Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 903: Mankawa Shokai

Zhou Luan looked angrily: "Before you came here, Zhang Dingming had been thinking about trying to get me off.

After you came, he restrained a little.

Now that I have a chance, I have to let him know how good I am as the movie master, how should I deal with him next? "

"Don't move for now. If we want to fully control the blood shadow, we must ensure that no serious internal fighting occurs.

The Zhang Family and Xu Family's tens of thousands of years of foundation business, in the entire blood shadow, from the headquarters to each branch, and even some secret agents who wander around, have their personnel.

Most of the hall masters were promoted by them.

In the middle and lower tiers, the power of the two companies is probably more than 80%.

The Xu family took the initiative to take the initiative, and as long as Xu Qinghe and others were well overwhelmed, they could borrow this power of the Xu family.

The Zhang Family’s strength is only stronger than that of the Xu Family.

Moreover, this part of Zhang Family's power is completely gone, and Blood Shadow's intelligence ability will also lose nearly half.

It is estimated that it will take hundreds of years to recover. "

Zhou Luan was still a little angry: "I really want to solve the Zhang family immediately."

She is a fire cultivator, and most of the fire cultivators are more impatient.

Even when Wang Mingchen was a child, he was taught by Wang Shouye himself, and his personality gradually became more stable.

Coupled with her being a little cautious, the problem of irritability is even more obvious.

"The master of the movie is safe and not impatient. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so you should wait patiently.

Slowly cut off the members of the Zhang family and divide their power, and it will not be too late to clean up the Zhang family. "

Zhou Luan took out the token and looked at it: "Dao Jian sent a letter and asked Linhai Branch and Falling Star Branch how to arrange?

These places are our royal family's turf, the forces are relatively simple, and they are mostly casual cultivators.

Relying on assassinations to earn Lingshi for maintenance is definitely unreliable. "

The main function of each branch of Blood Shadow is to gather information.

Except for the branches occupying special industries, there is no need to submit anything other than information to the headquarters.

Of course, if you can hand in some natural treasures, you can also get a lot of rewards.

The headquarters controls the branches, mainly by appointing and dismissing hall masters and deputy hall masters, as well as the inheritance of exercises and various treasures.

As for the usual operations of the branch, the headquarters is out of control.

For branches to obtain things from the headquarters, they also need contribution points, and these contribution points need to be exchanged for intelligence and natural resources.

Including one piece of yin and yang purple jade every 100 years, it is actually exchanged by contribution points.

In addition, there are various tasks designated by the headquarters, and contribution points can also be obtained.

Now within the territory of Yan State, both black and white Dao are controlled by the Yan State court.

Assassination missions can only be carried out with the approval of the court, and the income in this area is greatly reduced.

Now the Shanbei branch and Qingli branch are supported by the spirit stones from the country of Yan.

But these branches do not belong to Yan State in name. The leading power of these branches has become a contradiction between Yan State and Blood Shadow.

If this situation continues to be maintained, it will become Yan Guo's spending money for the blood shadow nourishment department.

On the side of Blood Shadow, his branch did not listen to his own words, but listened to Yan Guo's words, and some elders felt uncomfortable.

Over time, it will lead to greater contradictions, and even affect the relationship between Yan Kingdom and Blood Shadow.

Wang Daoyuan pondered for a long time before he said, "Actually, I have some ideas for a long time, but I have relatively few branches before, and there is no need to play any tricks.

There will be four branches now, and there may be more in the future, so I can improve my previous ideas.

I plan to establish a chamber of commerce in the name of Yan Guo.

This chamber of commerce manages many industries.

Different industries play different roles.

Some are in charge of raw material production, some are in charge of transportation, and some are in charge of trading.

The various industries are coordinated by the chamber of commerce, and doing business is much better than doing it alone.

Moreover, doing business everywhere in the name of the chamber of commerce is actually a form of expansion, and it will not cause rejection by local forces.

The Blood Shadow branch opened several stores, and these stores joined the Chamber of Commerce.

The operating income of the chamber of commerce is used to maintain the operation of each branch.

The imperial court can avoid a lot of trouble without directly contacting the blood shadow.

If this chamber of commerce can grow bigger, it can expand to the surrounding areas and swallow the blood shadow branches of other places into the chamber of commerce.

Moreover, various industries of the family and the court can be placed under the name of this chamber of commerce.

The senior level of the Chamber of Commerce can be held concurrently by people from the Yan Guo Finance Hall.

If it were to expand directly in the name of Yan State, it would give other forces the impression that Yan State was bullying.

Expansion in the name of the Chamber of Commerce is just doing business and does not mean to infringe.

After the family's children were in full control of the blood shadow, they swallowed the entire blood shadow headquarters and made the blood shadow a part of the chamber of commerce. "

Zhou Luan nodded, "It is very suitable for Yan Kingdom and Blood Shadow to merge in this way.

It's just that, how can the blood shadow headquarters fool it?

Some elders, but very stubborn, have been worried that the blood shadow will become a subsidiary force of our royal family.

Otherwise, I propose to change some rules, and it won't arouse opposition from many non-primary elders. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "This is not a difficult matter. The various branches of Blood Shadow have the right to operate the industry.

It can be said that the court of the Kingdom of Yan cooperated with the Xueyingshan North Branch, and there was no need to create the Chamber of Commerce overnight.

You can play the name of the Chamber of Commerce first, and there are only a few shops under your hand.

Fundamentally speaking, this matter is the same as opening a store in a certain branch.

Each branch of Blood Shadow opens a shop. How does this shop operate? Does the headquarters still need to approve it? "

"Or you are too bad-hearted, you can indeed bypass the headquarters and set up the Chamber of Commerce first.

It just so happens that through the business of the Chamber of Commerce, you can gradually control other branches and cut off the members of the Zhang family.

By the way, what name should this chamber of commerce take? "

"The name of the chamber of commerce must be more atmospheric, called Yuquan Chamber of Commerce, Qingli Chamber of Commerce, etc., the scope is too small.

When the chamber of commerce expands to other countries in the future, it is easy to be rejected.

Let's call it Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce. The sites of all countries in the Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm are in the Wanchuan River Basin. No matter where the business is done, they will not be excluded.

For the time being, I don’t need to be too detailed. When Ming Ren and Ming Xian are ten years old, I will take them back to Yuquan Peak to recognize their ancestors.

At that time, I will discuss with Mingchen and the others how to refine the structure of the Chamber of Commerce. "

Zhou Luan nodded, took out the shadow master's token, and sent a letter to Wang Dao Jian.

It only took two or three hours for Wang Daojian, who was in Qingli City, to receive the message.

After taking a look, he hurried to the palace and reported the matter to Wang Mingchen.

Seeing Wang Mingchen, he took out a jade slip: "Your Majesty, regarding the Blood Shadow Division, a letter has been sent from the Emperor.

Which involves the court, I dare not call the shots without authorization.

This is the content of the top-secret letter sent by the Queen Mother. I have copied it down. Please read it. "

Wang Mingchen looked at it: "Father's method is quite good. The court and Xueyingshan North Branch have established a chamber of commerce in partnership.

In this way, can also avoid the contradiction between Yan Kingdom and Blood Shadow.

If it becomes bigger in the future, it can continue to expand to other places.

It happens that our country has too much resources and insufficient population.

It is also possible to sell various resources to other places through the chamber of commerce.

Since it is the father's intention, then do it accordingly.

This matter must be handled by the two clan brothers, Mingzhi and Mingkang. They are in charge of the financial hall. Business affairs and all matters related to finance are in charge of the financial hall.

Come, please come to discuss the matter. "

A young clansman in armor bowed and said yes, and then walked out.

By holding a position next to Wang Mingchen, you can access various secrets of the Wang family.

Especially this kind of personal guards, naturally not ordinary people can serve.

This person is the grandson of Wang Daochang, Wang Delin, the second Tianlinggen monk of the Wang family.

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