Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 882: Surrender the ancestors of all souls

Hall Master Canglong explained: "Master Wanling, after you were injured..."

Before he finished speaking, the spirit waved and interrupted: "Did I let you talk? It's so unruly..."

He wants to scold again, and Wang Daoyuan directly scolded: "Either shut your mouth and listen to us, or you have to die today.

Isn't it just a tool spirit? If it is killed, a new one can be cultivated. "

The spirit of the instrument is integrated with the instrument, the instrument is not destroyed, and the spirit of the instrument does not die.

If Ying Long is allowed to deal with this guy, it is really possible to take him down.

After all, when Linglong saw Ying Long, she was frightened.

As for whether he can do it, Wang Daoyuan has no idea.

As soon as this guy came out, he scolded one and the other.

Now being reprimanded and threatened by Wang Daoyuan, how can he bear it?

Want to directly control the Wan Ling Pagoda and attack Wang Daoyuan.

It's a pity that the tower is still in Wang Daoyuan's hand, and he urges it with all his strength, and the entire Ten Thousand Spirits Pagoda trembles violently.

After Wang Daoyuan improved his cultivation technique, his spiritual power was transformed into qi and blood, and his physical strength and strength were no less than that of monsters of the same rank.

The Wan Ling Pagoda struggled for a long time, but still couldn't escape Wang Daoyuan's control.

According to the previous Canglong Hall Master, the strongest method of the Wan Ling Pagoda is suppression and defense.

The tower could not move, and could not use any powerful means.

Qi Ling's face changed drastically: "What a great kid."

After that, he left the tower directly and rushed towards Wang Daoyuan.

The tower was held in his hand, no more than two feet away from his head.

He should have no chance of surviving from such a close raid.

But Wang Daoyuan was prepared long ago, and Ying Long was already waiting at the outside of the sea of ​​knowledge.

As soon as Qi Ling left the tower, Ying Long flew out, entangled him tightly.

Qi Ling struggled violently and wanted to return to the Pagoda of All Souls, but it was a pity that he couldn't move anymore.

Ying Long was about to open his mouth to swallow it, and several elders quickly interceded: "You are merciful, this spirit is cultivated by the first generation of Patriarch, and it can be said that it is also the Patriarch of My Ten Thousand Beast Valley.

Patriarch Wan Ling just had a bad temper, and his character was still good. "

Ying Long was once one of the strongest in the Qianyuan Realm, and his methods, even the immortals, were hard to beat.

Whether he can solve the Qi Ling, the extremely elder has no idea.

Wang Daoyuan snorted coldly: "If you can speak well, I will save you.

No matter how mad, I also want to try, can Ying Long kill Qi Ling. "

Hearing this, Qi Ling frowned: "Yinglong? The legendary dragon?

No wonder I felt life threatened. It turned out that I met this guy.

This Yinglong is also extremely weird, not a tool, nor a spell.

Who is your junior who can drive Ying Long? "

Listening to what he said, Ying Long should really be able to destroy the Qi Ling.

There is also a bad-tempered tool spirit in the spirit pearl space. Wang Daoyuan wanted to make it recognize the master, but he has been unsuccessful.

"Unexpectedly, you can speak well. Your current master is my biological son, and I am the named disciple of the current master of the Shenbing Ge Baoding line."

With a strange look on Qi Ling's face, he asked the Canglong Hall Master: "What's going on? Our Ten Thousand Beast Valley was bullied by the juniors of the Shenbing Pavilion?

What's going on with all of you, all of you have become inhumane? "

Hall Master Canglong said: "The ancestor of Wan Ling, the former Sect Master used the back of the sect to kill the dragon, and then sat down with several Supreme Elders.

The monster beast brought by the evil dragon broke the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts into ruins.

In order to defend against monsters, we refine ourselves into living corpses, and transform our souls into ghosts, hiding them in magical artifacts refined with soul crystals.

After years of fierce fighting, the monster beast was finally wiped out, and the disciple in the clan almost died.

Only Zhao Tianpeng, the disciple of the first suzerain, escaped from the sky and established the Zhou Kingdom west of the Tianzhan Mountains.

Among the sect disciples, except for the descendants of Zhou Tianpeng, there is no longer alive.

More than 50,000 years have passed, and our Ten Thousand Beast Valley heritage has also been cut off for more than 50,000 years.

The new lord's name is Wang Mingchen, who is the 99th generation descendant of Zhou Tianpeng.

He has awakened Nanming Lihuo's little supernatural power again. Who will be the master if he is not?

Our Ten Thousand Beast Valley can still have such a genius as the Sect Master, which is already lucky. "

After hearing this, the ancestor of Wanling was silent.

After a long time, he sighed: "The foundation of Ten Thousand Beast Valley for hundreds of thousands of years has actually fallen to this point.

Under these circumstances, it would be a blessing to have a Sect Master who awakened Nanming Lihuo's little magical powers.

So what happened to Ying Long, who was one of the best in the Primordial Era, how could it be on him? "

The Canglong Hall Master continued: "Dao Yuan originally had the vision of a five-element divine beast. When the broken pill formed a baby, the vision of the Purple Mansion changed and turned into a Yinglong."

Upon hearing this, the ancestor of Wan Ling was full of shock: "The vision of the Purple Mansion is related to the Dao of Heaven. If the vision can be transformed into a dragon of luck, then this person's luck may have reached an extremely terrifying level.

Could it be that he is the son of luck?

No, hundreds of thousands of years have passed since I was born.

I have seen two generations of the sons of luck. There are more than 20 people in total, all of whom are dragons and phoenixes. But there has never been a son of luck with the vision of Yinglong.

Junior, let this Yinglong loosen. I have a little friendship with Yin Yang Compass Ji Ling. I learned a little bit about the means of luck. Let me see how your luck is. "

Wang Daoyuan also wanted to make this guy lose a little bit, and kill his spirit.

In order not to listen to Wang Mingchen's words later, and cause trouble again.

Control Ying Long and throw away the ancestors of all spirits with a tail.

The ancestor of Wanling flew out for more than ten miles before stopping.

His eyes turned purple and gold, and he began to observe Wang Daoyuan's luck.

Suddenly, a purple-gold thunder fell from the Tianshan Mountain and struck him at him.

The ancestor of Wanling is also worthy of being an old fried dough stick that has lived for more than 200,000 years, and has long been prepared for it.

It instantly turned into a stream of light, avoiding the sky thunder.

He quickly received the spell, and he was shocked and said: "What a strong air luck, this is only in the late Yuan Ying, and the lucky cloud of air luck has turned into a dragon of air luck.

Only the Qi Luck of Da Neng and Di Xian will have the Dragon of Qi Luck.

When you spy on your luck, you will be warned by the Heavenly Dao. This luck is no less than Guiyuan Jianxian. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "It seems that you are a little better than the Yin Yang Compass. He didn't see my luck at the time, and only said that I was a powerful bloodline."

This guy looked proudly: "Although he is an old friend with Yin and Yang, his ability is far worse than mine.

You can't even see your blood, it's really bad enough.

You are a descendant of the Purple Thunder God, who became a mighty power 200,000 years ago.

My first-generation master, the God of Ten Thousand Beasts, is still a good friend with the God of Purple Thunder.

Among your relatives, are there any little supernatural powers that have purple thunder-attribute spirit fire?

The supernatural power of the **** of purple thunder is the purple thunder **** flame, relying on this spirit fire, it is also a prestigious name.

He also played a big role in the demonic chaos more than 70,000 years ago. "

Now Wang Daoyuan finally knew where the master and brother's little supernatural powers came from, so that should be correct.

"My brother and Master both have awakened the purple thunder **** flame little supernatural power."

"Then it didn't run away, it's the descendants of the Purple Thunder God Venerable.

This guy had a few wives and concubines in his early years. There are also many descendants of com, but unfortunately few are successful.

I am not sure which line of his descendants you are.

Long Yunteng, why don't you let this junior inherit the position of suzerain? "

Hall Master Canglong handed over and said: "Patriarch, our Ten Thousand Beasts Valley has no affection for him, so we rashly drag him into Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.

Legend has it that being close to the child of luck can also increase one's own luck.

It can make Wang Mingchen become the Sovereign, and in the future, he will be able to accompany the Dao on the expedition to fight the world, and also be able to shine.

If he can win the battle of luck, our Ten Thousand Beast Valley can also be rejuvenated, maybe even stronger than the previous heyday. "

The ancestor Wan Ling nodded: "You are very thoughtful, it is indeed the safest to do this.

For the future of the sect, I recognize this sect master. "

After that, he bowed to Wang Mingchen and saluted: "Wan Ling has seen the Sect Master, and I am willing to listen to the Sect Master's dispatch in the future."

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