Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1249: The peak of the gods

The latest website: This tree is indeed unusual. Although the scale of the Baicao Secret Realm is not as good as that of the Seven Stars Secret Realm, it has a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

The vitality emanating from this big tree can actually cover the entire secret realm.

This power is not comparable to the fire of life.

"The profound background of the Shenlianzong back then was astonishing.

Senior Brother, you were seriously injured back then, why didn't you use the vitality of the tree of life to heal your wounds? "

Divine Sovereign Hanxing sighed: "My tree of life is different from your fire of life.

The fire of life is not only effective for plants and trees, but also has a strong healing effect on humans, birds, beasts, fish and insects.

But the vitality emanating from this tree of life only has an effect on vegetation.

Moreover, this effect only promotes growth, enhances the ability of plants to adapt to the environment, and has no healing effect.

Otherwise, I would not have been reduced to this point.

It's all about Chen Zhi's rotten millet, let's act first. "

The flying boat fell next to the tree of life, and there was a group of palaces under the tree.

Although it is not as large as the Seven-Star Heavenly Palace in the Seven-Star Secret Realm, it is also thirty miles square.

The three walked into the outer wall of the palace, and the Hanxing Divine Monarch smiled and said, "Back then, this was the most important place in the Divine Refinement Sect after the Seven Stars Secret Realm, and all the temples set up branches here.

When the Divine Refinement Sect was at its peak, there were often more than a dozen Mahayana monks sitting here.

There must be tens of thousands of disciples who take care of Lingzhi here.

It's a pity that the turmoil of the monsters destroyed the foundation of the Divine Refinement Sect, and now I'm the only one left. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Senior brother, you don't have to belittle yourself, even a ghost cultivator can become a ghost immortal.

Combined with mortals, it can also give birth to offspring that are similar to ordinary humans.

Senior brother is extremely talented, and he may not be able to reach that step. "

"It's easier said than done! All those ghosts and immortals were unparalleled talents.

And I'm just a cultivator with two spiritual roots. If I don't have excellent understanding, it would be difficult to even break through the Mahayana realm.

Master once said, if I don't have a great chance, I can't cultivate to great power.

Now it has become a ghost repair, and the potential is greatly reduced.

I am thankful that I can restore the Mahayana state in this life. "

As we walked and talked, we soon came to the center of the palace complex.

The structure of this palace complex is similar to that of the Seven Star Temple, but there are many fewer palaces.

The most central hall, the plaque on the gate reads the three characters "Hundred Herbs Hall".

"Junior Brother Daoyuan, the Yin Spring of the Seven-Star Secret Realm is deep in this hall.

Acting on the banks of the Yinquan can achieve twice the result with half the effort. "

The three entered the Hundred Herbs Hall, went through several layers of formations, and came to a stone room at the bottom of the hall.

In the center of the stone room is a half-mu square water pool. The center of the water pool is bubbling and it should be the spring.

The water in the pool is all black, with a strong Yin Qi.

It's just that this yin qi is not pure, it can't be called pure yin qi.

If it is directly used to temper the Nascent Soul, there will be a risk of going crazy.

However, after processing, it is possible to extract pure yin from it.

It is not easy for the yin qi produced by the natural yin meridian to reach this level.

Divine Monarch Hanxing said with a smile: "This is Yinquan, and it was the seventh-rank high-grade spiritual spring back then.

Unfortunately, now that the spiritual energy is exhausted, the rank of this spiritual spring has also fallen, and only the peak of the sixth rank.

However, there is still a small amount of law power in the spring water.

You can ignite this spiritual spring with water attribute spiritual fire, and carefully sense the power of the law contained in it. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly, and a black flame appeared on his fingertips.

With a flick of the finger, the flames flew to the spring.

When the flame touched the spring water, it raged.

Wang Daoyuan sat cross-legged by the pool, extracted spiritual power from the flames, and realized the laws.

After a long time, Divine Sovereign Hanxing asked, "Does my junior brother get anything?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "In this spring, there is indeed a power of law, similar to the characteristics of my spirit fire.

But I can't see, touch, or comprehend the power of this law.

It may take decades or even hundreds of years to use this spiritual spring to comprehend the law. "

"Junior and brother are really greedy enough, and it takes hundreds of thousands of years for cultivators to comprehend the laws.

To be able to comprehend a law within a hundred years is already very fast.

Lingquan's help in comprehending the law is naturally not as good as acting, but I'm here to help the younger brother. "

With a wave of his hand, a light curtain with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared in front of him.

A pool of water also appeared in the light curtain, which was almost the same as the pool in front of him.

Of course, there are also differences. The pools in the light curtain have more spring water gushing out from the springs, and more yin qi emanating from them.

"The image I demonstrated is what this Yinquan looked like tens of thousands of years ago.

Among them is my understanding of the law of yin water, and you should understand the law much faster. "

Facing the Yinquan, it is like learning a lesson by yourself.

How well you learn depends entirely on your own level.

On the other hand, Guan Dao has annotations and guidance, so it is naturally much faster to learn.

Wang Daoyuan's mind was completely immersed in the light curtain image, and wisps of black flames appeared on his body.

The fire got bigger and bigger as time passed.

Wang Daoyuan pays equal attention to spirit and spirit, and has practiced the technique of transforming dragons, and his body is extremely powerful.

But at this time, the vitality and blood in the body are slowly disappearing, as if it is changing towards the corpse.

At the same time, the fluctuation of his consciousness was rapidly increasing.

Several months have passed, and Wang Daoyuan has been completely enveloped in black flames.

Zhou Luan was a little worried about him, and used his divine sense to probe the past.

But as soon as the power of her divine consciousness touched the flame, it was immediately ignited, and the black flame burned towards her eyebrows.

The Guishui Mingyan has the function of burning the consciousness and the soul body. Once the soul is attacked, it is likely to cause damage to the soul, or even be directly burned to death.

Zhou Luan gave up the power of divine consciousness and released Chiluan Nirvana fire, blocking him in front of him.

The Guishui Mingyan was blocked, and Zhou Luan breathed a sigh of relief.

Divine Sovereign Hanxing said with a smile: "Brother and younger sister, be careful, Junior Brother is now immersed in the law, unable to control these spiritual fires.

You don't have to worry, the power of this spirit fire is stronger than before, and the younger brother should understand some of the laws of yin water.

He is the son of luck, as long as he is within the scope of Qianyuan Realm, he is favored by heaven, and it will not happen so easily. "

Zhou Luan was relieved, and continued to meditate on the side.

Two years later, the flame on Wang Daoyuan's body was slowly weakening, and finally completely subsided and submerged in his body.

Wang Daoyuan opened his eyes: "How long has it been?"

Divine Monarch Hanxing said with a smile: "In less than three years, Junior Brother should have gained a lot this time, right?"

"I would also like to thank senior brother for your help, the law of yin water is also a beginner."

Hanxing Divine Sovereign nodded: "You have now realized the five laws, but the heat of the laws is not enough.

As long as it takes some time to comprehend the law to a higher level and break through the peak of God Transformation, it is a matter of course.

At this point, the door to the Mahayana realm has been opened.

If you just want to walk into this door, you have to use your own way as a stepping stone.

You can only rely on yourself to understand your own way, and I can't help you.

By the way, when you came to Baicao Secret Realm last time, you took some Purple Jade Dragon Ginseng.

Although that thing is of insufficient rank, it cannot grow to the level of Nine Beard Purple Jade Dragon Ginseng.

But the Dao aggregate contained in it is of great help to enlightenment.

When you understand your own way, take some of it, it will be of great help. "

When I first explored the secret realm of Baicao, I got several high-year-old purple jade dragon ginseng, as well as many seedlings.

It has been decades since these purple jade dragon ginseng were transplanted into the Lingzhu space.

The speed of time in the Lingzhu space is more than a hundred times that of the outside world. Even the second-generation Purple Jade Dragon Ginseng has grown to six-bearded Purple Jade Dragon Ginseng.

This is already the limit of the sixth-order purple jade dragon ginseng, and those high-year purple jade dragon ginseng were also the whole level.

Although Wang Daoyuan dare not say that he can eat Ziyulong ginseng as a meal, it is not a problem to open it up.

If you smash the purple jade dragon ginseng hard, you can also smash your own way.

Wang Daoyuan bowed and saluted: "Thank you for your guidance, I would not have been able to understand the law of yin and water so quickly without my help."

Then he took out a bottle made of yellow spring willow wood: "Senior brother, I want to go back to retreat to perfect the law, and at the same time think about my own way, so I won't stay here for long.

In this bottle, there is some soul-raising wood essence, which is also very beneficial to you. "

Divine Sovereign Hanxing waved his hand: "The injuries I left on my soul back then have long since fully recovered.

Now that the cultivation base is stuck at the peak of God Transformation, no matter how much treasures are used, it will not improve in the slightest.

There is no benefit to asking for this.

Soul nourishing wood essence is also a rare treasure, you should keep it for practice. "

Wang Daoyuan stuffed the wooden bottle into the hands of the Hanxing God: "Brother, don't worry, I don't lack this thing."

After that, he took Zhou Luan out of the stone room.

After the two left, Divine Sovereign Hanxing held the wooden bottle and said with a smile: "This junior brother is really generous. Treasures such as the essence of soul nourishing wood are not taken seriously."

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan left the Hundred Herbs Secret Realm and went straight north.

After staying in the secret realm for more than two years, I don't know much about the outside world.

Wang Daoyuan sent a letter to Master Lei Yan Zhenjun, asking about the situation of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

Soon, he received a reply from the master.

I learned from the reply that for more than two years, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce has not had any problems.

The only major event worthy of attention is that the Chamber of Commerce has completely integrated the industries of Kaiyang Sect into the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

At this stage, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce can be considered to have a strong enough family background.

Even if you leave now, you don't have to worry about Yuheng Jianzong and other forces, there will be other ideas.

The Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce was safe and sound, and Wang Daoyuan was relieved.

He did not go to Tianquan Island, but returned directly to Yinyuan Island.

Yinyuan Island has Baiquangu, the second residence of the Wang family, which is currently managed by Uncle Twelve. Wang Daoyuan has also retreated here many times.

Yinyuan Island is adjacent to the Seven Stars Secret Realm, not too far from Tianquan Island and Diyan Islands.

No matter where there is a problem, we can quickly support.

After coming to Baiquangu, there was no trace of Uncle Twelve.

After investigating with his divine sense, he found out that Uncle Twelve was in retreat.

At this time, his breath is not weak, and there is not much difference from the peak of Nascent Soul.

If you continue to practice, you should be able to cultivate to the peak of Nascent Soul within ten years, and you can try to break through the realm of God Transformation.

Wang Daoyuan didn't bother him anymore. After saying hello to the children of the family who were handling the affairs of Baiquangu, he returned to his cave.

After opening the formation, he took out a bunch of jade talismans and tokens, and released his clone, the Sea Reclamation God.

If something major happens while you are in retreat, and you can't handle it yourself, you can let your clone handle it on your behalf.

Moreover, he is strong, and in case of abnormal circumstances, he can also be a thug.

"His Royal Highness, are you here to protect me, or are you going to practice in the Spirit Orb space?"

Zhou Luan said without hesitation, "Let's practice in the Spirit Orb space. You are too noisy when you realize the Dao. I'd better go to retreat in the Spirit Orb space to be more quiet."

Wang Daoyuan nodded and put her into the Lingzhu space.

Then, take out a purple jade dragon ginseng.

This purple jade dragon ginseng is not the oldest one, but it is also the first generation.

When they first explored the Mysterious Realm of Baicao, they were still seedlings.

The purple jade dragon ginseng plants with the highest years have reached the edge of breaking through the seventh order.

When you go to Canglong Ruins in the future, you can get some seventh-order spiritual objects, so that they can break through the seventh-order.

The seventh-order purple jade dragon ginseng is a real treasure of heaven and earth, and even the great masters covet.

Wang Daoyuan took the purple jade dragon ginseng in his hand, and after a while, he felt a heat flow in his body.

Run the exercises to introduce the heat flow into the primordial spirit.

This heat flow circulates in the five internal organs of the primordial spirit, and Wang Daoyuan exerts the power of the law he just learned.

With the help of the power of purple jade dragon ginseng, deepen the understanding of the law, and strive to break through the peak of God Transformation as soon as possible.

Under the medicinal effect of Purple Jade Dragon Ginseng, Wang Daoyuan's Primordial Spirit is also getting higher and higher, and his energy and spirit are rapidly improving.

A year later, Wang Daoyuan was enveloped in flames.

These flames are not a single kind, but five kinds of flames come out together.

The strands of flames are entangled together, sometimes extinguished, and sometimes reignited.

In every ray of flame, there is an indescribable meaning.

Suddenly, Wang Daoyuan's figure completely disappeared, leaving only a bunch of colorful flames in place.

Afterwards, a small flame separated from the fire and floated near the gate of the cave.

Wang Daoyuan's body grew out of this tiny flame.

In the original fire, the flames quickly returned to him.

Wang Daoyuan put away the flame, with a smile on his face: "Finally, I have cultivated to the peak of spiritual transformation. It is indeed the purple jade dragon ginseng, and its medicinal effects are indeed extraordinary.

In just one year, after eating five purple jade dragon ginseng, he successfully broke through the realm, and by the way, he practiced the secret fire-turning technique of Zhuquetang in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. "

This means that the body can be completely transformed into flames, and a ray of flame can be transformed into a body again.

It's just that this method has extremely high requirements on the cultivator, and must be able to condense spiritual fire in order to be qualified for cultivation.

The laws that Wang Daoyuan comprehends are the same as the five spirit fires themselves.

Between oneself and the spirit fire, there is the power of law as a bridge, which is almost indistinguishable from the spirit fire condensed by oneself.

With this fire-turning secret technique, at least the life-saving ability has been greatly improved.

In addition, you can also use the sea of ​​​​fire to covertly attack, and there is an additional means of fighting the enemy.


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