Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 829: Settle grievances

   The second elder recommended, the film master and the elder both agreed, and the matter was settled.

  "Since the great elder has no opinion, it is so decided, and Zhang Yue will be the second elder.

   Every elder is busy with it, the fifth-order monster has been subdued, many industries have suffered heavy losses during this period, and it is still necessary to recover as soon as possible. "

   All the elders left one after another, and only the Great Elder and Xu Boyu were left.

   Xu Boyu, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan handed over: "I also invite the movie master and the Supreme Emperor to come to Xu's house to tell us what happened back then, the old man should also be confessed."

   Zhang Dingming came to understand that the Xu family supported Zhou Luan to become the film host, and Zhou Luan opened his face to Xu Jiawang.

   If this were not the case, with Wang Daoyuan's temper, he would have to smooth the Xu family.

   The three people left the ancestral hall and headed to Xujialing Mountain.

  The spirit mountains of these families are all outside the Blood Shadow City.

   There are only a few courtyards in the city, which are convenient for the clansmen who have positions.

   As one of the two big families of Blood Shadow, the Xu family has lived for tens of thousands of years, and the family background is still very solid.

   There are more than a dozen hills north of Blood Studio City, all of which belong to the Xu family.

   The three people came to the Xu Family's main spiritual vein, and all the Jindan monks of the Xu Family's faction were already here.

   Seeing Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan coming here, everyone saluted: "See the shadow lord and the supreme emperor."

   Zhou Luan waved his hand and said, "No gift."

   Everyone got up, and Xu Boyu said: "About four hundred years ago, Xu Yizong of our Xu family lost to the movie owner when he was vying for the qualification to open the Purple Mansion.

   I felt that my face was dull, so I suppressed the movie master.

   Xu Yizong wanted to marry the movie master, but after being rejected, I felt dull on my face.

   Under the influence of this kid, he sent the movie master to the deserted land north of Huiyan Mountain.

   also used the relationship to kill the father of the movie owner.

   Killing pays for life, now is the time for our Xu family to pay the price. "

   He pointed out Xu Yizong and two other Jindan cultivators: "There were a lot of people who participated at this time, and only the four of us have survived until now.

  How to deal with it all depends on the movie master.

   Everyone in the Xu family, listen, the four of us are going to die today, and we owe the movie master from the Xu family.

   The descendants of the Xu family will follow the instructions of the movie master and must not disobey.

   Qinghe, you will be responsible for all matters of the Xu family in the future. You must restrain future generations and do not oppose the movie master and Yan Guo. "

   Xu Qinghe arched his hands and said: "Follow my father's orders."

   Zhou Luan glanced at them: "I will not deal with the Xu family in the future, lest someone in the Xu family wants to take revenge for you.

   I won't do it myself, you can decide on your own. "

   Xu Boyu arched his hands and said, "Thank you for the magnanimity of the movie master."

After   , he looked at Xu Yizong's three people again: "Let's not anger the movie master if you three don't want to die after the old man's death.

   The three of you should judge yourself first, if you dare not, the old man will do it yourself. "

   This Xu Yizong is less than five hundred years old, and his golden core cultivation is in the mid-term. He looks like a young man and looks good.

   It’s just that I have been so scared that Liushen Wuzhu, his face pale, and cold sweat on his forehead.

   Hearing Xu Boyu asked him to judge himself, he knelt down in fright: "Grandpa, save me, I don't want to die."

   Xu Boyu sighed: "It's all my fault, I'm too spoiled for you.

   Otherwise, you won't cause such a disaster.

  Since it is my fault, I will solve it. "

   Before he finished his words, he slapped Xu Yizong on the forehead.

   Xu Yizong's eyes widened, with an unbelievable expression on his face, he fell to the ground, angrily dead.

   The other two didn't use Xu Boyu's hands, and they broke off by themselves.

   Xu Boyu looked at the Xu family members, and then patted her forehead with her hand.

   Everyone in the Xu family had tears in their eyes, but they did not dare to cry.

   Zhou Luan said: "My grievances with the Xu family have ended. As long as the Xu family does not betray, I will never suppress the Xu family."

   After that, leave Xujialing Mountain with Wang Daoyuan and return to Blood Shadow City.

   When they arrived at Blood Shadow City, the two came to Zhou Mansion.

   Zhou Luan opened the main room of the small courtyard, which contained only a table, a few chairs and a bed.

There are two tablets on the table on the    offering table, one for Zhou Luan's parents.

   Zhou Luan put three sticks of incense on the two tablets and knocked three heads: "Father, your revenge is revenge, and your daughter is now the master of Blood Shadow.

   also found you a good son-in-law and gave birth to a grandson, the emperor of the Yan Kingdom.

   When you were alive, you always wanted to recognize your ancestor and return to your clan, and your daughter did it for you.

   Now my daughter is the Qingyang princess of Zhou, the leader of Chiluan's ancestors. "

   Wang Daoyuan also went to the three stick incense: "Father-in-law, mother-in-law, don't worry, Zhou Luan will take care of me, so there will be no mistakes."

After    worship, Wang Daoyuan stayed here with Zhou Luan for more than a month.

   Zhou Luan has been able to completely control the two clones, and there will be no problem with the combat protection of these two cultivators comparable to those of the average Yuan Ying late cultivator.

   Wang Daoyuan left all the Peiying Dan to her, left the Blood Shadow headquarters and returned to Yuquan Peak.

   The family faces three dangerous places, the Tianzhan Mountain Range, the East China Sea, and the Arctic Icefield, which is more dangerous than the Blood Shadow Headquarters.

   Without him sitting in town for a long time, the monster beast will definitely make trouble.

   Zhou Luan naturally stayed at the headquarters. After all, he had just become a movie master, and he did not have a reliable force under his hand, so he could not leave easily.

   She has appointed Wang Daojian as the head of the Shanbei branch. The power is the same as before, and she can appoint the head of the second-level branch.

   The entire blood shadow organization in Yan Kingdom is managed by Wang Daojian.

After   , the Wang family’s children will enter the headquarters through the Shanbei branch.

   There is a shadow master, and the children of the Wang family who enter the blood shadow headquarters will naturally be reused.

   On the way back to Yuquan Peak, Wang Daoyuan strolled around several places where Tier 5 monsters haunt.

   These monsters are quite obedient, and since the last time they were intimidated, they have never appeared again.

   returned to Yuquan Peak unimpeded all the way, and there was no problem with the family.

After    Monster Beast was swept twice, no one dared to show up again.

   After returning to Yuquanfeng, there was a happy event, Yuquanfeng's spiritual veins were upgraded to the fourth-tier top grade.

  Moreover, there is a clear upward trend in the concentration of Reiki.

   The piece of the essence of Guishui that had been integrated into the spirit veins before, was finally not in vain.

   Coupled with the fact that the Tianzhan Mountain Range is closer, the Tianzhan Mountain Range will become a fifth-order spiritual vein in the future, and Yuquan Peak can also get some benefits.

   There is still a lot of hope for the Lingmai rank to be upgraded to the fifth rank.

  On Yuquan Peak, he also met a person whom he hadn't seen for many years, it was Wang Dezhao.

   After Wang Daochang went to the position of patriarch, Wang Mingshan became the patriarch and he served as the chief elder.

   However, I resigned after a few years and stayed in the Green Willow Secret Realm to practice.

   After coming back for several years, he has not shown up.

   Seeing Wang Daoyuan, he hurriedly saluted: "Grandson sees Qi Shugong, congratulations Qi Shugong breaks through Yuan Ying."

   Wang Daoyuan looked at him carefully: "Yes, the cultivation base of the peak of the Purple Mansion.

   After a hundred years of opening up the Purple Mansion, he can cultivate to such a level. It is not easy. How is the progress in the cultivation of immortals? "

   Wang Dezhao smiled awkwardly: "In these years, I have put all my energy on cultivation, UU reading alchemy tools are only at the third-order low-grade level."

   His talent is good, but he is not top-notch. It is already very good to be able to raise his cultivation to the peak of the Purple Mansion within a hundred years.

   As for alchemy and refining, temporary delay is not a big deal.

   What the family lacks is the pillar, not the alchemist or the refiner.

  "For a hundred years, it has been rare to have this achievement.

   You are here this time, you want to ask about the law of fire attributes, right? "

   After that, take out the Meteorite Royal Fire Gourd, draw out a ray of red sun and put it inside.

  "You can use this spirit fire to understand the law. If you don’t understand, ask your third uncle.

   I still have to improve alchemy, and I don’t have time to give you advice. "

   Wang Dezhao took the gourd and thanked him again and again.

   There is a world of difference between the fifth-order spiritual fire and the fourth-order spiritual fire.

   It is not easy to enlighten the law.

   And the law in the fifth-order spiritual fire is extremely obvious, basically putting the law in front of you.

   Facing the fifth-order spiritual fire enlightenment law, the difficulty is much lower.



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