Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 895: Ask for errands

More than ten days later, Wang Degong brought Wang Tonglie to the small courtyard.

Seeing them coming, Wang Daoyuan asked, "What? Is Tong Lie's marriage ready?"

Wang Degong bowed and saluted: "It doesn't matter how we prepare, the house where Tonglie got married was given by the Xu family.

As for the arrangement of all aspects, it is also the Xu family that the wedding date is set in three months.

It's just that what the Wang family said is also the top power guarding the East. To marry the daughter of the protagonist of the Xu family, there is always a betrothal gift.

This grandson dare not call the shots without authorization, so he invites your uncle to make his own decision. "

Wang Daoyuan said: "If our Wang family wants to gain a foothold in Blood Shadow, we need someone to support us.

The Zhang family didn't deal with us very much. Those non-primary monks were all loose sand, and they were easy to be attracted.

If you want more than half of the blood shadow monk's support, you must vigorously win over.

Xu Qinghe's even the married house is ready, which shows his sincerity.

The ancestors of the Xu family are also the founders of the blood shadows.

People sincerely took it out, so let's not be too shabby. "

He took out several storage bags from the Lingzhu space: "There are three Tier 4 middle-grade defensive artifacts, and six Tier 4 low-grade defensive artifacts.

One hundred Ziyun Dan, two Ziyun wooden hearts, and fifty Chalcedony Peiyuan Dan.

In addition, add 20 jars of 100-year-old fourth-order spirit wine Baiguo Niang. "

These gifts can allow two foundation-building cultivators to open up the Purple Mansion, and also allow one person to resist the tribulation of the pill.

Such a generous gift, even if it is to marry the female cultivator of the peak of the Purple Mansion, is considered a generous gift.

This is also to set an example to the elders in the blood shadow, telling them that as long as they follow the king's family, they are guaranteed to have meat.

Looking at the storage bags in Wang Daoyuan's hands, Wang Degong and Wang Tonglie were a little confused.

They still know the value of these things.

A cultivator in the Purple Mansion who was proficient in the pill talisman formation could hardly earn so many things in his life.

Now we marry a woman who is in the late stage of foundation building, and she will come up with this kind of gift.

Wang Tonglie hurriedly said, "Thank you Tai Gong for his love. It's just that the great-grandson gets married. It's not worth your expense."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "It doesn't have to be this way, this thing is not only a bride price, but also our Wang family's attitude towards the blood shadow elders.

Let them know that as long as they are willing to take refuge in the Wang family, the benefits are absolutely indispensable. "

Wang Tonglie was so grateful that he left the courtyard with Wang Degong and went to Xu's house to make a betrothal gift.

Three months passed quickly, and it was the day to welcome the relatives.

Wang Tonglie took a few of the Wang family's children, and according to the rules of the Wang family, carrying the sedan chair, went to the Zhuling Mountain of the Xu family in the north of the city to welcome his relatives.

The people involved in this matter are all monks, and the speed is naturally not slow.

After a quarter of an hour, everyone returned to the house where the wedding was held in the northern part of the Blood Shadow City. Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan were already waiting in the compound.

The Xu family is quite generous, and this house is also three-in-the-yard, and there are two cross-yards on both sides of the main courtyard.

In a place like Blood Shadow City, any small courtyard is very valuable, let alone this kind of compound.

Although Beiyuan Xiuxianjie didn't say worshipping heaven and earth, there were still some rules for newcomers to salute the elders.

After meeting Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan, the two entered the bridal chamber.

There was a banquet in the courtyard, and the non-primary elders in the blood shadow were almost all there.

Several elders from the Xu family came to see off their relatives. The Zhang family didn't deal with the Wang family and the Xu family. Zhang Dingming only sent a grandson Jindan monk to congratulate him.

Wang Daoyuan took Zhou Luan to the courtyard, picked up a glass of wine, and said, "Today is my great-grandson Wang Tonglie, marrying the daughter of the Patriarch of the Xu family, thank you for coming."

The first strong man in Beiyuan made a toast, and the guests naturally didn't dare to neglect, they got up one after another, toasted and drank.

After the toast, Wang Daoyuan said: "I still have important things to do, so if it is inconvenient to stay for a long time, De Gong will entertain you all on my behalf."

He and Zhou Luan were both Yuan Ying monks, so naturally they couldn't entertain these golden core elders personally.

The two walked out of the courtyard, and Wang Degong and several monks from the Xu family welcomed the crowd together.

Wang Daoyuan returned to the Zhoufu Xiaoyuan, and Zhou Luan went to deal with official affairs.

The next day, Xu Qinghe visited again, with a young man behind him.

The appearance of this young man was quite similar to Xu Qinghe, who was cultivated in the middle of the Purple Mansion.

Moreover, he is also a wind attribute monk.

When the two saw Wang Daoyuan, they bowed and saluted.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and asked: "Our two families are also relatives in-laws. Your family needn't be so polite. What happened to Elder Xu here?"

Xu Qinghe arched his hands and said, "This is Xu Yifeng, the dog, my wife gave birth to three children, and Yifeng is my second son.

In the future, the position of the head of the Xu family will naturally be inherited by the eldest son.

Although the child's talent is slightly inferior to his elder brother, he is also a six-pointed wind.

And he is extremely intelligent and does everything right.

If he were to be an idle elder in the future, it would be a waste of talent.

I just wanted to find a future for Yifeng and let him go to Yan State to ask for an errand. "

This is a bit interesting, but every big family will leave a few more players, and it is not uncommon for a family to have multiple branches.

Take the Zhou family, for example, many small countries were entrusted, and the clansmen were scattered all over Beiyuan.

Even in the southern barren land, there are many magic repairs surnamed Zhou.

It can be said that if the Beiyuan human race survives, the Zhou family will not be able to cut off their blood.

At this time, Xu Qinghe proposed to establish a branch in Yan State, which meant that he would accept his name.

Moreover, Xu Yifeng's talent is not weak.

Sanqi Linggen is not a single spiritual root, and the probability of having a wind spiritual root above nine inches is extremely low. Eight inches and six points are already extremely talented.

It seems that the Xu family also attaches great importance to this back road.

In the Wang Family's site, where a county has been planned, there is still a quarter of Shanbei and two-thirds of Linhai prefectures that can house other families.

The site is large enough, but they are all in a state of lack of manpower.

A large number of spiritual veins are left unattended, and resources cannot be developed.

Those who are willing to fall into the arms of the Wang family can establish power in those territories.

Xu Yifeng's post in Yan State can also pull in the relationship between the two.

For the two companies, this is also a win-win situation.

The Wang family gave the Xu family a back road, and the Xu family paved the way for the Wang family to dominate the blood shadow.

After thinking about it, Wang Daoyuan said: "It is of course not a problem to serve in the country of Yan. There are still many idle sites in the country of Yan.

Owning a quarter of Shanbei's territory, there are hundreds of fourth-order spiritual veins.

Over time, these spirit veins have the potential to grow to the fifth rank.

However, Shanbei was raged by monsters and had no spiritual veins to develop.

Yan Guo has been recruiting casual cultivators, and you can get spiritual veins with credit.

With the talent and strength of Yifeng Xiaoyou, coupled with the relationship between our two families.

It's no problem to give a fourth-order spiritual vein directly, just to allow the Xu family to spread its branches and leaves in the north of the mountain. "

Hearing this, Xu Qinghe's expression was full of excitement: "Thank you for the grace of the Supreme Emperor, Yifeng quickly thank the Supreme Emperor."

Xu Qinghe also has a plan in mind: the resources and industries of the blood shadow side ~ ~ but most of them are the public property of the blood shadow headquarters.

Although I have a high position, I don't have many resources directly.

If you want to use resources, you have to wrestle with Zhang's family.

Now I can get a fourth-order spiritual vein, which is still expected to grow to a fifth-order spiritual vein, and its development potential is much stronger than the underground cave of the blood shadow headquarters.

In the future, Wang's children will enter the Blood Shadow headquarters in large numbers, and they must have a very high right to speak.

This thing is not more than anything else, the Wang family takes a little more, and other factions naturally take less.

In the long run, one's own right to speak in the blood shadow will also be impaired.

Opposing Wang's family is looking for death, it is better to actively give up the right to speak.

From now on, the Xu family can completely focus on the family within the territory of Yan Country, with the Blood Shadow Headquarters as a branch, just keep it there.

This will not only ensure that there will be no conflict with the Wang family, but also get more benefits.

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