Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 801: Jian Xiu Genius

The half-demon's willingness to integrate into the human race is just in line with Wang Daoyuan's intentions: "The human race has a tolerant heart, and the royal families of Zhou, Qin, Chu and other countries are actually half-demons.

But no human race would think they are alien.

If you are fully integrated into the human race, treat yourself as a human race, and fight for the rise and fall of the human race, the human race will naturally treat you as their own. "

Wang Daoyuan was willing to accept the half-monster, and several half-monsters each took out a book of animal skins and bowed down in front of Wang Daoyuan.

Unanimously said: "I am waiting to belong to the human race, and I have no two minds.

Here is a list of the personnel, industries, and affiliated tribes of various ministries. "

The list of personnel and industries is also the basis of governance.

Turning in these things means surrendering power.

He nodded slightly, Lu Yuan immediately understood, and went to put away the animal skin book.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Since today, Shanbei Half-Monster is a member of my Qingli County.

Go back individually, and soon there will be an envoy of the county king to grant you the title. "

Several half-monsters repeatedly thanked them and left.

Wang Daoyuan instructed: "The king decides how to award these things to the prefectural palace."

Lu Yuan handed over and said, carefully put away these atlases.

Wang Daoyuan left the guard mansion and went to the underground branch of the blood shadow.

The clone Fang Hu is sitting here. According to Fang Hu's memory, Wang Daojian, the twenty-seventh brother, is now a Golden Core monk.

Wang Daojian has received Wang Daoyuan's guidance many times since he was practicing Qi Realm.

Even the cultivation technique is the Guiyuan Sword Code.

After Wang Daoyuan received the fragment of the golden book from Guiyuan Jianzong, he also burned a copy and handed it to him.

His Zifu vision was a sword without decorations. At that time, Wang Daoyuan had a very superficial understanding of the Guiyuan sword, and he didn't expect anything else.

A person’s vision of the Purple Mansion is closely related to his own practice, blood, obsession, and experience.

Wang Dao Jian majored in the Guiyuan sword canon, and Zifu Vision was a sword without ornaments, and it was probably the Guiyuan sword.

If this is the case, then he is also a rare sword repair genius.

When he came to the cave house before Zhou Luan, Wang Daojian was called over.

As soon as he entered the cave mansion, he was stunned, and then asked after reacting, "Seventh brother, why are you?"

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "The hall master of this branch is your Qisao, what's weird about me here?

By the way, how are you practicing? "

He sighed: "Although the Guiyuan Sword Code is brilliant, it is very severely incomplete.

There is no problem with the Zifu realm, and when it comes to the Jindan realm, some are not enough.

I can only gradually improve the exercises according to my own feelings, and the progress is very slow. "

"Show me what your Purple Mansion vision looks like."

Wang Daojian did not hesitate to inject a large amount of spiritual power into the vision of the Purple Mansion.

This is exactly the secret technique in the magical essence that Wang Daoyuan obtained. He put this secret technique in the royal family's inheritance, and both the Zifu and Jindan cultivators can learn it.

A purple light gleamed between his eyebrows, and then a long sword phantom appeared.

This long sword has no patterns and is about 90% similar to the Guiyuan sword.

It is basically certain that his vision of the Purple Mansion is Gui Yuan Jian.

Wang Daoyuan said with satisfaction: "Okay, we have a sword repair genius from the Wang family."

Wang Daojie was a little surprised: "Seven brothers, are you taunting me?

Regarding the accomplishments of Jian Xiu together, no one in the entire Beiyuan Xiu Xian realm can compare with you. "

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and said, "Your name is Guiyuan Jian, the vision of the Purple Mansion. With this foundation, you will get twice the result with half the effort in the future by practicing Guiyuan Jianyi."

After all, take out an animal skin book and a painting.

"This is the inheritance of the Guiyuan sword code I got overseas, and I can cultivate to the realm of Yuan Ying.

Now Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm's spiritual energy is gradually rising, and the fifth-order spiritual veins may appear at any time.

You have a good talent, and you have a great chance to break through the Nascent Soul, and this technique can also be used.

My practice is in the same line as the Guiyuan Sword Code, but there are some differences.

You can modify this technique, or use this technique as a reference to continue to improve the Guiyuan Sword Code.

This painting is a picture of the sword of Guiyuan I copied, from which you can comprehend the meaning of the sword of Guiyuan.

It just so happens that your sword intent is killing and cutting sword intent, which is similar to mine.

The method of fusing sword intent is included in the technique, just follow it.

Grow up early and become the top of the blood shadow.

In the future, our Wang family will replace the senior leaders of Blood Shadow, and we will rely on you to do more. "

The Wang family now has two Nascent Soul cultivators, together with Jia Qi and two puppets, they have become the most powerful force in Beiyuan's immortal world.

The total number of monks now exceeds two thousand, which is not a small force.

But after all, the rise time is too short, and the various inheritances obtained have not been fully utilized, so that it is impossible to quickly transform the various inheritances into strength.

Wang Daoyuan has collected many inheritances, and the sources are very mixed.

It may take thousands of years for the Wang family to digest these inheritances on their own.

If they can conquer the blood shadow, the children of the Wang family can learn their inheritance system and transplant them into their own homes, so that they can make up for the shortcomings of the background more quickly.

As for whether the blood shadow is willing or not, that is not within Wang Daoyuan's consideration.

Wang Daojian took the animal skin book and painting, and nodded solemnly: "Seven brothers don't worry, with this technique, I will be able to cultivate to the peak of the golden core within two hundred years."

Wang Daoyuan patted him on the shoulder: "If you need anything, even if you talk to the twelfth uncle and Mingchen, they will try their best to satisfy it."

The two talked for a long time before Wang Daoyuan left Guiyanfang City and returned to Yuquan Peak.

He didn't stay in Yuquan Peak for a long time, but asked the master to come to Linglong Tower, and then went to Yunyin Island of Baichuan Lake, and it was time to solve the problem of Xuanbing Laogui.

Such a demigod can be subdued as much as possible.

If you can't subdue it, you can make a clone, which is not a weak combat power.

You can't be in the crowd when you use the avatar nourishing soul technique.

Moreover, Xuanbing Laogui is not weak.

If you resist, it may cause great damage to the tribe and the family industry.

The place that is hidden enough to not be afraid of being destroyed is the cave house of Zhenjun Bailing in Yunyinzhou.

Those arrangements back then were not worth mentioning in front of his Nascent Soul cultivation base.

Soon he came to the core area of ​​Zhenjun Bailing's cave and asked Linglong to release Xuanbing Laogui.

This guy has been tortured in the Linglong Tower. Now that he has been released, he is naturally very angry.

Seeing that Wang Daoyuan was the culprit in front of him, he was about to do it at that time.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Friend Taoist still wants to make it clear that Linglong is still here.

With your little ability, you just ask for trouble when you start. "

The old turtle shouted angrily: "Human child, what on earth do you want to do?

If you want to kill or slash, also give it a happy one. "

Wang Daoyuan hasn't said anything yet, Linglong is not happy: "How do you talk to my elder brother? You, a little tortoise less than twenty thousand years old, should also be an old ancestor in front of my ancestor?"

Laogui was a little scared of him, so he had to suppress his anger: "Please tell me what Daoist fellow wants me to do."

"I want you to serve me as your master, and you may have a chance to break through Tier 6 in the future.

The blood of the beast in your body is extremely rich, UU reading www. It is not a problem that will become a real beast Xuanwu in the future. "

Once such a high-level monster with inheritance memory is refined into a clone, there will be no new inheritance memory in the future, and its growth will be greatly affected.

Therefore, if you can not refine it into a clone, you should try not to refine it.

The old turtle snorted coldly: "Although I am not your opponent, as a descendant of Xuanwu, how can I bow down to a human race?"

Wang Daoyuan and Linglong treated him both soft and hard, this guy just refused to accept softness.

Wang Daoyuan knows what "the **** eats weighing mound", this is really determined.

He didn't waste his tongue, let Linglong return to the tower to avoid being accidentally injured.

Afterwards, he used the White Tiger Soul Roar to stun Xuanwu.

Take out a sub-soul and blend it into its soul.

Even if his future potential is affected, he can now be a good fighter.

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