Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 826: Blood Shadow Headquarters

After sending away Zhang Dingming, the two returned to the underground cave.

Wang Daoyuan took out a not-so-thick animal skin book: "When the spiritual veins of the Tianzhan Mountain Range become Tier 5, there will be many Jindan cultivators who will break through the realm.

At that time, it will be difficult for your cultivation base to deter the blood shadow gang.

If the Xu family makes any trouble again, the joint Zhang family will take you up.

You only have the name of a movie master, and all of our efforts are wasted.

This is the clone soul cultivation technique practiced by the mortal corpse. I went to the Seven Star Sea and found the complete one, which would not have much impact on myself.

You practice as soon as possible to condense two divided souls.

When I subdue two Tier 5 monsters, you will refine their clones.

With two powerful Tier 5 monster beasts opposing the formation, the Xu family absolutely did not dare to turn back.

You can also take advantage of the Xu family to suppress the Zhang family's counterattack.

Only when our king's children slowly enter the blood shadow and the power is cultivated, can they stabilize.

The weaknesses of this secret technique, as well as the areas where you need ideas, are all in it, so you can cultivate as soon as possible. "

Zhou Luan took the animal skin book and returned to her boudoir to practice.

When he was about to head to the Southern Wilderness, he did not continue to refine his alchemy, but took a pill for nurturing infants to run his exercises and improve his cultivation.

Half a month passed quickly, and it was the day of departure.

Wang Daoyuan asked Zhou Luan, "Master Hall, have you practiced this secret technique?"

Zhou Luan replied: "I have already started, and the two divided souls have also been condensed, but they have not been cultivated yet."

Wang Daoyuan took out a three-inch high jade bottle from the Lingzhu space and handed it to Zhou Luan.

"This is the flower dew of the horse chestnut ghost face flower. It has a great effect on the nourishment of the soul, and it can also improve the cultivation of spiritual consciousness."

Zhou Luan was a little surprised. He had naturally heard of Qiye Guimianhua, and he knew the preciousness of this flower dew.

Unexpectedly, Wang Daoyuan directly took out so many flower lotions in the jade bottle, a few would have to have 40 or 50 drops.

"I heard that the flower dew of the buckeye ghost face flower can quickly restore the power of divine consciousness.

You often fight, so keep it.

It only takes one or two drops to accumulate the soul of nutrients. "

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and said, "No, I don't lack this thing."

After all, he took out a few more jade bottles, which were filled with flower dew.

Zhou Luan was relieved and accepted the jade bottle.

Wang Daoyuan left Hui Peng at Yuquan Peak to guard against the appearance of Tier 5 monsters in Shanbei and Tianzhan Mountains.

Grey Peng grew up at the end of Xihai Heaven and Earth, where the environment is extremely harsh, and it is not easy to survive.

In terms of strength, it is much stronger than monsters of the same rank.

With Hui Peng, even if there is a Tier 5 monster looking for death, it is not its opponent.

Afterwards, he and Zhou Luan took a Tier 5 high-grade flying boat to the Southern Wilderness.

He hadn't been idle along the way, he had walked a few places where Tier 5 monsters were haunted.

Kill a few Tier 4 monsters smoothly to frighten them.

Of course, this is also for these small countries.

The Kingdom of Yan is now a major force guarding the east, and the nation established by the human race is threatened by monsters, so he has to show its existence.

Two days later, Feizhou came to the edge of the Southern Wilderness.

This place is similar to the Mingsha Plain in the south of Baoding Mountain, and there is also a place for body-building monks and casual cultivators, called Bibohai.

It's not the sea, and there are no huge lakes, but there are so many mountains.

Just near the Tianzhan Mountains, there are so many rivers that gather into small lakes in the mountains.

The mountains and rivers are half and half, mixed together, and the casual repairs here simply call this the sea.

The place where the blood shadow headquarters is located is still south of Bibohai.

There is a fifth-order formation that can soften the violent aura, and it will not be affected too much if it is within the range of the Southern Wilderness.

The flying boat continued to fly out for five to six thousand miles to the south. There was a valley in front of him, and in the middle of the valley was a small river that poured into the blue sea to the north.

This is where the blood shadow headquarters is located. The blood shadow has always been dedicated to hiding, and even this valley has no name.

Flying boat under the tribe in the valley, two old men with white beard and hair appeared out of thin air, it was Zhang Dingming and Xu Boyu.

The two bowed and saluted: "I have met the Emperor and Empress Dowager."

Zhang Dingming continued: "Also invite the Supreme Emperor and Empress to enter the headquarters."

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan nodded in greeting, and followed them to the cliff on the side of the valley.

Before coming to the cliff, Zhang Dingming took out a blood jade token.

Under the urging of spiritual power, a blood light appeared.

A portal appeared on the cliff, and the four walked in.

The location of the Blood Shadow Headquarters is a bit similar to the Blood Demon City that Wang Daoyuan visited back then.

They are all built in natural karst caves, and then expand the space everywhere.

After walking in the cave for half an hour, he came to a tall stone gate.

Entering Shimen, the scene inside is a bit brighter.

It is similar to the Sky Demon City, except that there is a rock formation above it instead of the sky, and it is not much different from the outside world.

There are also mountains and plants, birds and beasts.

It's just that there is formation protection outside, and the aura inside is very soft.

On the rock above, there is something emitting sunlight.

Divine Sense went over and found that it was a bead about a foot in diameter with a soul inside.

The breath that this soul exudes is similar to that of the Akabane Crow, and it should have the blood of the Golden Crow.

This bead, to say less, is also a fourth-order high-grade magic weapon, especially for dealing with demons and demons. It has a very strong effect, but it is placed here to illuminate.

The entire underground headquarters has a radius of more than a thousand miles, and there are fourth-order peak spiritual veins underground.

The important institutions of Blood Shadow are all set up in the center of the underground space.

There is a city that is fifty miles square, and the center of the city is a hall.

This is the place where the elders discuss matters, and it is also the highest authority of the blood shadow.

Zhang Dingming arched his hands and said: "The Supreme Emperor and the Queen Mother have been running for hundreds of thousands of miles. I have prepared the cave for the two of them. I will rest for a few days and it will not be too late to solve the monster beast.

If you two have any needs, just ask them. "

Wang Daoyuan didn't have any opinion either, it was these elders who were anxious at this time.

The longer they dragged on, the more anxious they became.

Zhou Luan shook his head: "There is nothing needed. I have left here for more than three hundred years, so I can just take a look.

Go ahead and do your own business, I also grew up here, and I am familiar with it. "

Zhang Dingming and Xu Boyu returned to the conference hall to deal with blood shadow affairs.

Zhou Luan took Wang Daoyuan around the city, talking about her childhood, looking very happy.

In the end, the two came to the door of a simple small courtyard.

There is also a plaque above the gate with the characters "Zhou Mansion" written on it.

Zhou Luan's face was no longer happy, but a trace of sorrow was revealed.

Take out a mysterious iron token and open the defensive formation.

Open the door and walk into the courtyard.

Everything in the small courtyard is very clean and tidy, and it seems that there are still people living in it.

The furnishings in the courtyard are also very simple, with only a stone table and a few stone benches. The appearance of the stone table and benches is exactly the same as that in the underground cave of Yuquan Peak.

Zhou Luan looked at the table in a daze, and after a long time he spoke: "Father likes to drink at this stone table the most..."

There were tears in her Daoyuan took her into his arms and comforted her softly.

After a long time, Zhou Luan stopped crying.

She opened the door on the right side of the small courtyard, and the furnishings inside were exactly the same as the boudoir in the underground cave of Yuquan Peak.

In the next few days, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan lived in this small courtyard.

Zhang Dingming came to visit every day, trying to urge the two of them, but he didn't dare to say clearly, he always thought about him.

But Xu Boyu did not dare to come over once.

After all, there was a grudge, Zhou Luan was hurt by Jing Jing, and was unhappy, and cut him alive. It was really hard to cry.

Ten days later, another mine in Xueying was besieged by monsters.

Zhang Dingming and Xu Boyu didn't care about the others and came to Zhou Mansion.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Dingming saluted: "Two Tier 5 monsters with a group of Tier 4 monsters are besieging Kongming Mountain. Please also ask the Supreme Emperor and Empress Dowager to help."

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