Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 856: Refining swords and repairing puppets

The Minglong channel originally lives in the underworld and guards the underworld water channels.

A few will follow the places where the underworld and the human world are connected to the human world.

The dragons are all the same, they like to show mercy everywhere.

Wang Daoyuan is quite clear about the inheritance of Wang Minglong's blood.

It is the descendant of the two Qingjiang carps that I caught by myself back then. Qingjiang carp is a water dragon.

The Minglong line is also a branch of the water dragon line, and their bloodlines are still very similar.

It should be that the ancestors of the two Qingjiang carps had some blood of the Dark Dragon.

In the Lingzhu space, there is the pure Yin Qi released by Guishui Mingyan, which may have stimulated the blood of the Minglong in his body.

Most of the bloodlines of sacred beasts have some inheritance memories. As the descendants of the underworld, it is not strange to awaken some memories of the underworld.

Wang Daoyuan asked: "Tell me carefully, what the river in your memory looks like and how do you get in."

Wang Minglong replied: "As long as you go down hundreds of miles along the spring in that secret realm, you can enter a place with extremely strong Yin Qi.

The monster beasts of my bloodline all live in a khaki river.

There were blood-red flowers growing on both sides of the river bank, and those flowers had flowers but no leaves.

There is also a huge willow tree on the shore, which is similar to the willow tree in the space of your master.

It's just that the bark of the willow tree is earthy yellow, and the bark of the willow tree in the space is black.

On the banks of the river, there are often wandering souls passing by, going upstream against the direction of the current.

I don’t know where they are going. "

There are also legends of the underworld in Beiyuan Xiuxianjie, which are roughly the same as the legends of the underworld in the previous life, but there are many differences.

The thing in Wang Minglong's inheritance memory is the underworld in the legend of Beiyuan.

However, the underground lava in Beiyuan Xiuxianjie is about ten thousand feet away from the surface, and it's only tens of miles away.

The secret realm needs to go deep into the underground hundreds of miles, this should involve the law of space.

It seems that the legend of the underworld is true, and Wang Daoyuan has no need to go to the underworld.

Although breaking through the gods, a sixth-order Yin attribute spiritual object is required.

But the human world is not to be found, there is no need to take this risk.

"What are the cultivation bases of those monsters with similar bloodlines in your memory?"

Wang Minglong said without hesitation: "The power gap between those monsters is very large, ranging from Tier 3 to Tier 5.

There are a few very powerful, much stronger than your master.

As for whether it is Tier 6 or Tier 7, I don’t know. "

"Is there a real dragon with four claws and five fingers like your little magical power robs that black dragon?"

Wang Minglong nodded: "Yes, but not much."

Wang Daoyuan knew in his heart that the true dragon was at least a seventh-order, that is, a Mahayana monk equivalent to a human being, and had an infinite life span.

Wang Daoyuan still knew a little about the strength of the Mahayana monks.

In addition to the records in ancient books, he personally fought against the Mahayana monks.

In the Tianji Tower, I also saw many inheritances left by the Mahayana predecessors.

At the beginning, in the illusion of the inheritance of the demon, there was only one of his divine thoughts.

The water polo condensed easily can completely suppress his full blow, and even deprive himself of control of spiritual power.

A true Mahayana monk can ignore the cracks in the space and tear the space directly, instantly squeezing millions of miles.

The Minglong line is in the dragon clan, and it also belongs to the type of good warfare.

The fighting technique of the same level is only the most talented group of human monks, which can be similar to them.

If it is at the level of the Five Elements Divine Beast, then only the unborn geniuses of the human race can be equal to them.

Listening to what Wang Minglong said, there were more than one seventh-order Minglong.

With his own ability, going down is to send food to Minglong, and it's not even an appetizer.

He persuaded: "Dragon, you must never enter the underworld. According to legend, the underworld does not allow living creatures in and out of the world at will.

Although you are of the blood of the Dark Dragon, the Dark Dragon clan may protect you.

But the underworld does not only have the underworld dragon clan, there are other strong people.

The Dark Dragon clan will not necessarily violate the rules of the Underworld for you as an arowana.

If they can't protect you, you will have no place to bury you.

If you really want to go back to the underworld, when I cultivate to the Mahayana realm, I can take you with me. "

Wang Minglong nodded: "Master, don't worry, I won't go down casually."

"You guys are going to make noise, it's around here.

Although Tier 5 Demon Race didn't dare to come over easily, but there was one who was not abiding by the rules.

The bloodlines of the two gods and beasts are not ordinary, so as not to make the monster race feel evil. "

When Wang Minglong wanted to go out, Yun Yi leaned close to Wang Daoyuan and rubbed his head against Wang Daoyuan.

Wang Daoyuan naturally knows what this means.

Take out a storage bag: "Here are a thousand Moyu Youlian Lotus Seeds, and 500 Demon Soul Grass. You two will share it."

Yunyi dangling his storage bag, turned around and ran.

Wang Daoyuan sighed, this fat cat is really hopeless.

After sighing, continue to refine the puppet.

This time, he intends to refine swords and repair puppets.

Even if it was replaced with the fifth-order Spirit Gathering Orb, the puppet still could not squander spiritual power.

Therefore, most combat puppets are melee puppets.

Large-scale spells like Wind Snow and Cold Sky are a one-off deal, and they are powerful enough, but it is difficult to guarantee the complete elimination of their opponents.

Sword repair is different, with quick moves and strong ability to break defenses.

The range of damage may not be as large as the wind and snow cold spells, but the ability to single out the master is much stronger.

The only problem is that the difficulty of refining is much higher.

If the sword repair puppet wants to exert its power, he must understand the sword intent.

If the person who refines the puppet is not a sword repairer, he can't refine a sword repair puppet at all.

Wang Daoyuan was naturally fine. It took three days to refine all parts of the puppet, and he also refined a Tier 4 middle-grade Guiyuan sword with Taiyi fine gold.

The rest is the soul of the puppet, the fourth-order sword repairs the puppet, and the requirements for the soul are still relatively high.

It can't be a human with too complicated mind, and its soul strength can't be too low. It's better to use some monster soul with higher intelligence.

Wang Daoyuan used the spirit of the second-tier high-grade fierce blood pig, and more than ten fierce blood pigs were always left in the spirit pearl space.

It was used to provide food to Yunyi and the others, but it came in handy now.

Slaughter a fierce-blooded pig and hand over the pork to the clone for processing.

Erase all the memories in his soul, and then use secret methods to transform his soul to make it easier to control the sword intent.

Only the cost of transforming the soul is extremely high, and this soul has no ability to learn other things.

And the soul becomes more fragile and easily destroyed.

After the transformation of the soul was completed, Wang Daoyuan took out some of the flower dew of the seven-leaf ghost face flower to stabilize the soul so as not to directly collapse.

Afterwards, Wang Daoyuan's Yuan Ying entered the Lingzhu space and brought his soul in.

With the help of the flow of time in the space, help the soul to comprehend the sword intent.

In addition, the soul must be taught to use several sword repair spells.

It may be because Wang Daoyuan's return to Yuan sword intent was relatively difficult, and it took half a year for the soul of the puppet to master the sword intent.

The flow of time in the Lingzhu space has exceeded eighty times. In the past six months from the outside world, it has been more than forty years in the space.

Afterwards, he spent some more effort to let the puppet soul control some sword repair spells. UU Reading

Incorporate the soul of the puppet into the puppet, and install three fourth-order spirit gathering beads for him.

This puppet king is more attentive, and his rank has reached the middle rank of Tier 4.

Yunyi and Wang Minglong were recruited back, and let them serve as puppet training partners.

After the combat puppets are refined, they need someone to accompany them to improve their combat capabilities.

These two guys have been locked in the Lingzhu space for too long, and they have been spending more than half a year outside with joy.

Now Wang Dao is far out of the gate, and the two of them are standing honestly like good children again.

Yunyi has only two hind legs on the ground and looks very cautious

Wang Daoyuan took out the newly refined sword puppet: "This is the puppet I refined. I need someone with similar strength to be the training partner. You two are very good."

After hearing this, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought it was misbehaving and was discovered, but I didn't expect it to be a sparring partner.

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