Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 864: Son of luck

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Before Wang Daoyuan only knew that Yinglong had the energy of the five elements of heaven and earth, and his strength was extremely powerful.

Unexpectedly, this Yinglong is actually related to Qi Yun, or that it was conceived by the dragon veins of Zulong Mountain.

His predecessor, Lingzhu, is also the result of countless years of gestation in Zulong Mountain.

According to this calculation, he and Ying Long are still brothers.

It is not surprising that there is a vision of Yinglong.

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "I was seen by the cultivators of the Tianjizong in his early years, and he was just like a Yuan Ying.

After breaking through the Purple Mansion, the cultivator of Tianjizong watched it again, which was very shocking.

Since I broke through the golden core, they dare not look at it. "

Hall Master Zhuque smiled and said, "These juniors of the Heavenly Ji Sect are smarter than their ancestors, and they know who's luck is not to be seen.

With the dragon of luck, the luck on his body has reached an extremely terrifying point.

If you look at your luck at will, it is a false test of heaven, and I am afraid that you will be directly condemned by the heavens.

The higher your cultivation base, the stronger your qi luck, which really resembles the son of qi luck.

Ying Long's vision is even more extraordinary. In the ancient rumors, the son of luck has appeared many times.

But I have never heard of a child of luck that can be related to Ying Long. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little puzzled, he had never heard of the term "child of luck".

Seeing his puzzled look, Hall Master Canglong explained: "Whenever the son of luck appears, it means that heaven and earth are about to suffer disaster.

The children of luck are cultivated from heaven and earth to deal with catastrophes.

Moreover, more than one child of luck appears each time.

These children of qi luck kill each other, competing for luck and chance.

The person who wins in the end will have the luck of the entire Qianyuan Realm.

The last son of luck was Guiyuan Jianxian.

He was born in a casual cultivator, and his talent in the way of swordsmanship can be described as terrifying.

He has never joined any sect, nor has he received any advice from a senior expert.

Only with some superficial inheritance of swordsmanship, he realized his own way.

The self-created Guiyuan sword intent is unique among sword repairs. "

In this way, there are really many people who are like the children of luck.

Qi Xinghai didn't know much about it, and there were Wujian Zhenren and Xuan Jiuxiao in Beiyuan.

The talent of Wujian Zhenren in sword repairing is terrifying, even if it is himself, it is difficult to beat him in enlightenment.

Xuan Jiuxiao has a star-shaped body, and the vision of the Purple Mansion is a Yin-Yang compass. This talent is the same as the Yin-Yang deity, the founder of the Tianji Sect.

The **** of Yin and Yang was a figure more than 100,000 years ago. According to the Yin Yang Compass Spirit, he is still alive.

After living for hundreds of thousands of years, 80% of them have soared.

True person Xuan Tian can say one thing: My son, Jiuxiao, looks like an earth fairy.

Wang Daoyuan wanted to continue the routine, Xuanwu Hall Master smiled: "You junior is clever, but don't go into it anymore.

Talking about this kind of thing is to reveal the secrets, and it is easy to be struck by lightning. "

Take out a white jade token: "This is the entry and exit token of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley headquarters. With the token, you can sense the location of this Thousand Beast Island in the sea of ​​mirage.

Bring the Zhou family as soon as possible, and let us look at the successors. "

Wang Daoyuan took the token and said to the four hall masters: "Seniors, wait a few days, I will go back and invite Emperor Zhou to come here."

Hall Master Zhuque also yelled: "Bring your son, too. I also had the vision of Zhuque back then. You can give him some advice, maybe he can awaken Nanming Lihuo's little supernatural power."

The same is the Suzaku vision, plus a special physique, it is also possible to awaken different little supernatural powers.

It may be Nanming Lihuo, or it may be just an ordinary fire-preventing magical power, or it may be something like the flame space.

Wang Daoyuan's vision of the Vermillion Bird failed to awaken Nanming Lihuo.

It's just that the magical powers carried by the vision of the five-element beasts merged into the realm magical powers.

He naturally hoped that Wang Mingchen could awaken Nanming Lihuo, which was one of the best sacred fires in the entire Qianyuan Realm.

Only the real fire of the sun and the legendary flames of the Nine Serenities in Samsara can be compared with it.

What imperial fire supernatural power and flame space are incomparable to Nanming Lihuo.

"Senior, don't worry, I will definitely bring it here tomorrow and leave."

After all, take a fifth-tier high-grade flying boat and head west.

It took a whole day to reach the westernmost end of the Zijinchuan River Valley.

He didn't go to drill underground caves anymore, and directly retracted the flying boat, passed through the Gangfeng layer, and soon returned to the vicinity of Younan Mountain.

As soon as I came back, I saw Yunyi and Wang Minglong sneaking around near the source of the Hades River.

Upon closer inspection, they discovered that these two guys were stealing the seeds of the elixir he planted.

Gather two water **** and smash them on both of their heads: "I have something urgent to do. I'll go back and clean up both of you."

The two guys were shocked, and quickly dived into the water to avoid them.

It took Feizhou more than a day to arrive at the capital of Zhou State.

Zhou Jingyuan and King Linjiang came out to greet him, and Wang Daoyuan said directly: "Red tape is free, I'm looking for Uncle Fengyi in an emergency, so quickly lead me over."

Seeing him in a hurry, Zhou Jingyuan hurriedly took him to the palace.

Soon, he came to an underground secret room.

The real Fengyi is waiting here: "What is the so-called Dao Yuan now?"

Wang Daoyuan didn't answer, but instead asked, "Uncle Fengyi, dare you to ask Zhou Tianpeng, a disciple of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley Suzaku Hall?"

The real Fengyi was taken aback: "Only the Zhou emperors and heirs of the past dynasties know about this. Even the four major forces only know that my Zhou family is related to Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, but they don't know the specific situation.

How did you know such secrets? "

Wang Daoyuan replied: "As said by the hall master of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley, I went to explore the gate of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley and saw the hall master of the Red Bird.

When I got close to him, I mentioned the Zhou family.

Now they want to verify whether the Zhou family is the inheritance of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.

Since it is, then you take the belongings of the Zhou family ancestors back then, and follow me to the gate of Ten Thousand Beast Valley. Your benefit is indispensable. "

After hearing this, the real Fengyi was full of doubts, but he did not ask again: "Wait for a while, I will find the relics of the ancestors."

After all, leave this secret room in the basement.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the real Fengyi returned.

"I have brought all the relics of the first generation of ancestors of the Zhou family. Is there anything else I need?"

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and said, "Nothing Let's not waste time, just go over as soon as possible."

The two came to Qingli City on a flying boat and took Wang Mingchen with them.

Afterwards, from Wanchuan River Valley to Linhaizhou out to sea, and then headed north.

With the token, you are not afraid of getting lost when you go to Ten Thousand Beast Island.

After flying north for more than a day, he came to Ten Thousand Beast Island again, and the four hall masters were already waiting at the southern end of Ten Thousand Beast Island.

When the flying boat fell, Hall Master Zhuque said quickly: "I didn't expect you to come so fast. It took only five days to make a round trip."

Afterwards, he looked at the real Fengyi: "You are the descendants of Tianpeng, have you brought his relics?"

The real Fengyi arched his hands and said: "The 97th generation Sun Zhou Yifeng of Tianpeng Shenjun, see the hall master."

After that, take out a token, a long sword, and a long robe.

Hall Master Suzaku took these things and checked them carefully.

After a long silence, he said, "It is indeed Tianpeng's thing. When he left Vermilion Hall, he was wearing this suit.

OK! The incense of my Ten Thousand Beast Valley has finally not been cut off. "

The real Fengyi quickly said: "My Zhou family has two ancestral temples, one is dedicated to the ancestors and the other is dedicated to the ancestors of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley.

The emperors of the past dynasties have never forgotten that he is a disciple of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley. "

The four hall masters all wiped their tears, but unfortunately there were no tears.

Hall Master Zhuque nodded with satisfaction: "This little guy is Wang Mingchen, isn't it? The blood of the Vermillion Bird is higher than I was in the past.

Unfortunately, I failed to awaken Nanming's Vulcan Power.

My Ten Thousand Beasts Valley has made great efforts in supernatural powers and the vision of the Purple Mansion, and there is still great hope for helping you awaken Nanming Lihuo's little supernatural powers. "

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