Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1247: 1 word to wake up a dreamer

The latest website: The dangerous place that Wang Daoyuan said is naturally the setting sun and the ancient battlefield.

Sunset Abyss is the place where the Golden Crow fell, and there are many space cracks in the core area.

Even the current Wang Daoyuan did not dare to look for the body of the Golden Crow.

An eighth-order Golden Crow, if you leave anything, is a rare treasure.

If it wasn't for worrying about those space cracks, Wang Daoyuan would have turned out the corpse long ago.

Needless to say, in the ancient battlefield, when the real demon and the real immortal fought, it is estimated that the sky and the earth were torn apart.

Later, the space on the ancient battlefield should have been repaired by someone, otherwise there will be a heavenly abyss in that year.

Even so, the dangers in the ancient battlefield are not something that a cultivator can deal with.

Wang Mingren cupped his hands and said: "Father, don't worry, the child has self-knowledge.

Before I came to fight with my eldest brother, he could easily defeat me without the Wanling Pagoda.

This little boy is not a master in the Nascent Soul realm, so how dare you go to places where you dare not take risks? "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "It's good that you know the importance, the Seven Star Seas is not peaceful, so be careful in everything.

Master, this child will be taken care of by you.

I have some insights in cultivation, I need to retreat for a period of time, and strive to cultivate to the peak of spiritual transformation as soon as possible. "

True Monarch Lei Yan said with a smile: "If you have something to do, just go to work, your reputation is too great, and those forces that rely on the Chamber of Commerce are all obedient to me and Jia Qi.

During this time, I handled all matters with ease.

Ming Ren has been in Beiyuan for many years and has a good understanding of the internal affairs of the Chamber of Commerce.

It's my good helper here, and I don't need to take care of it. "

Wang Daoyuan took Zhou Luan away from the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce headquarters and went southeast.

Pass through the location of the Information Hall and enter the Jinghu Secret Realm.

Seeing the two come in, Lao Shu showed his stature: "The two little friends have finally come. I recalled the memories from many years ago during this time, and I am waiting to perform for you."

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Then I will trouble the seniors, I went to visit the master before and asked him to help me perform.

Now, looking at the way of the predecessors, it can be regarded as learning from others' strengths. "

The old man had a startled look on his face: "Little friend is joking, since you have already consulted Guiyuan Sword Immortal, why come to me again.

Even in my heyday, I am like an ant in front of Guiyuan Sword Immortal. "

"Senior don't have to belittle yourself, the stone of the mountain can attack jade.

Although the senior is not as good as my master, he is also an old senior who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

What I have seen and heard may be more than the Master.

Watching one or two is also of great benefit to the way of the younger generation.

After being instructed by Master, I know that I can't copy other people's way.

To learn more, it will also be of great benefit to Mingwu himself. "

The old man nodded: "I am an ancient tree, and I have a different cultivation method from the human race. Even the way of heaven that I master is innate, and I can give you little guidance.

Before you realized the way of life, your control over the fire of life has been significantly improved.

You have five kinds of spiritual fires, which belong to the five elements.

If you can refer to these spirit fires and comprehend the corresponding laws, you will be able to take control of these spirit fires to a higher level in the future.

Moreover, the laws that have been comprehended in this way must be extremely suitable for you. "

Hearing this, Wang Daoyuan suddenly realized, and secretly said in his heart: This is really a word to wake up the dreamer. I have been thinking about transforming the spiritual seed and enhancing its power.

But I didn't want to start with the spirit fire.

If it can enhance the control over the spirit fire, the spirit energy seeds are condensed from the spirit fire.

As long as the spiritual fire is stronger, the spiritual seeds will naturally become stronger.

As early as in the Nascent Soul realm, the five spiritual power seeds had all turned into the five internal organs of the Nascent Soul, and now they are all in the Nascent Soul.

Raising the power of the spirit fire will also indirectly enhance the power of the primordial spirit.

The five spirit fires are all in their own primordial spirit, and they are integrated with the primordial spirit.

If you want to say the law that suits you, it is naturally the law that fits the spirit fire.

Thinking of this, Wang Daoyuan bowed his body and bowed; "Thank you senior for clarifying the confusion, and understanding the law that fits the spirit fire is indeed the most suitable for me."

The old tree smiled: "It's good to help the little friend."

After all, a light curtain condensed in front of him.

Then, an image appeared in the light curtain.

This image has nothing to do with flowers and trees, on the contrary, countless monks are fighting.

Wang Daoyuan was about to ask questions, the old man explained: "This is a fight I saw many years ago.

I see that in the metal spirit fire of little friend, there is a strong killing intent, and in the sword intent, there is also a killing intent.

Watching this video should be rewarding. "

This old tree is a grass and wood into a spirit, and the law that it masters is only the wood attribute.

Demonstrating the law of wood attributes is naturally handy.

In the Five Elements, wood makes fire and demonstrates the law of fire attributes, which is not bad.

When it came time to demonstrate the meaning of killing, the taste was much worse.

In the image, a group of human monks were fighting with some guys with monster characteristics.

The cultivation base of both sides is not low, and the killing is also very fierce.

But no matter how Wang Daoyuan looked at it, it was a bit like watching a movie in his previous life.

There is absolutely no sense of mystery that contains the avenues of heaven and earth, and there is no sense of oppression that the master performed before.

However, Wang Daoyuan is no stranger to the killing method derived from the metallic heaven.

After all, his Guiyuan Sword Intent was the backbone of Killing Sword Intent.

Sword Intent and Law are not the same thing, but there are innumerable connections between the two.

With Guiyuan Sword Intent as the foundation, and now comprehending the rules of killing, it is also twice the result with half the effort.

On the other hand, Zhou Luan watched for a long time, but he didn't feel the slightest bit.

She only cultivates flames, and has already understood the law of destruction, so there is no need to understand other laws.

So, just watch the fun from the sidelines.

The image that the old man called was over, and Wang Daoyuan closed his eyes to comprehend.

The help this image gave him was better than nothing.

Fortunately, when the master acted before, there was a law of killing.

Combined with his own killing sword intent, it is also rewarding.

After a long time, Wang Daoyuan slowly opened his eyes, and the killing aura on his body was slightly stronger.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief: "The old man only knows the way of heaven in the grass and trees, and his understanding of the law of killing is really poor.

Fortunately, the little friend is talented and smart, and finally has some gains. "

Wang Daoyuan also cupped his hands and said: "Senior doesn't have to be like this, being able to show me the way before has already helped me a lot.

Besides, my killing laws are not completely without progress.

I have already had a master perform for me before, and I have the intention of killing the sword, and now the law of killing is barely getting started.

Next, I also asked the seniors to demonstrate the two laws of water and soil for me. "

The old man shook his head: "Little friend's water attribute spirit fire is extremely special, with a strong yin qi.

Although I am a plant, I am naturally close to water, but it is difficult for me to imitate such yin water. "

Wang Daoyuan also murmured a little. When Master was acting as a Taoist, the laws of water attributes had nothing to do with Yin water.

If you casually comprehend the laws of water attributes, it will not suit you.

The laws of other attributes are all in line with themselves, and they can also help the Five Elements Spiritual Fire grow. Gu Yu

If things go on like this, there will inevitably be an imbalance of the five elements.

In the future, if you understand your own way, let these laws go a step further and become "dao", which will have a greater impact on yourself.

"Among the seniors I know, none of them have anything to do with yin water. It's a hassle."

The old man smiled and said: "The realization of the Tao is not entirely dependent on others to perform the Tao, and there are also many Mahayana loose cultivators in the Qianyuan world.

They don't have senior teachers to help them perform the Dao, but they can still comprehend the laws that fit their own.

There are very few people who practice the laws of Yin and water.

However, this is not uncommon.

In the Seven-Star Sea Cultivation Realm, there should be many Yin springs.

If you find a Yinquan and realize the Tao by the side of the Yinquan, you should be rewarded.

For example, the spring water in the secret realm of Huangquan is also a kind of Yinquan, and it can also be used for enlightenment.

As for the way of the earth, I know a little bit about it.

After all, trees always grow in the soil.

Your earth-type spirit fire is not as heavy as ordinary earth-type spirits, but has a strong corrosive effect.

I don't have a similar law, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to find similar earth-type spirits in the entire Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World.

I can only show you the laws that I have come to understand. After all, they are all soil, and there are still some similarities.

Whether or not you can comprehend it is up to you. "

After all, an image appeared again in the light curtain in front of him.

The image this time is a vast wasteland, in which there are only low vegetation.

A dwarf branch and leaves stretched out far, covering a radius of dozens of feet of land.

Finally one day, the dwarf tree died.

The dry leaves fell on the ground, slowly decayed, and merged with the soil.

Dead trees can no longer block the sun and rain.

The place that was originally covered by its branches and leaves, after being exposed to the sun and rain, gave birth to new life.

A sprout emerges from the soil.

The soil provides nutrients for these shoots, which grow quickly.

At this point, the video suddenly stopped.

After a while, the image reappeared.

It's just that the content is different. The image this time is a flooded land.

Muddy muddy water was flowing freely on the ground.

Fields, manors, and even towering trees were not spared in this muddy water.

The muddy water flowed down the terrain and finally merged into a river.

There are high embankments on both sides of the river.

The rushing muddy water entered the river channel, and the river water surged in an instant, hitting the dykes on both sides.

But no matter how it is washed, the dam is solid.

Wang Daoyuan was thoughtful, and the image changed again.

This time, a group of mortals appeared in the image, they were making bricks out of mud, and some people were building houses out of mud.

Next, there are many more scenes about the soil that keep appearing.

After a long time, the image was completely heard.

When Wang Daoyuan was still stunned, the old man's voice came: "I don't know how to imitate the corrosiveness of soil, so I can only demonstrate the properties of the soil that I have mastered.

The soil is also ever-changing, which can nurture life and accommodate fallen leaves.

It can withstand floods and build houses.

This soil can completely rot the fallen leaves, which is somewhat similar to your earth-type spirit fire.

Everything I have is here, and what I can comprehend is up to you. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly, closed his eyes, and recalled the images he had seen before.

Time passed quickly, and I don't know how long it took, and a khaki flame began to appear on Wang Daoyuan's body.

The surrounding spiritual energy was slowly gathering towards him, and a wind of spiritual energy was formed.

A withered yellow leaf was blown off by the wind of spiritual energy.

The fallen leaves swirled in the air and slowly landed on Wang Daoyuan.

The fallen leaves disappeared completely under the scorching of the khaki flame.

Wang Daoyuan seemed to have realized something, and only opened his eyes after a long time.

"My Guichen Flame can corrode most tangible and qualitative things, and I have never known where the function of Guichenyan came from.

Now that I have received the guidance of my seniors, I know that the properties of this corrosive thing should be derived from the soil energy that can corrode plants and trees.

Many thanks to the seniors for the guidance, the juniors can be considered entry-level in the soil attribute. "

The old man smiled and said, "It will be of great benefit to me to be able to help you, the son of luck.

The law of yin water, I really can't do anything, you should ask someone else to be smart. "

Wang Daoyuan saluted again and again, and then walked out with Zhou Luan.

"His Royal Highness, how long did it take me to realize the Dao inside?"

Zhou Luan replied, "It took you two years to understand the laws of metallicity.

Later, you used the law of the earth attribute of spiritual things, and it took nearly three years, yes, Jin, to finally wake up. "

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "It's really timeless to practice, it feels like a few days of effort, but several years have passed."

"Then where should we go now? Go to the secret realm of Huangquan, or find a secret realm with a spiritual spring."

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "Although the secret realm of Huangquan is good, it is not compatible with Guishui Mingyan.

I do have a good place to solve the law of yin water, it should not be a problem. "

Zhou Luan was also interested: "How could there be such a treasure?"

"It's the Mysterious Realm of Hundred Herbs, the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, the only person who can help me in comprehending the Dao is the Divine Monarch Hanxing.

In that secret realm, he must have mastered the yin spring to be able to plant a spirit medicine that consumes yin energy such as bleeding soul grass.

Divine Sovereign Hanxing was also a monk in the early stages of Mahayana. Even if there is no Yinquan, he can point me to it. "

The two left the secret realm, said hello to the master Lei Yan Zhenjun, and went south.

Soon, Lei Peng Feizhou came to Qizhen Island.

In less than a hundred years, Qizhen Island suffered a series of battles.

Fortunately, the blood shark thief has perished, and the Seven Star Alliance has also fallen apart.

There is no threat of war on Qizhen Island, and the role of a trade hub has come into play again.

On the whole island, businessmen come and go frequently, and the scene when they first came to Qizhen Island back then The southeast of Qizhen Island is where the entrance to the Mysterious Baicao is located.

Back then, when several major forces joined forces to explore the Mysterious Realm of Baicao, they encountered the master Hanxing Divine Monarch.

The Blood Shark Pirates and the Seven Star Alliance each lost a middle-stage cultivator of God Transformation, and even Wen Xuanyan of the Wen family lost an arm.

Wang Daoyuan also played against the Han Xing Divine Monarch and learned the means of condensing the embryonic form of immortal power.

Revisiting the old place, his strength is no longer comparable to that of the year.

Putting away the flying boat, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan hid their figures and came to the entrance.

Wang Daoyuan took out the Vice Sect Master token that Hanxing Divine Sovereign handed over to him.

Soon, a light curtain appeared out of thin air in front of him.


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