Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 802: Time comes, the world is all in the same force

Send Linglong back, and by the way put the old turtle into the Lingzhu space.

Before going to Qixinghai, there were eight clones, plus Sword Puppet and Jaki, there were already ten clones.

The puppet he got later was just an ordinary magic puppet, and Wang Daoyuan didn't inject his soul into it.

The puppet can be manipulated without the need to divide the soul, but there is a big problem in cooperation, and it can't leave the owner for too long.

Now that the old Xuanbing turtle is made into clones, there are eleven clones, and one needs to be given up.

What Wang Daoyuan chose to give up was Spirit Devouring. This guy's cultivation base was too low, and his ability to hide his figure was almost useless to the Nascent Soul monk.

The demons can't show up at will, leaving them useless.

Another demon blood flame, there is still some value.

It used to be the main force of the refining device in the space, now with the clone Jaki, his role is not as good as before.

The clone Jia Qi is proficient in alchemy, and now alchemy and refining have reached the fourth-tier high-grade level.

His soul hasn't been damaged much, and he can go further in the future.

In addition to the refining device, the blood flame has another function.

That is to provide the essence and blood for the True Devil Blood Lotus, the blood lotus seeds he got are the third-tier top grade.

There has always been Blood Flame, the blood demon of the late Golden Core, to provide the essence and blood, and the concentration of aura in the Spirit Orb space is getting higher and higher.

The real devil blood lotus's rank has also reached the fourth rank middle rank, probably because of the need to upgrade, this guy hasn't blossomed for a long time.

The green needles and white jade pine obtained at Zhou Guo's auction that year had already matured.

There were three pine cones, a total of nine pine nuts.

The fruit tree rank has also reached the fourth rank, and this thing has the potential to grow to the fifth rank.

Moreover, it has a great effect on a family.

Wang Daoyuan also planted all these pine nuts, and now nine young pine saplings have grown.

Although it has been many years since the fifth-order spiritual veins appeared in the spirit bead space, there are still not many spiritual plants that have broken through the fifth-order.

In addition to those fifth-tier spiritual plants obtained in the Sea of ​​Seven Stars, only the spiritual peach tree, yellow spring willow, and blood fire hibiscus have broken through the fifth-tier.

Other Lingzhi, such as Yunyin Tea, are only the top grade of Tier 4.

Before he left Beiyuan, he folded a wicker in Oasis and planted it in the Lingzhu space.

More than sixty years have passed now, and thousands of years have passed in the Lingzhu space. The hollow willow is only a first-class top grade, and the willow tree is only one person tall and about an inch in diameter.

It seems that the age of the big willow tree in Oasis Island may be more than tens of thousands of years. It is hard to imagine how long it has lived.

The current big willow tree is still a first-order low-grade, and after several decades, it has only slightly increased its spiritual power fluctuations.

The growth of the Luliu Secret Realm is very gratifying, and the spirit veins are very close to the fourth-tier top grade.

After staying in Zhenjun Bailing's cave for a long time, Soul Separation took control of Old Turtle Xuanbing's body.

From the memory of Old Tortoise Xuanbing, he has been asleep in the extremely cold ice field.

Before going to make a big fuss in Qianlong River, I also felt the breath of the fifth-order aura, and was not in the same group as the old turtle with the water attribute.

Moreover, in his memory, there were no other Tier 5 monsters in the Arctic Icefield.

Knowing this, Wang Daoyuan was also relieved.

At least the Shanbei Demon Race will not cause major incidents for the time being, and can concentrate on cleaning up the old turtle in the sea.

Xuan Bing Turtle clone stayed in the large pond at the northernmost end of the space. He liked the Yin Qi in the water very much, and he could still use these Yin Qi to cultivate.

Wang Daoyuan didn't care about him anymore, it was best to drain all the yin qi, and the remaining water could raise fish.

He didn't plan to go back so soon, so he released the sword puppet outside to warn him. His Nascent Soul entered the Spirit Orb space, began to deduced his own water dragon technique, and tried to cooperate with it with magical powers.

There is not much difficulty in deducing the fourth-order spell to the fifth-order.

It is nothing more than incorporating the power of the law into the spell, so that the spell can exert enough power to kill the Nascent Soul monk.

The water dragon technique itself is relatively complete, and there are other fifth-order spells as a reference.

Coupled with more than seventy times the flow rate of time, it took only one month to deduct the water dragon technique to the fifth-tier middle grade.

He practiced water dragon technique mainly for the powerful power of Wanlong going to sea.

The more condensed water dragons, the stronger the power it exerts.

At the same time, the consumption of divine consciousness is more severe.

He focused on reducing the consumption of divine consciousness, and it was not a problem to control 20 water dragons at the same time when the divine power was activated.

Later, he tried to combine the water dragon technique with magical powers.

There is no shortcut to this, you can only try and feel more.

It took a full half a year to initially combine the water dragon technique with magical powers.

The strength that he exerts surpasses the average Tier 5 middle-rank spell.

It is not a problem to deal with monks of the same rank, and there is still a big gap between Master Huang's supernatural powers.

After all, his imperial water supernatural power is a single supernatural power, and it is easier to combine with spells.

Coupled with thousands of years of polishing, it is naturally not comparable to Wang Daoyuan's beginners.

The rest is water milling time. The deeper the fusion of spells and supernatural powers, the less divine consciousness will be consumed when casting spells, and the more water dragons can be controlled.

After staying here for more than half a year, Zhou Luan was afraid that he would come over and arrest someone if he didn't go back.

Returning to Yuquan Peak, he greeted Master and told him that he had made Laogui into a clone.

Afterwards, he returned to the underground cave.

For the next few months, I stayed with Zhou Luan to practice.

The Yuan Ying Ceremony is coming soon, and the most troublesome is the Zhao family.

It has been more than a hundred years since Zhao Guo was restored to the country, and Longyou City on the original Longyou has also been built.

The capital was also moved back to Longyou City from Sanhefang City.

With the capital, the Zhao family also has the ZTE atmosphere.

But instead of rising, the Zhao family's strength is declining.

Over the years, the elderly of the Zhao family have withered.

There were already three late Jindan cultivators sitting, and Zhao Huang and Zhao Lingjiang were not too young.

There are not enough ordinary people, and the number of low-level monks is very small.

The Zhao family's stamina is severely lacking. In the next few hundred years, they will only have to recuperate, and they will not be able to withstand the war again.

The little court of the six princes is already entrenched in the southwest of Zhao State.

Now that the Wang family has risen to this point again, Zhao Guo has a headache.

Qingli County did not dare to control it, and this lost another rich and prosperous county.

Now there are two Yuanying monks in the Wang family, and Qingli Junguo continues to be a subject of the Zhao Kingdom, and the Emperor Zhao is also frightened.

Emperor Zhao, Zhao Jingguo, and Prince Zhao Qingxuan discussed matters in a hall.

Emperor Zhao sighed: "The Wang family now has two Nascent Soul cultivators, and their strength has surpassed the four top powers.

Such a big power is a vassal of our Zhao family.

It is not a good thing to be strong and weak.

Prince, how do you think this should be handled? "

After thinking about it, Zhao Qingxuan replied: "Now that Qingli Junguo continues to be a subject of our Zhao Kingdom, it doesn't make any sense. On the contrary, it seems that our Zhao family can't do anything.

Even if the two Yuan Ying didn't say anything, the rest of the Wang family would inevitably be happy.

Rather than that, it is better to respect Qingli County as the emperor.

From now on, Qingli County and our Zhao Guoping will be equal, and the two sides will no longer have relations between monarchs and ministers.

It is even fine for our Zhao family to treat the Wang family as ministers.

Our Zhao family is kind to the Wang There is no reason for the Wang family to destroy us. "

Emperor Zhao nodded: "Every time comes with the same power, the hero is not free to transport.

Back then, Tianshi was in my Zhao family, the Emperor Wu brothers, and it took only a few hundred years to lay down half of the kingdom of Zhao.

Later, the ancestors of successive dynasties destroyed more than ten small countries, defeated the remnants of Wei and Song, frightened Zhou, and kept pace with Qin.

When the weather is absent, Sheji is overthrown and almost annihilated.

Now the Wang family has grown from a foundation-building family to this point in just over three hundred years.

Tianshi is in the Wang family, and our Zhao family is at a time of weakness, so we must not compete with it.

With the strength of the Wang family, he would no longer stare at the territory of Zhao Kingdom.

The Tianzhan Mountains and the sea in the east were the Wang Family's goals.

Lord Zhenguo, the matter of respecting Qingli County as the emperor is up to you. "

Zhao Jingguo said yes, then left the hall.

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