Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 904: Inventory

At this time, Wang Delin was also twenty-five or sixteen years old, but his cultivation had reached the fourth floor of the foundation building.

The earliest a monk built the foundation was twenty years old, which means that in five or six years he built the foundation, from the first foundation to the fourth foundation.

If Wang Daoyuan saw Wang Delin now, he would probably be shocked.

Tian Linggen plus water spirit body, the cultivation speed is so terrifying.

Although there are credits accumulated over the past few years, it is still extremely scary to be able to break through the four foundations so quickly.

What he cultivated was the basalt imperial water technique of the Xuanwu Hall of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, which was one of the core techniques of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.

This technique was left by a powerful monk, and his cultivation technique was clever, and his cultivation speed would naturally be greatly improved.

Before that, Wang Mingchen had formed a pill at the age of one hundred and fifty or sixty.

His special physique is a combat body, and before the Nanming Lihuo is condensed, he has no effect on his cultivation speed.

Although Wang Delin's water spirit body is not helpful in terms of fighting strength, it is very helpful in terms of cultivation speed.

According to this calculation, his cultivation speed should be much faster than Wang Mingchen.

After less than half a cup of tea, Wang Delin returned to the Imperial Study Room again.

He arched his hand towards Wang Mingchen: "Your Majesty, the head of the Finance Hall and the deputy head of the Hall of Finance are already waiting outside."

Wang Mingchen nodded: "Let them come in."

Wang Delin yelled: "The chief and deputy chief of the Finance Hall will see you."

Wang Mingzhi and Wang Mingkang walked into the imperial study room and were about to salute.

The two of them are also regarded as the veteran qualifications of the Wang family. Back then, Wang Daoyuan had just formed a pill, and the Netherworld Sect broke the soil and divided the seal.

When Wang Daoyuan was planning to build the Economic and Strategic Envoy, the two of them were in charge of the Finance Hall and the Department of Commerce, and it has been nearly two hundred years ago.

Their talents are not bad, and they have all cultivated to the peak of the Purple Mansion now, and there is not much difficulty in consolidating pill.

Wang Mingchen took out the jade slip: "The two elder brothers don't need to be polite. This is the news from the father, you see how to implement it."

Wang Mingzhi took the jade slip, checked it carefully, and handed it to Wang Mingkang.

After reading both of them, Wang Mingzhi said: "The method of the Supreme Emperor is very good. The court has a lot of resources, and the Blood Shadow Branch holds a lot of information.

Our Finance Hall is in the early stage, the establishment of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, combined with the information of the blood shadow, business is naturally not profitable. "

Wang Mingkang thought about it: "Since the Chamber of Commerce is established, it can recruit casual cultivators on a large scale, even if the talent and character are poor, it doesn't matter.

As long as there are spirit stones, everything can be solved.

Because of insufficient manpower before, we have not been able to develop the mineral veins and other things in the Sky Slash Mountain Range.

They didn't dare to let other families develop, lest they could not lose their tails.

It's easy now. We can develop the various mineral veins in the Tianzhan Mountain Range in the name of the Chamber of Commerce.

These industries are developed, and ultimately the ownership is still in the hands of our Wang family.

The monks recruited by the Chamber of Commerce have good performances and can be sent to the court.

Those who don't know each other will be kicked out of the Chamber of Commerce directly. "

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes shined straight.

There are so many industries in the Tianzhan Mountains, the family is short of manpower, and can only be seen to be unable to develop.

Now he was hitting straight and found a solution.

Wang Shouye smiled and said, "Mingkang is a good idea, and he deserves to be a veteran who has been in charge of business for more than two hundred years.

However, we still have to discuss with Daoyuan.

This method is a huge adjustment to Yan Guo's strategy.

If Wan Yiyuan has any long-term arrangements, we can develop it at will, which may ruin his plan. "

Wang Mingchen nodded: "The two elder brothers are going to prepare for the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce first, Uncle 27, you will pass the letter secretly to ask the emperor's opinion.

Even if the industry is to be liberalized, the chamber of commerce needs to be put up and recruited enough manpower.

I'm afraid it will take several years to start construction, and it is not in a hurry at this time. "

Wang Mingzhi and Wang Mingkangqi claimed to be, go down and make preparations.

Wang Daojian took out the hall master token and sent a letter to Zhou Luan.

After more than two hours, Zhou Luan took out the token and took a look.

"This is the news from the family. They have already begun preparations for the establishment of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

Mingkang proposed to recruit people arbitrarily in the name of the Chamber of Commerce to open up businesses within the mountain range.

In this way, it does not require much manpower from the family and can effectively develop various industries. "

This method is a bit like the contracting system of the previous world, and it is indeed of great benefit to the development of the industry.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "This method is to use the power of casual cultivators to do our king's affairs.

The family really has a business genius, and we need to cultivate it in the future.

However, general industries can be developed, and important industries must not be let go.

The Tianzhan Mountain Range is the main spirit vein of the Beiyuan, and there should be many spirit stone veins. There may be many veins such as Yin Yang Ziyu.

These properties must be held in the hands of the royal family, and the Chamber of Commerce cannot easily touch them.

Even in a general industry, the highest person in charge must be a child of the Wang family, and no one can take advantage of the loopholes. "

Upon hearing this, Zhou Luan wrote back immediately.

After Wang Daojian received the reply, she smiled and said, "Seventh brother agreed."

Afterwards, hand over the token to Wang Mingchen to check.

After reading it, Wang Mingchen thought a little bit: "Father is worried that the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce will have problems in the future, so he has always asked for important industries to be held in his hands.

Important industries such as the Lingshi mine are the lifeblood of the Yan Kingdom and the Wang family.

It is impossible for everyone who is sent by the Wang family to look after the property to be extremely savvy.

It is also very possible for the casual cultivators who have been recruited to cheat and steal power.

In my opinion, this restriction is still tighter. "

Wang Shouye nodded: "Not only those important minerals are strictly forbidden to develop, but also spiritual veins and forest farms irrigated by spring water and river water, there are some restrictions...

The most difficult time for our Wang family was to develop more spiritual fields and plant more spiritual trees by relying on Yulong spring water to barely maintain it.

Later, the family finances improved, and the sericulture industry, which relied on Lingquan water, remained the family's pillar industry.

This extremely important industry must be held in hand. "

Wang Daochang said: "There is no problem in developing minerals, but our family has not developed mineral veins aggressively in recent years.

I don't know much about the distribution of mines in the Tianzhan Mountains.

Just take this opportunity to get a feel for the situation of various industries in Yan Country and know what to do.

In recent years, the court and family have adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards these industries.

It is estimated that there are many casual cultivators who are not afraid of death occupying spiritual veins at will, and we have to deal with them.

Lest they have a big family after they multiply for hundreds of years.

Let's get rid of it again, it won't look so good.

In terms of manpower, I think I would draw manpower from the Family Formation Hall, the Imperial Formation Hall, and the Guard Hall. "

Wang Mingchen smiled and said, "That's good, it's easy to develop after finding out the background of the family.

As for the manpower, I think the second uncle is more suitable.

After he formed his pill, he was worried and didn't fight.

And Wang is not an idle person either.

He has also traveled abroad for decades and has experience in dealing with casual repairs.

Uncle Twenty-seven, I'll check the industry, drive away casual repairs that occupy the industry at will, and rely on blood shadow's intelligence support. I'm sorry to trouble you. "

Wang Daojian waved his hand: "Your Majesty, rest assured, intelligence is just a small matter.

It's all for the family, which is nothing.

I will arrange for the information management personnel of the Shanbei and Qingli branches to help the second brother and them.

There are also the branches of Linhaizhou and Luoxingyuan, which have not yet started.

I will also help to cooperate with Wise and Mingkang to establish branches. "

Wang Mingchen smiled and said: "These things will trouble the emperor. If you need any help, just speak up. The court will provide the greatest help."

After Wang Daojian left, he said again: "Second Uncle, I will leave it to you to arrange the inventory."

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