Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1276: Derived from the sword

The latest website: Wang Daoyuan nodded solemnly, and sighed in his heart: The human race is usually fierce in infighting, and it happens from time to time that the great powers fight for life and death.

But when disaster strikes, it is still very cohesive.

In the past, Qi Yao Fu Xian and Wu Lei Shen Zun wanted to accept themselves as apprentices, and also had the idea of ​​​​cultivating more high-end combat power for the human race.

In the end, he failed to accept himself as a disciple, and he also took out some important inheritance.

This trip to the fantasy world was originally to experience myself and improve my mood.

Unexpectedly, I got so many important inheritances by the way.

Wang Daoyuan closed his mind and focused on the offensive and defensive battle in front of him.

The twenty or so strange birds of the Demon Race were brave enough to fly more than 300 miles south of the city.

At this distance, even the God Transformation cultivator can exert a very strong attack.

The power of many defensive instruments and defensive formations on the city wall can also be fully exerted.

As soon as the monster bird of the demon race arrived, the defensive instruments on the city wall began to attack.

More than a dozen god-turning cultivators poured their own spiritual power into the giant crossbows, and then the giant crossbow released a spiritual arrow to attack the strange bird on the opposite side.

The arrow was extremely fast, and with Wang Daoyuan's naked eyes, he could only see a vague silver light and shadow.

If you become the target of this arrow, there is no hope of evading within five hundred miles.

You can only rely on your body to turn into flames to avoid the arrow's attack.

The strange bird looks huge, but it is extremely flexible.

With a pair of wings, he made a strange dodging motion, and even avoided the arrow.

Wang Daoyuan was shocked, such a big strange bird is far superior to himself in terms of movement.

Seven Luminaries Fuxian smiled and said, "This is a demon domesticated beast called Scale Wing, which is famous for its speed and flexibility.

These twenty-odd scale wings are all in the middle stage of Mahayana, and they are only half a step away from the realm of power.

A single giant crossbow has no hope of hitting at all. "

At this moment, an almighty shouted loudly: "The giant crossbow fires in salvo, and ten giant crossbows aim at a scale wing."

The Demon Race won't be beaten in a daze, and the scale wing also has a lot of giant crossbows on its back.

The demonic giant crossbow had accumulated spiritual power for a long time and released it at this time.

The giant spiritual energy crossbow arrow with the thickness of the water tank was released and went straight to the city wall.

There are more than 20 scale wings, and five or six giant crossbows are placed on each scale wing.

At this time, more than a hundred giant crossbows fired in salvo, all aiming at the same point, which was where Wang Daoyuan and Qi Yao Fu Xian were.

More than a hundred spiritual energy crossbow arrows with the thickness of the water tank pointed directly at his face, and even the distant sky was covered by these crossbow arrows.

Rao Shi Wang Daoyuan was born and died many times, and his hands and feet were also weak at this time.


The roaring sounds like thunder explosions continued one after another, and Feicheng's defensive mask kept shaking.

After a few breaths, all the arrows disappeared.

After nearly half a cup of tea, Wang Daoyuan's breath returned to normal.

Seven Luminaries Fuxian smiled and said: "You have experienced too little fighting, just look at the monks who control the giant crossbow.

Their cultivation base is similar to yours, but they can easily control the giant crossbow in the case of dying at any time.

Your state of mind still needs to be experienced. If your current level forcibly breaks through the Mahayana realm, you will most likely get lost in the long river of heaven.

At that time, even the Great Commander cannot save you. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded solemnly and continued to watch the battle.

The monks on the Terran side have also experienced hundreds of battles.

Before being attacked so strongly by the Demon Race, there was not much panic, and he was still controlling the giant crossbow in an orderly manner.

I saw ten spiritual crossbow arrows flying out from the city wall, pointing directly at a scale-winged beast.

Feicheng's formation can prevent outside but not inside, and attacks from outside will be blocked by the formation.

The internal attack will directly pass through the defensive mask and will not be blocked in the slightest.

Linyi, who was attacked by ten crossbow arrows, hurriedly dodged, but in the end he couldn't dodge all the crossbow arrows, and one crossbow arrow was nailed to his head.

The head like a lizard instantly turned into a rotten watermelon, and the huge body fell to the ground.

When Scale Wing died, he couldn't dodge quickly.

The demons on its back were quickly slaughtered under the fire of the human giant crossbow.

There was a burst of cheers from the city wall, and Wang Daoyuan also shouted excitedly.

After the Demon Race lost a scale wing, they did not dare to be as arrogant as before, and retreated to more than 500 miles away from the city.

The offensive and defensive battle between the two sides lasted for a long time. In the end, the demons lost more than half and fled back to the expedition fortress.

Since then, the human race and the demon race have come and gone, and fought around the Ascension Valley for more than ten years.

The entire Ascension Valley was smashed into ruins, and most of the towering peaks like lotus petals became low mountains.

In the end, the ascension passage of the Ascension Valley was interrupted, and the entire area was unstable.

Without the Ascension Channel, the road to the Yanhuang Ancient Realm would be cut off, and the Ascension Valley would have no strategic value.

The demons continue to stay here, it is meaningless.

In the past ten years, the Terran has built more than ten flying cities, surrounding the entire Ascension Valley.

The demons fell into a very passive situation and had to withdraw from the Ascension Valley and return to the base camp.

After ten years of fighting experience, Wang Daoyuan's mood has improved tremendously, and he has truly achieved the collapse of Mount Tai without changing its color.

After the evacuation of the demons, the human race will reward them for meritorious deeds.

Listening to the familiar names, the scene in front of Wang Daoyuan gradually became blurred.

In the end, it was pitch black.

When the light appeared in front of him again, Wang Daoyuan found himself in the Absolute Heaven Abyss.

Guiyuan Sword Immortal phantom came out of the sword and nodded with satisfaction: "You have become much calmer, and you have gained a lot in the illusion."

Wang Daoyuan stood up and saluted: "Thank you, Master, the disciple has been practicing in the illusion for more than ten years, and he has indeed gained a lot."

Afterwards, he immediately recalled the many inheritances he had learned in the illusion, and found that these inheritances had not been forgotten.

Wang Daoyuan was overjoyed, whether it was the experience of the Five Thunder Gods, the small world of the Seven Lights Fuxian, or the spirit gathering array of the Yin-Yang Gods, they were all highly valuable inheritance.

"Master, since this illusion was created by you, there should only be things you know in the illusion.

Why can I get the inheritance of the Five Thunder Gods from the illusion? "

Guiyuan Jianxian said with a smile: "You are right, if I created this illusion by myself, then it should be something that only I know.

And I don't know the inheritance of the Five Thunder Gods, so you can't get this inheritance in the illusion.

But the illusion in the Guiyuan Sword Picture was not created by me alone. "

"Oh?" Wang Daoyuan was a little surprised, "Could it be that this sword drawing was made by everyone together?"

Guiyuan Jianxian nodded: "It can be said that.

After the end of the Ascension Valley War, the Demon Race also saw the potential of the Human Race and did not dare to let the Human Race become bigger.

In the past, the strategy of the demons was to seek stability.

First establish a firm foothold in the east of Zulong Mountain, and slowly expand to the surrounding area.

At the same time, divide and disintegrate the human race and the demon race, and then win over some people who are not determined to be used by the demon race.

Gradually encroaching on the Qianyuan Realm, the human race finally created the Feicheng, and together they forced back the expedition fortress of the demon race.

The more Feicheng is built, the stronger it is.

Moreover, the growth rate of the human race exceeded the expectations of the demon race.

Continue to delay, and the demons may be wiped out. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly. Whenever a catastrophe occurs, it is also a time for heroes.

Even a peerless genius needs to be over two thousand years old to break through the Mahayana realm.

But when the catastrophe comes, it will either become stronger quickly or die.

Everyone is struggling to survive, plus more fighting experience, and the help of heaven, there are many people who practice fast.

The monks who broke through Mahayana around the age of a thousand years would also appear occasionally.

The growth rate of the Demon Race is far less than that of the Human Race, and it is also an invader of the Qianyuan Realm. There is no large population as the basis for improving its strength.

The longer it drags on, the more detrimental it is to the Demon Race.

Wang Daoyuan asked: "After the battle of Ascension Valley, did the Demon Race start a full-scale attack?"

Guiyuan Jianxian nodded: "Yeah, since then, the demons no longer seek stability, but instead attack the important camps of the human race.

Many camps were breached due to lack of masters, and your senior brother also died at that time.

As the human base camp, Zhenmo City has naturally suffered the most attacks, and has not stopped fighting for hundreds of years.

At that time, it was also the darkest time for the human race, and even the Seven Luminaries Fuxian and I were a little desperate.

We are not sure that we will continue to defend the town of Demon City. We chose a few retreats at the beginning, and Qixinghai Xiuxianjie is one of them.

If the town of Demon Town is lost, we will move to the Seven Stars Sea Cultivation Realm.

In the ancient battlefield over there, there are means left by the true immortals, which can be used as the last hope to resist the demons. "

"I'm worried that after the death of your second senior brother and I, the inheritance of Guiyuan Sword Intent will be cut off.

So I left some inheritance, and asked your second senior brother to take it to the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm and hand it over to the Shenlianzong for safekeeping.

The Seven Luminaries Talisman and the Five Thunder God Venerable also have the same idea.

When I was refining the Guiyuan sword map, they also came to join in the fun, leaving the imprint of divine consciousness in it.

The Seven Luminaries Talisman, the Five Thunder God Venerable, and others you saw in the fantasy world were not entirely the fantasy world created by me, but also the imprints of divine consciousness they left behind.

It's a pity that too long has passed, and their Divine Consciousness brand is not complete.

If you could show up a few years earlier, you might have learned more. "

Wang Dao far doesn't care about this: "This trip to the secret realm, I learned the Five Elements Divine Thunder of the Five Thunder Gods, the Small World Cultivation Secret Technique of the Seven Luminaries, and the Spirit Gathering Formation of the Yin and Yang Gods.

These three inheritances are of great benefit to my cultivation and the growth of my forces.

With these things, disciples are already very satisfied. "

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled and said, "It's good if it's useful, but I have to remind you.

Whoever received the favor in the illusion, just remember.

But don't let your guard down on them because of these favors.

People are subject to change, and being able to be dependable at the time of the crisis doesn’t mean that you can be dependable now.

Otherwise, the inheritance of the teacher will not decline to the current level. "

People can share weal and woe, but not necessarily share happiness.

Back then, when the human race was at stake, everyone could work together.

When the interests are divided after the war, it will be impossible.

The master was trapped in Jue Tian Yuan and used to suppress the demons.

The second senior brother can only enter Jue Tianyuan once every ten thousand years to supplement the master's sword intent and refine the Guiyuan sword.

There are definitely people behind this, and the people who can call the shots now must be high-level human races back then.

Some people, after defeating the Demon Race, want to destroy the Guiyuan lineage.

In the future battle of luck, these people probably do not want Guiyuan Jianxian's disciple to become the leader of the human race.

After all, master and apprentice are like father and son, and Guiyuan Sword Immortal's lineage has been suppressed, and his direct disciple of Guiyuan Sword Immortal is in power, and it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be liquidated.

There are absolutely no shortage of people who stumble in secret.

"The disciple understands that because some people have helped me in the illusion, I will not take him lightly."

"By the way, Master, the disciple has been in the illusion for more than ten years. How long has passed in reality?"

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled and said, "It didn't take long, just over two months."

Wang Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "That's okay, if you stay in the illusion for too long, I'm afraid that the Seven Star Sea Xiu Xianjie will be in chaos.

The disciple has been in the illusion for more than ten years, and his state of mind is no less than that of the second senior brother.

Now breaking through the Mahayana realm, it should not be lost in the long river of heaven.

The disciple intends to go to the Fragment of Immortal Realm now to find an opportunity to break through the Mahayana realm. "

Guiyuan Jianxian nodded: "You really have reached the time for a breakthrough now, the human monks of Qianyuan Realm entered the Fragment of the Immortal Realm, and most of them were concentrated in the middle of the Fragment of the Fairy Realm.

There are the most treasures there, and there were ninth-order spiritual veins in the past. Even the earth immortals often used to practice, but I don't know what the situation is now.

Before you break through the Mahayana realm, don't go there.

At the edge of the Fragment of the Immortal Realm, spiritual energy is thin, and spiritual objects are rare, so few people are willing to go there.

If you just find a secluded place to practice on the edge, it should be much safer. "

Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Master, for your guidance."

Guiyuan Jianxian handed him the Guiyuan sword map: "Don't be too polite, I have sealed a sword intent in this sword map.

When defending the enemy, you can use the resonance of sword intent to enhance the power of your kendo spells.

When encountering an opponent who cannot be beaten, take out the sword map.

Under the resonance of sword intent, defeating the monks in the middle stage of Mahayana is not a problem. "

Wang Daoyuan took the sword map and was very excited.

I was chased by that dragon head shark and had no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the ground. Now I can go to take revenge.

Killing this **** should be able to help the Refining God Gourd recover its seventh rank.

Guiyuan Jianxian seemed to see what he was thinking: "This is just my projection, there is not much sword intent stored, and it will be gone when it is used up.

There are dangers in the Fragments of the Immortal Realm, you can save it. "

Wang Daoyuan had no choice but to give up his revenge on the dragon head shark: "Master, don't worry, UU reading disciples will be careful.

After staying in the fantasy world for more than ten years, what I learned is not only the inheritance of other people, but you have also guided me a lot in the fantasy world.

After countless fights, the disciple's strength is much stronger than before. "

After saying goodbye to Guiyuan Sword Immortal, Wang Daoyuan took out the Lei Peng warship and went all the way east.

After flying tens of thousands of miles, Wang Daoyuan sacrificed the divine refining gourd and asked, "How did you refine the tail of that dragon-headed shark?"

The figure of Lian Shen appeared: "It's almost meaningless. If you can have another tail, you should be able to break through to the seventh level of recovery."

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "Forget it, I don't have the ability to find you the tail of a seventh-order mid-grade monster.

Wait until you reach the Fragments of the Immortal Realm and see if you can find something good for you to refine. "


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