Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 798: Zhou Luan Jieying

Xuan Bing Lao Tortoise has the blood of basalt, the sacred beast, basaltic, is the most powerful of the sacred beasts, and it also has a strong suppressive force.

The semi-divine beasts of the basalt bloodline are also far better than ordinary monsters in flesh.

Monster beasts that can fight with their flesh are rare.

Seeing the upper hand, the old turtle sneered: "Dare to fight the flesh with the blood of Xuanwu, and don't know what to do."

Wang Daoyuan didn't take it seriously either. This time he played against him, and he also tested out Xuan Bing Laogui's ability.

The higher the cultivation level, the less the monster beast has an advantage over human beings. This old tortoise is at the top level of the mid-Yuan Ying.

In addition, the semi-divine beasts have supernatural powers, and their strength is equivalent to the level of the late Yuan Ying.

Yinglong Demon Sword can slay the cultivator of Yuanying Peak with supernatural powers, and it doesn't take all of his strength to deal with such a miscellaneous king.

It's just that it's hard to catch it, and it's a pity to kill it like this, you have to find a way to draw out other Tier 5 monsters that may exist.

More than 10,000 years ago, Tier 5 monster beasts were not rare, and if two survived, there could be more.

The old tortoise took advantage, so naturally he wanted to solve Wang Daoyuan as soon as possible.

He opened his big mouth and sprayed a large amount of ice-attribute spiritual power towards the Golden Horn Peak.

This spiritual power left the mouth of the old tortoise and turned into a cold wind.

The Falling Star was originally a large oasis, with many springs and rivers, and the water aura was relatively strong.

When encountering this cold wind, it turns into snow all over the sky.

This trick is similar to the snow and cold weather of the Wind and Snow Palace, and its power should not be underestimated.

Wang Daoyuan didn't care about this trick, but Zhou Luan absorbed the gifts from heaven and earth below.

He didn't dare to evade, his supernatural powers unfolded, and all the surrounding auras were transformed into fire spiritual powers.

Then the Chiyang real fire was released to protect the Golden Horn Peak.

After all, the aura of Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm was still too thin, limiting the power of the domain's supernatural powers.

There are more than a dozen fourth-order spiritual veins nearby, and the aura produced can only protect the Golden Horn Peak.

Of course, the old tortoise is also choking.

He is an ice-attribute monster, and his supernatural powers should also be related to ice.

Even away from the extremely cold ice field, he can't exert his full strength.

The cold wind was dissipated by the real fire of Chi Yang, and the old turtle exclaimed: "The realm supernatural power, such a person has appeared in the human race."

After that, the whole body exudes an icy breath.

Within a hundred miles of his body, there was a cold wind whistling, and there was also a strong law of power in it. This should be his magical power.

Wang Daoyuan would not watch him display his magical powers, using his domain magical powers to exhaust all the aura around the old turtle.

Then control the Chiyang real fire, constantly invading the vicinity of the old turtle, consuming the power of the cold wind.

The old tortoise can only rely on its own strength to fight against the surrounding flames.

He didn't dare to fight any more, the cold wind gradually narrowed, and finally formed a fist-sized ice blue ball, which contained amazing power.

The old turtle was also sinister enough, instead of attacking Wang Daoyuan with this small ball, he attacked Jinjiao Mountain.

The layer of flame on the Golden Horn Mountain was simply not enough to block the full blow of the old turtle.

The old turtle mocked: "Your supernatural powers have great potential, but your methods are too superficial.

If you can develop some potential, I am not your opponent at all, but now you are still far away. "

Wang Daoyuan didn't care too much, took out a three-inch tall purple-gold tower from his sleeve, and smashed it towards the hockey puck.

An exquisite pig-killing cry came from the small tower: "Brother help, he is a Tier 5 middle-grade monster and has a small supernatural power. I am not his opponent."

Wang Daoyuan was a little helpless: "What you say is the foundation of the seventh-order magic weapon, let alone a fifth-order middle-rank miscellaneous bastard, even the fifth-order pinnacle can't help you.

Pack him up, and I will give you some more spiritual fire when I look back. "

As soon as Linghuo heard about it, Linglong became energetic at that time.

The strength of Linglong Tower should be far above Master, Master's strength Wang Daoyuan knows well.

It is very difficult to deal with this ice turtle. There is also a water turtle overseas. Master is not an opponent at all.

Linglong is different. The body can directly absorb the spiritual power of the nine attributes and transform it into its own power.

Coupled with the extremely high intensity, Tier 5 monsters can't break it at all.

Linglong Tower rose to more than three feet high, and Xuanbing Laogui's hockey puck was directly collected into the tower.

Now the old tortoise's face was green, and he thought he was winning, but the ultimate move was gone.

Old Tortoise Xuan Bing is not in love with fighting, turning around and running away.

How could Wang Daoyuan make him wishful? Manipulating aura condenses a wall of fire in front of him, reducing the speed of escape.

On the other hand, he sacrificed the Guiyuan sword and waved his hand to cut out a few sword lights.

The old tortoise also knows the goods, knowing that ordinary methods are difficult to resist.

The speed of sword repairing spells is extremely fast, and it is difficult for the demon bird to avoid it.

Turtle monsters are not good at speed, and there is no hope for escape.

He quickly revealed his true body and turned into a black tortoise with a diameter of hundreds of feet.

The head, limbs, and tail are all contained in the tortoise shell, and a thick layer of blue ice armor is condensed on the body.

Xuanwu's specialty is defense, and this old turtle is not weak in defense.

A few sword lights slashed on the turtle shell, only knocking out some ice cubes.

Since he couldn't escape, Wang Daoyuan played with him slowly.

Offering a Molong Halberd, he stabbed the old turtle a few times eastward and westward.

The old tortoise was going to fight to the end, rather than showing up.

Wang Daoyuan also planned to draw out other Tier 5 monsters, so he didn't kill him.

Half an hour later, the purple-gold auspicious clouds above the Golden Horn disappeared, and the gift of heaven and earth ended, but no other monsters showed up.

Wang Daoyuan didn't consume it any more, and it was not bad to be able to win an ice turtle.

"Linglong, tighten this miscellaneous **** in the tower, and let's play slowly when we look back."

The Linglong Tower instantly grew to a height of a thousand feet, and contained the entire Xuanbing Old Tortoise.

Then it shrank to three inches long and returned to Wang Daoyuan's sleeve.

Wang Daoyuan also drew some flames to reward him for his work.

The old tortoise Xuanbing was taken down in this way, and the hopeful monster race on the nearby mountain was completely desperate.

Tier 5 monster races are not opponents, and they can only be slaughtered by others.

Wang Daoyuan returned to the Golden Horn, and Jia Qi's cultivation base had been consolidated.

Zhou Luan also absorbed a lot of gifts from heaven and earth, and he was in a very good state at this time.

From the Spirit Orb space, he took out a lot of things needed for infant formation and triumph, including the essence of the five elements, except for the essence of the fire, each three minutes long.

One baby-tonifying fruit, one broken dan grass, and five lower-grade non-attribute shields.

"All the things needed for the formation of infants and the tragedy are prepared. The concentration of aura in the immortal world of Beiyuan is not enough, and the power of the tragedy is much smaller.

With these things, crossing the catastrophe is not a problem. "

Zhou Luan took these things and nodded confidently.

Wang Daoyuan and Jia Qi were far away from the Jinjiao Mountain. Zhou Luan sat on the top of the mountain and recognized the five artifacts first.

He also knew the steps of Broken Pill's baby-bearing, and after seeing the order of Jaki's baby-bearing, it was naturally not a problem.

Offering the Red Luan Nirvana Fire, the four five elements are melted and swallowed directly into the abdomen.

After taking the scutellaria, the golden pill quickly separated from the body and quickly expanded to more than four feet in diameter.

The golden pill collapsed, Zhou Luan immediately ate the baby fruit, and threw the remaining fruit core to Wang Daoyuan.

Subsequently, Zifu was separated from the body.

The pieces of Jin Dan gathered towards the Purple Mansion, and the Purple Mansion was also very broken, revealing the soul.

A red-luan phantom composed of flames surrounds the soul.

At this time, a burst of white jade energy radiated from her body.

The medicinal properties of Tonic Fruit are a bit evil ~ With the help of this white jade energy, the Yuan Ying quickly takes shape, reaching a height of four inches and three points.

For most Tianlinggen monks, it is also difficult for the Nascent Soul to reach four inches.

The imaginary shadow of Chi Luan also turned into a fiery red pattern, engraved on the center of Yuan Ying's eyebrows.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Broken Pill's infant formation was completed.

Yuan Ying is also wrapped with a rich layer of white jade energy.

The energy of Tonic Fruit hadn't been exhausted, but Zhou Luan's potential had reached its limit, and he couldn't absorb more energy.

However, this energy will not be wasted.

After a while, Yuan Ying was injured while crossing the catastrophe, and he could also use this power to recover from his injury.

Yuan Ying took shape, dark clouds appeared in the sky again, and it expanded rapidly.

A quarter of an hour later, Jieyun expanded to three hundred miles in diameter.

The coverage of Tianwei has reached two hundred miles in diameter.

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