Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 830: Tier 5 Aura Appears

   After sending Wang Dezhao away, Wang Daoyuan returned to the underground cave and began to refine the pill.

   In the Heavenly Secret Tower, follow the Thousand Hands God to learn alchemy.

   There is no need to raise a pill in the illusion, it only takes half an hour to refine a pot of pill.

   Although I didn't stay in the illusion for a long time, the harvest was still great.

   Now he can refine two furnaces of Nine Death Resurrection Pills at the same time, and the rate of pill formation has reached 40%.

  After the pill refining is completed, the pill and the furnace can be collected into the Lingzhu space.

   Yuan Ying also entered the Lingzhu space, slowly accumulating the pill.

   In this way, the most time-consuming pill cultivation will not take a few days, and he can quickly refine a large amount of pill.

   Two years later, the success rate of his refining the Nine Death Resurrection Pill reached 60%.

   With this rate of pill formation, it is completely possible to start refining the fifth-tier middle-grade pill Peiying Pill.

   Although the value of this Peiying Pill is far higher than the value of the Nine Deadly Resurrection Pill, it is not too outrageous.

   got all the seedlings of the elixir needed by Peiying Pill in the Seven Star Temple. These elixir will also bloom and set seeds when the age is not enough.

   The clone picked these seeds and expanded them.

   Before in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, it was difficult to find the elixir for alchemy.

   The spirit field expanded from the spirit orb space did not plant other spirit plants.

   With these seeds of the elixir for raising infants, the planting was expanded, and now there are more than 30 acres.

   I have harvested more than ten acres before and refined hundreds of Peiying Pills, which is not a big problem.

   The other twenty acres will be improved in the next few years.

   The pit of the baby-filling fruit used by Zhou Luan when he gave birth before was planted in the Lingzhu space by Wang Daoyuan, and now it has grown a seedling that is more than a foot high.

   However, it will take at least several decades for the saplings to begin to bear fruit.

   Take out a piece of Peiying Pill material, extract the essence of the elixir from it with Life Spirit Fire, and begin to refine Peiying Pill.

   The first time he tried refining, he did not dare to refine two pots of pill at the same time. The first pot of pill was not bad, and the pill was two, and the next one was a six-month accumulation time.

   Put the pill furnace into the Lingzhu space, and Yuan Ying also entered it.

   The time has accelerated more than seventy times, and less than three days have passed by the outside world, and the pill has been successfully contained.

   Yuan Ying came out of the Lingzhu space, took a freshly refined Peiying Pill, and refined it by running the exercises.

  Using the alchemy technique of the Thousand Hands God, the life spirit fire extracts the essence of the elixir, and the erysipelas in the elixir is indeed much less.

   Of course, for Wang Daoyuan, it doesn't matter whether there is erysipelas or not.

  Even if there is erysipelas remaining in the body, it can be used to burn the whole body once again to get rid of erysipelas.

   After confirming the success of alchemy, he still wants to make persistent efforts to refine more pill for pill.

   But the Grey Peng who was patrolling the Tianzhan Mountain Range found an anomaly.

   He felt the avatar Gray Peng in a panoramic view, and only felt that there was a trace of unusual power in the Sky Slash Mountain Range.

   And, with the passage of time, this kind of fluctuation has become stronger and stronger.

   This kind of fluctuation is not unfamiliar, it is the law of power fluctuation that only the fifth-order spiritual veins have.

   Wang Dao left the underground cave and flew east to the vicinity of the main line of the Tianzhan Mountain Range.

   The aura produced here really has very few Tier 5 auras.

   He stayed here for a while, and the fifth-order aura became more and more.

   It's just that the changes are very weak, and it is difficult to find cultivators below Nasal Infant and demons below Tier 5.

   There are not enough Tier 5 auras produced now, and relying on this aura is not enough to break through the Nascent Soul Realm.

   However, according to this growth rate slowly.

   Within two or three years at most, the main spiritual channel of the Sky Slash Mountain Range can truly become a fifth-order lower-grade spiritual channel, allowing the monks to break through the Nascent Soul realm without any problem.

   The Heavenly Slashing Mountain Range stretches from Juetianyuan to the depths of the extremely cold ice sheet for more than a million miles.

   There is no spiritual vein on such a huge scale on the Qixing Sea.

   Once it becomes the fifth-order spiritual vein, it will produce massive fifth-order spiritual energy.

   Affected by this, the aura concentration of the entire Beiyuan will rapidly increase.

   When the time comes, the battle between the demon race and the human race will become more intense.

   After all, once the aura is restored, the advantage of the human race's fast cultivation speed will be brought into play.

  The longer it drags on, the greater the advantage of the human race will be.

   Although the demons are reckless, they are not brainless, and they will not watch the human race have an absolute advantage.

   More than 10,000 years ago, the Yaozu had to sneak up on breaking through the realm. This situation is not something that the Yaozu wants to see.

  The demons hiding everywhere will definitely gather together under the tremendous pressure of the human race to deal with the human race together.

   Wang Daoyuan immediately sent a letter to Zhou Luan, Master, and the many monks on the Tianji Sect, so that they could be prepared early.

   Tier 5 demon clan didn't show up, trying to defeat each one, but couldn't find a place.

   There is not much he can do, he can only return to Yuquan Peak, prepare more resources, and be ready to fight the monster clan.

   At the same time, let the clone Gray Peng monitor the movement of the monster race, and if there are any moths, they can be found in time.

   The Akabane Crow in the Lingzhu space has been stuck in the fourth-order peak for a long time.

   With the blood concentration of the Golden Crow Divine Bird in its body, there is ample aura in the spirit bead space, and it shouldn't get stuck at the fourth-order peak.

   This guy usually dozes on the blood-fire hibiscus tree in the Lingzhu space, and it is not a way to let it stay like this.

   Wang Daoyuan also released it, and followed Hui Peng to investigate the movement of the monster clan.

   The Golden Crow is also a sacred bird known for its speed, and coupled with the protection of the gray peng, it is not a problem to encounter a Tier 5 monster.

   Encountering a Tier 4 monster, and allowing it to practice hand skills, maybe there is an opportunity to break through Tier 5.

   But after this guy came out of the spirit orb space, he was unwilling to search for monsters.

   just flew to Tieping Mountain on the western border of Qingli County and stayed on the top of the mountain to bask in the sun.

   Although Tieping Mountain is high, it only has third-order lower-grade spirit veins, and there is no monster that can threaten it.

   I simply don't care about it. If I like to bask in the sun, I let it go away slowly.

   Two years passed quickly. After Wang Daoyuan refined hundreds of Peiying Pills, he switched to refining Tier 5 magical artifacts.

   Of course, these magical artifacts are also based on Tier 5 low-grade shields.

  The battle with the Yaozu is coming soon, and more Tier 5 magical weapons can also increase combat power.

   In the future, some clansmen can break through the fifth rank, and they can also use these shields to overcome the catastrophe.

   In the past two years, there have been more and more Tier 5 auras produced by the Sky Slash Mountain Range.

   It's just using these spiritual energy to break through the gap, and no humans and monsters are taking risks at this time.

   It's Akabane. The sun hasn't been white in the past two years.

   Its little supernatural powers are getting stronger and stronger, and it is very close to the real supernatural powers.

   It seems that after staying in the Lingzhu space for a few years, there is no sign of breakthrough, it should be that he can't see the sun.

   Legend says that the sun was transformed by the ancestors of the Golden Crow family, and it contains the magical powers of the Golden Crow family.

   Wang Daoyuan couldn't feel anything special in the sun, thinking it was just a legend.

   Akabane is just basking in the sun, UU reading can enhance its little magical powers.

   It seems that this legend is not groundless.

  Wang Daoyuan’s Yuan Ying is cultivating a silver fifth-order low-grade shield in the Lingzhu space.

   Soon, the shield exudes strong spiritual power fluctuations, as well as the power of the law unique to the fifth-order magic weapon.

   Yuan Ying waved his small hand and took out the shield from the refining cauldron.

   Yuan Ying exited the Lingzhu space and returned to the flesh.

   At this time, Akabane Ou came to him.

   Wang Daoyuan asked: "Why don't Tiepingshan continue to bask in the sun?"

   Akabane Crow used his divine sense to spread the voice: "Father, I can now break through the fifth rank."

   Hearing this, Wang Daoyuan was overjoyed.

   After the Akabane Crow's breakthrough, his strength should not be inferior to the average Tier 5 middle-rank monster.

   He took out a few nine-death resurrection pills: "Is this medicine useful for you?"

  "This thing is a spiritual thing that the human race needs. The yin qi in it will only deplete my pure yang qi, and it will have side effects on me.

   I don’t need to be afraid of being injured. As long as it’s during the day, I can constantly absorb power from the sun, which can replenish my spiritual power and recover from my injuries. "


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