Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1284: disciple

Blackstone's secret is bigger than imagined, and it can process souls into pure souls, and then process them into primitive souls.

The incomplete artifact spirit escaped, and it became a blood puppet that caused a headache for all powerful people.

"I actually got a few restricted, rather peculiar pieces of this black stone, which can process the soul into a pure soul body, and also process the pure soul body into a primitive soul body.

This primitive soul body is very suitable for refining puppets, other than that, it has no other use.

Xuan Yuan, you are well-informed, do you know the function of this thing?

The treasures that the Nine Great Immortal Monarchs and the Heavenly Demons have to compete for can't just deal with the soul body and use it to refine the puppets to play, right? "

Xuan Yuan shook his head: "Our family is good at hiding and has never been willing to take risks.

I have seen quite a few of the black stones that have been banned from the ancestors of the past, but we have never fought for them.

The black stone obtained was only a few small fragments, and none of them were prohibited.

This treasure was refined by Xianjun, and it must be extremely complicated and restricted.

With only a few restrictions, it is difficult to infer the role of the entire treasure. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Since that's the case, I don't need to think about it.

There is a chance to collect more black stones in the future, and maybe this secret can be solved.

I came to this fairyland fragment mainly to break through the Mahayana realm.

Now that I have broken through, I just want to find some useful treasures.

You Gutianxuangui family are natives of this place. You should know this place very well. Where should you go to find it? "

"I don't know what kind of treasure the master wants?"

"You need some refining materials and elixir."

"I have a lot of refining materials in my family, all of which were collected by the ancestors of the past dynasties.

I will follow the master in the future, so there is no need to keep these things.

As for the elixir, in the master's situation, it seems that elixir is not needed during cultivation. "

The king's way is far from the power of heaven, and even if you fight with others, it will not consume much.

The small world continues to absorb the power of heaven and gradually grows.

It can be said that if Wang Daoyuan does nothing, his cultivation will increase at a faster rate.

All you need to do in cultivation is to transform your spirit into immortal power.

In this process, elixir is very difficult to help.

"I don't have a lot of seventh-order elixir in my hands. There are a large family of people below, and a few divine beast bloodlines. I don't have any high-level elixir. It's not easy to cultivate them.

I will fight the battle of luck in the future, and I can't just rely on myself.

Even if the battle of luck is won, when dealing with the catastrophe, there are also a group of earth immortals and even true immortals.

If you don't have a strong direct line in your hand, it will be difficult to suppress a group of arrogant soldiers. "

Master Guiyuan Jianxian was like this back then. The real power of the direct line was only two direct disciples.

The other forces only supported him after he grew up.

These people can be depended on in peacetime and can be depended on in times of trouble.

But after pacifying the demon clan, it may not be reliable to share the benefits.

Without a community of interests, there will be no support at the critical moment.

Master has ended up like this, the second senior brother can only enter Jue Tian Yuan once in 10,000 years, isn't it because there is no powerful direct line power?

If there are a few **** greats or earth immortals who share weal and woe, who would dare to suppress the Guiyuan sword immortal lineage like this?

Lessons learned from the past, can not repeat the same mistakes.

After the catastrophe cannot be overcome, all the people in the world are laughing, but their own family members are crying.

Although Xuan Yuan had never gone out to practice, he still had some insight based on the experience of his ancestors.

After listening to Wang Daoyuan's words, he nodded: "Although I haven't experienced the great catastrophe in the Qianyuan world, there are similar records in my ancestors.

He does not have a powerful force, and no matter how high his status is, he is only a puppet of others.

There are some seventh-order elixir in my family, but they are not very precious.

I will follow the master in the future, and I shouldn't come back again. These elixir are dedicated to the master. "

"Is there an Immortal World Medicine Garden in the center of Immortal World Fragment? If there is, let's loot one, and we should be able to get a lot of good things."

"Naturally, there are quite a few medicine gardens, but I still want to persuade the master not to take the idea of ​​those medicine gardens lightly.

Fragments of the immortal world have fallen here for hundreds of thousands of years, and all the great powers of earth immortals have entered this place.

The relatively successful medicine garden has been searched many times.

Now we go over and can't find anything good.

As for the medicine garden that no one has turned over, do you dare to go, master? "

Wang Daoyuan thought about it carefully, and then nodded: "I really don't dare to go."

In a medicine garden that no one has been to for hundreds of thousands of years, the high-level spiritual plants in it should all become refined.

In the unlikely event that there is a monster or something in the medicine garden, after such a long time, there is still a sufficient supply of elixir, even a pig should cultivate into an immortal.

Coupled with the formation left by the true immortal, it is indeed not easy to obtain benefits.

Xuan Yuan continued: "In my opinion, it is better to wait for you, Master, to cultivate to the realm of great power before going to explore the medicine garden.

Cultivating subordinate forces is not in a hurry at this time. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly: "Then let's put this matter aside first, and transplant some of the spiritual transplants left by the lineage of the mysterious turtles, which is enough for the time being."

After all, he took out a piece of animal skin: "This was obtained when the five heroes of Longyuan were driven away before. You guys are good at formation, can you unlock the seal on the picture?"

Xuan Yuan took the animal skin and took a closer look: "This is indeed something from the Immortal Realm, but the person who placed the seal is extremely skillful, and his cultivation is not low.

With my little ability, it is impossible to break the seal without damaging the hide.

When my cultivation level is higher, there may be hope. "

"It seems that the content recorded on this animal skin is really unusual.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, you can't even break it. "

"My ability is nothing.

Master, my family's medicine garden is nearby. After we transplant the spiritual plant, we will leave the fairyland fragments as soon as possible. "

Wang Daoyuan was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Have you spotted something wrong?"

Peeping Heaven Mysterious Turtle nodded: "Even before you, Master, I sensed that I would encounter disaster.

Sure enough, as soon as he went out, he met the Soul Destroyer Dragon Eagle, and then met the Longyuan Wuxiong.

I thought it was over, but I still feel that there is danger, and the sense of crisis has not diminished in the slightest.

Next, it is very likely that there will be danger, which is even greater than the danger of Soul Destroyer Dragon Eagle and Longyuan Wuxiong. "

Wang Daoyuan also paid attention to it. Although he did not sense any crisis, the Profound Sky Turtle was born to spy on the secrets of the sky, and should be more authoritative than himself in this regard.

"Elixir medicine resources are things outside the body, the formation here is so clever, even if the things in the medicine garden are temporarily moved, they will not be taken away by others.

Pack up the urgently needed things as soon as possible, and we are ready to leave the fairyland fragments. "

"I already knew that you were coming, and everything that needs to be taken away is almost packed.

You wait a moment, I will take the things left by my ancestors, and we will leave this place together. "

Xuan Yuan turned into a prototype and burrowed into the lake.

At this moment, Wang Daoyuan suddenly noticed that the Qiankun Ring he was wearing had changed.

When I took out the things that had changed, I found that it was a fiery red jade pendant.

Wang Daoyuan's face changed greatly, this is the mother-in-law jade pendant that he prepared before he left the Seven Stars Sea Cultivation Realm.

At that time, he left two jade pendants for Uncle Twelve, one red and one white.

If you encounter trouble and can't solve it, just crush the white jade pendant and ask God Lord Hanxing for help.

If Han Xing Divine Sovereign can't handle it, he will crush the red jade pendant, and he will rush back to rescue as soon as possible.

It has only been less than ten years since he left the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

Unexpectedly, there was a big mess in Qixinghai so quickly.

After a while, Xuan Yuan climbed out of the lake again.

Seeing that Wang Daoyuan's face was not very good, he asked, "What's wrong with the master?"

Holding the broken jade pendant, Wang Daoyuan said, "There is an accident in the Seven Star Sea Xiu Xianjie, and we must rush back as soon as possible.

Now I just want to collect treasures, and there is no time at all.

The Seven Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World is my most important foundation, and most of the elites in the clan are there, so I can't afford to lose it. "

"That can't stay in the Fragment of Immortal Realm." Xuan Yuan took out two Universe Rings, "One of these two Universe Rings holds the inheritance of my family, and the ancient books left by the ancestors of all dynasties are in it.

The other is the treasures, refining materials and the like that are collected at random.

These things should be placed in the master's portable secret realm. "

Wang Daoyuan took two Qiankun Rings and received them into the Lingzhu space.

Leaving the Fragment of the Immortal World also had to rely on Black Stone.

Just the place to leave, it must be the place to come in.

Wang Daoyuan wanted to leave, but he could only return to the small valley he had broken through before.

"The movement caused by my previous breakthrough was too great, I'm afraid someone will be ambushed there.

Now in the past, I am afraid there will be no small danger.

Xuanyuan, is there any other place where the Fragments of the Immortal Realm can leave? "

Xuan Yuan nodded: "Yes, but the risk is greater.

Before this place fell, there were nine immortals fighting with the demons, and even the entire space was shattered.

Even after being repaired by Zhenxian, there are still many weak spots left.

Master, you have now broken through the Mahayana, and you can directly tear the space where the space is weak, and you have the opportunity to escape from the fairyland fragments.

It's just that the fragments of the immortal world and the space of the Qianyuan world interfere with each other. Here, the space is torn at will, and it is likely to be lost in the overlapping space.

Even an almighty would not dare to tear apart the space at will within the Fragment of Immortal Realm. "

"Well, then let's go to the small valley where I broke through.

I just broke out there and no one knew where I came in.

Also, I didn't get in touch with anyone else.

Even if someone is guarding the small valley, they will not recognize me. "

Xuan Yuan also nodded: "When I was looking for something before, I also spied on the secret.

Master, I didn't dare to look at your secrets, but I looked at my own.

I will be injured this time, but it will not be life-threatening, but will it be extremely peaceful.

After this calamity, there is an image of a trapped dragon ascending to the sky.

Presumably, this time the master, you are also in danger. "

With Xuan Yuan's words, Wang Daoyuan also had some confidence in his heart.

Imitation of the previous Longyuan Wuxiong's dress, change the costume.

He also used the art of disguise to fine-tune his appearance.

At the same time, the aura and law fluctuations are restrained, and only metallic spiritual power fluctuations are displayed.

After taking Xuan Yuan into the Lingzhu space, he left this place and headed northwest.

Not long after leaving the valley, I met other Terran monks.

A cultivator appeared behind Wang Daoyuan and shouted loudly, "Wait a moment, fellow Daoist in front."

Wang Daoyuan stopped when he heard the sound.

The cultivator rushed up and bowed his hands to Wang Daoyuan: "Fellow Daoist, are you also running for the vision?"

This man looks like a young man, with a strong figure and a black iron heavy sword on his back.

The breath is strong, and the cultivation base is obviously higher than himself, but it is still far from the realm of power.

Seeing this person, Wang Daoyuan thought of the junior brother Yuan Hong he met in the fantasy.

Although they don't look a lot alike, their auras are very similar.

"Yeah, I accidentally heard that there is a vision in the northwest direction, maybe there is a strange treasure in the world, so I want to go and see the excitement.

If you are lucky, you might get a piece of the pie.

So, fellow Daoist also came for the vision? "

The strong man nodded: "Yes, I am also here for this thing.

My name is Yuan Heng. As soon as I see my fellow Daoist, I feel very destined. Why don't we go together? "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "In the next week Ming, I met Yuan Daoyou.

Yuan Daoyou has a high level of cultivation, and he can walk with Yuan Daoyou.

Along the way, please take care of fellow Daoists. "

Yuan Heng smiled boldly: "What care is not taken care of, it is just pleasing to the eye of fellow Daoist Zhou, let's take care of each other."

Together, the two continued to go northwest.

The further you go, the more people there are.

Wang Daoyuan did not expect that his breakthrough in the Mahayana realm would cause such a big movement.

Soon, the two came to a small valley.

At this time, thirty or forty people had gathered in the valley.

These people were divided into two groups, standing on both sides of the underground cave in the small valley.

On the hills around the small valley, there are also some Mahayana monks watching the fun.

It's just that I am a little afraid of the people in the valley, and I dare not go forward easily.

Yuan Heng flew to the top of a mountain and pulled a middle-aged monk next to him: "Brother Zhao, what's the situation now?"

The middle-aged cultivator turned around and looked: "It's really you, I thought I was wrong.

You were chased and killed by a few monks before, but nothing happened. "

Yuan Heng said with a smile: "How can I say that I am also the descendant of Guiyuan Sword Immortal. I can't even deal with a few wild dogs. Isn't it a shame for the great master?"

At this moment, an elderly cultivator next to him smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Yuan has come to brag again, your grandfather is only the named disciple of Guiyuan Jianxian.

Without even learning Guiyuan Sword Intent, UU Reading dares to claim to be the descendant of Guiyuan Sword Immortal? "

Yuan Heng couldn't bear it on his face: "The named disciple is also a disciple, and Guiyuan Jianxian is not only Guiyuan Jianyi."

After that, he faltered to explain, what "one day is a teacher and a lifetime is a teacher and so on".

The monks around were amused by him laughing.

Wang Daoyuan knew in his heart that this guy should be Yuan Hong's grandson or his own disciple.

No wonder when I first saw him, I couldn't help but think of Yuan Hong. It turned out to be the grandson of Yuan Hong's younger brother.

At this moment, a handsome young man wearing a brocade robe came over and snorted coldly at the crowd: "Fellow Daoists are too much.

Yuan Daoyou's grandfather was indeed a disciple of Guiyuan Jianxian, and he died in battle while resisting the demons.

After the hero, there must be at least some respect.

Why do you all mock Yuan Daoyou so much? "

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