Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 825: Compromise

Xu Boyu worked very hard to hug the thigh of the Wang family, and the letter was very accurate.

Ten days after he heard the news, Zhang Dingming came to Wanchuanfang City to see Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan.

This guy is pretty good. He wears a white robe, white beard and hair, long eyebrows into the sideburns, three long hairs fluttering, and he looks like a fairy bone.

It doesn't seem to be much different from the cultivators of the authentic sect. It is hard to imagine that such a kind old man is actually the helm of Beiyuan's No. 1 Killer Organization.

Unlike Xu Boyu's visit, this is a discussion between the helms of the two major forces, which naturally has to be more formal.

A flying boat was sent from Wanchuanfang City to send Zhang Dingming to Yuquan Peak.

Later, Wang Mingshan personally led him to the auditorium, where Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan were already seated.

As soon as Zhang Dingming entered the auditorium, he bowed and saluted: "Bloodshadow Elder Zhang Dingming, I have seen Emperor Yan and empress.

Now, near the location of Blood Shadow, Tier 5 monsters are rampant.

I also hope that the Queen Mother will save the monks who were born in the blood shadow, and I will definitely be grateful. "

This great elder was really slippery, full of beautiful words, but he didn't actually express it at all.

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "Friend Zhang Dao came here by accident. There was still a Tier 5 monster beast in Wanchuanfang City half a year ago.

There were hundreds of monsters gathered in the sea outside Linhai Prefecture, and Tier 5 monsters might still be hidden secretly.

Within the territory of Qi, Hu, and Wu, there are traces of Tier 5 monsters.

The four top forces of Yan Guojing admitted that they replaced the place of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley and guarded the east of the human race.

These three countries have been attacked by monsters, so naturally I have to take care of them.

I can't go away because of the entanglement of affairs.

Although Blood Shadow is also a human force, it has never been under the jurisdiction of the four top forces.

When the Southern Wilderness was in chaos, you also did not respond to the call-up orders of the four major forces.

My country, Yan, guards the East, so naturally I don't need to worry about blood shadows.

The blood shadow is also a great power for tens of thousands of years, and two Tier 5 monsters can surely be dealt with. "

These words were beaten and beaten, blocking Zhang Dingming's words to death.

When the human race was at its most dangerous, Blood Shadow did not respond to the call, which meant that he did not consider himself a part of the human race.

An inhuman force calls for help, and even if it does not save, no one can say anything.

Zhang Dingming originally wanted to talk about human righteousness, but now he can't speak.

As for the incense between Zhou Luan and Xueying, when the Xu family suppressed her back then, the Zhang family definitely had the ability to block her.

But they did not take action, letting the Xu family do anything wrong.

Just relying on Zhou Luan's little grace, who gave her a little more power after breaking through the golden core, it was not worth helping so much.

Moreover, they were two Tier 5 middle-rank monsters with extraordinary strength.

Zhou Luan's shot had no effect at all.

It is necessary to get Wang Daoyuan to take action through Zhou Luan's relationship.

Wang Daoyuan is not the blood shadow direct line, and there is no three relatives or six tales on the blood shadow headquarters.

Zhang Dingming knew that he was wrong, and couldn't find a reason for Wang Daoyuan to help.

After a long silence, she sighed: "The queen mother is still the hall master of the North First Division of Xueying Mountain, and she has grown up among the blood wolves, and is also my blood shadow direct line.

According to the rules of the blood shadow, the members of the direct line have reached the half-step Yuan Ying realm, and they are eligible to become the blood shadow elders.

Now that the Queen Mother is already at the Yuan Ying cultivation base, there is nothing wrong with serving as the Great Elder.

Old and incompetent, serving as the great elder for more than four hundred years, now he is forced to do nothing by the monster beast.

Willing to abdicate and let the virtuous, ask the Queen Mother to serve as the Great Elder of Blood Shadow. "

Lao Zhang wanted to take a step back, but he has not retreated to the end.

In the blood shadow, the movie owner is the emperor, and he can decide the big and small matters himself.

The status of the elder is much worse, although the right to speak is the highest, anyone can be assigned to do things.

But he has no decision-making power. When he wants to decide something, he must discuss with the elders.

Most of the elders agree to implement it.

Moreover, the elders have the right to dismiss the chief elder, but not the movie master.

Zhou Luan is also a shrewd person, so naturally he won't be fooled by this little trick.

"The great elder has high morals, has worked hard for hundreds of years, and has taken care of the blood shadows in an orderly manner.

I have always stayed in the wilderness on the north side of the mountain, and have never served in the blood shadow headquarters. How dare you abdicate the great elder?

Besides, I was only at the early stage of Yuan Ying's cultivation base, even if I borrowed the Phoenix Banner, the magic weapon handed down from Zhou Dynasty, I am not the opponent of the two Tier 5 middle-grade monster beasts. "

When Zhou Luan sang white face here, Wang Daoyuan should naturally sing black face.

"Zhou Luan's cultivation base is not enough to deal with Tier 5 middle-grade monster beasts, and I will not let her go to the Southern Wilderness alone in any case.

I suggest that you shrink your staff and stay at the headquarters.

With a large array of protection, there is no need to be afraid of monsters coming in.

After I uncover all the monsters hidden in the Tianzhan Mountains and the East China Sea, I will go to the Southern Wilderness to help you. "

Upon hearing this, Zhang Dingming immediately became anxious.

As the main spiritual vein of the North Abyss, the Tianzhan Mountain Range has generated many secrets, no one can tell.

Not to mention the sea further east, boundless, who knows how many monsters are hidden.

It is impossible to solve all the monster beasts in such a large area without a few hundred years.

Blood Shadow has been blocked by the Monster Beast in the headquarters for hundreds of years, and the various branches have long been out of control.

The Blood Shadow is different from other forces, the strongest is in the intelligence systems everywhere.

Once the branches in various places are out of control, the intelligence system will be abolished.

Without an intelligence system, Blood Shadow was even worse than Zhou Guo, and even better than Qin Guo.

In the past, Blood Shadow did not offend other forces. If it was only a little stronger than Qin State, it would not be able to deter other forces at all, and its destruction was only a matter of time.

Wang Daoyuan just told him clearly that the price was too low, and the Wang family didn't like this thing.

Either give a satisfactory answer, or wait to die.

Zhang Dingming sighed and sighed, but there was no other way. Who would ask Blood Shadow to ask?

"In addition to the great elder, the blood shadow also has the role of the shadow master.

The shadow master is the master of the blood shadow, just like the emperor.

Only by making great contributions to the blood shadow, the cultivation base is advanced, and the people who are expected to return can do it.

For tens of thousands of years, the shadow masters who have been out of the blood shadow are only one hand.

Now the Queen Mother, as the only Nascent Soul monk in the blood shadow line, is naturally sufficient in terms of cultivation.

If you can solve the monster beast, you will have great achievements.

The election of the shadow master requires the consent of two-thirds of the blood shadow monks.

The power of my Zhang family accounts for about one-third of the blood shadow, and the power of the Xu family is about the same as that of the Zhang family.

As long as the Xu family can be persuaded, the queen mother can be elected as the movie master.

It's just that the Xu family has a relationship with the Queen Mother, and my Zhang family agrees that it may not be effective. "

It seems that Zhang Dingming still doesn't know about the Xu family, and Xu Boyu is quite clever in keeping secrets.

Zhang Dingming was willing to let go, and 80% of them were sure that the Xu family couldn't agree.

"As long as there is the words of the great elder, I can help Blood Shadow deal with the monster beast.

After slaying the monster beast, if the Zhang Family regrets it, then I will try to see if my strength can overturn the blood shadow's handed down magic weapon. "

Wang Daoyuan agreed so happily, Zhang Dingming was a little surprised Before wrangling for a long time without letting go, now suddenly agreed, completely beyond his expectation.

"The emperor can rest assured, as long as the monster beast can be leveled, my Zhang family will unanimously recommend the queen mother as the shadow master, and will never break his words."

With this promise, Wang Daoyuan was relieved.

The Xu family was more active than the Zhang family. Even if Zhang Dingming dared to go back, the Xu family would cooperate with him to clean up him.

The blood shadow is torn apart, and it doesn't matter to the Wang family, it doesn't matter if you can subdue part of it.

"In that case, Zhou Luan and I will go to the Blood Shadow headquarters in half a month to clean up those monsters."

With Wang Daoyuan's promise, Zhang Dingming's face showed joy.

"Thank you, the Emperor, and the Queen Mother.

The old man is at the blood shadow headquarters, welcoming the two big drivers. "

After discussing the major issues, there was nothing left to discuss, and Zhang Dingming quickly left.

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