Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1288: 4 million miles in an instant

At this time, Wang Daoyuan didn't care what kind of monster the skeleton was, the whole person turned into a silver light and fled out along the way.

Soon, a powerful suction burst out from the treasure house.

Wang Daoyuan cast Silver Light Escape, very fast.

But under this suction, he couldn't move an inch, and instead was sucked back continuously.

Not only that, the primordial spirit also showed signs of instability, as if it would leave the body at any time.

If you continue, you will have to become the monster's snack.

"This is really bad, there is a Xuanwu statue on his back, and he can have such power.

If he is allowed to continue to inhale and accumulate more spiritual power, one day he will be able to get rid of the suppression of Xuanwu.

At that time, the entire immortal world fragment may suffer. "

"This guy just got rid of a part of the seal, and it is when he regains his strength that the suction will become stronger and stronger.

If you don't get rid of the suction, I'm afraid your life will be hard to save. "

At this time, a huge whirlwind appeared in Wang Daoyuan's Heavenly Dao container.

Massive amounts of the power of the Heavenly Dao gathered together, left the small world, and entered the Wang Dao Yuan Yuan Spirit.

Wang Daoyuan also had a mysterious power with sharp energy, which was the metallic Dao Yun.

After using the power of the heavenly way, Wang Daoyuan's silver light escaped the power greatly increased, and finally withstood the suction force and no longer retreated.

However, the speed of progress is not fast, and it is not bad to be able to run a hundred miles in an hour.

Expand the domain supernatural power and want to weaken the suction.

But as soon as the field was opened, it was instantly broken.

Wang Daoyuan suddenly had a splitting headache, the domain was forcibly destroyed, the soul was shaken, and the soul was not lightly injured.

Endure the pain and move forward.

After dozens of breaths, a fork appeared in front of Wang Daoyuan.

"Finally a fork in the road."

Immediately cast the earth attribute spell, build a stone wall behind, and block the passage that you are walking.

If there is no fork, the suction will be concentrated in one place. With Wang Daoyuan's strength, the stone wall cannot stand at all.

In the case of a branch road, if one side is blocked, the suction will be concentrated in the unobstructed channel on the other side.

With less pressure on the stone wall, it will last longer.

Sure enough, after the formation of the stone wall, it did not collapse in an instant, but only one after another cracks appeared.

Wang Daoyuan didn't dare to waste time, he used his escape technique with all his strength and fled outside.

I felt fortunate in my heart: "Fortunately, I resisted the temptation before and did not enter the treasure house.

Otherwise, all he can do now is to hide in the Lingzhu space to save his life.

But I don't know how strong the skeleton was before he was alive, and whether the spirit bead can hold it or not is still a matter of choice. "

After more than ten breaths, a muffled sound came, the stone wall completely collapsed, and pieces of gravel were also sucked away.

In the ten-odd time, Wang Daoyuan has also run a long distance.

And at the next fork in the road, the old trick was repeated, and a stone wall was arranged.

After repeating this more than ten times, he finally escaped from the underground cave and came to the small valley outside.

At this time, the suction from the depths of the cave had spread to the outside.

Above the valley, a huge cyclone appeared, and the soil, rocks and vegetation were continuously sucked into the cyclone.

Just in the open area, the suction is scattered, and it is not enough to threaten the Mahayana monks.

There wasn't a single monk in the valley, and those people either ran away long ago, or didn't come out at all.

As for the young disciple, Sun Yuanheng, Wang Daoyuan didn't have the ability to take care of it.

He immediately flew to the position where he had just come in, took out the small black stone before, and injected spiritual power.

Leaving the Fragment of Immortal Realm is much more laborious than entering.

Blackstone absorbed spiritual power for more than ten breaths before a light curtain appeared in front of him.

Walking into the light curtain, the eyes were black, and then the scene changed drastically.

He stood under a white jade-colored stone mountain, with a pitch-black sea to the north, and cracks in the space to the east.

Wang Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally came out alive."

As soon as he relaxed, there was severe pain in his head, and Wang Daoyuan almost burst into tears.

After the breakthrough, I wanted to kill a few more seventh-order monsters along the way.

In this state, it is not bad to not be counter-killed by monsters.

He simply sacrificed the Lei Peng warship and plunged into Jue Tian Yuan.

As soon as he entered Juetianyuan, Guiyuan Jianxian's voice came over: "Daoyuan, what's wrong with you? It seems that your soul is seriously injured."

Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands due west and said, "A sealed monster was found in the Fragment of Immortal Realm, and someone greedily took one of the treasures.

The monster regained some of its power, and I almost didn't come out.

I have soul tree in my hand, soul injury is nothing, Master don't have to worry about it. "

After all, he took out a wooden bottle refined by Huangquanliu from the Lingzhu space.

After opening it, swallow the silver mist in it.

After this energy entered the body, it turned into a cool breath and poured into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Pass through the small world shell, enter the heavenly container, and finally gather into the primordial spirit.

The primordial spirit is nourished, and the pain of the soul is instantly relieved.

Although it will not disappear completely, it has no effect on thinking.

"Then you can rest assured as a teacher. If your soul is injured, if there is no treasure, I am afraid that it will take hundreds of years to recover before you can fully recover.

What's with the monster you're talking about? "

"I also couldn't see the whole picture of the monster, the monster was sealed in a small valley on the northwest edge of the fairyland fragment.

I went to find treasure with a few loose cultivators, and one of them accidentally bumped into it and pulled out the dark gold spear stuck in the monster's head.

The monster's body has turned into white bones, and its head is a bit like a crocodile.

Half of the skeleton is exposed, and half is buried in rock formations.

The long spear stuck on his head is also a murderous soldier, and he exudes killing intent when he has no owner.

There is also a basalt stone statue on the monster's back. I didn't enter the stone room, but I was shocked by the power of the basalt god.

As soon as the spear was drawn, a powerful suction suddenly appeared.

The disciple expended a lot of Heavenly Dao's power to barely escape.

I wanted to use the domain supernatural power to resist the suction, but the supernatural power was broken in an instant, and the soul injury was left at that time. "

Guiyuan Jianxian was silent for a long time, and then the voice came again: "It seems that this monster is really unusual, your vision is special, and the power of the divine beast is greatly reduced in front of you.

Even if it is an eighth-order Xuanwu real body, its divine might does not have much effect on you.

To be able to shock you from a distance, the rank of the basalt stone statue must be at least the eighth-rank peak, or even the ninth-rank.

This kind of Xuanwu can't be suppressed, and there must be a fierce soldier to suppress the primordial spirit.

Just pulling out the murderous soldiers and holding the basalt stone statue, the monster can instantly break your domain supernatural power.

This kind of strength is at least the level of Earth Immortal.

After being suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years, and yet to be completely broken out, he can display such strength, and his peak strength during his lifetime should far exceed that of the Earth Immortal.

If such a thing can escape the fragments of the fairy world, the entire Qianyuan world will have a catastrophe.

I hope that the true immortals of Qianyuan Realm can suppress this monster.

Daoyuan, before you cultivate to the top power, don't enter the fairy world easily. "

Wang Daoyuan bowed his hands: "Master, don't worry, I won't make fun of my life."

Wang Daoyuan rushed in the direction of Qixinghai in Juetianyuan, and at the same time, he used the essence of Nourishing Soul Wood to continuously treat the wounds of his soul.

After more than a month, Wang Daoyuan's soul injury completely recovered.

At this time, he no longer stayed in Jue Tian Yuan.

After saying goodbye to Master, Wang Daoyuan returned to the north of Jue Tian Yuan.

Although the speed of the warship is fast, it will take years to rush back.

Uncle Twelve crushed the jade pendant and asked for help. It should be very urgent over the Seven Star Seas, and there is not much time to delay.

Now that we have reached the Mahayana realm, we can already tear apart the space.

According to legend, the Mahayana monks can tear apart the space and can travel millions of miles in an instant.

This speed is much faster than the Lei Peng warship.

Wang Daoyuan let go of his thoughts and carefully sensed the fluctuations in the surrounding space.

In his perception, there are two worlds around.

One is the real world, and the other is a world made entirely of the laws of space.

The world formed by this space law overlaps with the real world.

For ordinary people and people with low cultivation, the two worlds are completely parallel and do not interfere with each other.

But for Mahayana monks, the two worlds are very closely connected, and they can use the space world to influence the real world.

The supernatural powers of the Wangdaoyuan domain are deployed, mobilizing their own strength and attacking the space law world in front of them.

The space world was torn open, and a dark space crack appeared at the same location in the real world.

Wang Daoyuan got into the crack of space, and everything in front of him was pitch black, without a trace of the real world.

But the world formed by the laws of space has not changed.

Wandering in the world formed by the laws of space, in an instant, he appeared where he wanted to go.

The space world is torn apart again, and space cracks appear in the real world.

Wang Daoyuan walked into the space crack, and the scene of the real world appeared again in front of him.

In an instant, he moved more than ten thousand miles away.

This time, Wang Daoyuan understood the reason why the Mahayana cultivator traveled millions of miles in an instant.

This is to avoid the influence of the real world and walk completely in the world of space laws.

The teleportation array is also the whole truth, avoiding the real world and walking completely in the world of space laws.

Having mastered the basic means of rapidly moving the tearing space, Wang Daoyuan intends to move farther.

After a while, he tore the space again, entered the space crack, and moved out.

This time, Wang Daoyuan felt a different place. Last time, he only moved more than ten thousand miles away, and he was not greatly affected.

This time, after he moved 100,000 miles away, his body felt a huge pressure.

It's like the body is buried in the sand, and the internal organs are being squeezed.

He used the technique of transforming dragons, wrapping a layer of dragon scales around his body, and the feeling of squeezing was relieved a lot.

After flying 300,000 miles, the feeling of squeezing became stronger.

Until about 500,000 miles, Wang Daoyuan couldn't hold it anymore.

If you continue to stay in the space world, I am afraid that the internal organs will be seriously damaged.

In desperation, he had to tear apart the space world on the spot and answer the real world.

"My current hard power should be no worse than that of the middle Mahayana monks. It is said that the Mahayana monks tear apart the space, millions of miles in an instant.

How come I can't hold it at all after only 500,000 miles? "

I originally wanted to take Xuanyuan out of the Lingzhu space, but then I thought about it, this guy has been staying in the fragments of the fairyland, where the space world is very chaotic, and no one dares to tear the space.

He had to take out the gourd of Refining God: "Lian Shen, I heard that a Mahayana cultivator can tear apart the space and can travel a million miles in an instant.

But I only moved 500,000 miles to tear the space, and I couldn't hold on at all. What point am I worse than the average Mahayana monk? "

Lian Shen came out of the gourd and laughed loudly: "These old liars have deceived a newcomer again."

Wang Daoyuan was confused: "What do you mean?"

Lian Shen continued: "Millions of miles in an instant is a lie, and the space world is under great pressure.

Although the existence of the real world binds the Mahayana monks, it also resists the pressure of space for the Mahayana monks.

When you tear apart the space and break away from the real world, the **** is gone, and the pressure of the space is completely carried by your own fleshly body.

The further you fly in the space world, the more stressful you get.

Even after the old master cultivated to the realm of great power, he could only use the space world to reluctantly move out a million miles.

Generally, a Mahayana cultivator who has just broken through can move beyond 100,000 miles. "

"Then why is there a saying that a Mahayana monk can travel a million miles in an instant?"

"Who knows which old Mahayana monk is, to coax the monks below the Mahayana, which led to the widespread spread of this saying.

In order to maintain their own mystery, other Mahayana monks also unified the caliber. "

"Then you are not afraid that the younger generation will expose this lie after breaking through the Mahayana realm?"

Lian Shen looked disdainful: "Who will expose it? After the junior broke through, he also became a Mahayana monk.

This lie can maintain its own mystery and improve its own image. There is no harm in it, why should it be exposed?

Back then, Han Xing and Zhu Xing had this question too, so they went to ask the old master.

The old master said that they had insufficient foundations to be able to travel a million miles in an instant, but these two fools actually believed it.

It took a long time to think about it, but they also concealed this matter and claimed to be able to travel millions of miles in an instant. "

Wang Daoyuan's face was a little strange: "Senior Brother Zhuxing and Senior Brother Hanxing also did the same thing, and Master Duxian, their image in my heart collapsed.

A group of Mahayana monks united to deceive the younger generation, and they were really thick-skinned. "

Lian Shen glanced at him sideways: "If you say that you can't travel a million miles in an instant, those cultivators will not believe you at all, and they will think that you are weak.

Other Mahayana monks will also isolate you because you have exposed the lie, and it will not do you any good.

If someone asked you how far the space moved, what would you say? "

Wang Daoyuan pondered for a while: "I am the son of luck, an unborn genius, a direct disciple of Guiyuan Jianxian, and the hope of Qianyuan Realm. How can I be the same as those other old liars?"

Lian Shen was quite surprised: "Do you really have the courage to break the lie?"

"I will tell others that I am extremely talented and strong, and I can move five million miles in space by tearing space."

"Bah, you're more shameless than those old liars."

"Those people who move 100,000 miles in space dare to claim a million miles and blow nine times the bull.

I can move 500,000 miles in space, which is called 5 million miles, but it is also a bull that blows nine times. Is there any problem? "

"People blow out an extra 900,000 miles, but you blow out an extra 4.5 million miles."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "It's a bit too much, I'd better keep it and claim that it will be enough to move four million miles in an instant."

With a look of contempt on Lian Shen's face, Wang Daoyuan glanced at him: "What else do you want to say? Do you want to be refined by Xianxian Ding for hundreds of years?"

Lian Shen put on a flattering smile: "The master is wise and martial, and he can travel four million miles in an instant when he first enters the Mahayana.

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