other three attributes? "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "That's true. The disciple came here this time for two things. The first is to ask Master to help him when he understands his own way."

"When your cultivation has reached such a point, it is time to consider the way of understanding your own way.

This little thing is nothing.

What is the second thing? "

"The disciple entered the edge of the ancient battlefield in order to clean up a few demon cultivators.

In a small secret realm, a strange formation was found.

This formation method does not have any formation patterns, but it can exert extremely powerful power.

Moreover, it can also use the thunder attribute spiritual power to imitate the power of thunder tribulation..."

Before he could finish speaking, Guiyuan Sword Immortal said in an incredible voice: "The Immortal Imperial Tribulation Formation must be him.

Except for him, no one can use thunder attribute spiritual power to imitate the power of thunder tribulation.

He set up a formation in a secret realm. There must be some treasures in that secret realm. Have you found any treasures? "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "In that secret realm, there is indeed a rare treasure.

Unfortunately, with the ability of the disciple, it is impossible to fully control this treasure.

I'm having some trouble now and would like to ask for your help. "

"The treasure left by the imperial robbery array immortal, even the teacher wants to see what it is.

Take it out and show it to the teacher. "

Wang Daoyuan immediately took out the Taiji jade plate from the Lingzhu space: "The two beads on this jade plate belong to yin and yang, which can absorb spiritual power and convert a large amount of pure yin and pure yang energy.

The disciples put him into the secret realm, and they absorbed the aura frantically, and the concentration of the aura in the secret realm was affected.

This tai chi jade plate is not an ordinary thing. After injecting the power of divine consciousness, a line of characters will appear at the bottom of the plate.

The disciples were ignorant of their talents and knowledge, and did not know the words above.

After the forging immortal cauldron identified, it should be the text of the end of the ancient era.

Du Xian also doesn't know much about ancient script, UU reading www.uukanshu. com identified the words 'Sun and Moon Origin'. "

"The origin of the sun and the moon? This is really not an ordinary thing."

"Master, do you know what the source of the sun and the moon is?"

"I heard about this thing in the early years, there are two kinds of things in the sun and the moon.

It's just that now that the sun and the moon have taken shape, even in the realm of the Earth Immortal, the source cannot be extracted from it.

If you want to get the source of the sun and the moon, it can only be at the beginning of the formation of the sun and the moon.

If it is the origin of the sun and the moon, then this thing may be a treasure left behind when the Qianyuan Realm was just formed. "

Before he finished speaking, a faint figure walked out of the shadow of the eighth-order Guiyuan Sword.

This is the projection of Guiyuan Jianxian. He took the jade plate from Wang Daoyuan: "I want to see what is in this jade plate."

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