Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1265: apprenticeship

The latest website: Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands and said: "Brother, don't worry, I know the importance."

Guiyun nodded and entered the hall.

After not too many meetings, he walked out again: "We will be brothers in the future, the master said, since you can integrate sword intent, you are even the registered disciple of his old man.

Looking at your performance in the future, if there is no problem with your talent and personality, you will be accepted as a direct disciple, and come with me to apprentice. "

Wang Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and the world of immortality attached great importance to the inheritance of teachers.

Now to become Guiyuan Jianxian's disciple, don't look at it as just a named disciple, in the eyes of outsiders, it is Guiyuan Jianxian's person.

What's more, the Guiyuan Sword Intent that he cultivated is a real inheritance.

In this illusion, there is no need to worry about becoming cannon fodder.

"Thank you, brother, for the recommendation."

The two walked into the hall together, and the one sitting high was a monk in white.

He looked like he was in his twenties or thirties, but his face was full of vicissitudes.

This person is Guiyuan Sword Immortal, and there is no difference in appearance from Guiyuan Sword Immortal who turned into a sword spirit, but his temperament is much worse.

Wang Daoyuan just glanced at it, and he felt that his heart was shaking, as if the power of the sky was imminent.

There are five or six monks in the hall, and they are all extremely advanced, and he can't see through it at all.

He hurriedly bowed and saluted: "Junior Wang Daoyuan, see Senior Sword Immortal, see Seniors."

Guiyuan Jianxian raised his eyes and glanced at him, Wang Daoyuan felt like he was being pierced by Wan Jian.

"The talent is good, and he is also a five-element full-attribute cultivator.

When you first entered the gate, the Myriad Beast Mirror detected that you seemed to have a real dragon vision? "

Wang Daoyuan replied: "In the words of Senior Sword Immortal, the vision of the Purple Mansion of the junior is a divine beast of the Five Elements."

After all, they showed the breath of the five elements of divine beasts.

The Five Elements Divine Beasts have been merged into Yinglong, and it is impossible to separate them.

It is not a problem to just show the ability and breath of the five elements of divine beasts.

Guiyuan Jianxian was also a little surprised: "You are really a genius, the five elements of mythical beasts, among the entire human race, it is rare to have one in a thousand years, what is your magical power?"

Wang Daoyuan was about to speak when Gui Yun said, "His supernatural power is the domain, and before I rescued him back, he was chased by a blood demon.

With the help of the realm, dozens of Wutu Divine Thunder were displayed in an instant, and it actually made…”

He wanted to continue talking, Gui Yuan Jianxian glanced at him, and Gui Yun immediately closed his mouth.

At this time, a very large cultivator with the power of thunder on his body stood up.

"Little friend, where did you learn Wutu Shenlei?"

Wang Daoyuan bowed and saluted: "I got it by accident when I was traveling at the northernmost point of Zulong Mountain.

Also obtained is Binghuo Shenlei, but both can only be cultivated to the later stage of Jindan.

Later, the younger generation's cultivation base was slightly higher, and they deduced the follow-up spells on their own, which was a bit nondescript. "

The old man nodded with satisfaction: "The old man is from the northern part of Qianyuan Continent, when the Five Thunder Sect was established, it was in the north of Huiyan Mountain.

The inheritance of the Five Elements Divine Thunder there should have been passed down from the Five Thunder Sect.

Commander, you can see that this little friend has also learned the Five Elements Divine Thunder, and the domain and the Five Elements Divine Beast Vision are obviously more suitable for the inheritance of my Five Thunder Sect.

Otherwise, leave this junior to me to train.

With the supernatural powers in the domain, his future achievements will definitely be higher than mine. "

Guiyuan Jianxian immediately refused: "Fellow Daoist Wulei, your disciples are not one thousand but seven or eight hundred.

Among them, there are more than ten people who are extremely talented and have the hope of breaking through the realm of power.

I only have two direct disciples in my hands, are you embarrassed to argue with me? "

Wu Lei Shenzun smiled and said: "This is all for the future of this younger generation, his Zifu vision is not a sword, even if you practice your Guiyuan swordsmanship, it is difficult to achieve anything.

Whether or not he can cultivate to the realm of great power in the future is still uncertain. "

"Brother Wulei, you just don't understand our sword cultivators. Although most of the sword cultivators' Zifu visions are swords, the Zifu vision is not a sword fairy of swords, and it's not that they haven't appeared before.

For example, the Hanshui Sword Immortal more than 100,000 years ago, his purple house vision is spiritual water.

There is also the Dragon Ting Sword Immortal more than 200,000 years ago, his Purple Mansion vision is a real dragon of the thunder attribute.

The strength of these two sword immortals is not weaker than other sword immortals.

There are also ways to use the supernatural powers of the domain. The earliest sword formations were based on the formation and supernatural powers of the realm.

Most of the brilliant sword formations have the characteristics of the domain.

Little friend, can you cast a sword formation? "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Returning to Senior Sword Immortal, this junior does know a kind of sword formation."

"Then show it off and see."

In front of the big guys, it's still indoors. If you damage the things here, it will be troublesome.

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled and said: "Even if you use it, you can't hurt the tables and chairs here."

Wang Daoyuan was relieved. He didn't use the long sword, but just randomly summoned five sword shadows.

The sword shadow turned into a giant sword, and the space in the hall instantly became larger.

Five sword shadows and countless sword qi formed a huge cage.

Guiyuan Jianxian nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, this sword formation is not any kind of sword formation I have seen, it should be your original creation, it already has the meaning of space law.

Cooperating with your supernatural power field, it is not a problem to kill multiple monks of the same level. "

"Senior Hui Jianxian, this is not created by the younger generation, but obtained from the inheritance of an ancient cultivator of God Transformation, and improved it by himself."

"That's not easy either, being able to use the sword shadow to set up a sword formation shows that his talent is extraordinary.

Brother Wulei, what's your opinion? "

The Five Thunder Gods snorted coldly: "Little friend, think about it clearly, with your talent, if you cultivate the Five Elements Godly Thunder, your future achievements will be limitless.

As long as you are willing to worship under my door, you will be my descendant in the future.

Now I don't care much anymore. After you break through the realm of power, the Five Thunder Sect will be yours. "

Guiyuan Jianxian's face turned cold: "Brother Wulei, you are not being kind, and you will directly lure you.

Little friend, I will accept you as a direct disciple.

You have already realized the Guiyuan Sword Intent, and with my guidance, you will surely travel thousands of miles in a day.

Although your senior brother has a good talent, there is little hope of breaking through the Earth Immortal.

Second Senior Brother Guiyun, his talent and comprehension are not very good. If he can cultivate to the realm of power in the future, it will be very good.

In the future, the mantle of teacher will depend on you to inherit.

There are many monks and few porridges over the Five Thunder Gods, and there are dozens of disciples with excellent talent.

Now there are more than 20 people who have broken through the Mahayana realm.

Has cultivated to the realm of great power, there are two.

You want to inherit the Five Thunder Sect, but it's not that easy. "

Wang Daoyuan knew in his heart that he wanted to learn the Five Elements Divine Thunder, but this was in an illusion, and it should have been created based on the memory of the master.

Although the master is the leader of the human race, it is unlikely that he knows the core inheritance of the Five Thunder Sect.

Even if you worship the Five Thunder Sect, it is impossible to learn the Five Elements Divine Thunder.

When hugging the thighs, I still pick up the thickest hug.

He bowed and saluted: "Junior is willing to worship Senior Sword Immortal as a teacher."

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled: "Okay, now the war is urgent, and I don't have time to hold a banquet.

If you do the apprenticeship ceremony, you will be considered my direct disciple in the future. "

Wang Daoyuan paid homage to Guiyuan Jianxian: "Disciple Wang Daoyuan, see Master."

After three nods, he got up.

Gu Xing

Guiyuan Jianxian took out a seventh-order low-grade long sword and a token: "These are my greetings, and this token is not only a certificate for entering and leaving human camps in various places, but also a defensive magic weapon.

There is a sword energy I left in it, which can seriously injure the devil. This sword will be your magic weapon in the future. "

This long sword is the seventh-order low-grade Guiyuan sword, made of Hunyuan Divine Iron.

The token is also made of some kind of golden book, and the decoration on it is only a simple and unpretentious sword.

On the back is engraved a line of medieval characters, which reads "Wang Daoyuan, the third disciple of Guiyuan Sword Immortal."

In this handwriting, there is a faint sword intent.

Obviously, this was created temporarily by Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

Wang Daoyuan took the token and the long sword, and bowed again: "Thank you, Master."

Guiyuan Jianxian looked at Wulei God Venerable: "Brother Wulei, there is no conflict between direct disciples and named disciples, why don't you accept Daoyuan as a named disciple?"

Wu Lei Shenzun glanced at him: "You really haven't taken advantage enough, you are not satisfied with taking such a good disciple, and you still want to learn my Five Elements Divine Thunder."

Guiyuan Jianxian didn't care that he didn't deceive the Five Thunder God Venerable: "Daoyuan, although you are already my direct disciple, you can't use my identity to do anything wrong.

Your senior brother is now in the realm of power, sitting alone in a camp outside.

Your second senior brother is now in the middle stage of Mahayana, serving as the captain of the scout, investigating information outside.

I see that your sword intent is also based on killing sword intent, and you still need to experience more fighting.

In the future, you will follow Guiyun to investigate the movements of the demons.

If there is something you don't understand, ask Guiyun for advice.

Guiyun, you also give more pointers to your younger brother. "

Wang Daoyuan and Gui Yunqi claimed that they were, and then exited the hall.

When he got outside, Gui Yun laughed a few times: "I finally have a junior brother, and the senior brother will cover you in the future.

Let's go, senior brother will take you to see our residence. "

The two bypassed a series of buildings in the center of the city and came to the north of the city.

The buildings here are relatively low, unlike the previous palace-style buildings.

"The north of the city is the place to live, and those who live in the town of Demon Town are all monks, and they can't be crowded together to practice.

Therefore, the monks in the city do not live in the barracks, but have their own houses.

Fortunately, there is a lot of folding space in the town of magic, and it is not a problem to live in a few million people.

Now there are not many people in the city, only more than 100,000 people.

The Terran army is distributed in various places with important resources, and each Terran camp is connected by a teleportation formation.

Of course, after reaching the Mahayana realm, the space can be torn apart.

It is not difficult to fly millions of miles a day.

Only very far places need to use the teleportation array. "

The two walked and walked until they came to the door of a small courtyard.

"This is my residence, and all my subordinates live nearby.

There are more than 20 houses in this row, as long as there is no one, you can choose at will.

After refining the token, you can choose a house to live in.

In addition, this token can also record your merits.

In the town of magic, if you want to cultivate resources, you need to exchange merits, and merits can only be obtained by completing tasks. "

Wang Daoyuan refined the token in Guiyun's house, and then chose a house in the east to live in.

The two houses are adjacent to each other, closer to the thigh, so it is safe to live in danger.

In the days that followed, Wang Daoyuan didn't have any tasks, so he asked the second senior brother Guiyun to borrow some classics to understand the current battle situation.

Usually, I often discuss swords with Guiyun, and the progress in sword intent is very fast.

A month later, Gui Yun came to Wang Daoyuan's courtyard with a serious face.

Wang Daoyuan stepped forward to greet him: "Senior brother, is there something important?"

Gui Yun shook his head: "It's not a big deal, it's just that it's time for us to go out to investigate intelligence.

A scout team that goes out once a month.

The last time I ran into you, I went out to find out information. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "I've wanted to go out for a long time, how many people do we have?"

Gui Yun sighed: "Just the two of us."

"No way, senior brother, aren't you leading a team?"

"Yeah, there were more than a dozen people in the original team.

More than a month ago, a war broke out at Yu Demon Mountain. Most of the dozen people under my command were damaged, and only five remained, including you, there were only six.

Except for the two of us, everyone else is recovering.

However, your recovery speed is fast enough.

After being hammered by the blood demon in the middle stage of Mahayana, he was alive and kicking in just one month. "

"I have the vision of the blue dragon and have practiced some healing spells.

Skin trauma and general internal injuries heal quickly. "

"That's great, the losses to my brothers will be much smaller in the future.

Get ready, let's go. "

"I have nothing to prepare, I can go any time."

Wang Daoyuan is only the primordial spirit entering the illusion, except for a few commonly used instruments, nothing else can be brought in.

"Okay, let's go."

The two set off from the north gate nearby. After leaving the gate, the two sneaked in stealth and headed towards the south.

Soon, they came to the Yuma Mountains.

It is far from where Wang Daoyuan had just entered the illusion, two or three thousand miles away.

Wang Daoyuan asked in a low voice: "Senior brother, this place is far enough from the last battlefield, and it is so close to the town of Demon Town, there can be no demons."

Gui Yun replied in a low voice, "The closer you are to the town, the less likely there will be a problem.

A few days ago, when a scout team was patrolling this place, a member of the team disappeared unexpectedly, and the Mahayana monks who led the team did not find any clues.

Afterwards, several scouts came to patrol, but the missing monk was not found.

Today we should be patrolling, and we should also look for it here. "

Most of the Yin Demons of the Demon Race are good at sneak attack, and they are also good at hiding.

If you are determined to hide it, it will be difficult for monks of the same level to find them.

Wang Daoyuan asked, "Senior brother, why don't I use the domain supernatural power to search."

Gui Yun nodded slightly: "You can try it."

Wang Daoyuan expands the realm, covering everything within a thousand miles within the realm. UU Reading

After a while, Wang Daoyuan blocked the surrounding area and said, "Senior brother, there is a mountain stream in the south direction, and there are abnormal spiritual power fluctuations in it.

Moreover, this spiritual power fluctuation has been specially covered, so it is very inconspicuous. "

"Can you find out the specifics?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "With the help of the domain, only energy changes can be sensed, but the energy carrier cannot be seen.

I can only confirm the abnormal fluctuation of spiritual power over there. As for whether it is a human cultivator, or whether it is a monster or a demon, I can't find out. "

"It may be the handwriting of the Demon Race, don't act rashly.

If it is true that the demons are doing things here, I am afraid that the two of us can not settle it.

Pretend you haven't found anything, go back after patrolling and report back. "


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