Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1277: Entering the Shards of Ascension

The latest website: Follow Jue Tian Yuan all the way to the east. After flying for four or five days, Jue Tian Yuan will come to an end.

Wang Daoyuan heard the voice transmission: "Teacher Daoyuan, from the easternmost end of this Jue Tian Yuan is the Fragment of Immortal Realm.

You only need to take out a black stone near the Astral Fragment to enter it.

After I turned into a sword spirit, my soul was damaged a lot, and I always forgot about things, which is why I remembered the matter of entering the fairyland fragment.

After taking out the black stone and entering the fairyland fragment, it is randomly teleported outside the core building area.

The various formations inside the Immortal World Fragment are mainly in the construction area.

Teleport to the outside, don't worry too much about encountering a formation.

Moreover, the larger the black stone block, the more restrictions, and the closer the transmission position is to the center.

If you want to break through Mahayana at the edge, it is best to take out a small black stone that is not restricted.

After being transmitted in this way, there is a high probability that it will be somewhere on the edge. "

This is the sound transmission of Guiyuan Sword Immortal with the help of the array method. Every million miles in Jue Tian Yuan, there is a projection of Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

Projection through the matrix method, you can monitor the surrounding situation.

Wang Daoyuan just bowed to the west and said, "Thank you, Master, for your guidance."

Guiyuan Sword Immortal's voice sounded again: "The monsters near the Fragment of the Immortal Realm are not easy to deal with, their strength was far superior to the average monsters of the same rank.

Before you break through the Mahayana realm, don't provoke them. "

"The disciple understands that he will not take risks lightly."

Guiyuan Jianxian's voice disappeared, and Wang Daoyuan sacrificed the Forging Immortal Cauldron and the Refining God Gourd.

If you encounter any moth after going out, you can let these two guys block it.

After all, it was a seventh-order middle-grade magic weapon, and it was still refined by Da Neng himself.

Even if the rank drops now, there is still some ability.

Put away the Lei Peng warship, and let the sea-reclaiming gods go out of Juetianyuan first to explore the situation outside.

The God of Reclamation went out from the easternmost end of Jue Tian Yuan, and the sight in front of him surprised Wang Daoyuan.

Out of Jue Tian Yuan, it is a pitch-black sea.

The dark sea is more than 10,000 miles wide from east to west, and the north and south poles are long.

To the south is a huge white jade-colored stone mountain, which is tens of thousands of miles from east to west, cutting off the pitch-black sea.

This stone mountain is not a mountain range, but a huge mountain.

The top of the mountain is submerged in the nine-day Gangfeng, the root of the mountain is submerged into the deep sea, and the entire mountain is barren.

In the dark sea below, there is a strong seventh-order spiritual energy, and there is also a faint dragon energy escaping.

To the east of Dashi Mountain, the sky is full of pitch-black cracks, denser than cobwebs.

These cracks keep disappearing and keep reappearing.

Fortunately, there were no monsters around, so Wang Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and his body left Jue Tian Yuan.

Lian Shen looked at the dark sea under his feet and smiled: "We have finally arrived, this dark sea is Long Yuan.

Bottom is bottomless, causing the sea to appear black.

This huge stone mountain is the fragment of the fairyland.

More than 300,000 years ago, a stone mountain fell from the sky and cut off Longyuan.

However, Long Yuan's spiritual veins have not been cut off, and the north and south spiritual veins are still connected.

It's just that there is no passage between the north and the south, either from the bottom of Longyuan to cut through the rock formation, through the huge stone mountain, or from the extremely high wind layer to cross the top of the stone mountain.

Neither of these two is easy to go, even the great power is reluctant to try.

As for the east of Shishan, there is the end of heaven and earth.

There are too many cracks in space, constantly recovering and being torn apart.

Although it looks like there are only space cracks on the surface, there are actually invisible space turbulence there.

These space cracks that are constantly generated are all tossed out by space turbulence.

Mahayana monks can withstand spatial cracks, but cannot withstand spatial turbulence.

Even the old master did not dare to pass easily back then. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Don't worry, I never take risks easily.

Even if I reach the realm of great power, I will not go there. "

Lian Shen nodded: "That's good, I'm really worried that your brain is hot, and you have to go to see and see.

The big stone mountain in front of him is the Fragment of the Immortal Realm.

This stone mountain is indestructible, and the old master can't leave a trace on the stone mountain with all his strength.

But as long as there is a black stone approaching, a light curtain will automatically appear on the stone mountain.

Walking into the light curtain, you can immediately teleport to the interior of the fairy world.

If you want to get in, just take out a black stone here. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, and as Master said, he took out a black stone the size of a fingernail.

As soon as the black stone left the Lingzhu space, it seemed to be attracted by something.

There was also a change on the stone mountain in front of him.

The stone wall that was originally like white jade suddenly began to twist.

Not long after, a light curtain with a diameter of about ten feet appeared on the stone wall.

Because it is a random transmission, if you enter with the clone, it is likely to be scattered.

Wang Daoyuan reclaimed the sea gods into the Lingzhu space, and did not even keep the refining gourd and the forging cauldron.

Then I walked into the light curtain, only to feel that the eyes were dark, and then the world was spinning.

After recovering his power, he found himself in a valley.

The spiritual energy here is extremely rich, and it has reached the seventh-order middle grade.

Except in the illusion, I have never encountered such a strong spiritual energy in this life.

Looking around, this small valley is only more than ten miles in diameter, surrounded by mountains on all sides, and there is not even a gap.

There are several streams in the mountains, and they all merge into an underground cave.

It looks like there should be an underground river inside.

Wang Daoyuan released Zhou Luan and his clone, the God of Reclamation, and brought out the God Refining Gourd by the way.

Zhou Luan took a deep breath: "The spiritual energy here is so rich, are we in the Fragment of Immortal Realm?"

Before Wang Daoyuan could answer, the Refining God Gourd suddenly took a breath of aura, and then said, "That's the smell, I haven't inhaled a seventh-order mid-grade aura for many years.

Master, after I have inhaled the seventh-order aura, you put me in the spiritual orb space.

Let me use the flow of time to slowly refine it.

Although it is much less effective than devouring the corpses of seventh-order monsters, it can help me recover the seventh-order by visiting it a few more times. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "No problem, but let's explore the situation here first.

Those who are new to the fairy world and are unfamiliar with the place of life will not suffer a big loss. "

Lian Shen smiled and said: "There is no need to explore at all, this is definitely the edge of the fairyland fragment.

Back then, the old master wanted to learn the formation in the Fragments of the Immortal Realm, and stayed in the center for a long time.

In the center of the Immortal World Fragment, the terrain is relatively flat.

Mainly plains, with occasional low hills.

Moreover, ruins and rubble can be seen everywhere.

This place is completely a wilderness, there is no trace of human footsteps, it must be in a marginal area, and it is an extremely remote area.

In such a place, there is no need to worry about the Terran making trouble.

The real thing to worry about is the native monster.

These guys were born in the Immortal Realm, which is very different from the monsters in our Qianyuan Realm.

All kinds of weird means are hard to guard against, maybe a powerful monster will come out and solve us. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "It's true that the smaller the black stone, the closer the transmission area is to the edge.

I took a black rock the size of a fingernail, and it really sent me to the middle of nowhere.

As long as you don't confront the human race south of Jue Tian Yuan, there is nothing to fear. "

After all, unfold the supernatural powers of the domain and observe the situation in this small valley.

After some exploration, I found that there are only some good-quality elixir and some low-level monsters in the small valley.

The Reclamation Divine Sovereign could not completely restrain his own breath, but the leaked breath made these monsters dare not approach.

There is nothing dangerous in these places, only the caves where many streams converge, some people feel uneasy.

The entrance of this cave is not big, but after the supernatural power of the domain is unfolded, the inside is bottomless.

The things in the fragments of the fairy world are all from the fairy world, and they contain a lot of spiritual power.

Whether it is the domain or the consciousness, it will be covered.

Wang Daoyuan's consciousness and domain can only penetrate dozens of miles.

If there is something hidden in the cave, it will be troublesome.

Seeing that his face was not very good, Zhou Luan asked, "Have you found any danger?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded lightly: "This cave is bottomless, I don't know if there will be any monsters hidden in it.

If you break through here, it is not very safe. "

Zhou Luan also used his spiritual sense to investigate: "It is difficult to penetrate the spiritual sense, and the cave is bottomless. There is indeed a risk. Why don't we change the place?"

Refining God spoke out to discourage: "No, there are many dangers in the fragments of the fairyland.

When I came here with the old master, I have seen many fairy beasts, some of which are no less powerful than divine beasts.

With the master's strength, defeating ordinary seventh-order low-grade monsters is not a problem.

But if it is to deal with the seventh-order low-grade divine beast, I am afraid that it is not enough.

The rank of the spiritual veins here is low, and the aura is completely supplied by the spiritual veins in other places.

In this kind of place, any monster with a little bit of ability will not look down on it.

Breaking through here is already very safe.

It's not realistic to want to take a little risk. "

Wang Daoyuan also nodded: "There are a lot of dangers in the fragments of the fairy world, we are not familiar with the place, and wandering around may also encounter powerful monsters.

Instead of taking risks, it's better to set it up here. "

"Well, I set up a formation to seal the entrance of the hole, even if a seventh-order low-grade monster comes out, it can withstand it for a while.

Refining God, you should also restore the seventh rank as soon as possible.

At that time, you can join hands with the God of Reclamation, and you will be able to deal with it for a long time when you encounter a seventh-order mid-rank monster. "

Lian Shen was a little puzzled: "There are no high-level spiritual veins here. If you want to use the formation to stop the seventh-order monsters, I am afraid you can only rely on the consumption of top-quality spiritual stones."

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "I have my own way, you just need to work hard to restore your rank, and leave the formation to me."

After staying in the illusion for more than ten years, I also learned a lot of things with Yin Yang Shenzun.

At the beginning, the gathering spirit formation that refined Feicheng was the peak of the seventh rank. With Wang Daoyuan's current ability, it was naturally impossible to arrange it.

But the spirit gathering array was a high-level formation that was improved by the Yin-Yang God. When practicing the formation in the illusion, Wang Daoyuan also simplified the spirit-gathering array with the guidance of the Yin-Yang God.

He can arrange the simplified version of the spirit gathering array now.

Although the power is much weaker, just using the Spirit Gathering Array to support a few small formations does not consume much spiritual power.

Coupled with the strong spiritual energy here, the spirit gathering array is slightly worse, but it can also gather enough spiritual energy.

Seeing his confident look, Lian Shen no longer asked, and began to violently devour the seventh-order aura.

After dozens of breaths, the space inside the refining gourd was filled with spiritual energy.

Wang Daoyuan put it into the Lingzhu space and let him slowly refine it.

At the same time, he recruited the avatar to fill the sea, and let him also absorb some spiritual power.

The state of the God of Reclamation is very special. He died in the calamity of the gods.

In any case, the Mahayana state cannot be restored.

He is not a corpse refiner, nor can he become a seventh-order corpse refiner.

Now he is like a container that can store seventh-order spiritual power. With the support of seventh-order spiritual power, he can exert extremely strong strength by relying on the instinct of the flesh.

The God of Reclamation sat down with his knees crossed and began to absorb spiritual energy, refining it into spiritual energy.

Wang Daoyuan's Yuanshen also entered the Lingzhu space and began to refine the formation.

A few days later, Wang Daoyuan's Primordial Spirit came out of the Lingzhu space and took out dozens of formations.

Afterwards, it was busy in the small valley.

After more than ten days of work, the formation in the small valley was finally arranged.

At the underground cave, a triple formation of illusion, killing, and defense was arranged.

In order to avoid external interference, Wang Daoyuan also specially arranged a formation to hide his breath in the valley.

Below the hidden formation, there are illusion formations and defensive formations.

After the tossing was over, Wang Daoyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

A formation foundation was buried in the center of the valley, and then he instructed Zhou Luan: "This formation foundation is the core of all formations, and it will be handed over to the God of Sea Reclamation.

If an enemy finds it here, you can also help guard it. "

"Don't worry, as long as I'm still alive, I won't let anyone disturb you."

At this time, there was movement in the Lingzhu space.

Wang Daoyuan took out the God Refining Gourd. This guy had been absorbing spiritual energy before, and then entered the spiritual bead space to slowly refine it.

In more than half a month, I have tossed back and forth three times.

Now the entire God Refining Gourd is shrouded in a mysterious power, and it seems that some kind of transformation is taking place.

The voice of Lian Shen came: "Master, I'm going to restore the seventh rank.

Don't worry about anything else, just provide me with enough spiritual energy. "

Wang Daoyuan's realm expands, manipulating the surrounding spiritual energy, and gathering next to the God Refining Gourd.

The god-refining gourd is also rapidly absorbing spiritual power, and the fluctuation of spiritual power continues to skyrocket.

After half a day, the spiritual power fluctuations of the God Refining Gourd disappeared instantly, replaced by a kind of Dao Accumulation.

The breath of the entire gourd has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Is this the end?"

Refining God came out of the gourd with a proud look: "What else can you do? You humans have broken through the Mahayana and will not survive the calamity. I just restore the seventh rank, and the sky can still fall down on me.

After tens of thousands of years, Lao Tzu finally regained the seventh rank.

If it wasn't for your protection, I would have to go out and slaughter a few seventh-order monsters to have fun. "

Wang Daoyuan sighed, this guy's breath changed greatly after he returned to the seventh rank, but his virtues did not change at all.

"The God of Reclamation has also accumulated a lot of seventh-order spiritual power. You are now back to seventh-order, and you have made all the preparations you can. Next, I will break through the Mahayana realm.

What to do, you should be clear. "

Lian Shen patted his chest and assured: "You can rest assured, isn't it just that if something comes in, it will be cleaned up to death?

This is my job, don't worry. "

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