Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 831: Akabane Crow Advance

   Wang Dao can't help but sigh: These sacred beasts are worthy of the darling of heaven and earth, and they can obtain spiritual power from the sun.

   This is still a little supernatural power, it can be so capable.

   When you break through to Tier 5, the little supernatural powers will be transformed into supernatural powers, and their power will be greatly improved.

   In the future, Akabane and people will fight in the daytime, I am afraid that there is no need to consider the issue of consumption.

   He asked Akabane Ou: "Do you still need to prepare? If there is nothing to prepare, let's go to the Sky Slash Mountain Range and prepare to break through the fifth rank.

   The fire demon pill you used to break through, I'm ready. "

   "Thank you father, I have nothing to prepare."

   The first thing that Akabane Wu Chuhu saw was Wang Daoyuan, and he has been called his father since he could communicate with God.

  Wang Daoyuan has corrected it many times to no avail, and he simply doesn't care about it.

   Anyway, there is already a son Wang Mingchen, and it’s no big deal to find him a brother of the Golden Crow bloodline.

   Wang Dao took Akabane Crow far away and headed towards the east.

   came to the vicinity of the main line of the Tianzhan Mountain Range, and found a relatively flat place on the mountainside.

   Akabane was standing on this flat ground, eating a fiery red demon pill, spreading its wings, absorbing the power of the sun.

   It was the first hour of noon at this time, the sun had already passed the cover of the Sky Slash Mountain Range, the sunlight became stronger and stronger, and the spiritual power fluctuations on Akabane Crow's body became stronger and stronger.

   Spirit beasts are different from human beings. They don’t need to have babies, and they don’t need five element spiritual things.

   Akabane Ubi refines the demon pill while absorbing the power from the sun.

   An hour later, its whole body's spiritual power fluctuations suddenly increased, reaching the level of a Tier 5 low-grade monster beast.

   At the same time, the power of the law fluctuates more intensely, which has already broken through the fifth rank.

   The robbery cloud appeared in the sky soon, and it expanded rapidly.

   expanded to about three hundred miles in diameter before stopping.

   A quarter of an hour later, a fiery red lightning fell from the sky.

   Akabane Wu opened his mouth and spit out a huge fireball, smashing it towards the lightning.

   The lightning and the fireball collapsed at the same time, Akabane was unscathed, and began to absorb the remaining spiritual power.

   The power of this heavenly calamity is not inferior to the five-element heavenly calamity of a human monk.

   Akabane Crow was able to carry it down hard, and it was still harmless. This strength was already better than most human monks.

   Even if it was the strength when the baby was just born, it was nothing more than that.

   The demon beast's breakthrough to the fifth-order heavenly calamity is also the five realms, but it does not belong to the five elements like humans.

   Although the human race is not like the sacred beast, it has the potential to cultivate to the realm of the immortal, but it also has its own extraordinary.

   Even if the five elements are not complete, when the baby is born, the five elements will be supplemented with the help of spiritual objects and heaven.

   The tribulation of the monster beast is only the same as its own spiritual power attribute, and there is no chance to complement the five elements.

   Akabane Crow is a fire attribute, and its five tribulations are also fire attributes.

   The five heavenly tribulations have the same spiritual power and the same power.

   Akabane can hold the first one, and the remaining four are not a problem.

   An hour later, all the five tribulations came down, and Akabane was unscathed.

  Because of absorbing a large amount of the power of Heavenly Tribulation, its spiritual power has not been severely depleted, on the contrary, it is more abundant than before.

   It refines the power of the celestial calamity in the body, strengthens the demon pill and the physical body.

   A quarter of an hour later, Jieyun surged violently.

   Soon, a fireball about one foot in diameter fell from the sky.

   Akabane didn't take the fireball seriously, and imitated the catastrophe and shot a fireball.

   However, its spells are still much weaker than Heaven's Tribulation.

   shot two fireballs in a row, only to disperse the fireballs.

   Before the next attack came, Akabane Crow also absorbed some sunlight by the way.

   After dozens of breaths, a golden sun fell from the sky.

   Akabane Crow didn't dare to be careless, and used his magical powers to transform into a red and gold sun.

  At this time, Wang Daoyuan's surroundings obviously became colder and darker, and the surrounding sunlight flooded to Akabane.

   With the addition of external forces, Akabane Crow's strength has increased.

   Two rounds of the sun kept chasing and colliding under the robbery cloud, and occasionally stretched out paws or mouths in the sun to give opponents a look.

   Half a quarter of an hour later, Akabane was really unable to hold it, and the red and golden sun also completely collapsed.

  The sun transformed by the tribulation of the sky is still reluctant, slamming on it fiercely.

   Then, the sun of the tribulation turned into a three-legged golden crow, with golden flames spouting from his mouth, surrounding the red feather crows.

   Akabane Crow also didn't give up, constantly devouring these golden flames.

   After a stalemate for half an hour, the Golden Crow of Heavenly Tribulation dissipated.

   Only the golden flame was left, still burning around it, and I couldn't see the specific situation of Akabane Crow.

   At this time, the heavenly Jieyun began to change from black to purple and gold.

   The heavenly power possessed by the tribulation of heaven also began to dissipate.

   Now Wang Daoyuan is relieved, at least Akabane is still alive.

   Wang Daoyuan released his own vision of Yinglong, it flew to Akabane Crow, and began to consume the golden flames of Heavenly Tribulation.

   He also released his own real red sun fire, trying to swallow these flames.

  , after all, was the flame of the heavenly calamity, even if it wasn't the real fire of the sun, it was already very close.

   It is somewhat beneficial to absorb some Heavenly Tribulation Flames and blend into the Chi Yang Real Fire.

   is like that red sun true flame fire in the spirit pearl space, it is when the red feather crow breaks through the fourth order, it has absorbed some of the flames of the sky.

   There is more gold in the flame than the mother fire.

   Massive red sun real fire continuously gushes out from Wang Daoyuan's body, devouring the flames of Heavenly Tribulation.

   Half a quarter of an hour later, the golden flames of the Heavenly Tribulation were swallowed up by the true red sun fire and Yinglong's vision.

  Wang Daoyuan absorbed the Chiyang True Fire into his body, and incorporated all of it into the seeds of fire attribute spiritual power.

   Akabane's body was also exposed, and at this time its feathers had turned into fly ash.

   The bare body has also been scorched, leaving only some vitality fluctuations.

   A purple-gold sphere with a diameter of five inches fell from the sky and blended into the coke.

The vitality of    Akabane Crow rapidly increased, and the burnt black on his body gradually receded, revealing a golden bald bird.

   At this time, pieces of purple-gold petals fell in the robbery cloud.

   Akabane Crow absorbed these petals, and black hair began to grow on its body.

   Feathers emerged from the fluff, gradually covering the fluff.

   In the end, Akabane's feathers recovered as before.

   In terms of details, there are still some differences from before.

   The current Akabane Crow is almost exactly the same as the previous Heavenly Tribulation Golden Crow. The only difference is that the Heavenly Tribulation Golden Crow has three claws, while the Akabane Crow has only two.

After    feathers recovered, Akabane Ou woke up soon.

   He shouted directly: "Father, come to absorb some gifts from heaven and earth, I can't absorb too much."

   Monster Beast breaks through the fifth rank, even if it doesn't take the path of transformation, it can still speak out.

   The Akabane Black bloodline is extraordinary, and he has cultivated to the extreme, just like the sun. There is no need to transform into a human form to practice.

   Wang Daoyuan didn't think it was any weird. UU Reading www.uukā also flew to the scope of the gift of heaven and earth, sat down and absorbed the gift of heaven and earth.

   Yinglong's vision has not been recovered, and he has been desperately devouring gifts from heaven and earth.

   At this moment, a sharp cry came from the upper wind layer: "Which genius junior of my monster race can break through the fifth rank at this time?"

   Demon beasts breaking through the fifth-tier heaven and earth gifts will definitely attract demon beasts to covet it. If there is no demon beast to take advantage of it, it is abnormal.

   Wang Daoyuan snorted coldly: "Get off."

The spiritual power in the   gang wind layer halted, and then angrily rebuked: "The human race who knows nothing about life or death, dare to raise the fifth-order monster race.

   If you are acquainted, you can quickly disagree, and I can let you make a living.

  If not, I will let you die. "

   Wang Daoyuan watched for a long time, but he didn't find the specific location of this guy.

   only knows that it is hiding in the wind layer, and the divine consciousness cannot probe too far in the wind.

  "Where did the wicked animal come from, like a chicken that has been plagued, dare not even show its head.

   Get out if you have the guts, shut up if you don't have the guts. "

Before    spoke, an angry voice came from the Gangfeng layer: "You are the chicken..., your grandfather, I am the phoenix."



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