Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1264: 2 brothers

Latest website: Wang Daoyuan turned pale with fright, and hurriedly used the escape technique, turning into a silver light, barely avoiding the blood light.

The blood light turned into a tall monster. This monster was blood-red and had a height of more than thirty feet. It was a blood demon.

Moreover, this Gorefiend's cultivation base is not low, far above himself, at least in the early stage of Mahayana.

The Gorefiend snorted coldly: "You little bug is quite capable, and you can escape my sneak attack."

This cold snort caused Wang Daoyuan's whole body's blood to surge violently, making it difficult to control.

With every breath time, the blood surging became more intense, and the heartbeat became faster and faster.

Gradually, the blood held up so that the whole body was aching, and the heart was about to burst.

Wang Daoyuan mobilized his spiritual power, and his whole body was enveloped in a bright yellow light, and dragon scales grew on his skin.

The divine beast restrains the demons, and after the dragon scales grow, the blood is much less affected.

Gorefiend was a little curious: "It's really a bit of a skill to be able to transform into a dragon.

I don't need supernatural powers to bully you, I'll have fun with you. "

After all, he took out a blood-red long saber and slashed at Wang Daoyuan with the saber.

When you come to this fantasy world, you cannot easily reveal your identity.

Master said that this illusion is close to reality.

The demons in the fantasy world should also have wisdom.

If the demons knew that he was the son of luck, he would probably kill himself at all costs.

He didn't dare to take out the Dragon Slaying Demon Sword, and the White Tiger Blade was too weak, so he could only take out the Soul Sealing Sword to fight the enemy.

As soon as the Soul Sealing Sword came out, five sword shadows immediately condensed.

The sword shadows gathered together to form a giant sword phantom.

The giant sword was cut out, facing the blood-red long sword.

Not even a sound was heard, the giant sword was directly cut off.

Wang Daoyuan was not flustered. Against the Mahayana Demons, it was impossible for him to block it, and he was ready to block with the Soul Sealing Sword in his hand.


A sword cry sounded, and the Soul Sealing Sword trembled.

Wang Daoyuan was knocked flying by the force of the tremor, and barely stopped until he hit a hill.

I only felt a burning pain in my body, as if there was a flame burning, or a high-level spirit fire that had not been refined.

He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and it was a little better.

The Gorefiend looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "You little bug is a bit interesting, and the long sword in your hand is not ordinary, you can actually block my full blow without dying.

It seems that there is still an extraordinary dragon bloodline, and if you take it back and hand it over to the great commander, there will definitely be many rewards. "

After all, it turned into a **** light and shot towards Wang Daoyuan.

Although Wang Daoyuan suffered heavy losses, he still had the strength to fight.

The field of supernatural powers unfolded, and dozens of khaki-colored spiritual power **** took shape in an instant, smashing towards the **** light.

After the Gorefiend carried a few thunders of the gods of the earth, he turned into a new human figure, and swung the sword to disperse the other gods of the earth.

At this time, there were pits the size of a bean on his handwriting, and a trace of blood was oozing out.

"There are really a lot of means, and it can actually make me hurt."

Before he finished speaking, the blood-red long knife in his hand released ten thousand blood lights.

A **** light came straight to Wang Daoyuan's door, Wang Daoyuan dodged away, and the **** light hit the mountain, making a big hole more than ten feet deep.

Wang Daoyuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, if this hit him, his little fate would be guaranteed.

There is still a lot of **** light like this, and Wang Daoyuan didn't dare to resist, and constantly used the escape technique to cover himself with the mountain.

At the same time, his mind is also spinning rapidly: Master puts himself in this secret realm, and it is impossible to give himself a mortal situation.

So, there must be a chance of survival nearby.

This place is near Yumo Mountain, and Jue Tian Yuan has not yet formed.

Everything is very realistic. It should not be an environment fabricated out of thin air, but a certain period in the past.

There is a scene after the war here, and there is a seventh-order Gorefiend.

The most likely reason is that the demons have already invaded, and the final battle has not yet reached the stage.

According to some ancient books, the base camp of the human race was west of Zulong Mountain and north of Yumo Mountain.

The Demon Race's territory is east of Zulong Mountain.

Among the various ancient books, there is no mention of the situation in which the demons defeated the human race and occupied the west of Zulong Mountain.

This place is to the west of Zulong Mountain, but this Demon Race appeared here, perhaps to investigate the situation, or to hunt down a single cultivator of the human race.

The reason why this mountain is called this name is because it has always been the front line of the confrontation between the human race and the demon race, and there must be a human race stronghold.

As long as the movement is made louder, maybe someone will come to the rescue.

Thinking of this, Wang Daoyuan has a mind.

Using the escape technique, he kept fleeing to the northwest, and constantly mobilized the Guiyuan Sword Intent to display the sword repair spell.

If the distance is not too far, there will be a resonance of the sword intent among those who practice Guiyuan Sword Intent.

Back then, when he fused the two sword intents, he relied on Master's sword intent resonance.

During the invasion of the demons, the master was the leader of the human race, and he should also be near the human race base camp, not far from here.

Continuing to display the Guiyuan Sword Intent may make the master in the illusion feel it.

After tossing for half a cup of tea, Wang Daoyuan was bruised and bruised, and even the strength to dodge was almost gone.

At this time, several blood lights came from different directions, and he was no longer able to dodge.

At this moment, more than a dozen silver sword lights descended from the sky, smashing all the blood lights.

Wang Daoyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, this sword light had Guiyuan sword intent, and it should be his own.

The Gorefiend showed his stature and roared, "What **** dares to steal Lao Tzu's food."

At this moment, a dazzling silver light shot down from the clouds and went straight to the Gorefiend's head.

The Gorefiend was blinded by the silver light, and quickly turned into a blood light to escape.

Unfortunately, the speed of this silver light is too fast.

Swipe from the vicinity of the blood light and divide it into several segments.

The blood light dissipated, and seven blood-red lumps fell into the valley.

The silver light dissipated and turned into a young man in white.

"Well, I still haven't made any progress. I wanted to divide it into eight sections, but unfortunately it was only divided into seven sections."

After saying that, he looked at Wang Daoyuan again: "Little friend, you have good strength, you can actually hold the blood demon in the middle stage of Mahayana for so long, and you can still hurt him.

By the way, how did you get your Guiyuan Sword Intent?

The master only accepted two disciples, me and the elder brother, there should be no one else who will return to Yuan Jianyi.

Who are you and why are you here? "

Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands and said: "It turned out to be a master swordsman, no wonder his strength is so strong.

The younger Wang Daoyuan is a loose cultivator who usually travels all over the place.

At the beginning, I saw the sword marks left by a senior, which contained sword intent.

He lingered near the sword mark for a long time, and realized the sword intent.

Later, I heard that the demons invaded, and as a member of the human race, I should defend the Qianyuan world.

I came here and wanted to kill a few demons.

I don't want to be targeted by the demons just after arriving here. "

The young man in white stared at him for a long time before he said: "Although the blood on his body is mixed, it is still dominated by human races, and there is a faint power of divine beasts.

Demons fear divine beasts, you should not be possessed by demons.

I mean are you lucky, or are you unlucky? "

Gu Wei

Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands and asked, "What do you mean by this, senior?"

The young man in white smiled and said, "You came to the front line of the battlefield between the human race and the demon race by mistake, and you also met the Gorefiend scouts. This is bad luck.

But you met me and survived, it was your luck.

Let's go, I'll take you to see Master.

You have learned the Guiyuan Sword Intent, so maybe the Master will accept you as a disciple.

At that time, you will be Master's third disciple.

By the way, my name is Guiyun, and I am the second disciple of Master. "

Wang Daoyuan calculated in his heart that the master once said that he had received two direct disciples during his lifetime.

The eldest disciple is Gui Yuan, who is extremely talented in kendo and has an excellent understanding.

It is a pity that it is not suitable for Guiyuan Swordsmanship, and in the end, he barely cultivated to the realm of power, and died in the battle between humans and demons.

The inheritance of Taiyi Sword Sect was passed down from his lineage.

The second disciple, Gui Yun, is not very talented, and his understanding is not outstanding, but he is very suitable for practicing Guiyuan swordsmanship.

In the end, he saved his life in the battle between humans and demons. Later, every once in a while, he went to Jue Tian Yuan to replenish his sword intent for Guiyuan Sword.

Master once said that the second senior brother Guiyun is peaceful and easy to get along with.

Seeing it now, it was indeed the case, without the arrogance of a Sword Immortal disciple.

The Guiyuan sword map on the side of Shenlianzong was put there by the second senior brother Guiyun.

Now in this fantasy world, the most important thing is to survive.

If you can hug the thigh of the master, it is naturally a good thing.

Even if you can't go to the master's door and befriend the second senior brother, it is not a small backer.

Thinking of this, Wang Daoyuan immediately pretended to be overjoyed: "Is this true?"

Gui Yun nodded: "Of course, this is the case, the master has accepted many disciples, but most of those disciples have not been able to pass the level of fusion sword intent, so they can only be named disciples.

The real direct disciples are only me and the big brother.

You have already integrated the sword intent, and the most difficult level has been passed, and the rest is nothing more than to consider the talent, understanding, character and so on.

Being able to integrate sword intent, and still be able to cultivate at the pinnacle of God Transformation, to fight to the death with the blood demon in the middle stage of Mahayana for so long, the talent should not be bad.

As long as you have the human race in your heart, don't do anything wrong, and be accepted as a direct disciple, it shouldn't be a problem. "

After that, he took out an elixir: "Seeing that you are seriously injured, this is a healing elixir. Take it quickly to prevent your injury from getting worse."

Wang Daoyuan took the medicine pill: "Thank you, senior."

He swallowed the medicinal pill in one bite, and then meditated on the spot to refine it.

An auspicious cloud was born at the foot of Guiyun: "This place is the front line of the battle between the two sides, and the scouts of the demons and humans are very common here.

Before I made a move, it would definitely attract the demons, so let's go back to the camp first. "

Wang Daoyuan got up and sat on Xiangyun, and then Xiangyun went northwest.

The Mahayana monks fly on the clouds, and the speed is naturally extremely fast.

Not long after, they came to the town of magic town.

Wang Daoyuan is no stranger to this town of Demon City. When they were in the Golden Core Realm, the Southern Wilderness Demon Race was in chaos.

The base camp where the human race is stationed is this town of magic.

At this time, the town of Demon Town was not much different from the later town of Demon Town, but it lacked the baptism of war.

The materials used to build the city are of extremely high grade, and Wang Daoyuan used his divine sense to probe, but he didn't even see through the grades of these materials.

Moreover, there is a mysterious power flowing continuously above the city wall.

This mysterious power blocks the space together.

Whether it is escaping the ground or tearing the space, it is impossible to enter this magic town one step.

The town of Demon Town in later generations is completely incomparable with the town of Demon Town at this time.

He couldn't help sighing: "The construction materials of this city are probably priceless treasures."

Gui Yun smiled and said: "That's natural, this is the base camp of the human race, and naturally it must be foolproof.

These building materials are all seventh-order peak materials, and have been tempered by seventh-order refiners, and eighth-order array masters have arranged arrays.

Even Earth Immortals would hardly hurt this city.

Master is always stationed here, let's go in together. "

The two fell to the cloud head and walked to the south gate of Demon Town.

Guarding the gate are eight peak cultivators of the gods.

Upstairs at the city gate, there are two Mahayana monks sitting.

Seeing Guiyun coming, the top cultivators of God Transformation who were guarding the door all saluted.

Gui Yun was going to take Wang Daoyuan in, and a Mahayana monk sitting on the city gate said with a smile, "Fellow Daoist Guiyun, you will naturally have no problem going in.

But Devil Town is an important place for the human race. This little friend is not from Town Devil Town, so I'm afraid it's not easy to enter. "

Gui Yun smiled and said: "I understand the rules, isn't it just to test whether it is a human race?

I have seen it before, it is indeed a human race, but it has a little blood of the beast.

Daoyuan, show this senior Longwei. "

Wang Daoyuan restrained the breath of the dragon, performed the technique of transforming the dragon, and covered his body with a layer of dragon scales.

The two Mahayana monks sitting at the city gate nodded: "It's such a pure real dragon breath, it shouldn't be controlled by the demons.

Still, it's routine. "

After all, he took out a silver mirror with various divine beasts engraved on the frame.

A silver light was released from the mirror, shining on Wang Daoyuan.

Wang Daoyuan only felt that there was a spiritual power with the power of a divine beast, which merged into his body and ran through his body.

Later, this force also entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

But as soon as he entered the sea of ​​consciousness, he was swallowed by Ying Long, and only a small part escaped.

The Mahayana monk holding the silver mirror smiled and said: "This little friend must have the vision of a real dragon, and even the power of the mirror of the beasts has swallowed part of it.

Then there is no problem, the real dragon vision is in good condition, and it is not controlled by the yin demon.

But you are not a person in the town of magic town, you must not walk around indiscriminately after entering the city.

Don't leave fellow Daoist Guiyun until you have the right to enter and exit the city.

Otherwise, the patrol will run into you, and you will be beheaded. "

Wang Daoyuan saluted respectfully: "Thank you senior for your guidance, junior will definitely abide by the rules in the city."

Seeing Wang Daoyuan being so knowledgeable about etiquette, the Mahayana monk nodded, "Go in."

Wang Daoyuan followed Guiyun and walked all the way to the center of the city.

The interior of the Demon Town is different from the Demon Town in the future.

When the Southern Wilderness Demon Chaos was pacified, the town of Demon Town was very small, only two miles away.

From the outside, the current town of Demon City is indeed two miles square, but the interior space is stacked and the place is very large. UU reading

Just like the Ziwei Hall of the Seven Stars Heavenly Palace, when viewed from the outside, it is a large hall that covers an area of ​​less than one mile square, with an interior space of dozens of miles.

The same is true in Zhenmo City. Wang Daoyuan followed Guiyun for dozens of miles before reaching the gate of a hall in the center of the city.

It may be that the spiritual energy is insufficient later, and the space stacking requires the power of the law to maintain.

There is no fifth-order aura in Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie for ten thousand years, and the stacked space cannot be revealed.

Gui Yun smiled and said: "You wait in front of this gate first, and I will report your affairs to Master.

Remember, don't move around.

You stay here, the patrolling monk knows that you are the person that Master wants to summon and will not touch you.

If you walk around, it will be regarded as a meticulous work, and it will be cut first and then played. "


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