Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 857: practice

Yunyi itself was standing on the two hind paws, now let go of his mind and put down the two front paws.

Wang Daoyuan continued: "Especially your Yunyi."

Upon hearing this, Yunyi's front paws just put down again off the ground, and the entire tiger's body stood upright, his body straightened with a guilty expression on his face.

"Usually it's delicious and lazy, except for a roar, it will only run away.

This time you will be a training partner for the sword puppet, so you should also exercise.

In other words, it is the blood of the white tiger clan, and the melee ability is so poor.

If it is delicious and lazy, go to the lava lake to take a bath.

By the way, during my retreat to promote puppetry, the two of you didn't cause trouble, did you? "

One dragon and one tiger shook his head quickly, Wang Minglong shook his head with black hair drifting around.

Yun Yi's head was even more shaken out of an afterimage.

Both of these guys have detached temperaments, so it's strange that they don't cause trouble.

The uncle did not send a letter over there, and it is probably not causing a big trouble.

He didn't intend to go into it, turned and walked out of the cave.

Yun Yi breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his front paws, and followed Wang Daoyuan.

The foundation of the puppet's soul is just the soul of a second-tier high-grade monster beast.

Although improved by the secret method, in comprehending the sword intent, he can barely reach the level of the golden core monk.

But its spiritual consciousness is too weak, not like a monster beast.

Taking care of the spiritual field is naturally not a problem, but it is troublesome for the enemy.

Without the master's control, it is difficult to lock the enemy.

When encountering an opponent who is good at hiding, it is a complete fight.

There are generally three ways to lock down an opponent.

One is to rely on the master's divine consciousness to guide the attack, which is the case with most puppets.

The second is to rely on outside guidance, just like those puppets in the Seven-Star Secret Realm Purple Micro Palace, tracking the enemy through the floor to withstand changes in strength.

The most reliable, but also the most difficult, is to rely on secret techniques to track.

Just like the sword puppet guarding Wanchuanfang City, he uses secret techniques to capture the opponent's breath, and then lock the opponent's position.

When this method is used, the consumption of spiritual consciousness is even greater.

It is already very difficult for a puppet soul to learn sword intent and sword repair spells, and now it is even more difficult to make it learn to detect secrets.

Of course, there is also a simplified version.

The practice of the secret technique is too strenuous, so I used to probe the opponent's magic weapon to track it down.

Although it is more difficult to refine this way, it can save a lot of time and resources for cultivating the soul of the puppet.

Ordinary puppets don't need to fight alone, so there is no need to spend this effort.

This puppet refined by Wang Daoyuan does not have an accompanying secret exploration technique.

When fighting, you still have to use divine sense to command.

When he arrived outside the cave, his divine sense swept towards You Nanshan.

Uncle and their movements are still relatively fast, and in such a short period of time, Younan Mountain has already seen its scale.

More than 300 acres of Lingtian have been opened up, of which more than 50 acres have been upgraded to the second level, and a defensive formation covering half of You Nanshan has also been arranged.

Letting the puppets and Yunyi fight against each other will naturally not harm their own industry.

After flying down the river for more than five hundred miles, the battle at the level of the golden core has been unable to interfere with You Nan Mountain.

Wang Daoyuan said: "Yun Yi, you come first.

No roar, no wings. "

Yun Yi looked pitiful, and had to bite the bullet and fight the puppets.

Wang Daoyuan manipulated the puppets and used Tiangang sword formations to condense 36 sword shadows.

Yunyi couldn't use roars and wings, but could only condense a huge soul-devouring underworld tiger phantom, resisting the attack of sword shadow.

After all, Yunyi has small magical powers, and has a stronger control over spiritual power.

Constantly replenishing the strength of the Soul Eater Hades Tiger Phantom Shadow, each sword shadow really can't break its defense.

He also used tiger claws to attack Jianying from time to time, but it was still a bit powerful.

This fat cat can do this step, which is pretty good.

Wang Daoyuan didn't dare to let the puppets directly form a sword formation, so if Yunyi couldn't hold it, he might suffer severe damage.

"Minglong, your defense ability in the water is relatively strong, you come to practice.

For a while, the puppet will combine these 36 sword shadows into a sword formation, which is much more powerful.

You must do your best, and you must not slack in the slightest.

If you feel that you can't hold it, you will melt into the water and escape. "

Wang Minglong nodded, transformed into his original form, and jumped into the river of Hades.

Then a large amount of river water gathered around him, and soon a huge black water ball was formed.

Thirty-six sword shadows surrounded the water balls, and these sword shadows simultaneously released their sword energy to attack the water balls.

The entire surface of the river was shining with silver light, which made people unable to open their eyes.

Wang Minglong draws the spiritual power from the Hades River and integrates it into the water ball to resist these sword auras.

After ten breaths, a black dragon composed of black water flew out of the river.

The entire river of Pluto was boiling, and countless black water poured into the black dragon.

Countless sword qi slashed on the black dragon, only a small splash of water splashed.

The black dragon flicked its tail fiercely and broke the sword formation.

Thirty-six sword shadows merged together and cut towards the black dragon.

Only hearing a loud bang, the sword shadow shattered.

The black dragon also turned into a river again, scattered all over the mountains and plains.

Wang Daoyuan was very satisfied. Wang Minglong's strength in the water had already surpassed most mid-level Golden Core cultivators.

This sword puppet has just been refined, and all aspects such as spells have not yet been fully integrated.

It is also commendable to be able to reach a tie with Wang Minglong.

Wang Daoyuan takes time every day to manipulate the puppets and fight against Wang Minglong and Yunyi.

A month later, the sword puppet was able to perform all sword repair spells proficiently.

With the power of Guiyuan sword intent, under Wang Daoyuan's control, he can easily defeat Wang Minglong, and this puppet can be considered as a drill.

Wang Daoyuan engraved the two characters "Yellow Jia" behind the puppet.

There will be more and more fighting puppets in the future of the Wang family, and it will be too hard to choose a name one by one.

The puppets are named after Tiandi Xuanhuang and Tiangan, the fourth-order puppet is "yellow", the fifth-order is "xuan", the sixth-order is "earth", and the seventh-order is "heaven".

The sword puppet in Wanchuanfang City was named "Xuanjia".

The rank 5 low-grade melee puppet that Wu Shugong carried with him was named "Xuan Yi".

After more than ten, they will be named directly with numbers.

Huang Jia is almost done, and Wang Daoyuan also intends to refine Tier 5 puppets.

Now that the spiritual veins of the Tianzhan Mountain Range have been restored to the fifth rank, there will be more and more Nascent Soul cultivators.

After hundreds of years, the entire Beiyuan Cultivation Realm, I am afraid that there will not be a hundred and eighty Yuan Ying monks.

At that time, Brother Jindan could only be regarded as a middle-level combat power.

The Wang family has a weak foundation, and only the twelve uncles will be able to break through the Yuan Ying within a hundred years.

Whenever he decides, he will head to the Seven Star Sea to prepare to break through the realm of the **** of transformation.

The family only relies on the twelve uncles, it is difficult to maintain deterrence, and there must be enough Tier 5 puppets to guard.

Tier 5 puppets have higher requirements for the spirit of the monster beast, and at least the spirit of the third-order high-grade monster beast.

Wang Daoyuan also wanted the fifth-order sword puppet to have the ability to search for targets on its own.

In this way, the requirements for the spirit of the monster beast are even higher.

It was really not easy for Yan Guo to obtain Tier 4 monster souls.

He sent a letter to Zhou Luan, UU reading explained the situation here, and asked her to help find some Tier 4 monster souls.

Blood Shadow's methods are still extremely strong, and it's nothing to do this job.

Half a month later, Wang Daojian received ten stored ghost artifacts, all of which were Tier 4 monster souls.

Once the soul is in hand, you can start refining the puppet.

As for the means of detection, he was not sure to directly refine the puppet that used the secret technique to track the enemy.

Simply, first refine one that uses magical weapons to track the enemy.

Wang Daoyuan's own refining tools and formation methods are only the fifth-tier low-grade, refining the fifth-tier low-grade puppets, the possibility of failure is still not small.

After a full year of tossing and failing several times, he finally succeeded in refining a fifth-order low-grade sword puppet.

Wang Daoyuan also used Taiyi Divine Gold to refine him a fifth-tier low-grade Guiyuan sword.

The training partner of Tier 5 puppets can only find the clone Gray Peng.

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