Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 855: Inheritance of memory

Under the nourishment of gifts from heaven and earth, Arowana quickly woke up.

At this time, his body grew to more than one foot long, and his head was three feet long, just like a real dragon, and his body became slender.

It seems to be closer to the real dragon than the dragon fish of the ancestors.

The dragon fish of Uncle Twelve had absorbed the gifts from Yunyi and their three heavens and earth, and at this time had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Usually, staying in Yulongquan, you can also eat some Yulongweed, but I haven't had such a good life.

It takes a long time to digest so many gifts from heaven and earth.

Arowana's gift of heaven and earth soon ended, and Wang Dezhao also absorbed the gift of heaven and earth from the three-headed spirit beast.

Wang Daoyuan asked, "De Zhao, do you cross the catastrophe now?"

Wang Dezhao said, "Thank you, Uncle Qi, I feel that there is still room for improvement in my physical body, and I want to improve it a little bit before crossing the catastrophe."

Naturally, Wang Daoyuan has no opinion. Wang Dezhao is less than three hundred years old now, and he has plenty of time.

The family is also not short of a golden core combat power, and it is also a good thing to lay a solid foundation.

He nodded: "Then you should work hard to improve. There is no need to worry about the puppet technique. I will hand it over to others first, and wait for you to break through before you learn it later."

"I would like to follow the orders of Uncle Qi, and my grandson will go to the Green Willow Secret Realm to retreat and bid farewell."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "By the way, bring your Twelfth Grandpa's Dragon Fish back to Yuquan Peak, and I will ask Hui Peng to send it to you."

Hui Peng carried Wang Dezhao and Arowana and headed southwest.

After the black dragon fish broke through Tier 4, he couldn't vomit.

After all, the time it takes to cultivate is incomparable to that of Yunyi, and it eats very little Demon Soul Grass.

It communicated to Wang Daoyuan: "Master, I want to cross the catastrophe."

Naturally, Wang Daoyuan had no objection, this guy borrowed the power of Mingshuihe to carry the nine tribulations without injury.

I have also seen the Transformation Heaven Tribulation when Dahei was transformed into the form before, which is simply not worth mentioning.

With its magical powers, naturally it is not a problem.

The black dragon fish jumped into the Styx River, and a small dark cloud appeared again above it.

The three heavenly tribulations fell quickly, and the black dragon fish blocked the heavenly tribulation by the river.

Soon, his scales turned into a black fish-scale robe, and the whole person turned into an eight-foot-tall, slightly thin young man.

The face is quite delicate, with two small dragon horns on his forehead.

With a pair of eyes spinning around, it doesn't look like an honest fish.

At this time, the avatar in the space is consulting the catalog of all souls.

Wang Daoyuan also wanted to see what kind of dragon this guy was.

There are several dragons who like Yin Qi, combined with the appearance of the black dragon that appeared before.

Wang Daoyuan was sure that the black dragon fish should belong to the line of the dark dragon. It's hard to say which one.

Legend has it that the underworld dragon is a true dragon guarding the water veins of the underworld, and its strength is considered relatively strong among the dragons.

Naturally incomparable with Canglong, but much stronger than Xuanlong.

Its ability to protect water is one of the best among real dragons like water dragons.

The young man transformed into a black dragon fish came to Wang Daoyuan and bowed deeply: "See the master."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Since you have transformed into form, then you will be named Wang Minglong."

Upon hearing this, Yun Yi brought his furry head closer: "Master, what about me?"

"Didn't I name you Yunyi long ago? You will be called Wang Yunyi from now on, or else you will also be transformed into a catastrophe?"

Yun Yi shook his head repeatedly: "No, it won't be easy to cheat barbecue after being transformed."

Wang Daoyuan sighed, this fat cat was not saved, it has become a Tier 4 spirit beast, and it is still so good.

He gave him a little black jade and quiet lotus seed, and this guy ran to play in the river of Underworld.

Wang Minglong was younger and had never been out of the Lingzhu Space. Seeing everything was fresh, he also ran into the river to play.

Wang Daoyuan sent a letter to them, telling them not to divulge the matter of space.

After that, he returned to his own cave and continued to refine the puppets.

Other tribesmen also came to the cave. Wang Shouzhe said: "It's a long way, let's teach some more methods of refining puppets.

I checked the collections of some families, and they all said that the biggest role of puppets is to fight.

We will only refine some Lingzhihu puppets, which are just the skin of puppetry.

Or else, you can teach us some methods of refining battle puppets. I think the sword repair puppets in Wanchuanfang City are very powerful. "

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "That was not what I refined. So far, I have only refined two puppets, the two that were dismantled for you."

After that, he took out a thin animal skin book: "This is the refining method of Tier 1 to Tier 3 puppets. There are records in various puppets, and you can write them down.

I don't need to say the importance of this inheritance, and it must not be leaked out.

After you learn this inheritance, don't refine it at will.

Refining the puppet is not difficult, the biggest difficulty is the core material of the puppet.

There are very few materials that can refine the core of the fifth-order puppet. The sword puppet uses the fifth-order soul crystal, and the material I give you is Huangquan Willow.

It just so happens that I still have some yellow spring willow seeds in my hand.

When I turned back, I dug a hole in the north of Younan Mountain, and used some water from the Pluto River to irrigate it to cultivate yellow spring willow.

Uncle, you lay out a formation here to protect Huang Quanliu.

Refining low-level puppets requires much less core materials for puppets, and a few materials that have the function of nurturing souls can play some role.

For example, in the Nine Nether Profound Crystal veins, sometimes extremely good-quality ores can be dug out, called Nine Nether Mo Jade, which can be used to refine Tier 3 puppets at the highest.

You can discuss with Zhao Guo and buy some Jiuyou Moyu. "

Naturally, there is no shortage of yellow spring willows. In the Lingzhu space, hundreds of yellow spring willows have been planted on the shore of the Guishui Mingquan and the water diversion channel to the north.

Refining this kind of low-level puppet core requires only small fingertips, which is enough to cut off four or five inches.

With such branches, a yellow spring willow can grow an unknown number in only ten years.

But the matter of Lingzhu Space still cannot be leaked out.

Wang Shouzhe took the animal skin book and even claimed that it was.

Wang Daoyuan took out a few jade slips again: "This is the refining method of the third-order Spirit Gathering Orb, and the Spirit Gathering Orb is a relatively special magic weapon.

It can absorb spiritual energy and convert it into spiritual energy for storage.

Put this Gathering Orb on a puppet, and in a place with strong spiritual energy, the puppet can work all the time, saving a lot of spiritual stones.

Zhao Liang, this thing will be handed over to your Refining Hall, so you can refine it more.

However, the refining method must be kept secret. "

Zhao Liang took the jade slip and said yes.

After sending everyone away, Wang Daoyuan continued to refine the puppets in this cave.

He has been trying to mirage the mountain gate of the Fog Sea Ten Thousand Beast Valley, but the risk is too great and he has not made up his mind.

If you can refine a few more Tier 5 puppets, you can send puppets to explore the way.

After staying in this cave mansion for more than a month, Wang Daoyuan was already able to refine a Tier 3 high-grade battle puppet.

Of course, the means of combat is relatively simple, only a few simple spells can be used.

Just as he was about to refine Tier 4 puppets, a furry head came out of the cave. UU reading www.

Wang Daoyuan saw that it was Yunyi, and asked, "What trouble have you caused again? Come in and say something."

Yunyi walked into the cave, followed by a dejected Wang Minglong.

"Master, it was not me who caused the trouble, it was Wang Minglong who caused the trouble.

The two of us went downstream along the Hades River, Wang Minglong had to go to the desert.

We arrived at the Baojing Lake Oasis and found a secret place.

There was a glimpse of khaki spring water, and Minglong insisted on going down, saying that he could go home.

I was afraid that something would happen, so I stunned it and forced it back. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little curious, and asked, "Minglong, have you awakened and inherited the memory?"

Wang Minglong replied: "I saw the spring water, and memory fragments appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Going down from the spring, you can reach a river with a very strong Yin Qi, where there are many monsters that are close to my blood. "

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