Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 803: Yuan Ying Grand Ceremony

On the day of the Yuan Ying Ceremony, Wang Daoyuan put on the fish pattern robe of the elder Wang's family, and Zhou Luan wore the phoenix crown of Princess Zhou.

The two sat high in the auditorium, and the guests outside kept walking into the auditorium to salute the two.

Those who can walk into the auditorium are at least the Jindan cultivation base.

As long as there are Jindan monks, most of them sent people.

Even Song State sent the prince to congratulate him.

Only the six princes were more embarrassed, and the Palace of the Sun and the Wang Family were dead enemies.

The Palace of the Sun is now an important bargaining chip for the Six Princes to fight for power with the Wanlingzong, and they are left for fear that Wang Daoyuan will take him away, and they are afraid of becoming a puppet of the Wanlingzong.

In a dilemma, I can only pretend to be invisible.

Wang Daoyuan, a Nascent Soul monk, didn't bother to pay attention to them.

The six princes' little court was sandwiched between Zhao and Song, and Song would not dare to support the six princes anymore.

As long as the Zhao family can ease this breath, it will only be a matter of time before the Sixth Prince can be eliminated.

The half-demon tribes that had just returned to Qingli County also sent Jindan cultivators to come.

In order to win over the demon, the Wang family also arranged for them to sit in the auditorium.

Zhao Guo was Zhao Jingguo and Prince Zhao Qingxuan who came together, and the monks from various small countries also came soon.

The real person of Emperor Zhou Guotai Fengyi brought Zhou Jingyuan to Yuquan Peak, and the real person of Emperor Qin Guotai Molin accompanied him.

Both of them are 1,200 or 300 years old, but the blood of the beast is enough, and it is far from the time when the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dead.

Now that their aura is about to recover, they still have a chance to break through the realm of Nascent Soul.

This time, I can listen to the preaching of the Yuan Ying monk, and I can also accumulate some experience.

Fengyi is also more casual. After he came to the auditorium, he smiled and said, "It's really scary to be born after generation. My niece and niece and son-in-law have all broken through the Nascent Soul."

Fengyi and Mo Lin are seniors, and Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan also stand up and salute.

Zhou Jingyuan's cultivation speed is not slow, and now he has reached the late Jindan stage.

He was rather well-behaved this time, and saluteed honestly: "I have seen aunt and uncle."

Wang Daoyuan had a kind smile on his face: "The good nephew exempts the gift."

Zhou Jingyuan didn't say anything, Wang Mingchen walked over and led the big cousin to the seat.

Next came the monks from the four top powers, and the Fengxue Palace sent the real person Feixue who was about to take over as the lord of the palace.

Only Xuan Jiuxiao came here alone in the Tianji Sect, and his cultivation was also in the late Jindan stage.

From the Taiyi Sword Sect, Kuijian came, and the real Wujian had now become the supreme master of the Taiyi Sword Sect.

Xihai is not peaceful, and there is no Yuan Ying monk sitting in town.

Sanzong still has to guard the West Sea, and the master dare not leave easily.

But Shenbing Pavilion didn't treat Wang Daoyuan as an outsider at all, and the sovereign brought several Jindan Peak cultivators over.

In addition, Real Lei Yan is here, and it is entirely possible to hold a high-level meeting of the Shenbing Pavilion.

When Nanhuang was fighting the Demon Race before, he cleaned it up several times.

Now, no one dared to pierce, and the entire Southern Wilderness was very peaceful.

Pulling out a few monks over to listen to the preaching of the Yuan Ying monk is naturally not a problem.

Everyone is here, and the gifts are all good, but there is no Wang Dao far to see.

Each family has no Tier 5 spiritual objects in their hands, and apart from their core inheritance, there is nothing that can make the Yuan Ying monks heart.

Later, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan began to preach to the guests.

Together with the real person Lei Yan also answering questions for the cultivators, this sermon lasted three months.

After the preaching, the monks dispersed one after another.

There are only four top forces left, plus the three kingdoms of Zhou, Qin, and Zhao.

The Monster Race is rampant, and the next step is definitely to discuss the matter of dealing with the Monster Race.

The four top powers, Zhou and Qin, are both decisive forces in Beiyuan. They stayed there naturally to discuss major issues.

However, Zhao Jingguo and Zhao Qingxuan continued to stay here, leaving Wang Daoyuan confused.

After the others had dispersed, Wang Daoyuan asked: "Friend Zhao Daoyou, His Royal Highness, but what's the important thing?"

Zhao Jingguo stood up and said, "Senior has become a Yuan Ying monk, and he made great contributions when he put down the turmoil of the demons.

Now he has killed the fifth-order Xuanbing Tortoise that has troubled the north of the mountain, and he has made great contributions.

My Zhao family does not dare to be the sovereign of Qingli County again. I, by the order of Emperor Zhao, ask the King of Qingli County to be the emperor. "

Upon hearing this, everyone was a little stunned.

Although with the strength of Wang Daoyuan and his wife, the Zhao family could not command Qingli County.

However, the Zhao family's courage is really not weak.

Although the existing inheritance of the Wang family has not been fully utilized, the foundation is stronger than that of the Zhao family.

Coupled with the help of Wang Daoyuan, the strength of the Zhao family will not be comparable to that of the Wang family in the future.

Although the Wang family is nominally a vassal of the Zhao family, in fact the Zhao family can no longer command the Wang family.

It makes no difference to the royal family whether it is king or emperor.

However, since the Zhao family offered it on their own initiative, the Wang family couldn't refuse it.

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "So, I would like to thank Emperor Zhao for his kindness. Ming Chen will take care of this matter."

Naturally, he won't proclaim himself emperor again, just leave these trivial matters to the prefectural palace.

Wang Mingchen stood up and said, "Yes, father."

After speaking, he left the auditorium with Zhao Jingguo and Zhao Qingxuan.

The real Fengyi laughed and said: "Emperor Zhao is worthy of the blood of Emperor Zhao Wu. This courage is indeed not lost to the ancestors of the Zhao Kingdom.

When Emperor Zhao Lie dared to challenge the old man, his son gave up a county so decisively.

For an emperor like Zhao Guo, it seems that Guo Zuo is still very long. "

Others agree that Emperor Zhao's courage is indeed extraordinary.

Those who are left are all big forces, and it's time to talk about resisting monsters.

Xuan Jiuxiao left the table and bowed his hands to everyone: "Seniors, this junior came here to ask for help this time on the orders of my father.

Since the last time the Dragon River Spiritual Qi tide was buried, the monsters in Xihai have also become active.

At the beginning, a small number of Tier 4 high-grade monster beasts landed ashore and attacked my Heavenly Secret Sect's property.

Over the years, attacks have become more frequent.

There are also many Tier 4 peak cultivation bases among the monster beasts. Our Tianji Sect cultivator is exhausted.

In recent years, Tier 4 monsters have come ashore to attack almost every day.

If it hadn't been blocked by the formation, my Heavenly Secret Sect would have long been unable to sustain it.

If Tier 5 monster beasts appear again, my Heavenly Secret Sect will only be destroyed overnight. "

Hearing this, Real Lei Yan nodded and said: "I also heard about the Tianji Sect, but I didn't expect the monster beast to be so rampant.

Don't worry, Dao Yuan is back now, guarding the Tianzhan Mountain Range and Wanchuan River without any problems.

I will soon take the Linglong Tower to the West Sea, with me and Linglong ancestors, even if a Tier 5 monster appears, it will not be without resistance. "

Xuan Jiuxiao was overjoyed when he heard that, and Moral Lei Yan gave a promise that there would be two powerful Nascent Souls on the side of Xihai, so there was nothing terrifying.

Wang Daoyuan also said: "I still want to guard the Tianzhan Mountains to guard against the old turtle hiding in the open sea. I can't go to the West Sea for the time being.

However, I have a Tier 5 top grade flying boat.

If Xihai is in a hurry, send me a letter at any time.

It only takes three or five days to get to Xihai. "

With Wang Daoyuan's promise again, Xuan Jiuxiao's heart became even more clear.

At this time, Kui Jian left the seat and said, "Senior, the disciple of UU reading was entrusted by the senior brother to come and ask Senior to raise the Taiyi Divine Sword to the fifth level.

If Tier 5 monsters appear in Xihai, Tier 5 Taiyi Divine Sword can also play a big role.

My Taiyi Sword Sect is willing to exchange sword cultivation techniques and spells, and I also ask seniors for help. "

Although I look down on ordinary spiritual things, the inheritance of sword repair is still good.

The royal family's sword cultivation inheritance is still too weak, and the clansmen who have the talent of sword cultivation are not necessarily suitable for practicing the inheritance of Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

If you can get some sword repair inheritance of Taiyi Sword Sect, it is still very valuable.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "You don't have to be polite, Brother Kuijian, you just need to be equal to each other.

I have the Taiyi Golden Flame, and I have a Taiyi Excalibur, which doesn't take much effort. "

"In that case, thank you Junior Brother.

After Master Lei Yan came to Xihai to take a seat, I would send the Taiyi Excalibur and Jian Xiu inheritance. "

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