Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1245: The way to return

The latest website: Strange to say, this jade plate is madly absorbing spiritual energy in the spiritual bead space, causing the concentration of spiritual energy in the spiritual bead space to begin to decline.

But when he got outside, the jade plate stopped.

The speed of absorbing spiritual energy is extremely slow, similar to when Wang Daoyuan first obtained this treasure.

Guiyuan Jianxian took the jade plate and looked at it carefully for a long time: "It's really not an ordinary thing, as for whether it is the source of the sun and the moon, I can't say.

After all, this is a legendary treasure.

I've only heard of it, never seen it. "

After all, he injected the power of divine consciousness into the jade plate.

Earth Immortal's strength is truly extraordinary.

This place is just the projection of Guiyuan Sword Immortal, but within less than a breath of time he injected the power of divine consciousness into the jade plate, clear words appeared on the bottom of the jade plate.

Wang Daoyuan was a little hit, and he tossed it for nearly a quarter of an hour, which is not as good as the master's breath.

Guiyuan Jianxian looked at the words on the jade plate and recognized it carefully.

After a long time, he said: "The origin of the sun and the moon, the battle between immortals and demons, the catastrophe of heaven and earth, the real person came from the northern wasteland."

After listening to him read, Wang Daoyuan was a little confused: "What does this mean?"

Guiyuan Jianxian shook his head: "It's hard to say, the meaning of the first three sentences should be that the immortals and demons competed for the source of the sun and the moon, causing the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

This real person, naturally, does not refer to the Jindan cultivator, but should refer to the man of destiny.

After the catastrophe of immortals and demons, the mention of this man of destiny should mean that this man of destiny can pacify the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

As for Beihuang, it may refer to the north of Jue Tian Yuan.

According to what you said, there is not even a Mahayana cultivator in the Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm and the Qixinghai Xiuxian Realm.

Compared with other places in the Qianyuan world, it can indeed be called a wilderness.

The man of destiny who can end the catastrophe of heaven and earth is likely to be you. "

"Master is joking, this text is written in the late antiquity, more than 300,000 years ago.

How can people from more than 300,000 years ago estimate the situation today? "

Guiyuan Sword Immortal smiled and said, "There are still some Earth Immortals who can predict prophets.

You have also seen Yin-Yang Array Immortal, and he is proficient in this way.

Before the decisive battle with the Demon Race that year, he predicted that the battle would be won, but the losses would be very heavy, and it would also leave great trouble to future generations.

But if there is no decisive battle, there will be more trouble in the future.

In the end, you also know that in order to kill several demon gods, the teacher slashed Zulong Mountain with one sword, forming this Jue Tian Yuan.

The remnants of the demons have not been cleared, and it is very likely that more demons will be attracted.

The loss of the human race is not small, even the leader of the human race, Shi Shi, took his life in it.

This jade plate may be related to the Immortal Imperial Tribulation Formation, who is the strongest in the formation.

And the Earth Immortal Great Expert, who uses the formation method to prove the Tao, knows some divination techniques to some extent.

This line of words is likely to be the warning words left by the imperial robbery to spy on the future. "

"Treasures like these are not born casually.

This thing has stayed in the secret realm for hundreds of thousands of years, during which time it has been stricken three times, and it has not been born.

Now that you were born and fell into your hands, you should be the real person in this sentence. "

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "The old tree previously speculated that the catastrophe that Qianyuan Realm will face next is at least the invasion of true demons.

This jade plate also mentioned that the immortals and demons are fighting, and the people of destiny need to calm down.

The catastrophe that followed was not just a matter of true demons, it might even be involved in the involvement of demons and top figures in the immortal world.

At that time, how could the newly born son of luck be qualified to fight with them? "

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, at least our Qianyuan Realm is also a vassal of the Immortal Realm.

The immortal world and the demons have been fighting for an unknown number of years, and the strength of the two sides is equal.

If it's a big deal, just treat Xianjie as a child, and it's good to keep Qianyuanjie. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "That's the only way, I guess these two beads are the origin of the sun and the moon.

Even if it is not, it must have a lot to do with the origin of the sun and the moon.

Since the source of the sun and the moon can cause immortals and demons to compete, it definitely has a great effect. How should this thing be used? "

"This thing is a legendary treasure, and I have never seen it before.

It is said that from this thing, one can comprehend the way of yin and yang.

The way of yin and yang is the most top-notch existence in the basic avenue. If you can understand it, your future achievements will be limitless.

As for the other effects, I can't say. "

Even Guiyuan Jianxian didn't know how to use it, and Wang Daoyuan had no other way.

If there is a chance in the future, I can try to understand the way of Yin and Yang.

But it is still uncertain when the next catastrophe in Qianyuan Realm will break out, and it is business to improve the cultivation as soon as possible.

"The disciple has a portable secret realm. When this thing is placed in the portable secret realm, it will absorb the spiritual energy crazily, causing the concentration of the spiritual energy in the portable secret realm to drop.

Master, what means do you have to suppress this thing? "

The current source of the sun and the moon is very well-behaved, only absorbing a small amount of aura.

"Is there such a thing? It is not an ordinary treasure to be able to absorb a secret realm so that the concentration of aura decreases.

Exactly, I have a lot of aura stored here, let's see how much the sun and moon source can absorb. "

The stone pillar on which the Guiyuan Sword is projected is also arranged with a large number of formations, which can extract spiritual power and maintain the power of the projection.

Guiyuan Jianxian controls the formation, extracts spiritual power, and injects it into the source of the sun and the moon.

One after another light appeared, surrounding the stone pillar.

Afterwards, a large amount of spiritual power was injected into the palm of Guiyuan Sword Immortal Xuying from the formation, and finally into the jade plate.

At this time, Sun Moon Origin no longer pretended to be stupid, and began to swallow spiritual power violently.

The spiritual power that Guiyuan Jianxian mobilized from the formation was the real eighth-order spiritual power.

The source of the sun and the moon is like a bottomless pit, and countless spiritual powers are poured into it, but it does not stir up any waves.

After tossing for an hour, the spiritual power absorbed by the two beads was enough for Wang Daoyuan to consume for several years.

But apart from generating a large amount of pure yin and pure yang energy, there is still no movement.

Guiyuan Jianxian was intrigued: "It's really a good baby, swallowing so much spiritual power, but it doesn't mean to fill it up at all.

I'd like to see how powerful this bead is. "

After all, increase the input of spiritual power.

Wang Daoyuan was a little worried: "Master, you guard Juetianyuan to prevent the invasion of the demons.

If too much spiritual energy is spent on these two beads, and the demons take the opportunity to invade, the trouble will be big. "

Guiyuan Jianxian didn't care: "Don't worry, I know it.

This formation method is arranged by the eighth-order formation master himself, and it can mobilize a lot of spiritual power.

Even if I do my best, this formation can guarantee the supply of spiritual power.

Right now, I'm still far from the point where I'm going all out. "

This time Wang Daoyuan was relieved, and quietly watched Guiyuan Jianxian inject spiritual power into the two beads.

Guiyuan Sword Immortal and these two beads are on the bar, one has infinite spiritual power, and the other can devour endless spiritual power.

A month later, the speed at which the Sun and Moon Origin devoured spiritual power finally began to decline.

It took a month to fully devour the eighth-order spiritual power, and the amount of spiritual power swallowed was unimaginable.

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled and said, "This broken bead is finally moving, I thought it was a bottomless pit."

In the next day, the speed at which the source of the sun and the moon absorbed spiritual power became slower and slower, and finally stopped completely.

At the same time, the two beads Shenhua were restrained, and they looked like two ordinary jade beads, without even a trace of spiritual power fluctuations.

Guiyuan Jianxian held the jade plate in one hand, and held the white beads with the other hand, and with a gentle break, the white beads fell off the jade plate.

Then, he took off the black beads again.

"These two beads are the treasures, the jade plate is just a cover, the material is far worse than the beads.

Now that the two beads are normal, you can keep them.

If it is really the source of the sun and the moon, it may have a great effect on you in the future. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, connected the two beads to the jade plate, and collected them into the spiritual bead space together.

The jade plate was completely silent, just like the jade used by the rich and noble family in the mortal world.

But two beads, after entering the spirit bead space, appeared abnormal again.

The two beads were separated from the jade plate, and without the shackles of the jade plate, they also began to rejoice, scurrying around in the space of the spirit beads.

However, these two guys should be really full, and no longer absorb the spiritual energy in the Lingzhu space as before.

It didn't take long for the two beads to disappear.

The white beads fell into the Chiyang True Fire and let the Chiyang True Fire burn, while the black beads fell into the Guishui Mingyan, and the two beads did not move anymore.

The beads stopped, and Wang Daoyuan didn't care about them anymore.

As the leader of the human race back then, Shizun had only heard of the source of the sun and the moon, but had never seen it before.

For such a treasure, it is difficult to figure out any clues for a while.

In the Lingzhu space, it is good to not cause trouble.

After dealing with the origin of the sun and the moon, Wang Daoyuan handed over and asked, "Master, do you know the situation at the Canglong Ruins?

The disciple is now in the late stage of divine transformation. With the disciple's five elements, it is easy to reach the peak of divine transformation.

Before long, the disciple will go to the Canglong Ruins to find an opportunity and try to break through the Mahayana realm. "

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled and said: "There is no big deal in Canglong Ruins, it is nothing more than the four poles of heaven and earth, and the scene is similar to the depths of the West Sea in Beiyuan Xiuxianjie.

In the depths of Canglong Ruins, it has reached the edge of Qianyuan Realm.

When we get there, the space is already unstable, and there may be space cracks at any time.

However, spaces have the ability to repair themselves.

Those space cracks will be repaired soon after they are created.

During the process of the cracks appearing and repairing, there will be Chaos Qi pouring in from outside the domain.

This process can increase the total amount of energy in the Qianyuan Realm.

In addition to the space cracks, there are only boundless seas and islands that appear frequently.

The islands also have nothing to see, they are all small islands.

Among these islands, there are not many high-level spiritual veins.

On those slightly larger islands back then, there were only seventh-order, middle- and lower-grade spiritual veins.

Now that Jue Tian Yuan appears, the spiritual veins there may also be affected.

The only place where the seventh-order spiritual veins are determined to exist is that fairy world fragment.

If you can't find a place to break through, you can venture into the fairyland fragments.

There was an eighth-order peak spiritual meridian in that year, and the internal system was self-contained, and it was less affected by the outside world. There should be an eighth-order spiritual meridian now.

Even if you want to break through the realm of the earth immortal, there is no problem there.

Before you break through the Mahayana realm, don't go deep into the Canglong Ruins.

Once encountering spatial turbulence, it is very difficult to survive below the power.

Back then, I had only been to the Fragment of the Immortal Realm, not going further north.

I can't tell what the Canglong Ruins are like now.

For the teacher, I will act for you first, and help you cultivate to the peak of spiritual transformation as soon as possible. "

Wang Daoyuan replied respectfully: "I will obey the teacher's orders."

Guiyuan Jianxian nodded: "It's better to understand the matter of understanding your own way.

The only thing the teacher can help you with is to solve your doubts.

Once you act for you, when you choose your own way, you are likely to be influenced by me.

Although my Tao is strong, it may not be suitable for everyone.

Just like your senior brother, who was originally not suitable for cultivating my way of returning to the origin, but learnt from me everywhere.

Originally a seedling of an earth immortal, he can only stop at the realm of great power.

Now that the ancient tree has acted for you, it is unavoidable that your own way will be affected.

Instead of letting your good seedling be destroyed in the hands of the ancient tree, let me correct it. "

After saying that, with a slight wave of his right hand, a light curtain measuring 10 feet wide appeared in front of Wang Daoyuan.

Then, images began to appear on the light curtain.

"My Dao is the Five Elements Returning to the Yuan, and the Qi of Heaven and Earth is contained in one sword.

Although you have also cultivated the Guiyuan Sword Intent, your supernatural power is a domain type, which is different from my supernatural power.

There is no problem with using my Guiyuan Sword.

But you have better options and there is no need to go completely my way.

You first look at the scene of my sword splitting Zulong Mountain. If you have a feeling, I will explain it to you. "

In the light curtain, there was an extremely tragic killing scene.

Tens of thousands of Mahayana monks, as well as many mythical beasts, the human race and the demon race joined forces to defend against the strangely shaped demon race.

Among them, Guiyuan Jianxian alone resisted the five demon gods.

When the Purple Mansion was opened, Lingzhu also showed a similar scene.

It's just that the scene at that time was too vague, and there was no verve.

Wang Daoyuan carefully observed Guiyuan Jianxian's every move and wanted to understand the mystery of the way of Guiyuan.

The realm of Demon God and Earth Immortal is roughly the same. Even though Guiyuan Sword Immortal is powerful, he is still weak on the left and right under the attack of five opponents of the same rank.

Soon, he was hit hard by five demon gods in a row.

With him holding back the five demon gods, the other earth immortals and great powers have the upper hand.

But it is only the upper hand, and it will take a long time to win.

In the state of Guiyuan Sword Immortal, he couldn't hold on for too long.

In desperation, he raised the long sword in his hand, and the spirit and energy of his whole body continued to gather in the long sword.

Before the long sword was cut out, the strong killing intent made the monks of the lower demons and humans tremble.

The battle in the Mahayana realm was abruptly stopped by this killing intent.

Even the powerful cannot completely ignore the influence of killing intent.

The five demon gods thought that they could not take this sword, so the five of them stood together and wanted to work together to take the full blow of Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

A sword fell, and the light of the sun was suppressed by the sword light.

The five demon gods resisted with all their strength, but under this shocking sword, their strength seemed extremely small.

The five all-powerful demon gods instantly disappeared under the dazzling sword light.

The earth trembled, and a bottomless crack appeared under the long sword.

In the distance, Zulong Mountain was also split into two sections by a sword.

Bottomless cracks quickly spread to the east and west ends.

Yu Wei dissipated, and the long sword was stuck on a huge rock.

Guiyuan Jianxian's body has completely disappeared, leaving only the broken Taoist robe.

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