Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1256: Wang Shouye overcame the robbery

Latest website: Everyone sees that Wang Daoyuan's strength is good, and they are worried that he will cultivate to a high level in the future and come back to find out for himself.

One by one, eager to keep him.

At this moment, a late Nascent Soul cultivator descended from the sky.

"Fellow Daoists, they are all seeking a living in Fang City, Huolian Island, and making money with peace."

Seeing that the strength of the person who came was not weak, the old man did not dare to lose face.

The Chaolai person folded his hands: "I don't know Yougao's surname."

The visitor smiled and said: "Well, next is Li Chen, the deputy captain of the guard team of the Huolian Island Branch of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

In the future, Li will be stationed on Huolian Island, and we will inevitably have to deal with each other.

Dear fellow Daoists, give me a face, how about just letting this go. "

This person is Wang Daoyuan's old friend Li Chen. Under Wang Daoyuan's recommendation, he went to the shop of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce to seek a position.

Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce has been recruiting troops again, trying to cultivate a force loyal to the president and balance those sect forces.

Li Chen, a loose cultivator with rich fighting experience and advanced cultivation, is naturally welcomed.

Moreover, he has been on Huolian Island for many years and has a lot of connections.

Therefore, he became a golden signboard for the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce to recruit troops and was entrusted with the important task of becoming the deputy captain of the **** team.

This position can also be ranked in the Fire Lotus Island branch.

The branch of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is similar in configuration to a hall on the other side of the headquarters.

There are branch presidents, vice presidents, and then the general manager and the stewards.

The captain of the **** is under the chief and above the steward.

The position of the deputy captain can be ranked fifth.

After learning of his identity, the old man did not dare to neglect, and bowed: "It turned out to be Captain Li, disrespectful.

We only had some conflicts with this little brother, and it was not necessary to do something.

Now that Captain Li has spoken, the matter is over.

Fellow Daoists, let's do our own business. "

After that, he warned Wang Daoyuan: "This fellow Daoist, listen to the old man's advice and follow the rules when doing business."

Afterwards, a group of monks who were going to besiege Wang Daoyuan returned to their booths.

Li Chen looked at Wang Daoyuan and said with a smile: "This fellow Daoist, I think you are young, you have a mid-Nuan Ying cultivation base, and you can refine fifth-order medicinal pills.

If you can join my Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, it will definitely be reused. "

Wang Daoyuan chuckled in his heart, this Li Chen had just been fooled into by himself, and now he wants to recruit himself.

"Many thanks to fellow Daoist for helping to clear the siege, but I'm used to being idle, and I don't want to join any forces for the time being.

If you have this idea in the future, you will definitely come to Daoyou Li. "

Seeing that Wang Daoyuan was unwilling to join, Li Chen did not force it.

Now that we have forged a good relationship, we will slowly draw them together in the future.

After a few chats, Li Chen left, and Wang Daoyuan also returned to his small courtyard.

After entering the courtyard, Zhou Luan was still refining pills.

Seeing him come back, Zhou Luan asked, "Why did you come back so soon?"

"Of course, the medicinal pills that Her Royal Highness refined by hand are extremely sought-after.

I inquired about the price at other stalls, put the pills on the street and sold them. "

Hearing that the medicinal pills he made were in high demand, Zhou Luan raised his head high: "Your Highness's shot is extraordinary.

By the way, how is your mood improving now? "

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "There is no progress. I take the Lingzhu space to sell things. There is always a feeling of a rich man pretending to be poor, and it has no effect at all."

Zhou Luan sighed: "It was the same when I was concocting alchemy. I always felt that there was nothing missing, and it didn't do much good to improve my mood."

"It's useless to do so much.

In the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm, we are already the top powerhouses.

Except for the Sunset Abyss and the Ancient Battlefield, there is nowhere where we can feel threatened.

Let's go back and arrange the back-up of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, and let's go to Canglong Ruins.

The Canglong Ruins are close to the Fragments of the Immortal Realm, and there should be seventh-order spiritual veins.

When there are Mahayana monks, it is possible for me to feel the pressure. "

Zhou Luan also nodded: "Then let's go back, I haven't seen Mingren for so many years, this time he came, and I couldn't accompany him either.

Just this time, I can go back and see him more. "

After staying on Fire Lotus Island for a while, the two left and returned to the Seven Star Seas.

After arriving at Tianquan Island, I came to the discussion hall of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

Jia Qi and Lei Yan Zhenjun were dealing with affairs, when Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan walked in, Lei Yan Zhenjun was stunned.

He watched Wang Daoyuan for a long time before he said: "Your strength seems to have improved a lot, especially Daoyuan.

I was able to see the truth clearly before, but now I can't see your cultivation at all.

If you say that you have broken through the Mahayana realm, I will believe it. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Master is joking, how can it be so easy to break through the Mahayana realm?

Qixinghai Xiuxian Realm does not have seventh-order spiritual veins. Although Jue Tianyuan has seventh-order spiritual power, the power of heaven is too weak.

Even if an almighty cultivator goes in, it is difficult to sense the existence of the Tao of Heaven, let alone a spiritual cultivator of mine who has never sensed the existence of the Tao of Heaven.

It is only under the guidance of Guiyuan Jianxian that he understands his own way and condenses the container of heaven.

If there are seventh-order spiritual veins in Qixinghai Xiu Xianjie, I can now try to break through the realm of power. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan's eyes lit up, "Since the establishment of the Shenbing Pavilion, there have only been two or three Mahayana monks.

Even if it is able to condense the heavenly container, it is not as many as the number of hands.

Unexpectedly, you have reached the point where you can match the ancestors of all generations so quickly.

Next, are you going to Canglong Ruins? "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "The environment of Qixinghai Xiuxianjie and Juetianyuan does not meet the conditions for breakthrough.

If you want to break through the Mahayana realm, you can only go to the Canglong Ruins. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan sighed: "In the past few years in the Seven-Star Sea Cultivation World, I have also collected a lot of books about the Canglong Ruins.

Unfortunately, these books are vague.

Only know that the Canglong Ruins are extremely dangerous, there are many seventh-order monsters, and there are even real dragons.

The Yufeng Shenjun of the Yuling Sect back then had a cultivation base similar to yours now.

After he left, he never came back.

The entire Yuling Sect was also implicated because of him, and now there is only one branch of Zhenhai Sect left, lingering on the Ten Thousand Demons Islands. "

Although he did not continue to speak, Wang Daoyuan knew what he meant.

If you go to Canglong Ruins rashly, without leaving enough backhands.

If you and Zhou Luan encounter an accident at the Canglong Ruins, or are held back by three things, some people may cause chaos.

At that time, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is likely to follow in the footsteps of Yulingzong.

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, before I leave, I will leave enough backhands.

In fact, the backhand I have left now can already overwhelm all the enemies on the bright side of the Seven Star Sea Xiuxian Realm.

It's just that there are countless monsters hidden in the vast sea of ​​Qixinghai Xiu Xianjie.

As strong as the Divine Refinement Sect, it was also destroyed by the hands of monsters.

What I have left behind now is not enough to deal with the large-scale beast tide.

There is also the ancient battlefield, even Guiyuan Jianxian is quite afraid of it.

If some of the existences inside come out, I am afraid that no one can deal with it. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan nodded: "Yes, the Seven Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm is not like Beiyuan.

There have always been monks from various sects pressing down on Beiyuan, and they often go to sweep the demon clan.

Even if there are monsters that slip through the net, there are very few.

After the demise of the Divine Refinement Sect, the entire Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World would not be suppressed by major forces.

The monster clan has sufficient space and resources, and after tens of thousands of years, it is uncertain how many sixth-order monsters there will be.

If the beast tide breaks out, even if there is a Zijin Linglong Pagoda, I can't be sure to stop it. "

"Wait a while, and I will try to keep some more hands behind before leaving."

Wang Daoyuan's backhand on the Qixinghai Immortal Realm is still dominated by puppets.

The sword puppets, shield puppets, and bow puppets that were refined at the beginning, three puppets in one group, were refined in two groups.

Later, he obtained the inheritance of the Five Elements Sword Region, and refined some sword puppets that could use the Five Elements Sword Region.

These puppets can be taken out at random, and they can compete with the monks in the late stage of God Transformation.

The sword puppets that can cast the Five Elements Sword Region can kill ordinary monks in the late stage of God Transformation.

But in the face of the beast tide, it is far from enough.

Zhenjun Lei Yan also sighed: "This is also impossible, I can only hope that the beast tide will not break out in the near future."

After talking with Zhenjun Lei Yan about the affairs of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan stayed in the Dongfu at the headquarters of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

What you can do at this time is to improve your understanding of the law.

In the Spirit Orb space, the Demon Prison of Avatar is constantly refining the Heavenly Tribulation Orb.

At the same time, he is still referring to the Hundred Treasures warships of Tianji Palace, and wants to refine the sixth-order high-grade warships.

After all, we will go to Canglong Ruins soon, and we may encounter seventh-order monsters along the way.

Lei Peng's flying boat is only a fifth-order high-grade flying boat. If it encounters an attack by a seventh-order monster, it will be destroyed in an instant.

Three years later, Wang Daoyuan received a letter from Wang Shouye.

Wang Shouye was assisted by the Blood Soul Pill, and after several years of hard work, he was finally complete.

It is time to break through the realm of spiritual transformation.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan left Tianquan Island in a flying boat and came to Baiquan Valley on Yinyuan Island.

As soon as he entered the valley, Wang Shouye greeted him and said, "You guys came so fast, it wasn't long before I sent the letter, and you already came."

When the three entered the auditorium, Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "You want to break through the transformation of God, how can I not pay attention to it?

I'm just waiting for you to break through the realm of God Transformation as soon as possible so that you can help me manage the affairs of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce. "

"Co-authoring you to help me break through the realm of God Transformation, just to let me work for you?"

"The affairs over the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce have to be managed by someone.

My avatar, Judge, can manage some things.

But the avatar still can't compare with ordinary people. When I am not around, he will only handle affairs step by step.

In the event of an emergency, it is difficult to make the right decision. "

"Isn't there still Zhenjun Lei Yan? He is now the vice president.

With his guard, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce will not be a problem. "

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "Master's mind is not on managing these matters, when he was an elder in the Shenbing Pavilion, he rarely managed things.

Whenever something happens, communicate with those elders with fists.

What he is really interested in is only refining and fighting.

Now that I am in control, no one dares to stand up.

Once I leave, it won't be safe. "

Wang Shouye nodded slightly: "That's true, most of the forces in the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm have a shallow foundation and know very little.

But the more such a force, the easier it is to cause trouble. "

Wang Daoyuan took out two pieces of wood from the Lingzhu space: "The two pieces of wood are yellow spring willow and blood fire hibiscus, and they contain a lot of pure yin and pure yang energy.

I can't help you with the matter of refining Nascent Soul, you can do it yourself.

After the tempering is complete, send me a letter, and then I will protect you. "

Wang Shouye took the two pieces of wood and said with a smile, "You have a spirit fire that can generate pure yin and pure yang energy, so it will not be difficult for our Wang family's children to break through the realm of God Transformation in the future.

If it weren't for the battle of luck, with these two kinds of spirit fires, our Wang family would be able to dominate the two worlds of immortality.

I'm going to retreat first, and when I'm about to break through, I'll send you a letter. "

After saying that, he walked out of the auditorium and returned to his cave to retreat.

A year later, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan exchanged in-depth understanding of the law in the cave.

Suddenly, a heavenly might enveloped.

Wang Daoyuan immediately released his divine sense to investigate, and saw a dark cloud appearing above Baiquan Valley.

There is no doubt that this is Jieyun.

At this time, the only one who can draw such a powerful robbery cloud can only be Uncle Twelve.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan quickly put on their clothes and came to the door of the Twelve Uncle's Cave.

Coincidentally, Uncle Twelve also came out of the cave.

At this time, he was also a little flustered: "Daoyuan, I have no preparation for this, and suddenly triggered the catastrophe, what should I do next?"

The power of the god-turning monk to cross the tribulation is very terrifying.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it will take some time for the catastrophe to fall.

There is a large area of ​​no-man's land around Baiquangu, just find a place to escape the calamity.

Just to show the strength of our Wang family, to shock the younger generation. "

After all, he took out Lei Peng and flew away.

The three took the flying boat and flew to the southwest.

The southwest of Yinyuan Island is a large area of ​​barren mountains. There is no connection with the main spiritual vein of Yinyuan Island. The spiritual level is not high, and no one lives here.

Lei Peng Feizhou landed on a relatively flat mountain peak: "Uncle Twelve, there is no one here, so you can survive the calamity here."

Wang Shouye jumped from the flying boat, found a flat rock and sat down cross-legged: "This place is pretty good, at least you don't have to worry about damaging your own property, just here."

Wang Daoyuan nodded, put away Lei Peng's flying boat, and retreated thousands of miles away with Zhou Luan.

The robbery clouds in the sky are always following Lei Peng Feizhou.

At this time, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com Jieyun has a radius of dozens of miles, and it just covers the top of Wang Shouye's head.

The surrounding spiritual energy began to gather in the robbery cloud, and with the addition of spiritual energy, the robbery cloud expanded rapidly.

In the end, Jieyun expanded to a radius of more than 3,000 miles.

This level of Jieyun is also in line with Wang Shouye's talent.

The robbery cloud no longer expanded, and a vortex began to appear again.

The energy in the robbery cloud began to converge towards the center.

Soon after, a sphere formed at the center of the vortex.

This sphere is pitch-black, and it is still absorbing spiritual power to strengthen itself.

When the ball rose to about a foot in diameter, it stopped expanding and fell from the robbery cloud, submerging into Wang Shouye's eyebrows.

The God-Transforming Heart Demon Tribulation officially begins, and whether or not you can survive the Heart Demon Tribulation depends entirely on your state of mind.

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