Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 817: Blood Spirit God Sovereign Inheritance

The monster beast was temporarily repelled, and everyone had a chance to break through the Nascent Soul, so naturally there was no opinion.

Breaking through the Nascent Soul is still the most suitable place in the Tianji Sect. After all, it is a sect handed down from the ancient times and has a very good place to cross the catastrophe.

Everyone went to Tianjizong together, and Wang Daoyuan also received Zhou Luan's reply on the way.

The replies of Blood Shadow and Shenbing Pavilion were sent back successively, and the content was exactly the same, both of which Zhou Luan had already prepared for Gu vultures.

It seems that the blood shadow is still relatively good, and there is no way to intercept the message.

At this time, there were no traces of monsters in the entire Tianji Sect.

According to Hui Peng's memory, the place where these monsters usually settled is already millions of miles away from the coast.

In the ancient times, even the cultivator of the gods did not dare to pass easily.

It may not be so dangerous now, but Wang Daoyuan didn't want to touch this mold.

It's not too late to wait until you have cultivated to the Mahayana realm and can ignore the gaps in the space.

There are auras similar to when the world first opened. If you can get some, you might be able to awaken the blood of Da Hei and restore the power of the ancestor Tengu.

When he arrived at the gate of the Tianjizong Mountain, Master Xuantian took out a token and handed it to Wang Daoyuan: "Senior Nephew Daoyuan, this is the token to open the Tianji Tower.

Back then, the Tianji Tower was led by our ancestors and built by many great abilities.

This is also the treasure of the entire human race. All monks who have made great contributions to the human race are eligible to enter the heavenly secret tower.

Later, Beiyuan was relatively peaceful, and only the four top forces and Zhou Guo were eligible to enter the Tianji Tower.

During the demonic chaos ten thousand years ago, some heroes entered the Heavenly Mystery Tower, and Qin and Zhao also had the qualifications to enter.

Now that the Wang family established the Kingdom of Yan, although the foundation is still shallow, the strength is already extremely strong, and it has made great contributions to guarding the Tianzhan Mountains and the East China Sea.

From now on, Yan State will guard one side like the four top forces.

As the guardian of the human race, one deserves the qualification to enter the Heavenly Mystery Tower. "

Wang Daoyuan did not decline either. These are all good things that can increase the family's heritage, so naturally they can't just give up.

Moreover, the status of Yan Kingdom has been recognized, replacing the position of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley and becoming a force guarding the east of Beiyuan.

Zhou Guo has pursued this status for tens of thousands of years, but has never been able to succeed.

After that, Master Xuantian bowed his hands to everyone: "It is estimated that you need to make adjustments before forming babies, and you can go to the back mountain retreat to make adjustments."

Later, he said to Xuan Jiuxiao: "Jiuxiao, you will handle all matters in the clan.

If there is a trace of the Yaozu, it will be dealt with by Real Person Lei Yan. "

Xuan Jiuxiao folded his hands and said yes, the true person Xuan Tian also took a few half-step Nascent Soul monks to the back mountain.

Wang Daoyuan released Xuan Bing Turtle and Hui Peng to guard against the beast's sneak attack, and he entered the Heavenly Secret Tower again.

Last time at Feng Mo Shenjun, he improved his spiritual control ability.

Using magical powers to cast spells with other attributes, the power is not weak, and now it is time to improve one's skills.

Since the birth of the baby, he has been thinking of turning the seeds of the Five Elements Spiritual Power into the five internal organs of the Nascent Soul, but he didn't have a clue, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

After all, this avatar of Judge is also quite rare, and can't be wasted casually.

Entering the sixth floor of the Tianji Tower, there are a lot of soul crystals here, there are seventy or eighty.

Wang Daoyuan checked the notes next to these soul crystals one by one, there are as many as ten five element attribute exercises here.

It seems that the higher the level of cultivation, the more dominant the five spirit roots.

Wang Daoyuan checked these five-element exercises and finally chose the inheritance of the blood spirit god.

Although the name of the blood spirit **** is a bit like an evil cultivator, he is a real righteous monk.

He won this title not because he cultivated with essence and blood, but because he was crowned with the highest level of Qi, blood and spiritual power cultivation for a while.

The blood spirit **** is on the way of refining the body, integrating the spiritual root with the five internal organs.

Being able to integrate spiritual roots with the five internal organs must have a deep understanding of the five internal organs.

I want to turn the seeds of spiritual power into internal organs, and I need some guidance.

Wang Daoyuan sat down on the futon, and his divine sense plunged into the soul crystal.

Soon it appeared in a valley, on the valley floor and on the cliffs on both sides, there were marks of fists and feet everywhere.

A sturdy man who was two feet tall fell from the sky, and the blood on his body was extremely powerful.

Even those semi-divine beasts dwarfed him in the blood fluctuations.

Wang Daoyuan hurriedly saluted: "The younger generation has seen the gods."

The Blood Spirit God Venerable waved his hand and said: "You don't need to talk about the red tape, your body is not weak.

The practice method is also a bit interesting, it seems to be borrowed from the Tianlong gods’ true dragon forging skills and the inheritance of the Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

The sword intent you cultivate is also the sword intent of Guiyuan.

In addition, there is another kind of exercise that is interesting. Although it is not too clever, I have never seen it.

Your inheritance is good, there is no need to learn my blood and spirit blending elementary skills. "

Wang Daoyuan handed his hands and said: "The juniors really didn't come to learn the blood and soul mixing elementary skills, they just wanted to improve their own skills.

I have some ideas, but I don't know how to make improvements, so I want to ask my predecessors for advice. "

The blood spirit **** said with a smile: "If you have any doubts, just say, I am a brand of spiritual consciousness, and the only value of staying here is to answer questions for the outstanding descendants of the human race."

Wang Daoyuan recounted the situation of the Five Spirits Transforming Immortal Jue, and also said that he wanted to turn the five spiritual power seeds into the five internal organs of the Yuan Ying.

The Blood Spirit God Venerable was also a little surprised: "You younger generation is lucky, and the Five Elements Spirit Fire can be found. Even Mahayana monks can do this very few.

Back then, if I could find the Five Elements Spirit Fire and blend into the five internal organs, the Blood Spirit Blending Yuan Gong would definitely go further and break through to the realm of Earth Immortal, it would not be a problem.

I have merged my spiritual roots into the five internal organs. When I am in the Nascent Soul Realm, my spiritual power and qi and blood can transform into each other.

Ordinary monks, when they reach the realm of transforming gods, the three aspects of divine consciousness, qi and blood, and spiritual power can transform each other, and they are also restricted.

And my qi-blood transformation is basically unlimited.

A large amount of spiritual power is transformed into qi and blood, which is used to strengthen the physical body.

Back then, in terms of physical strength, I could be said to be the number one in the Qianyuan Realm, and even Dixian could hardly be compared with me. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little surprised. He was also refining the body, and naturally knew what it meant to transform spiritual power into qi and blood at will.

With supernatural powers, he can guarantee unlimited spiritual power.

If it can be transformed into qi and blood at will, with unlimited qi and blood, the physical growth will be extremely terrifying.

The Blood Spirit God Venerable then said: "Your thoughts are similar to my Blood Spirit Blending Yuan Gong.

In particular, spiritual power seeds are very interesting. If ordinary spiritual things are used to condense them into spiritual power seeds, that is the level of the third-rate exercises.

It can be condensed into spiritual power seeds with spiritual fire, which has the potential to cultivate to the realm of earth fairy.

Cultivating the internal organs inside the Yuan Ying makes the Yuan Ying closer to the real life and has a greater advantage in understanding the law.

There are many people who have this idea, but none of them succeeded.

You have the foundation of the five elements spiritual power seed, but there is some hope.

It's just that you have to use the seeds of spiritual power to turn into the inner organs of the Yuan Ying, which is much more difficult than my Blood Spirit Blending Yuan Gong.

If you can succeed, your cultivation technique may be able to achieve mutual transformation of spiritual power, qi and blood, and spiritual consciousness.

I don’t have much research on spirituality, UU reading, I can’t help you.

It's the transformation of spiritual power and qi and blood, I can help you figure it out.

You recruit the Nascent Soul, and I will look at the structure of the spiritual power seed.

Try to keep the spiritual power seed function, let it play the function of the five internal organs. "

Wang Daoyuan recruited the Nascent Soul, blood-red light flashed in the eyes of the blood spirit god, and checked the condition of the spiritual power seed.

After checking it for a long time, he said, "The structure of this spiritual power seed is very ingenious, but there are many things that do not conform to the law.

Both ingenious and crude, it should be obtained from the unity of nature and man of low-level monks.

If you want to directly turn it into internal organs, you must ensure the function, which is not realistic.

It is better to use the essence of spiritual fire to re-condense the five internal organs, and use spiritual power seeds to accumulate the corresponding internal organs.

In this way, the functions of the spiritual power seed and the five internal organs can be preserved, and the difficulty is greatly reduced. "

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