Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 883: Spirit Race

Wan Ling's ancestor was finally convinced and willing to listen to Wang Mingchen's dispatch, Wang Daoyuan was also relieved.

With the protection of the son Wan Ling Pagoda, he won't worry about any danger.

Wang Mingchen hurriedly went over to help the ancestor of Wanling: "The ancestor doesn't need to salute. Now that the younger generation has taken over as the lord of the Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, they will naturally contribute to the revitalization of the Ten Thousand Beasts Valley."

He sang the white face, and Wang Daoyuan naturally wanted to sing the black face: "Mingchen is still Emperor Yan, there are not many people here, and he can't stay here all the time.

After returning to the country of Yan, if you dare not listen to the greeting, you will hurt my royal family.

Even if you can't hide in the Ten Thousand Spirit Pagoda, I still have a way to destroy you. "

After learning about Wang Daoyuan's identity, Wan Ling Patriarch did not dare to be tough.

"Don't worry, although I have a bad temper, I am not stupid.

Ten Thousand Beasts Valley has reached such a point, how dare to confront the Son of Qi Luck?

Only the other children of Qiyun can be the enemy of the children of Qiyun.

I also hope to use your luck to revive the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Besides, with the son of Qi Luck, Qi Ling also has a further opportunity.

In public and private, I also have to protect Mingchen. "

In this way, Wang Daoyuan was relieved.

This is an old monster who has lived for more than two hundred thousand years. With his guidance, Wang Mingchen will not have any problems in his cultivation.

Moreover, he used to be a seventh-order peak magic weapon after all.

If it hadn't been for Ying Long to deal with Qi Ling, he wouldn't be sure to beat him, at best it would be a tie.

With his protection, Wang Mingchen will not be in any danger.

"That's good. Most of my royal family's inheritance comes from the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

If you can have the last laugh in the battle of luck, you will naturally not treat you badly.

However, what do you mean when Qi Ling goes further? "

Wang Daoyuan asked, and the ancestor of Wanling found confidence again.

"There is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, now you know the usefulness of my old man?

The so-called spirit of all things, our spirit is not static.

There is also a chance to go one step further and grow entities and transform into spirit races.

Things such as plants and trees that have life but no spiritual wisdom, as well as those gold stones and other things that don't even have life, may go further and give birth to spiritual wisdom.

When the spiritual intelligence is strong enough, it can be transformed into a spiritual race.

In fact, many of the strange beasts that were born in the ancient times were of spiritual origin.

For example, Ying Long can be regarded as a spirit race transformed by the spirit of Zulong Mountain.

There is no obvious boundary between the spirit race and the monster race, and some spirit races can also breed offspring.

As a spirit clan, Yinglong also gave birth to many mythical beasts?

The hybrid offspring of these sacred beasts are also called Yaozu.

If we spirits can give birth to entities and transform into spirit races, it is also possible to give birth to offspring and create a race.

There are few weird races in Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm. When you go to the south of Juetianyuan in the future, you will be able to see all kinds of weird races.

The ancestors of these races are spirit races, and they are no different from monster races.

There are some spirit races that can't breed offspring, so they can't create races.

However, they can also cultivate to become immortals and ascend to the upper realm.

Only after the end of the Primordial Era, the aura changed drastically.

It is possible for things like gold, stone, grass, and wood to produce spiritual wisdom, and it is very unlikely to become a true spiritual race.

Beiyuan has been going downhill since Juetianyuan was formed more than 70,000 years ago.

Now that there are only five levels of spiritual energy left, the possibility of golden stones and plants producing spiritual plants is very slim, let alone other things. "

After talking with several elders, Wang Daoyuan took Wang Mingchen to leave Wan Beast Island and return to Yan Kingdom.

Although the access token for the Treasure Treasury of the Ten Thousand Beasts Valley is in Wang Mingchen's hand, it is not appropriate to looting the treasure treasury as soon as he gets it.

In the future fighting for luck, I still count on Ten Thousand Beast Valley's contribution.

The seal of the lord of the Ten Thousand Beasts Valley is naturally to be taken away.

The ancestor of all spirits did not stop along the way. Everywhere he went, he talked about the history here.

It seems that this guy is not only a bad temper, but also a talkative.

Soon, Feizhou came to the vicinity of Qingli City.

The ancestor of Wan Ling nodded: "The location of the capital of this country is quite good. It used to be under the jurisdiction of the Luliu branch. Back then, there was a market here.

By the way, is Erlong Mountain at the source of this big river your home? "

"Erlong Mountain? The source of this Qingli River is Yuquan Peak, which is the earliest site of my Wang family.

Until now, there is also the core of the family. "

The ancestor of Wanling continued: "I learned a bit of gaze from the guy that Yin and Yang. This Yuquan Peak is the place where the two dragon veins of Tianzhan Mountain and Huiyan Mountain meet.

The name of Erlong Mountain is also derived from this. It is also called Yuquanfeng. There is indeed a spring on the mountain.

Back then, this spring was the seventh-order peak spiritual spring. A jade dragon once inhabited here, hence the name Yulong Spring.

There is plenty of dragon energy in the Jade Dragon Spring, and dragon species often appear afterwards.

By the way, does your king have a dragon breed? "

Wang Mingchen replied: "Now there are two Tier 4 dragon fishes in the Wang family, one is called Wang Minglong and the other is called Wang Xuanlong."

"It's good if you have a dragon seed. This Yulong Spring is a place for dragons to be raised.

In such a place, the dragon may not have the opportunity to become a real dragon in the future. "

When Feizhou landed in the palace, Wang Daoyuan confessed: "Senior Wanling, this city is full of people from the Kingdom of Yan, don't lose your temper at will.

Their cultivation is low, but they can't hold your temper. "

Wanling ancestor smiled and said: "Don't worry, now that I have recognized the master, I will naturally consider the master, and I will not make it difficult for Mingchen."

Wang Daoyuan left Qingli City and returned to Yuquan Peak.

After returning to his own cave, Yuan Ying immediately entered the Lingzhu space.

Ying Long can threaten the ancestors of all spirits, and naturally it can also threaten other spirits.

Obtained a refining cauldron in Ziwei Hall of the Seven-Star Secret Realm. At that time, this refining cauldron was very close to the sixth-order peak.

It's just that there was a lot of flames in the cauldron. When Wang Dao approached him, he was attacked by the flames.

In the end, the Lingzhu was exposed and the cauldron was taken away.

After this great cauldron entered the Lingzhu space, it was still not very honest.

Wang Daoyuan placed him at the edge of the Lingzhu space to isolate the spiritual energy.

Later, Dading fell into a deep sleep due to lack of spiritual energy, and Wang Daoyuan also took out the sword embryo of Guiyuan sword from it.

But if he wanted to recognize the master, Qi Ling still instinctively refused.

Now that Ying Long can deal with Qi Ling, he can't help it if he recognizes it or not.

Yuan Ying came to the edge of the Lingzhu space to store the refining pot.

In order to reduce the loss of spiritual power, Dading has been introverted and looked indifferent to the magical artifacts.

In addition, there is no ornamentation on the tripod, the whole body is pitch black, and it does not look as good as the cooking utensils used by the mundane and rich.

This tripod is a three-legged two-ear round tripod, more than six feet high, with a mouth diameter of more than two feet.

The general refining pot, the internal space can be large or small.

Because this space is not closed, it is not considered a space artifact.

As soon as Wang Daoyuan's Yuan Ying approached, some flames spurted out of the cauldron again.

This flame is similar to a normal ground fire, and it is red and yellow.

It's just that the flame is already very weak, it's incomparable to that of the past.

Yuan Ying waved his hand, UU read www. A black flame appeared out of thin air, covering the red and yellow flames.

After a while, the red and yellow flame couldn't hold on and went out automatically.

At this time, the spiritual power fluctuation that Dading showed was only at the sixth-order low-grade level.

The spiritual energy has been isolated for thousands of years in the spiritual bead space, and it has also been greatly affected.

Seeing this, the Ding Zhong Qi Ling should be somewhat conscious.

Wang Daoyuan began to persuade: "I said that guy in the tripod, you have been with me for thousands of years, do you want to continue to consume it?

I cut off all the sources of aura of Dading, and after ten or twenty thousand years, when Dading descends to Tier 4, you, the instrument spirit, will fall into a deep sleep.

At that time, I will recognize you again, can you resist it? "

A moment later, an old voice came from the cauldron: "Ten thousand or twenty thousand years? You, a cultivator of the late Nascent Soul Stage, can live for such a long time?

No, you are a Nascent Soul monk, how did you live until now? "

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