Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 894: Marriage of the Xu Family

Juetianyuan spread westward to the depths of the West Sea and eastward to the east of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands.

The length of the entire Juetianyuan is incalculable, and there are not a few demons living in it.

Wang Daoyuan also asked Guiyuan Jianxian before, why he didn't kill all the demons.

The explanation given by Guiyuan Jianxian is that the demons within the Qianyuan Realm have all been cleaned up, but there are still demons outside the Qianyuan Realm.

The deepest place below this Jue Tianyuan directly leads to the outside of Qianyuan Realm.

Only a handful of the existing demons are descendants of the group of demons who invaded that year, and most of them were brought in from outside the Qianyuan realm.

Jue Tianyuan has such a big crack, no one has the ability to plug it.

Numerous earth immortals and great abilities can only use formations to prevent Jue Tianyuan from eroding north and south.

The Mozu can invade Qianyuan Realm, that means the position of Qianyuan Realm has been exposed.

Even if all the demons are killed, there will still be new demons.

Therefore, there can only be a powerful force to suppress Jue Tianyuan.

Sword Immortal Guiyuan has this strength, and he has also been sitting down.

Coupled with the Dao of Heaven and other earth immortals and the fear of mighty powers, they became the people who suppressed Jue Tianyuan.

Of course, these demons are not fools.

When they reach the pinnacle of Yuan Ying, they will pass through the deepest crack in Jue Tian Yuan to break through the **** of transformation outside the Qian Yuan realm, and they will never return.

This Juetianyuan has also become a foothold for the Mozu to attack Qianyuan Realm, unless someone can block Juetianyuan.

Otherwise, the demons here will never be killed.

Knowing the situation of the demons, he also helped Guiyuan Jianxian restore some strength.

With his current strength, there is no way to manage the affairs of the Demon Race.

Simply leave the shore of Absolute Heaven Abyss and return to the Blood Shadow Headquarters.

The cultivation base was elevated to the peak of the Nascent Soul, and there was no hope of further improvement on Beiyuan's side.

If you want to break through the transformation of God, you still have to go to the Seven Star Sea.

Before you leave, you need to keep some back-ups.

Lest you leave with your front feet, and your back feet will be digged out.

Back to the blood shadow headquarters, to the small courtyard where he and Zhou Luan lived.

Zhou Luan was also in this small courtyard. Seeing him come back, his face was full of surprise: "Why have you been there for a year?

Juetianyuan is extremely dangerous, and many of the ancestors of the blood shadow have gone in to investigate.

Even Yuan Ying monk, it is difficult to hold on for too long.

If it wasn't for you to know that there is a secret realm in your body, and you can persist in Juetianyuan for a long time, I would have gone to look for you a long time ago. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I am so easy to die.

You see, I am not doing well right now, my cultivation base has broken through, and I have become a cultivator at the peak of Nascent Soul. "

His previous cultivation base was still far from the peak of Yuan Ying.

It would take decades for the Yuan Ying monk to improve his cultivation a little.

Even Tian Linggen is unlikely to raise the cultivation base to the pinnacle of Yuan Ying in such a short period of time.

"How did you do it? There is no aura at all in Juetianyuan, those black auras are extremely violent.

Even a fierce beast with the blood of a divine beast could not withstand the impact of black energy. "

Wang Daoyuan gave a smirk: "My physical body is no worse than a fierce beast. Others don't know this. Don't you know?"

Zhou Luan twisted his waist, making Wang Daoyuan grinning in pain.

"I'm telling you something serious, don't interrupt."

"In Juetianyuan, I found the place where Guiyuan Sword Immortal was sitting.

His soul turned into the spirit of the eighth-order Guiyuan sword, and those earth immortals and great abilities also arranged a formation.

The black energy in Juetianyuan was transformed into mixed spiritual power, which provided Guiyuan Sword with power to suppress the demons in Juetianyuan.

There are also Guiyuan Jianxian's second disciples who go to Juetianyuan to replenish their sword intent every 10,000 years.

The soul of Guiyuan Jianxian has been maintained until now.

When I was in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, I got the inheritance of the Guiyuan Sword Immortal, and I also realized the Guiyuan sword intent.

Therefore, he also accepted me as the third personal disciple.

I used Spirit Fire to help him refine those mixed spiritual powers and restore him to spiritual power.

He also used the Guiyuan sword picture he left before sitting down to help him restore some sword intent.

I also absorbed some high-level spiritual power, coupled with Guiyuan Jianxian's guidance, naturally broke through. "

Wang Daoyuan also told Zhou Luan about Guiyuan Jianxian before, and he still has some knowledge about Guiyuan Jianxian.

After hearing this, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a long time, and then said: "The one who cut Ancestral Dragon Mountain with a single sword and cut out Juetianyuan, turned out to be your master?"

"Then need to say? I am not only the descendant of Sword Immortal, but also the father of Sect Master of Ten Thousand Beast Valley."

Zhou Luan looked contemptuously: "If I have some ability, I can get overwhelmed. I'm still the mother of Sect Master of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley."

"After talking about irrelevant things, we have to talk about business, too.

We are all Nascent Soul monks with supernatural powers, and the children born are definitely the roots of heavenly spirits.

Moreover, there is great hope for a special physique.

I have a thin line of people and want to open up branches and leaves, should we hurry up? "

A month later, Wang Daoyuan was forging a three-inch long sword in the yard.

Zhou Luan usually has to deal with official duties, staying alone in this yard, has nothing to do.

The level of the three levels of the Dan Qi Array had all reached the fifth-tier mid-range.

Only this level of talisman has remained at the fourth-order inferior grade.

Take the time to improve the talisman level while you don’t need to improve your cultivation level now.

With his current spiritual knowledge and cultivation base, it couldn't be easier to refine the fourth-order sword talisman, and soon the small sword was refined into a magic weapon.

Just when he was about to inscribe the runes, Zhou Luan took the two into the courtyard.

The two Wang Daoyuan knew each other, one was Xu Qinghe, the person in charge of the Xu family, and the other was Wang Tonglie, the son of the Wang family who had come to his family.

"The road is far away, Elder Xu intends to marry the Wang family.

After all, I'm just the daughter-in-law of the Wang family. It's not easy for me to call the shots without you.

It's better for you to decide this matter, and I will bring them here. "

Xu Qinghe and Wang Tonglie both bowed and saluted him, and then Xu Qinghe smiled and said, "The Emperor, I think Wang Tonglie is a talented person, and he is also very talented in cultivation.

I have a concubine, who is also in the late stage of foundation construction. She has the same talent and age as Tonglie.

I just wanted to have a kiss and a kiss, and betrothed his daughter to Tonglie.

As Tonglie's elder, this matter naturally requires your consent. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "The Xu family is also his own, so marriage is no problem.

Although I am an elder, but in this matter, I can not force the younger generation.

As long as Tonglie is willing, I naturally have no opinion.

Tonglie, what do you think? "

Wang Daoyuan said that the Xu family was his own, and Xu Qinghe's face also looked surprised.

Although the foundation of the Wang family is relatively shallow, there is Wang Daoyuan, the number one master of Beiyuan, who is in charge.

Coupled with the massive resources of the Tianzhan Mountain Range, and the endless expansion space of the East China Sea.

It is not impossible to overwhelm the other four top forces in the future.

It is a very profitable thing to build a relationship with the Wang family now.

Wang Tonglie's face was still a little thin, and he faltered for a long time before saying, "The great grandson is willing."

Xu Qinghe raised his eyebrows with joy, and Wang Daoyuan nodded: "If this is the case, this matter is set. UU Reading

As a grandfather of mine, it is not suitable for me to do it myself.

Degong is the master of how to prepare for the marriage. He is Tonglie's uncle, and his seniority is right. "

Xu Qinghe arched his hands and said, "Thank you, Taishang, I will take Tonglie with me to invite Daoist De Gong."

Afterwards, the two walked out of the small courtyard.

"This Xu Qinghe is really good at climbing, and now he calls De Gong a daoist friend.

Tonglie is not bad, he looks dull, he doesn't start slowly.

After only more than a year of apprenticeship, I deceived my senior sister. "

Zhou Luan glanced at him: "How many real honest people are there in the Wang family? Most of them are similar to you. They look like gentlemen, but they are actually full of bad water."

Wang Daoyuan wasn't happy at the time: "Isn't the second brother an honest person? Who has seen him before, doesn't he say that he is honest?"

Besides, back then, you first conspired against me. "

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