Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1287: something big

The handsome young man smiled and said, "It just so happens that I also want to see the power of the Immortal Realm formation."

The gray-robed old man urged the compass, and streamers of light were released from the compass, and soon the shadows of the stone gate and the stone wall were formed.

Restrictions appeared one by one, exactly the same as those on the stone gate and surrounding stone walls.

It's just that between the bans, there are many more streamers, constantly flowing between the bans.

The spiritual power flow route of this formation is more complicated than all formations Wang Daoyuan has seen before.

In each prohibition, there will be multiple spiritual powers, which are connected with different prohibitions.

Moreover, the direction of these spiritual power flows is constantly changing.

If you want to analyze the flow of spiritual power in the entire array, the difficulty is dozens of times that of the sixth-order high-grade array.

Fortunately, the Mahayana cultivator is connected to the heaven, and the strength of the primordial spirit is much higher than that of the cultivator, and the analysis speed is also much faster.

The handsome young man and the gray-robed old man sat cross-legged on the ground, and their divine sense penetrated into the shadow of the streamer.

Wang Daoyuan also stared at the phantom carefully, trying to see the true mystery of the Immortal Realm formation.

The black armored cultivator mocked: "Young Master and Fellow Daoist Lin both have brilliant array formations, and they have to analyze formation formations for a long time. With you, an unknown scattered cultivator, what clues do you want to see?"

Wang Daoyuan did not reply. As an array mage, he knew very well that when analyzing the array, he was most afraid of interference.

Once interrupted, the previous analysis may be lost.

Sure enough, the handsome young man and the gray-robed old man opened their eyes and glared at the black armored cultivator.

The gray-robed old man reprimanded: "Fellow Daoist Hong, haven't you seen others break the formation?

When analyzing the formation, you need to pay full attention.

A little bit of trouble can lead to failure.

What's more, my son and I were analyzing the Immortal Realm formation, which was probably the eighth or even ninth-order formation before.

Its complexity is by no means comparable to general array methods.

Just a little bit of eyebrows before, I was disturbed by you. "

The handsome young man also smiled and said, "Daoyou Hong, Daoyou Zhou has no enmity with you, just didn't listen to your orders.

In my opinion, Daoyou Zhou is not very old, and he must be a genius with extraordinary talent.

Such a person should be somewhat arrogant. If you want to push him, it will inevitably arouse his disgust.

You are also a long-established Mahayana cultivator, so why target a junior in the early Mahayana stage? "

The black armored cultivator apologized again and again, saying that he would no longer target Wang Daoyuan.

However, looking at Wang Daoyuan's eyes, there is still a threatening look.

The handsome young man and the gray-robed old man entered the meditation again, continuing Wang Daoyuan and continuing to stare at the streamer shadow on the compass.

Soon, three days passed.

Both the handsome young man and the gray-robed old man woke up from the meditation, and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

The gray-robed old man had an excited look on his face: "I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to see such a brilliant formation. After I understand this, I will retreat for a while.

After exiting the customs, my level in the formation method should improve by leaps and bounds. "

The handsome young man also looked excited: "My Seven Lights Sect's formation, although not the top in the Qianyuan world, is definitely not bad.

But compared with the formation on the stone wall and the stone gate, it is still inferior. "

The black armored cultivator quickly asked, "Young Master, Fellow Daoist Lin, have you analyzed this formation clearly?"

The handsome young man shook his head: "It's not that easy, I can only analyze a small part of the formation when I join forces with fellow Daoist Lin.

There are many problems when this formation is arranged.

Now that at least 300,000 years have passed, there are more problems.

After spending a few days with fellow Daoist Lin, we finally found a flaw in it.

Through this flaw, the formation can already be broken.

If you want to fully analyze the formation, even if the Earth Immortal comes, I am afraid it will take a long time. "

The gray-robed old man pointed his sword to the phantom on the compass, and soon a bright silver spot appeared on the compass.

At the same time, a spot of light appeared on the stone gate, swimming around the corner of the stone gate.

This spot appears and disappears from time to time.

It appeared for a very short period of time, and the monks with low cultivation levels would probably not be able to see this light spot.

Wang Daoyuan has never seen such a formation. If the normal formation cannot analyze all the flow of spiritual power, it will not be able to find the real weakness.

If there is a residual formation, there is a slight possibility that this situation may occur.

"Fellow Daoist Hong, we have only analyzed a small part of this formation.

After the weakness of the array flows to the unanalyzed place, the light spot will disappear.

When the flare appears, you attack the flare with all your might.

Fellow Daoist Zhou, you also help. "

Both Wang Daoyuan and the black armored cultivator nodded, waiting for the light spot to appear next time.

Soon, a spot of light appeared on the Shimen.

A sword shadow condensed in Wang Daoyuan's hand and stabbed it instantly.

The black armored cultivator also condensed a black gun shadow, stabbing the light spot.


The moment the light spot appeared, the shadow of the gun and the shadow of the sword stabbed together.

The formation on the stone gate shattered, and the stone gate shook violently.

Although the two attacked sharply and broke the formation, Shimen was unscathed.

The handsome young man patted his palms and praised: "Daoyou Hong's Night Shadow Soul Breaking Gun really lives up to its reputation. It won't be long before you call your fellow Daoist the Soul Breaking God Venerable."

The black armored cultivator waved his hands again and again: "Young master is so rude, I can still see through the loose cultivators with this little skill.

When encountering a monk of the same rank with a large force, I am afraid that they will not even have the strength to fight back. "

Afterwards, the handsome young man asked Wang Daoyuan, "Although Daoyou Zhou's cultivation level is not high, his sword cultivation skills are not weak, and that sword shadow seems to have the flavor of sword shadow art."

The sword shadow that Wang Daoyuan used before was the sword shadow magic.

This spell was improved on the basis of Sword and Shadow Technique, and there was no other change except for turning the ancient divine sword into his own long sword.

Later, Wang Daoyuan got the follow-up content of Sword and Shadow Technique in the inheritance of the Valley of Beasts and continued to practice.

This is also the only seventh-order spell that Wang Daoyuan can cast now, and his strength is naturally not weak.

A sword shadow can fully exert his full strength, which is not inferior to the full blow of the long sword body.

Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands and said, "Young master's eyes are like torches, this sword and shadow technique has been widely spread, and I also got this technique by accident.

After so many years of hard work, I got a little bit into the realm, and let the young master see a joke. "

"Fellow Daoist Zhou is too modest, although this sword shadow technique is widely spread, it is an extremely clever technique.

This spell appeared in ancient times and was created by imitating the long swords of ten sword fairies.

It has been widely circulated in later generations, but most of them have been incomplete.

The ten swords have disappeared for a long time, and the monks in the Qianyuan world today probably have never seen the ten swords.

Therefore, there are very few visualization pictures in the popular sword shadow technique.

Daoyou Zhou abandoned the Divine Sword Sword Shadow and replaced it with his own sword. Although the upper limit of power was lower, the lower limit was much higher.

If you can think of such a method, fellow Daoist is also a genius. "

"Young Master is wrong, and I also got the inheritance of others.

With my ingenuity, I have exhausted my energy by accumulating resources to improve my cultivation, and I have no time to improve my spells. "

The handsome young man said with a smile: "Daoist friends are extremely talented, and if you have the opportunity in the future, you can worship under my Seven Lights Sect.

My grandfather likes to collect various inheritances and borrow the wisdom of others to improve his own strength.

He also collected several versions of the inheritance of this sword and shadow technique.

I have also seen visual images of three of the divine swords, all handed down from ancient times.

With the talent of fellow Daoists, if you can look at these visualizations, the power of the sword and shadow technique will surely rise to a higher level. "

Wang Daoyuan realized in his heart that he wanted to win over himself.

Wang Daoyuan pretended to be very excited: "Then I would like to thank the son. After leaving the Fragment of the Immortal Realm, I will definitely go to the Seven Lights Sect and follow the son."

The handsome young man nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, then I will definitely persuade Master to accept you as a direct disciple."

While speaking, the black armored cultivator brought out a pitch-black spear and was trying to pry at the stone gate.

This guy is taking the way of body training, and his body is extremely powerful.

The sound of "click, click" kept coming, and the heavy stone door was actually pried up.

There was a dazzling light behind the stone gate. This was not an attack, but the precious light emitted by the treasure.

Looking inside through the stone gate, there is an extremely spacious stone room with a large number of shelves placed in the stone room.

These shelves are also forged with iron stone crystals and smelted into one with the stone chamber floor.

On the outermost shelf, there are many refining materials.

Most of these refining materials were never seen before by Wang Daoyuan.

Just looking at its spiritual power fluctuations, it is at least the seventh-order peak.

As for the higher level, with his cultivation base and knowledge, he can't tell the difference at all.

On the back shelf, there are many jade bottles and jade boxes.

There are generally two types of treasures preserved in jade bottles and jade boxes.

Either medicine pills, elixir and other things that are easy to lose their essence, or some relatively fragile treasures.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the fragments of the fairy world have fallen, and 80% of them have nothing left.

Behind the many shelves, there was a burst of killing intent.

This killing intent didn't come from people, but from a certain magic weapon.

A magical weapon that has been covered in dust for hundreds of thousands of years can still maintain such power. How powerful should it be back then?

As soon as the stone gate opened, the breathing of the four became heavy.

The black armored cultivator was a little stunned, and walked towards the stone gate involuntarily.

Young Master Junxiu's face changed greatly, and he quickly shouted: "Hang Daoyou, wait a minute, there may be..."

Before he finished speaking, the black armored cultivator walked in.

He picked up a pitch-black stone: "This is the void stone, the seventh-order high-grade void stone."

The void stone is one of the most common space materials, refining the universe ring, arranging the teleportation array, and more advanced secret realms, are all inseparable from this thing.

The seventh-order high-grade empty ghost stone can already be used to arrange high-level teleportation arrays and open up secret realms.

The value of this stuff is immeasurable.

Afterwards, he took out a few pieces of precious refining materials and was as happy as a child.

This guy has been fine, and the handsome young man finally let go of his guard and walked in.

When the gray-robed old man saw that they had all gone in, he did not hesitate any longer and walked into the warehouse.

Wang Daoyuan was not in a hurry to go in, it was a bit strange.

It is filled with various treasures, obviously a treasure trove.

A treasure house of this level, the formation method turned out to be a thing with obvious flaws.

Although it may be that the formation has been damaged over time, it may also be a trap.

After the gray-robed old man entered the treasure house, like the black armored cultivator, he held various treasures like crazy.

They did not put these things into their Qiankun Rings, but held treasures in their arms like ordinary people.

This situation, no matter how you look at it, looks like a trick.

Before figuring out the situation, Wang Daoyuan did not dare to go in easily.

But there are so many treasures in front of you, if you don't get some benefits, you are really unwilling.

After all, that handsome young man came from a great power like the Seven Lights Sect, and he had seen many treasures.

He walked to the shelf and carefully distinguished whether the treasures were real or fake, and did not go crazy with the treasures.

After half an hour, he found that Wang Daoyuan had not come in.

Looking at Wang Daoyuan who was still standing outside the treasury, he asked, "Why didn't you come in? These are all rare treasures."

Wang Daoyuan looked like he was ingratiating: "Daoyou Lin and Daoyou Hong are so rude, and their subordinates go in, I am afraid it will be the same.

If there is any danger, no one will protect the son.

The subordinates are guarding outside, always answering the son. "

The handsome young man nodded with satisfaction: "You still think well, then you can wait outside and help me see the way forward."

After saying that, he put a large piece of empty space stone in his hand into his Qiankun ring.

The black armored cultivator and the gray-robed old man also reacted and put all the treasures in their arms into their Qiankun Rings.

The speed of the three Mahayana monks collecting things is very terrifying.

Not too many meetings, the refining materials on the hundreds of shelves were all collected.

Further inside, there are those jade boxes, jade bottles and the like.

The three of them are not fools. Knowing that the treasures in these jade boxes and jade bottles are basically useless, they ignored them and walked straight to the depths of the treasure house.

There are a large number of magical instruments here, and the lowest grade is also the seventh-tier middle-grade.

In the center of many instruments, there is a dark golden spear, which continuously releases bursts of killing intent.

When the black armored cultivator saw the spear, his eyes were straight.

Ignoring other people's obstructions, he rushed forward, grabbed the spear, and pulled it up sharply.


As soon as the spear was pulled out, it was like a dull thunder sounded underground.

The ground and walls were shaking violently, and the shelves made of iron stone crystals collapsed one after another.

Everything in the treasury shattered like a bubble, the treasure light disappeared, and the treasury became a dusty, dilapidated stone chamber.

The long spear in the hands of the black armored cultivator has not changed, and still exudes a strong killing intent.

The place where the spear was originally placed has become a weird skeleton.

This skeleton looks a bit like a crocodile, although only the bones are left, the teeth are still full of cold light.

In the hollow eye sockets, a faint blue flame was burning.

There is also a neck bone behind the skeleton, which slowly extends below the stony ground.

This should be a complete skeleton, with half of its body buried in the rock layer, and a huge basalt statue on its back.

The basalt statue is not an ordinary thing, the breath of the beast exudes, so that Wang Daoyuan is a little frightened.

With Xuanwu on his back to suppress him, he also had a high-grade murderous spear stuck in his head.

No matter how you look at it, this seems to be suppressing an extremely dangerous devil.

This is a big event. The long spear that suppressed one of the treasures was pulled out, and the suppression force was weakened by half or even more.

What will happen next, Wang Daoyuan can't even think about it.

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