Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1248: Re-enter 0 grass secret realm

The latest website: This light curtain is very small and can only accommodate one person in and out.

Moreover, the light curtain was still underwater, but it didn't alert other people.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan walked into the light curtain, and then the light curtain disappeared.

After entering the light curtain, a sharp cry sounded.

Wang Daoyuan looked up and saw that it was a sixth-order high-grade demon bird.

This demonic bird is an eagle-like demonic bird, with its wings spread out, it is more than ten feet long.

He has iron-blue feathers, and there are several golden feathers on both wings. From this look, it should have some Jinpeng blood.

This demon bird is hovering in the sky, it should be foraging.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan come in, they stretched out a pair of golden eagle claws and swooped down.

Zhou Luan teased: "This monster doesn't take you seriously."

Wang Daoyuan smiled without saying a word, raised his right arm lightly, and his right hand became a claw.

A dragon claw phantom more than a hundred feet tall appeared out of thin air and grabbed the monster bird.

This time, the short hairs on the monster bird stood up, and they didn't care about diving and attacking again. They beat their wings a few times, trying to avoid the blow.

This monster bird is really flexible enough to avoid the phantom of the dragon's claw.

It was just rubbed by the dragon's claw and lost a few feathers.

The demon bird screamed and flew into the depths of the secret realm.

Wang Daoyuan was too lazy to know it in general, so he stopped chasing and killing it.

He just released the momentum of his whole body and shouted loudly: "Senior Brother Han Xing, Junior Brother Wang Daoyuan has something to ask for advice."

In this secret realm, there are layers of formations.

Any obvious spiritual power fluctuations in any place cannot be concealed from the Hanxing Divine Sovereign.

When he released the aura of a late-stage cultivator of God Transformation, he would definitely be able to find it.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan waited for a while near the entrance, and a black light flew over.

Before the light could fall, someone shouted, "Junior Brother Daoyuan, I haven't seen you for a few years, and your cultivation has advanced to such an extent.

It's really boring to stay in this secret realm by myself.

Just in time for you to come over, let's discuss it first. "

After all, a black sword light fell.

Wang Daoyuan's right hand turned into a dragon claw, grabbed the sword light directly, and crushed it.

"My God!" Divine Sovereign Hanxing exclaimed, "He took me a blow with his bare hands, and he was still unscathed. Your strength improvement is too terrifying.

Some of the less powerful early Mahayana monks may not necessarily be able to take you down. "

"Senior brother is overrated, speaking of which, I would also like to thank senior brother.

If I didn't have your guidance back then, I couldn't condense the prototype of my immortal power, and I'm afraid I would have missed a lot of opportunities. "

The black light turned into a black-robed man: "Junior brother doesn't have to be too modest, I am also just in time for the meeting.

You have the guidance of Uncle Guiyuan, even if you don't talk much, you can still improve your strength.

Last time you were not strong enough to play well.

Now that your strength has come up, it just so happens that we have a good fight.

I always wanted to learn Guiyuan Sword Intent back then, but I couldn't get started.

Now that he has become such a ghost, it is impossible to cultivate Guiyuan Sword Intent anymore.

It is also an honor to be defeated under the sword of Guiyuan Jianxian's disciple. "

Wang Daoyuan took out the Yinglong Slayer Sword: "Since the senior brother has this Yaxing, the junior brother will definitely accompany him, so the senior brother should be careful."

Before he finished speaking, five sword shadows appeared out of thin air.

He cut out one piece at will, and the five sword shadows released sword energy at the same time.

Divine Sovereign Hanxing shouted, "Good job."

He opened his mouth and exhaled a black gas, which turned into a huge skull.

The five sword qi fell into the skeleton's mouth and were swallowed directly.

These five sword energies were originally released at will, and it was common for them to be stopped.

The five swords and shadows are integrated into one, and they are integrated into the Yinglong Slashing Demon Sword. ’

Wang Daoyuan's whole person turned into a bright yellow light, slashing towards the Hanxing Divine Sovereign.

The black skeleton turned into a giant sword, facing Wang Daoyuan.


The sound of gold and iron clashing was agitated, and the two each withdrew more than a hundred feet away.

"Hahaha..." Divine Sovereign Hanxing looked up to the sky and smiled, "Happy, I haven't met an evenly matched opponent for tens of thousands of years."

The two fought close-quarters with swords, and the sound of fierce fighting frightened the birds and beasts within a radius of thousands of miles to run around.

After trying hard for a cup of tea, Wang Daoyuan had a few more holes in his robe, but he was protected by dragon scales and was not injured.

Divine Sovereign Hanxing didn't take advantage of it either, and the black robe was covered with sword marks.

It's just that his body is too strong, and Wang Daoyuan didn't really kill him, so he couldn't break the defense.

Divine Sovereign Hanxing said with a smile: "Junior brother, although your strength has improved rapidly, you are still short of time to surpass me.

My body has been nurtured in the Yin Spring for tens of thousands of years. If you want to break my defense, I am afraid it will not be so easy. "

Wang Daoyuan distanced himself: "Senior brother's strength is really powerful, but I still have some methods that I haven't used, so be careful."

The five sword shadows were once again separated from the Yinglong Slayer Sword, and they grew rapidly after absorbing spiritual power.

After a few breaths, it turned into a giant sword hundreds of feet long.

The five sword shadows each occupy a position, forming a cage, surrounding the Hanxing Divine Sovereign in the middle.

The Five Elements Sword Region took shape, and each sword shadow released a large amount of sword light, which circulated among the sword shadows.

The power of these sword beams is not strong, and when they hit the Hanxing Divine Sovereign, they can't even leave a trace.

But the number of sword glows is too large, and the whole person of Han Xing Shenjun is wrapped in sword glow.

No matter how strong your defense is, it is impossible to ignore Jianmang's attack.

The Hanxing Divine Sovereign turned into a mass of black mist, trying to escape from the gap between the swords and shadows.

Heiwu slammed into the edge of the Five Elements Sword Region, causing the Sword Region to tremble.

But this sword domain has the laws of space, and it is difficult to break through by brute force.

Divine Sovereign Hanxing resorted to various means, but there was still nothing he could do.

The black mist dissipated, and the figure of the Hanxing Divine Sovereign appeared again.

"Junior Brother Daoyuan, where did you learn the Five Elements Sword Region?"

It is not surprising that Divine Sovereign Hanxing knows the Five Elements Sword Region.

When Wang Daoyuan asked the God of the Stars for the Five Elements Sword Region before, the God of the Stars had said about the siege of the God of Sword Prison.

At that time, the one who participated in the siege was the Hanxing Divine Monarch.

"It was obtained from the Yuheng Sword Sect. When the ancestor of the Yuheng Sword Sect traveled to the ancient battlefield, he accidentally got the inheritance of the Five Elements Sword Region.

I asked Senior Brother Zhuxing before, and I also know about the Sword Prison God. This guy is probably sitting in the ancient battlefield. "

Divine Sovereign Hanxing sighed: "I didn't expect to see the Five Elements Sword Region again after tens of thousands of years.

At the beginning, five of our brothers and sisters besieged the God of Sword Prison, and he also used the Five Elements Sword Region to trap us all.

We worked together to attack the sword formation for a long time before barely breaking it.

I have always claimed to be a genius, but compared with the God of Sword Prison, the gap is simply too great.

It is precisely because of being defeated by the Sword Prison God that I have always wanted to practice Guiyuan Sword Intent.

No matter how strong his talent is, it is impossible to surpass Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

But I have spent tens of thousands of years of effort, but I have not been able to integrate the sword intent.

I see that your Five Elements Sword Region and the means that the Sword Prison God Sovereign used are very different.

I didn't notice it at first, and I didn't recognize it until you used the Sword Field.

In your Five Elements Sword Domain, in addition to some of the inheritance of Uncle Guiyuan, there are also some meanings of sword shadow art. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Although the means of the Sword Prison Divine Sovereign are strong, they are not necessarily suitable for me.

From the inheritance left by the master, I learned the sword qi transformation.

You also know, brother, that this is the source of all sword cultivation spells.

With this secret technique, how could I copy other people's spells?

After I got the inheritance of the Five Elements Sword Region, I transformed it myself.

As for the sword and shadow technique, I started using it when I was in the realm of Zifu.

All my energy is put on this Yinglong Slayer Sword, and I don't have the heart to cultivate the five long swords.

Simply combine the sword shadow technique, condense the five elements of sword shadow, instead of the five elements of the sword to display the five elements of the sword domain.

After struggling for a while, it worked.

Although the power is not as good as the original Five Elements Sword Region, it saves the effort of cultivating other instruments. "

"Junior brother is humble, you, the Five Elements Sword Domain transformed by the combination of sword shadow technique, is definitely not bad, and it already has 70 to 80% of the fire of the Sword Prison God Sovereign.

The Sword Prison God Sovereign used five natal flying swords to display them back then, and those flying swords have been cultivated for at least two or three thousand years.

If you condense five sword shadows at will, you will have 70-80% of the power of others, which is unimaginable.

At the beginning, the five of us brothers and sisters barely broke through the sword domain of the Sword Prison God Sovereign.

Now I only have the strength of the peak of the gods, and your domain has not yet been displayed.

By myself, I am no longer your opponent. "

Wang Daoyuan put away the sword array and said with a smile: "Senior brother's swordsmanship is not low. If you only use swordsmanship methods, I really don't have a full confidence to beat you."

"You have learned too many things, it is impossible to focus on the way of sword cultivation.

Fighting with me using only kendo is equivalent to tying my hands and feet. Even if I win, I won't be able to win.

By the way, you said before that you have something to ask for advice, what is it? "

Wang Daoyuan released the Five Elements Spirit Fire: "Senior brother, you can tell at a glance."

Divine Sovereign Hanxing probed with his divine sense: "Junior Brother's cultivation speed is truly amazing.

Looking at it like this, within a hundred years, you can try to break through the Mahayana realm.

The four spirit fires have already merged with the law, and only the water attribute spirit fire is still short of heat.

You came to me because you want me to help you understand the law that matches this water attribute spirit fire? "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Indeed, when I was cultivating, I turned the five elements of spiritual fire into the five internal organs of the primordial spirit.

It can be said that I have already merged with these spirit fires.

Unfortunately, these spirit fires are all foreign, not derived from me.

If you want to truly exert the power of spirit fire, it is best to comprehend the corresponding laws.

Now that he has comprehended the four laws, the only difference is the law corresponding to the water attribute spirit fire.

There is nothing similar in the laws and sword intent masters comprehend.

I found a tea tree on Tianquan Island and asked him to help perform the Taoist show, but the tree spirit has no similar rules.

I remember that there was a yin spring in this mysterious realm of Herbs, and I wanted to use this yin spring to realize the Tao. "

Divine Sovereign Hanxing waved his hand: "I thought it was a major event, wasn't it just acting?

No need for Yinquan, I will act for you. "

Wang Daoyuan was stunned for a moment: "Can senior brother still act in Taoism?"

"I'm confused, isn't it, a tea tree that has become a spirit can act as a Taoist, and I, a ghost cultivator, can still be worse than an incomplete spirit clan?

When I was alive, I was the two spiritual roots of gold and water. Although the main body was gold, the water did not fall.

After sitting, he used Yinquan to practice, and his attainment in the laws of Yin and water is not low.

This is not the place to talk, let's talk in another place. "

After all, Divine Sovereign Hanxing sacrificed a flying boat, carrying Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan, and flew into the depths of the secret realm.

On the flying boat, the Hanxing Divine Sovereign asked, "By the way, what happened to the Seven Stars Secret Realm?"

"I've been there a few times before, and Senior Brother Zhuxing's soul was seriously damaged. He relied on a soul-cultivation bead to make up for the damage to his soul. After tens of thousands of years, he still hasn't fully recovered."

Divine Sovereign Hanxing was anxious: "The matter of acting is pushed back. I have a lot of soul-nourishing elixir here, and I will send him some."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "Senior brother, don't worry, I have already found the soul tree.

Before giving Senior Brother Zhuxing a lot of soul-cultivating wood essence, it is estimated that in a few decades, his soul will be fully recovered.

It's just that there are not a single disciple of the Divine Refinement Sect at the Seven Star Secret Realm left. "

Divine Sovereign Hanxing sighed: "Actually, I guessed it long ago, if there are still people alive there, they won't come here for tens of thousands of years.

The foundation of the God Refinement Sect for more than 100,000 years is still completely dead. "

"Senior brother doesn't have to be like this, I have sent a group of Wang family members to the Seven Stars Secret Realm before.

Brother Zhuxing also helped to teach those clansmen, and planned to select those with better talent as disciples from those clansmen.

Divine Refinement Sect's direct lineage is not considered to have broken the incense. "

"That's fine, but Junior Brother can't favor one over another.

Junior Brother Zhuxing has sent a lot of clansmen, so I can't be empty here, right?

In terms of the cultivation environment, this Hundred Herbs Secret Realm is definitely not bad, even better than the Seven Star Secret Realm. When will you arrange a few disciples for me? "

"Since Senior Brother has this idea, wait for me to go back and arrange for a few clansmen with good sword cultivating talents to come over."

"Junior Brother, you have to keep your word."

"One word."

While the two were talking, a big tree appeared in front of them.

The large branches are lush and leafy, and when viewed from a distance, it looks like a large green cloud, and even the distant sky is blocked.

The surrounding mountain peaks are particularly dwarfed under this big tree.

Divine Sovereign Hanxing pointed at the big tree and said, "This tree is more than a thousand feet tall, and its crown covers a radius of 100 miles.

The vitality it exudes makes Baicao Secret Realm suitable for cultivating various spiritual plants.

Even those spiritual plants with extremely high environmental requirements can survive in this secret realm. "

Wang Daoyuan used his divine sense to explore the surroundings, UU reading www.uukanshu. com did find some spiritual plants unique to the endless ice sea.

These spiritual plants like the environment of ice and snow, and cannot survive without the sea of ​​ice.

But in this secret realm, it is full of vitality.

The large branches are thick and strong, and there are aerial roots on the branches, which support the branches to extend in all directions.

The leaves grow strangely shaped, and at a cursory glance, dozens of leaves with completely different shapes can be found.

"Senior brother, what kind of tree is this tree, I have never seen it before."

Divine Sovereign Hanxing said with a smile: "Junior Brother, this is difficult for me, this tree is the spiritual root of heaven and earth, and the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation World is also the only one.

Shizun has traveled to Qianyuan Continent and has never seen the same tree.

We all call him the tree of life because he radiates vitality. "

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