Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 865: Wang Mingchen Apprentice

When Wang Mingchen saw four fifth-tier middle-grade refining corpses, he was said to have been a god-transforming monk, and he was unavoidably scared.

However, he still endured the fear, walked a few steps forward, bowed and said, "Senior has to give me some advice."

The etiquette was very thoughtful, and the four hall masters were very satisfied.

Hall Master Suzaku nodded: "Yes, courageous.

Practitioners are not afraid of poor talents, there is no way to the world, no matter how poor talents have a ray of life, the most feared is lack of courage.

Cultivation is the good fortune that seizes the world, the mystery of invading the sun and the moon.

If you don't even have the courage to fight for your fate, no matter how talented you are, you can hardly achieve great results.

But don't worry, the four of us are not your father's opponent.

What's more, we still ask your father.

It's too late to please you, how can it hurt you?

It's a long way, we old guys have something to ask, please allow us. "

Wang Mingchen has been a little silly and bold since he was a child. He always wanted to go to the fire room to play when he was less than one year old and he was not walking steadily.

Ever since I was young, I have never encountered too much danger.

There is no lack of courage, but it is normal.

Wang Daoyuan said: "Several seniors have something to say, don't be so polite."

"My inheritance from Ten Thousand Beasts Valley cannot easily be handed over to others.

I was waiting to accept the apprentice on behalf of my teacher and enroll you under the sect of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.

In this way, if we pass the inheritance to you, it is not considered to be handed over to outsiders, and we can still leave some dignity in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Now we don't dare to accept you. I think this little guy is very talented and has a good temperament.

I accept him as a disciple, I don't know what you think? "

It is said that the hallowed Suzaku hall master, a former cultivator of God, is enough to accept himself as a disciple.

But now he has become a corpse refiner, after all, his soul is not complete and his temperament is unstable.

The cultivators who raise the corpse are often backlashed by the corpse.

Wang Daoyuan was really worried that this guy would suddenly break out and hurt Wang Mingchen.

Seeing his hesitation, the Xuanwu Hall Master quickly explained: "Dao Yuan, I know you are worried that our corpse refining will suddenly go crazy.

However, you don't need to worry.

Those refining corpses went crazy because of their lack of soul.

In the process of being refined into a corpse, there was a strong resentment.

Once it is strongly stimulated, the owner cannot suppress it, and it is easy to go crazy.

Those of us are different. Strictly speaking, we are not cultivating corpses, but cultivating ghosts.

Only use secret techniques to separate the Nascent Soul, transform the soul into a ghost, and hide it in the magical artifact refined by the soul crystal to cover up the secret.

In this way, you can't use your original strength at will, otherwise you will be punished by heaven.

Therefore, we refine our bodies into corpses, hide the soul crystals in the bodies, and use the power of corpses to fight the enemy.

In terms of spiritual intelligence, we are no weaker than the cultivator of God, and even our spiritual consciousness cultivation is much higher than yours.

Up to this point, the four of us are voluntary, and we have no grievances.

In terms of temperament, there is not much difference from ordinary people. "

Wang Daoyuan felt it carefully, and indeed did not find any grievances.

In this way, Wang Daoyuan was a little relieved.

Ghost cultivation is not the same as corpse cultivation. Although ghost cultivation gives people the impression of being extremely evil.

But at least it is also the cultivation system allowed by the Dao of Heaven.

As far as heaven is concerned, there is no difference between ghost fairy and earth fairy.

Refining the corpse is a proper world intolerance, because there is almost no intelligence and can only act on instinct.

Even life is not counted, and the early days will not encounter the catastrophe.

If you can cultivate to a very high level, you will be reborn with a very high spiritual wisdom.

At that time, he will be noticed by Heaven.

The natural punishment he endured was ten times or a hundred times more terrifying than ghost repair, and he would never give up if he didn't kill him.

Since there is no problem with security, it is acceptable.

The son became a disciple of Hall Master Suzaku, so he and Hall Master Suzaku are the same generation.

Zhou Tianpeng, the first ancestor of the Zhou family, was a generation shorter than the hall master Zhuque.

Counting this, he has been promoted for more than ninety generations at once.

In the future, I will discuss the title issue with my nephew Zhou Jingyuan.

Hall Master Canglong said: "Fengyi, you follow us to the ancestor hall of the ancestors and pay homage to the ancestors.

Tell them personally, our Ten Thousand Beast Valley has not perished.

We will close the formation of the Patriarch Hall and let Mingchen go with him. In front of the Patriarch’s spirit, we will worship Hall Master Suzaku as our teacher. What do you think? "

Wang Daoyuan nodded in agreement, and Hall Master Canglong took out a letter spreading jade talisman: "I will let them close the formation and prepare."

It turned out that there were other corpses surviving in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

He took out the flying boat, and everyone sat on the flying boat and flew towards the mountain gate.

It took half an hour to reach the location of the Gate of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.

If the Gate of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley is in the center of Thousand Beast Island, then the radius of Thousand Beast Island should be more than 10,000 miles.

At this time, the formation was closed, and four human-shaped corpses came out again, waiting in front of the ruins.

Hall Master Canglong introduced: "They are also the elders of the sect back then, and they are in the same situation as the four of us."

Wang Daoyuan and the others also saluted these elders.

Everyone came to the several buildings in the center of the ruins.

A group of people came to a palace-like building, looked inside from the gate, and there were many tablets in the eye. This should be the Patriarch Hall of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Hall Master Canglong had the highest status, walking in the forefront, and several other elders followed behind.

Fengyi Zhenren and Wang Mingchen followed at the end and entered the Patriarch Hall one after another.

Wang Daoyuan was not a disciple of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, and he didn't plan to enter the sect of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, so he didn't enter the Patriarch Hall.

Hall Master Canglong knelt in front of the memorial tablet, and said, "As the Patriarch, Ten Thousand Beast Valley is for slaying the dragon.

Today, there is a direct disciple of Zhuquetang, the former suzerain of Jinpeng Shenjun Sun Zhou Tianpeng, the 97th generation Sun Zhou Yifeng, who returned to the gate of Wan Beast Valley.

For more than 50,000 years, the descendants of the Zhou family have always worshipped the ancestors of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, and the incense of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts has never ceased.

Today, the descendants of the Zhou family recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, renew the inheritance of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, and hope that the ancestors of the past will accept it. "

After all, everyone saluted towards the tablet together.

Zhou Yifeng went three knees and nine knocks: "Disciple Zhou Yifeng, knock on the ancestors of the past."

After that, Hall Master Zhuque got up, stood in front of Wang Mingchen, and asked, "Wang Mingchen, would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

Wang Mingchen was still relatively clever, and fell directly on his knees: "Disciple Wang Mingchen, knock on Master."

Having said that, there were three beeps.

Hall Master Suzaku smiled: "Good disciple, please get up quickly and follow me to see the ancestors of the past."

After all, with Wang Mingchen, kneel down in front of the spiritual seat of the ancestors of the past.

"Today there is Wang Mingchen, the ninety-ninth generation descendant of Zhou Tianpeng, who has the blood of Suzaku and is extremely talented. He has the hope of awakening Nanming Lihuo's little supernatural power and reviving the majestic wind of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.

The disciples took him under his family and hoped that the ancestors of the past would accept it.

Mingchen, pay homage to the ancestors of the past. "

Wang Mingchen performed the ceremony of three kneeling and nine knocking: "Disciple Wang Mingchen, knocking to see the ancestors of the past."

After the great ceremony, Wang Mingchen would truly worship the Suzaku Hall Master. UU reading

Hall Master Canglong instructed the other elders: "You go and carry out all the inheritance that we have copied over the years we have been idle and bored.

Fengyi, you, as a descendant of Zhou Tianpeng, are also the descendant of the first suzerain, and you can take away the copy.

And Tianpeng was also a disciple of the Vermilion Hall back then, and you have the qualifications for cultivation in all the inheritance of Vermilion Hall.

As a disciple of Hall Master Suzaku, Wang Mingchen has the potential to inherit the position of Sovereign.

As the personal disciple of this hall master, he is also the highest-ranking living disciple in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, and has the right to control all the inheritance of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

I will give you a copy of all the inherited copies of Ten Thousand Beast Valley. "

Wang Mingchen's talent is the best among the descendants of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, and he will be the Sect Master in the future.

This can be considered a decent method, and if it is handed over to him, it is equivalent to being handed over to Wang Daoyuan.



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