Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 816: lost heavily

The Tianji Sect had a serious underestimation of the number of monsters in the West Sea.

The industries within three thousand miles east of the Tianji Sect were also abandoned in advance, but there was no loss.

Many industries further east have not been evacuated because they are far away.

The formations of these industries have been breached, and resources such as spiritual fields and mines have been tossed in a mess.

There were many broken instruments and blood stains on the ground, but no monk's body was seen.

Feizhou continued to head east, and soon found traces of Tier 4 monsters.

These monsters did not attack various industries in groups, but fled around, and Wang Daoyuan also killed the Tier 4 monsters that he encountered by the way.

The Xuanbing Turtle clone has been following the real Lei Yan. He perceives the Xuanbing Turtle in a panoramic view and learns that they are chasing the monster beast in the southeast.

Four Tier 5 monsters and most of Tier 4 monsters continued to flee east, while the remaining monsters fled north and south, trying to escape back to the West Sea.

The cultivators who went to chase and killed did not bother to care about the guys who fled back to the West Sea. They were trying their best to chase and kill the monsters fleeing eastward.

Once these guys fled into the hinterland of the human race, the casualties caused could be huge.

Except for the four top forces and the two states of Zhou and Qin, no other forces have the ability to resist dozens of Tier 4 monsters, let alone Tier 5 monsters.

These monsters were really desperate, and ran eastward.

Killed more than 20 Tier 4 monsters along the way and entered the territory of Qin Kingdom.

There are even more traces of monsters here, many towns and villages have become ruined walls, and broken clothing and blood stains can be seen everywhere on the ground.

At this time, the split soul in the body of the avatar Grey Peng has been fused with the original soul, and Wang Daoyuan also took the flying boat and rode the Grey Peng to the east.

The general demon bird, flying at full speed, is not inferior to that of the monks of the same rank using the escape technique.

It's just that the monk used the escape technique, and it was good to be able to persist for a thousand miles.

And the fifth-order monsters, flying for hundreds of thousands of miles is not a problem.

Moreover, it's not that the demon bird doesn't have the escape technique, this Grey Peng has the wind escape technique.

The usual speed can reach more than 30,000 miles per hour, and it can continue to fly more than 100,000 miles.

Performing the wind escape technique can double the speed, and can only fly for about three thousand miles.

Eagle demon birds have excellent eyesight, not to mention the Grey Peng, Wang Daoyuan is far inferior to it when he uses his sky-seeing technique.

Grey Peng also has talented spells related to the eyes. When it is cast, it can see things the size of ordinary people within a thousand miles.

Wang Daoyuan perceives the avatar Gray Peng in a panoramic view, searching for the traces of monsters.

Sure enough, thousands of miles away in the direction of the east, a monster and a human were found fighting, so he controlled the grey peng and flew to the place where he was fighting.

Only when I got closer, I found out that they were all acquaintances.

There are two Tier 5 monsters here, a dragon and a hybrid bird. There is also a Tier 5 giant python that has died on the ground.

These three guys were the first three Tier 5 monsters to appear, and it was the real person Lei Yan, the real person Xuantian, and the real person Mo Lin who were fighting against them.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan's arrival, Moral Mo Lin shouted: "Daoyuan, don't care about things here, some Tier 4 monsters have rushed past.

Hurry up and stop them. There is already a county in Qin State that has been trampled down, and millions of human races have been killed and injured.

Tenglong County to the east is densely populated with tens of millions of people.

The Xuanbing Turtle was already in front, but its speed was too slow to stop many monsters. "

After hearing this, Wang Daoyuan stopped staying anymore, and swiftly headed to the east.

Perceiving the location of Xuanbing Turtle, this guy was intercepting a group of Tier 4 monsters by the Jingchuan River, more than 3,000 miles southeast, and many monsters escaped into the water to hide.

Jingchuan is also dozens of miles wide, passing through the territory of the Qin State from west to east, and finally merges into the Wanchuan River.

These guys fled along Jingchuan to Wanchuan River, and the trouble was big.

He released the Soulchaser, searching for traces of monsters within tens of thousands of miles.

He controlled Hui Peng and moved closer to Xuan Bing Turtle.

At the riverside of Jingchuan, Xuanbing Turtle stopped more than a dozen Tier 4 monsters.

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and slapped more than a dozen sword auras, beheading all these monsters.

Through the memory of Xuanbing Turtle, a fifth-order low-grade strange beast escaped into the water.

This strange beast looked like an eagle, but had horns on its head.

There is this guy in Grey Peng's memory. It's called Gu Eagle, and it's also a kind of Primordial Alien Beast.

Although this guy looks like an eagle, he doesn't have much flying ability, but is good at swimming.

Wang Daoyuan's magical powers immediately unfolded and flew downstream along Jingchuan.

Within the coverage of his magical powers, most of the monster beasts have nowhere to hide.

Two hours later, Wang Daoyuan flew to the southeast of Qin State.

I saw that Jingchuan merged into a large river more than 100 miles wide, which was the Wanchuan River.

Along the way, thirty or forty Tier 4 monster beasts were killed, but no trace of Gu Eagle was found.

After entering Wanchuan River, Tier 4 monsters don't care about it.

There are many Tier 4 monsters in the river, and these foreign guys can't make waves.

But Gu Diao, a Tier 5 monster beast, is always a huge threat.

Although it is not known for its combat power, it is very good at hiding in the water.

There are many tributaries of the Wanchuan River, and it is almost impossible to pull them out.

Wang Daoyuan had to send a letter to other people, asking them to inform the various forces along the river to take care to guard against the monsters' sneak attacks.

It also specially sent a letter to Zhou Luan through the channels of Blood Shadow and Shenbing Pavilion to make her pay attention to guarding against Gu eagles.

Don't worry too much about the family. There are four Nascent Soul fighting powers, and one of them is a Tier 5 high-grade sword puppet. Gu carving dares to pass, and that is to die.

Just letting it escape into the sea may cause a lot of trouble.

He left Jingchuan, and based on the situation detected by the soul chaser, he wiped out the sporadic Tier 4 monsters.

After tossing for three days, the people met in the county town of Tenglong County of Qin State.

When he came to the city lord's mansion, Moral Mo Lin's expression was not very good: "This time I lost nearly 10 million mortals in Qin State, and there are more than 100,000 monks, and the industry of a county has been lost.

The number of people in the chassis of Tianjizong is small, but the monks also lost tens of thousands.

Among the two lost monks, there were more than 30 golden core monks.

Almost all the properties of the Tianji Sect were harmed by the monster clan.

A total of more than 300 Tier 4 monsters and three Tier 5 monsters were killed.

Most of the monster beasts that fled eastward were basically beheaded.

There was only one lower-grade Gu eagle of Tier 5, who escaped into the Wanchuan River and went missing.

Gu carvings are good at protecting water, and it is difficult to pull them out in the water.

The various forces have also been notified to monitor the situation in the water.

There were three Tier 5 monsters fleeing west, and they had all returned to the West Sea, and the Heavenly Machine Sect had to guard against them. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded and said: "According to Hui Peng's memory, these monsters are hidden in several secret realms in the depths of the West Sea. There are fifth-order spiritual veins in the secret realms.

Near the end of heaven and earth there, a black aura similar to Juetianyuan was constantly infiltrating in.

These black auras will quickly transform into special auras, which are very suitable for the cultivation of Primordial Beasts.

It's just that in the past few hundred years, the depths of the West Sea have also become unstable, and spatial cracks often appear.

Even a Tier 5 monster, as long as it encounters a space crack, it will be severely injured and killed.

It just so happens that the fifth-order spiritual veins are about to appear in the Beiyuan Cultivation Realm, they are like leaving the West Sea and taking some ground on the land.

And is also extremely vast.

It's hard to say how many Tier 5 monsters there are. "

As soon as this statement came out, Real Lei Yan was a little worried: "In this way, everywhere on the west coast may be attacked by monsters again at any time.

We still can't easily evacuate, and we must continue to guard the Tianjizong.

The corpses of Qiongqi and Xiu Snake should have been far away from the killing of eight monster beasts this time.

For the other six monsters, each of our six families has one demon pill, and each family has a half-step Yuan Ying monk, ready to break through the Yuan Ying realm.

Without the fifth-order aura, the monks who can cultivate to the half-step Nascent Soul realm are all dragons and phoenixes among humans.

After hundreds of years of stuck in the half-step Yuanying realm, the accumulation is enough.

With the fifth-order demon pill, as well as the magic weapon handed down from the world, the possibility of successfully crossing the catastrophe is still very high.

Our Human Race can have a few more Nascent Soul cultivators, and they will be more confident when fighting against the Monster Race. "

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