Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1255: set up a stall

The latest website: Since Wang Daoyuan discovered the Lingzhu space, there has been no serious shortage of Lingshi.

Among all the arts of immortality, the level of the elixir array is the sixth.

Although there is not much involved in other aspects, but with the level of Pill Array, if you want to do something else, you can get started quickly.

It is really difficult to experience the hard life of an ordinary casual cultivator.

Going through hardships is one of the ways to improve your mood.

Right now, Wang Daoyuan has no good solution, so he can only rely on Zhou Luan and follow her ideas.

"After that, I'm going to eat soft rice again."

Zhou Luan looked proud: "You didn't eat too much soft rice. Before you formed the pill, you were looking for all kinds of spiritual things, and I was relying on me to collect information for you."

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Your Highness, the princess, has worked hard, and in the future, I will have to work for you when it comes to refining alchemy."

"Take out this highness's pill furnace, and I will make some healing pills first. This thing is very popular near Huolian Island."

Wang Daoyuan took out a fifth-order alchemy furnace, as well as a lot of elixir, and handed it to Zhou Luan.

The clone, Xuequan, is good at refining weapons, and is usually used by Wang Daoyuan as an animal in the Lingzhu space.

Over the years, a lot of magic tools have been accumulated.

There are still a lot of things like the fifth-order alchemy furnace and the cauldron.

Zhou Luan brought the alchemy furnace and elixir to the ground fire room that came with the small courtyard.

Wang Daoyuan meditated in the house and continued to improve the small world.

From the outside, his small world was only about a foot in diameter.

But when the consciousness penetrates into it, you can find that this is a vast world.

During the time when the small world was formed, there was no obvious change.

This small world is far from being an entity, but a world phantom constructed by laws and the power of divine consciousness.

After breaking through the Mahayana realm, the power of heaven can be drawn through the chain of laws and injected into the small world.

When the small world is nourished by the power of heaven, it will grow rapidly and feed back to its master.

And now, Wang Daoyuan has not broken through the Mahayana realm, nor can he receive the power of heaven.

If you want to make this small world grow, you can only rely on the power of your own laws.

The power of the law is inexhaustible, and everywhere in the Qianyuan world, there is an inexhaustible and inexhaustible power of the law.

But the power of these laws is an unowned thing and does not listen to anyone's dispatch.

If you want to become your own, you have to consume energy and energy to absorb it, and this consumption is still very severe.

The small world can store the power of heaven, and naturally it can also store the power of law.

Before connecting to the Heavenly Dao, this small world was also the place where the power of the law was stored.

Of course, the growth of the small world itself will also consume the power of the law.

Wang Daoyuan consumes a lot of energy, attracting the power of law and injecting it into the small world.

At the center of the small world, at the spiritual spring, the water volume slowly increased.

In the past, at most a few ounces of water could be poured out in one breath, but after an hour, more than a pound of water could be poured out.

The spring eye formed a small pool with a diameter of about three feet on a gentle **** of more than ten feet in the middle of the mountain.

There is spring water around the pool, and a lot of moss grows.

In the whole small world, there is lifelessness everywhere, and the spiritual power is in a state of stagnation and incomprehension.

Only this gentle **** is full of life.

Previously, due to the lack of spring water, part of the gushing spring water was absorbed by the moss near the spring hole, and the other part went deep into the soil and rock, and no spring water flowed out of the spring hole.

Now the spring water is a little bigger, and there is a small amount of spring water overflowing.

The spring water flows to the edge of the gentle **** and flows down the mountain.

Unfortunately, the water only flowed out a few feet away, and it was completely absorbed by the soil and rocks.

Of course, these springs absorbed by the earth and rocks are not wasted.

Moss slowly grew on the land moistened by spring water.

Near the spring, there was a flame burning yellow moss.

Now there are more and more moss, more and more withered yellow, and the flames have become more vigorous.

After the fire burned, the ashes melted into the ground.

In the deep underground of the spring, there is a metal vein.

The earth spirit power in the earth and stone continued to seep into the ore veins, and the ore veins were also slowly growing.

The gold spiritual power in the ore veins is also generated by the five elements, and the water spiritual power is continuously derived.

The water spirit power condenses into water, which slowly pours out to form a spring.

The whole small world already has the prototype of the five elements, but the scope is still too small, only a small area near the spring.

The boundless land and mountains surrounding it are all dead things, without even the flow of spiritual power.

If the entire small world is full of vitality like the gentle slope, I am afraid that I have the strength to be tough and powerful.

After half a year, the volume of the spiritual spring on the gentle **** is even greater, and three or four catties of spiritual spring water can be poured out in one breath.

A stream flows down the gentle **** to the foot of the mountain, and after it flows out for several dozen feet, the stream disappears completely.

The green moss also spreads in the direction of the stream.

There are two phantoms in the sky, black and white, which are the traces left by the origin of the sun and the moon.

Wang Daoyuan continued to inject the power of the law, and these two traces became much clearer.

He continued to inject the power of law into the small world, but nothing in the small world changed.

"Without the nourishment of the power of heaven, there are too many restrictions on the growth of the small world.

It's only been half a year, and it's impossible to go any further. "

The consciousness withdrew from the small world, and Zhou Luan asked, "How is the result of your cultivation?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head; "It's just a small improvement, and the growth of the small world is still at a bottleneck. Before breaking through the Mahayana realm, it is difficult for the small world to grow again.

Before going to Canglong Ruins, he could only improve his understanding of the law. "

The way of heaven is like a big river, and the container of the way of heaven is like a pond. The power of the law will become a canal connecting the two in the future.

The deeper the understanding of the law, the wider and deeper the canal, and the faster the power of heaven will be extracted in the future.

Before breaking through the Earth Immortal, the canal of the power of law is needed to extract the power of heaven.

With Wang Daoyuan's current cultivation base, there will be no bottleneck in understanding the law.

Zhou Luan said with a smile: "I have already refined a few pots of the Nine Dead Resurrection Pill, and you have also practiced it. You can sell it. I will make a few pots when I have time."

Wang Daoyuan nodded, took a few bottles of medicinal pills, and left the courtyard.

After changing his appearance, he lowered his cultivation base to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and came to the main road of Huoliandaofang City.

This is the most prosperous place in the entire Huolian Island, and major shops are on both sides of this road.

Fire Lotus Island Square City was originally formed spontaneously by loose cultivators, and the management organization was composed of several Nascent Soul loose cultivators.

Therefore, the management of the entire Huolindaofang City is very loose.

As long as you don't break the building, you can do whatever you want.

In this environment, stalls are naturally indispensable.

Wang Daoyuan hasn't set up a street stall for many years, and he doesn't know much about prices, so he came to the street stall of a middle-aged monk.

This person is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, with a face covered with years of vicissitudes, and it seems that he is not young.

The things on the stall are very complete. The Nascent Soul cultivator uses the Peiying Pill to improve his cultivation, the Nine Deaths Resurrection Pill for healing wounds, and the Strengthening Blood Pill for body refining.

Common pills can be found here.

There are also a lot of magic weapons, two or three long swords, a soft armor and a shield, all of which are low-grade fifth-order.

In addition, there are several arrays.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan coming to the street stall, he quickly greeted him: "Daoist friend wants to order something. Although my stall is simple, it sells good things."

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "Daoist friend has a lot of accomplishments in this pill array. There are fifth-order pills, magical instruments, and array plates."

The middle-aged monk smiled honestly: "Fellow Daoist is joking, I am a loose cultivator, how can I have that ability.

But there are a few friends who are proficient in this way. They are so fascinated by the arts of immortality that they have no time to come out and set up a stall, so they sold me things at a low price.

My cultivation base is low, and there is no future for hunting monsters in the sea, so I started this reselling business. "

"It is also a skill to have so many sources.

I don't know how these things cost? "

The middle-aged cultivator replied, "One 30-grade top-grade spirit stone for Peiying Pill, one top-grade spirit stone for ten pieces of Zhuangxue Pill, and one top-grade 40-grade spirit stone for Nine Dead Resurrection Pill.

These long swords, one 30,000 high-grade spiritual stone, and one 70,000 high-grade spiritual stone for defense.

This formation can trap monsters. If you want it, you can sell it for 50,000 spirit stones for a cheaper price. "

The most important industry of the scattered cultivators on Fire Lotus Island is to go out to sea to hunt monsters.

The premium of the Nine Dead Resurrection Pill, which is a life-saving pill at a critical moment, is naturally very serious.

It's just that now the seven-star sea war has subsided, and there is no war in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands. It is indeed a bit dark to sell forty spirit stones for a nine-death revival pill.

This stall owner's face is honest and honest, and it is really black enough to start.

"Friend Daoist's medicine pill is a bit expensive, I'd better go to other stalls to have a look."

The stall owner didn't give up: "Other stalls are also at this price, and there are more than this price."

Wang Daoyuan ignored him and went to other stalls instead.

After some inquiries, the price of the Nine Dead Resurrection Pill is not low.

The one with the lowest price will also sell one thirty-five top-grade spirit stone.

After having a bottom line on the price, Wang Daoyuan took out a piece of animal skin from the Lingzhu space and found an open space to spread it out.

Take out two bottles of Nine Dead Resurrection Pills and put them on the hide.

Zhou Luan's level of alchemy is still not very good. The dignified cultivator of the peak of the gods has refined four or five pots of elixir, and only twenty pills have been produced.

After setting up the stall, Wang Daoyuan shouted: "Nine Dead Resurrection Pills are cheap, and one only needs thirty top-grade spirit stones."

Whether it is a previous life or a previous trip, I have seen a lot of peddling.

It is not difficult to imitate it now.

Soon, a strong young monk walked to the booth.

This person was cultivated in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and his physical body was quite powerful.

There are many scars on his bare hands and face.

It can be seen that this is a ruthless man who often goes out to sea to hunt monsters.

He asked in a loud voice, "Fellow Daoist, this medicinal pill is sold so cheaply. Could it be fake?"

This person is really outspoken, if it were normal, he would have to choke him a few words.

Now it is to experience the hardships of ordinary loose cultivation, so it is not **** for tat with him.

Wang Daoyuan opened a pill bottle and took out a nine-death revival pill.

"I see that fellow Daoist is also a person who often goes out to sea, so he should be no stranger to the Nine Dead Resurrection Pill.

You should know the quality of this medicine pill. "

Although Zhou Luan's level of alchemy is not very good, he is a peak cultivator after all.

Whether it is fire control ability or his own level of consciousness, he is far superior to the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Although the success rate of elixir is not high, the impurities in this elixir are still relatively small.

Seeing the quality of this medicine pill, Zhuangshuo cultivator's eyes straightened: "It really is a good medicine pill, and selling 30 high-grade spirit stones is indeed a cheap sale."

After that, he took out a storage bag: "This is 600 high-grade spirit stones. I want all these medicinal herbs."

Wang Daoyuan took the storage bag and handed the two bottles of medicinal herbs to Zhuang Shuo's mind.

I thought: Earning spirit stones is still too easy, and I don’t feel any kind of hard work to make a living.

At this moment, the stall owners of several stalls nearby were not happy.

Among them, an old man in the late Nascent Soul snorted coldly: "Fellow Daoist doesn't understand the rules, we all sell more than thirty-five spirit stones for these nine-death-resurrection pills, but you sell thirty spirit stones.

Why, they look down on us stalls and want to give us eye drops? "

Hearing this, Wang Daoyuan was overjoyed. He was worried that doing business was too simple and would not work. Unexpectedly, someone came to find fault.

"My things, I want to sell them at whatever price I want. What's the deal with you?"

The old man snorted coldly: "Young people, don't be too arrogant, looking at you, you should have just started to set up a street stall, and you don't know the rules of this industry.

For a nine-death revival pill, we all sell thirty-five to forty high-grade spirit stones, and you have to sell it at this price.

To cut prices without authorization is to steal our business.

What should fellow Daoists tell you about dealing with people who are robbing business? "

Several other stall owners around said in unison: "Teach him a lesson."

The old man snorted coldly: "Did you hear it? Now the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce has taken root here, and it is a bit strict.

If you kill you and affect the business in Fang City, I am afraid it will cause the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce to be unhappy.

We'll be merciful and just beat you up.

In the past, you would never have left this street alive. "

Hearing this, Wang Daoyuan was very happy, and the opportunity to experience the hardships of loose cultivation came.

He put on an arrogant look: "Just because you old gadgets, I really didn't take it seriously.

Get me off this street today, none of you are raised by humans. "

Loose cultivators on Fire Lotus Island are mostly desperados.

How can you give up being so insulted.

A young cultivator shouted: "Fellow Daoist Chen, this little boy with a yellow mouth doesn't accept your love.

Although the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is powerful, it does not set rules here.

Even if we kill this kid, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce will be unhappy at best.

Those of us who are loose cultivators are all carefree and unattended. If we can't stay on Huolian Island, we continue to go south.

With such a large family business, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce can still fight to the death with us loose cultivators? "

The old man smiled sternly: "In that case, let's follow the old rules and find a memory for this little brother.

The kid remembers, I have some eyesight in my next life. "

After all, the silver light was wrapped in his hand, and he grabbed it towards Wang Daoyuan.

Wang Daoyuan still maintained his cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and punched him casually.


The violent airflow spread out, and the old man stepped back again and again, after more than ten steps, he stopped.

Wang Daoyuan also took a few steps back, and by the way put away the animal skins used for the stall.

The old man suffered a big loss and was furious: "What a strong body, fellow Daoists, this person is extremely powerful and talented.

If we let him go, there will be no place for us to stand on this Fire Lotus Island in the future. "


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