Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 799: Queen mother

After a while, a cyan ball fell from the sky, and the catastrophe officially began.

When Wang Daoyuan crossed the Tribulation before, a Tier 5 low-rank shield could not completely block the power of the Tribulation.

But the Heavenly Tribulation on Beiyuan's side was far short of power.

After a shield took over the catastrophe, the damage was more serious, and there was still value in repairing it.

After the catastrophe, Zhou Luan's Yuan Ying was unscathed.

The first Heavenly Tribulation was unharmed, and the rest of the Heavenly Tribulation was naturally the same.

An hour later, all the five heavenly tribulations fell, and Zhou Luan's Yuan Ying did not suffer any damage.

The robbery cloud in the sky is still thick, and it is tumbling violently.

A quarter of an hour later, a flame red luan with a wingspan of more than ten feet appeared in the sky, which contained a strong force of law.

The red-luan pattern on the center of Zhou Luan Yuanying’s eyebrows instantly turned into a red-luan phantom, bringing a sea of ​​fire to the sky.

Heavenly Tribulation Chiluan did not fight, but spread out his wings and let out a series of sword-like fire feathers.

Zhou Luan also manipulated his own Chiluan phantom, imitating the tricks of Heavenly Tribulation.

Unfortunately, Chiluan's virtual shadow failed to block Huoyu, and Yuan Ying was slightly injured.

However, Chiluan's phantom is composed of spirit fire after all.

The power in the fire feather was absorbed by Chi Luan phantom.

There is also white jade energy left by the tonic fruit around Yuanying. After Yuanying was injured, he quickly absorbed some white jade energy and recovered from the injury.

Heavenly Tribulation Chiluan played a lot of tricks, but none of them caused much damage to Yuan Ying.

With the energy supplement of tonic fruit, Yuan Ying has almost no damage.

Heavenly Tribulation Chiluan did not consume any more, after drawing a large amount of Heavenly Tribulation power from the Tribulation Cloud, it turned into a sky full of flames, completely enveloping Zhou Luan.

Zhou Luan also controlled his own spirit fire and competed with the flames of Heavenly Tribulation for energy.

After a stalemate for a quarter of an hour, Zhou Luan's vision was completely defeated, and the entire Yuan Ying was enveloped in the flames of Heavenly Tribulation.

Yuan Ying is also doing his best to resist the flames.

There was a stalemate for another quarter of an hour, Tianwei disappeared, and Jieyun began to change to gold.

After crossing the catastrophe, the flames on Yuan Ying's body continued to burn.

Wang Daoyuan immediately released his vision of Yinglong to extinguish the flames on Zhou Luan Yuanying, so as to prevent her from being too severely hurt.

Ying Long was extremely interested in the power of the tribulation, and quickly flew to Zhou Luan's side, opened the dragon's mouth, and absorbed the flames of the tribulation.

Soon, there was not much flame left.

Yuan Ying's injury was not serious, and she was still sober.

He is still quickly devouring the remaining energy of Tonic Fruit and recovering from his injuries.

After a quarter of an hour, the energy of the tonic fruit was finally exhausted, and the Yuan Ying's injury was mostly recovered.

Soon, the gift of heaven and earth came, and a purple-golden orb landed and merged into Zhou Luan's Yuan Ying.

Yuan Ying's spiritual power fluctuations increased rapidly, and then a purple-gold petal rain rose from the sky.

Zhou Luan Yuanying absorbed the purple gold ball and merged into his body.

She shouted to Wang Daoyuan: "Daoyuan, come here."

Wang Daoyuan flew over, fell beside her, and asked with a smirk, "Isn't it appropriate for this hall to be crowded?"

Zhou Luan twisted her waist: "You haven't been in good shape all day, you have been seriously injured before, Yuan Ying may have hidden injuries.

You haven't absorbed much of the gift of Jaki Yuying's heaven and earth.

Now absorb more of my gifts from heaven and earth to recover from my dark wounds. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "It's the daughter-in-law who knows how to hurt people."

Then began to absorb the gifts of heaven and earth, and introduced these energies to the Nascent Soul.

Under the nourishment of this purple-golden energy, Yuan Ying felt an indescribable sense of comfort.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the spiritual power in the Nascent Soul had been running smoothly, and the hidden wounds had almost recovered.

Afterwards, he began to operate the Five Spiritualization Immortal Jue, blending into the spiritual power seed.

Under the nourishment of the power of the tribulation, the special energy contained in the spiritual power seed has a slight increase.

Wang Daoyuan previously speculated that this special energy was related to the growth of Spirit Fire.

This gift of heaven and earth can increase this special energy, and it can also promote flexible growth, which is a good thing.

He immediately introduced these energies into the five spirit fires in the spirit pearl space.

Sure enough, after the spirit fire absorbed the purple-golden energy, the special energy increased significantly.

The strongest life spirit fire has a tendency to break through the fifth-tier middle-grade.

The weakest Gui Chenyan had just broken through to the fifth rank low-grade not long ago, but now there is no sign of breaking through.

His Yinglong vision is still flying under the auspicious clouds, constantly absorbing gifts from heaven and earth.

There are five embryonic artifacts in Yinglong's body, absorbing gifts from the heavens and the earth, which is also of great benefit to their growth.

It may be because Zhou Luan's Nascent Infant was too big, which caused a more powerful tribulation and more gifts from heaven and earth, and the two couldn't absorb it at all.

Even Linglong Tower flew out of Wang Daoyuan's sleeves, devouring these energy desperately.

The gift from heaven and earth lasted for an hour before the purple and golden clouds in the sky gradually disappeared.

Zhou Luan looked at herself, stood up satisfied, and asked, "Am I a lot younger?

I am now more than 400 years old and have Chiluan blood. My life expectancy should be more than two thousand years. My age is about 20 years old. "

After breaking through Yuan Ying, Zhou Luan did appear to be much younger, and there was a special charm between her eyebrows.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "I know it's so beautiful, let's go back to Yuquan Peak.

Now that you have a baby, the two of us can completely conquer the blood shadow, and there is no need to hide your identity.

Going back to Yuquan Peak in a fair manner, it is time for the people of Qingli County to see their queen mother. "

Zhou Luan nodded, with a look of excitement on his face.

Wang Daoyuan received and responded to the dragon, and the five artifacts in it were rudimentary, and the power of the law was also significantly enhanced.

Bring the clone Jia Qi into the Lingzhu space, sacrifice the flying boat, and head towards Yuquan Peak.

Linglong Tower desperately chased after him: "Brother, there is still me."

Neither of them paid any attention to it, and finally had the opportunity to talk about what a TB spirit looks like here.

Feizhou soon returned to Yuquan Peak, and the two got off the Feizhou.

Most people in the tribe have never seen Zhou Luan, and now they are at a loss to see such a Yuanying monk.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "This is Ming Chen's mother, Zhou's Qingyang princess, and also my Taoist companion."

The tribesmen saluted: "See the Queen Mother."

Zhou Luanyu waved his hand lightly: "You don't need to be polite."

When the two came to the auditorium, Real Lei Yan saw Zhou Luan break through, struck his beard and laughed: "Okay, our human race has one more master of Yuan Ying.

Before, it was only me and the ancestor Linglong, and they just barely supported it.

If there is a slight mistake, the human race will have the power of destruction.

Now that I have you, I finally don’t have to worry about it.

By the way, where is Linglong Patriarch? "

I only heard an angry scolding from outside: "Brother, you have a sister-in-law, so forget about my brother.

Hundreds of thousands of miles, almost exhausted me.

Fortunately, you have squeezed a lot of spiritual power from the miscellaneous kings, otherwise you won't see me. "

Then Linglong Tower flew in from outside and landed on the main table.

Linglong came out of the tower with an angry look.

Five groups of spirit fire appeared in Wang Daoyuan's hand, and Linglong turned into a smiling face at that time, looking like she was pleased.

Real Lei Yan felt the situation in the Linglong and then showed a shocked look: "Did you capture the Xuanbing Turtle alive?"

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "I originally wanted to fight him slowly to see if I could draw out other Tier 5 monsters.

It's a pity that after fighting him for a long time, without seeing any other Tier 5 monster beasts, he captured him alive.

Let Linglong torture him first, and then I will try if I can subdue him.

In the future, you will inevitably have to go to sea. In the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, the basalt bloodline can play a great role. "

After hearing this, Real Lei Yan was even more surprised.

If it can be subdued, Terran will have another master.

Real Lei Yan nodded: "It's so good, you have your guard on Qingli County, so I can rest assured.

Now the monster clan in Xihai is rampant again, maybe there is also a Tier 5 monster behind it.

After your Nascent Soul Ceremony is over, I will go to Xihai to guard it. "

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