As soon as this handsome young man spoke, all the monks immediately stopped their laughter, as if they were very afraid of him.

Yuan Heng bowed his hands to the handsome young man and said, "Thank you, Young Master, for helping to clear the siege."

The handsome young man waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, which of the monks above the human race has not participated in the battle against demons?

Without those heroes, the Qianyuan Realm has now become the domain of the Demon Race.

It is also reasonable to make a relief after the hero. "

After all, he glanced at Wang Daoyuan, then flew down the mountain and landed in the small valley.

When two groups of people in the valley saw him coming, they bowed and saluted: "I have seen the son."

Seeing this situation, Wang Daoyuan was a little strange.

This handsome young man is only in the early stage of Mahayana cultivation. Although his talent is good, he can be regarded as a dragon and a phoenix among people.

But compared with myself, there is still some gap.

There are many middle Mahayana monks in the people below, so there is no need to be afraid of him.

He asked Yuan Heng in a low voice, "Fellow Daoist Yuan, what is the origin of this son, and why are these people so respectful to him?"

Yuan Heng did not dare to speak directly, but said in a voice transmission: "He is the direct disciple of the current Sect Master of the Seven Lights Sect, and a strong competitor for the next Sect Master.

The current suzerain of the Seven Lights Sect is the Seven Lights True Immortal, who is the number one powerhouse in the Qianyuan world today.

The direct descendant of the Seven Lights True Immortal, this is equivalent to a pro-grandson.

He was only a thousand years old, and he had already broken through the Mahayana realm.

In terms of talent, few in the world can match it. "

Hearing this, Wang Daoyuan understood.

When he fought against the Demon Race, the Seven Luminaries Fuxian was the second person of the Human Race after Master.

Even the great commander of the Demon Race at that time regarded him as an opponent of the same level.

When there is no Child of Luck, no one can hold him down.

Now that there is a real immortal in the Qianyuan world, he is indeed the most promising.

The grandson, the direct descendant of the first powerhouse, this identity is indeed scary enough.

Even if you can see him, you have to talk to each other.

These ordinary Mahayana monks naturally did not dare to stab him in front of him.

"This identity is indeed extraordinary. Why would such a person come to such a dangerous place as Immortal World Fragment?"

Yuan Heng shook his head gently: "Who knows this? Maybe it's to come out to experience.

After all, no matter how good the resources and elders' teachings are, they can't compare to the real fight.

If you want to grow up, fighting is inevitable.

What's more, the Seven Lights Sect Master is not only his direct disciple.

If only the cultivation talent is high, and other abilities are not strong, it is difficult to inherit the position of suzerain. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly and did not ask any more.

In the valley, a leading monk from each of the two groups stepped forward and talked with the handsome young man.

The handsome young man asked, "Did the two fellow Daoists find anything here?"

A strong man in black leather armor cupped his hands and said: "I have seen the son, we have just arrived here.

After searching in the valley for a long time, nothing special was found.

In addition to an empty cave, there is only this underground cave. "

Another elderly cultivator in a gray robe also shrugged: "I saw the son, and I went into the cave to search for it before.

The cave should have been opened recently, but there is no trace of magic attack, I don't know what method was used to excavate it.

We didn't find anything unusual and wanted to enter this underground cave.

It's just that we all wanted to be in the front, and there were some disputes. "

The handsome young man nodded and asked, "Have the two fellow Daoists ever seen that vision?"

Both of them shook their heads: "We also heard that there was a vision here, and we suspected that some kind of incredible treasure was born, so we came to try our luck.

This is the edge of the fairyland fragments, the spiritual energy is thin, and there are no high-level spiritual things.

Coupled with the closed terrain, very few people came over. "

The handsome young man said loudly, "Have fellow Daoists ever seen the vision here?"

Everyone shook their heads for a while, and no one had seen the situation here.

"It seems that I can only enter the underground cave and look for some clues."

At this time, the two leading monks knew what they were doing.

The direct descendant of the Seven Lights True Immortal Sun is here. There are many benefits here, and I have no share of my own.

Unless someone has the audacity to kill this guy.

The risk of killing the direct descendant of the Seven Lights True Immortal is too great.

The black armored cultivator cupped his hands and said, "I am willing to listen to your son's dispatch."

The gray-robed cultivator also quickly expressed his loyalty: "Only your son will follow his lead."

The handsome young man chuckled lightly: "Okay, since all fellow Daoists look down on it, I will issue an order.

Which Taoist friend would like to enter the underground cave and explore the situation inside? "

This time everyone was silent, and no one made a statement.

The handsome young man's face changed slightly: "Didn't the two fellow Daoists still fight for who should go first? Why are they silent now?"

Wang Daoyuan secretly said in his heart: This kid is still too tender. He was scrambling to go in just now, because he thought there were treasures in the cave.

Whoever gets in first will get it.

Treasures that can cause visions of heaven and earth are worth self-evident.

For such a treasure, it is worth the effort.

Now that the direct descendant of the Seven Lights True Immortal Sun is here, there is no benefit to him.

It's not worth the risk at all for a petty profit.

The business of beheading is rushing to do, and the business that loses money is not done.

The business in front of you is to risk decapitation, and to do a loss-making business, even a fool will not do it.

The two leaders hesitated for a long time, but they didn't think of any prevarication.

The handsome young man looked unhappy: "Are the two fellow Daoists making fun of me?"

The gray-robed old man was still relatively shrewd and said, "Young Master, forgive me, this old man suffered a lot of injuries when he fought with others.

If you take risks again, it may lead to the calamity of three declines. "

The black-armored cultivator glanced at the old man with an unfortunate face, and cursed inwardly: What an old fox, you gave this reason, what should I say?

To please the younger generation of the Seven Lights True Immortal, you can't take your life to please them.

In desperation, he had to accompany him with a smile and said: "Young master, your strength is limited, if you enter the underground cave rashly, you may risk your life in it.

This small rotten life is irrelevant, but if the treasure is disturbed, the sin will be big.

It's not as good as this, son, it's more secure for you to find a few more powerful cultivators. "

These two guys are so evasive, and the handsome young man is helpless.

"Since you don't want to go down first, let's go down together."

The black armored cultivator glanced around the valley and said with a smile: "We can't monopolize this kind of good thing, all the fellow Daoists who are watching the fun, come together."

The handsome young man nodded: "Fellow Daoists, let's come in together. There are many people and great strength. Even if there is any danger, it can be saved."

Wang Daoyuan could not wait to slaughter this black armored cultivator, thinking that when these people entered the underground cave, he would be able to enter the valley by himself.

Take out the black stone and escape from here.

But now it is troublesome to be carried into the underground cave together.

After all, taking out the black stone and leaving is not something that can be done in an instant.

Once someone takes the opportunity to sneak attack, it is dangerous.

Now I can only follow this group of people and enter the underground cave together, and then find an opportunity to come out.

As soon as the black armored cultivator said this, the cultivators watching the excitement around the valley glared at him.

The handsome young man saw this with a smile on his face: "According to the Taoist friend's words, this good thing can't be just for us, others should come too."

Wang Daoyuan calculated in his heart: Although the disciples and grandsons of the Seven Luminaries True Immortals have relatively little experience, they still know a little about the art of the emperor.

I agree with the method of the black armored cultivator, let the people watching the fun point the finger at the black armored cultivator, and he can pretend to be a good person himself.

The black-armored cultivator smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Yuan, you are the descendant of Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

Back then, when he fought against the Demon Race, his old man took the lead.

You, the heir, can't lose the prestige of his old man. "

Yuan Heng snorted coldly: "It's no problem to go in to hunt for treasure, but don't use the name of my great master casually.

If I die in the cave, it will be my own incompetence, and it has nothing to do with the great master. .

You people have not made any contribution to the human race, and are not qualified to speak the name of his old man. "

The black armored cultivator hit a nail, but he also achieved his goal and didn't say anything more.

A group of scattered cultivators who were watching the excitement also flew down the mountain and landed next to the underground cave.

Seeing that everyone didn't intend to go in, the black armored cultivator shouted angrily: "If you don't enter the cave now, how long do you want to wait?

Could it be that I have to wait for the young master to go down first and make way for you? "

The handsome young man did not say a word, acquiescing to the behavior of the black armored cultivator.

Wang Daoyuan and other cultivators who watched the lively were originally single people, at most two or three groups, but now they can't be twisted together.

Although there are many people, they can only be slaughtered by others.

A group of people were driven into the underground cave. In order to hide himself, Wang Daoyuan also mixed in with many scattered cultivators, trying not to start.

After the monks watching the fun entered the cave, the black armored monk and the black-robed old man also brought their own people into the underground cave.

The handsome young man followed behind and also entered the cave.

Entering the cave, it is a spacious stone room.

The shape of this stone room is very regular, and there are traces of array patterns on the stone walls.

Unlike a natural cave, it should have been excavated.

There are narrow passages in all directions of the stone room.

After everyone came in, the handsome young man followed.

He glanced around: "It seems that there may be treasures inside, this underground cave is not naturally formed, it should be artificially excavated.

The fragments of the fairyland originated from the fairyland, and the people who dig underground caves here must also be people from the fairyland.

The people of the fairyland have spent great efforts to dig caves, and there must be something extraordinary here. "

The gray-robed old man sent a flattering note: "Young Master is very right, the rock here is extremely hard, and it is not easy to dig.

The people of the Immortal Realm spent a lot of effort to dig this cave, which is definitely of great use.

Come to think of it, there must be some treasure hidden here. "

The handsome young man nodded with satisfaction: "Then fellow Daoists will investigate separately. If you find anything, come here and report it."

Wang Daoyuan despises in his heart: I don't dare to take risks, and I want people to give you the benefits, I think too much.

The cultivators dispersed, selected a passage, and entered with their respective companions.

Wang Daoyuan wanted to do something next, and didn't want to implicate Yuan Heng, the little disciple, so he didn't go all the way with him.

When he was choosing a passage, he just found a passage and drilled into it while he was not paying attention.

Yuan Heng picked the channel and shouted, "Fellow Daoist Zhou, let's go this way together."

Wang Daoyuan had already gone far, and naturally no one answered.

The other loose cultivators mocked for a while: "Yuan Heng, it seems that fellow Daoist Zhou doesn't want to go all the way with you."

Yuan Heng didn't take it seriously: "I met Daoyou Zhou halfway, and it was the first sight.

He doesn't want to go all the way with me, and he still wants to go all the way with you.

It is estimated that he found something, so he went to explore the way first. "

Wang Daoyuan chose a random passage, and he was going deep into it quickly, and soon ran out for dozens of miles.

The deeper you go, the more forks you encounter.

The rocks here are unusual, and I could not probe deeply with the domain supernatural powers before.

After tens of miles in depth, I don't worry that anyone can detect it.

Take Xuanyuan out of the Lingzhu space: "This is in an underground cave, the entrance to the cave is northwest of your home.

There is a small valley outside the entrance. There are no high-level spiritual veins. There were two Warcraft here before. Do you know where this is? "

Xuan Yuan was suddenly taken out of the Lingzhu space, and he was a little dazed.

After a while, he observed his surroundings.

"In the ancient books left by the ancestors, there is no record of the situation here.

However, I see that there are some iron and stone crystal debris underground on this rock wall.

Among the rock walls, there are also a small amount of iron and stone crystals, which are likely to be the mines left in the past. "

"Mines? Mines are still being mined near the defensive fortress?"

"Of course, the name of Tieshiguan comes from this Tieshijing.

When Tieshiguan was built, the location was very particular.

Underground is a huge iron stone crystal with a radius of thousands of miles.

Before the city was built, Zhenxian shot it, calcined it again, and engraved the vessel pattern.

The iron stone crystal is extremely strong, and it has a suppressing effect on many magic spells.

After some refining, the strength is greatly improved.

Even if true immortals and true demons take action, they cannot invade Tieshiguan from the ground.

It is precisely because of the huge iron stone crystals in the ground that this iron stone gate is indestructible.

There are such large iron stone crystals near Tieshiguan, and there are naturally many iron stone crystal mines around. "

"The entire Guancheng Fortress is built with iron stone crystals.

Then the real immortal took action, smelting the iron stone crystals with spirit fire, and fused the fortress with the large iron stone crystals underground.

The Guancheng Fortress has a lot of buildings and needs a lot of iron and stone crystals.

There are many mines around, which is not surprising. "

"There are indeed magical beasts in the Fragments of the Immortal Realm, I have seen them all.

However, there are more fairy monsters here.

Those monsters usually don't dare to show their faces, and it's normal to hide in this mine. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly: "It seems that those people outside are thinking too much, thinking that there will be some treasures here.

Now it looks like it's just an ordinary mine. UU Reading”

Xuan Yuan shook his head again and again: "It doesn't have to be an ordinary mine.

Many mines at that time were blocked after the iron and stone crystals were mined.

There are only a few mines left, which are used to store spiritual things, set up traps, ambush people, or escape routes and the like.

There is no sign of any blockage in this mine. Eighty percent is the latter, and the owner must not take it lightly. "

"In addition to the opening outside, are there any other exits in the mine?"

Xuan Yuan shook his head with a wry smile: "Master, you really think highly of me, although our family lives near Tieshiguan, we have never had anything to do with the human race, and the well water of both sides does not violate the river water.

This mine was mined by the human race. I peeped at the Tianxuangui family, and I have never been involved in this matter.

I don't know how the mines are distributed.

However, if this mine is a warehouse for storing spiritual things, there may be fairy world treasures. "

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