Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 906: Serve softly

The Zhenshan Sect monk was speechless, and after a long silence, he said: "Yan State did not set up a county guard here. Is it possible that so many spiritual veins are left vacant with just one mouth?

Since it was demarcated with the Yaozu before, the territories of the Human Race were south of the boundary.

As long as it is a human force, it can be occupied.

The Kingdom of Zhao also occupies the Wanlong Mountain, and the forces of Song, Qi, and Chu also occupy part of the Tianzhan Mountain.

They can occupy it, but the mountain sect of my town can't occupy it? "

The mountain sect in this town is holding it for nothing, and it doesn't have any skin on it.

Wang Dezhao has also traveled abroad for many years, and he hasn't seen any shameless people. This skill is nothing.

"Whoever contends for the land has the right to dispose of it.

Zhao Kingdom occupied Wanlong Mountain, which was exchanged for Linhai Prefecture.

As for the other forces, they occupied the territory without saying hello to the country of Yan.

Those who are effective in fighting against the monster race can be tolerated.

I didn't make any effort to fight against the monster clan. When my seventh uncle was free, I would come to the door one by one.

If you make a contribution to the town of the mountain sect and occupy a site, there is nothing wrong with it.

But before the two sides have reached an agreement, your Zhenshan Zong should be a tortoise.

After my seventh uncle stunned the demon clan, you dare not go to kill the scattered demon clan and let them run wild in the north of the mountain.

Cowardly and cowardly when encountering an enemy, it is rather bold to grab Terran territory.

There is no human righteousness in his heart, so what kind of face is there for such a force to survive in the world.

When the ancient Great Power ordered the five top forces to guard the Beiyuan Human Race, it also gave them the power to govern the Human Race forces.

My country, Yan, is recognized by the four top powers, replacing the Ten Thousand Beast Valley to guard the Heaven Slashing Mountains, and naturally also has this power.

Today, I, Yan, punishes Zhen Shanzong on behalf of the human race. "

After all, a gourd appeared in his hand, which was Wang Daoyuan's meteorite Royal Fire Gourd.

Red gold flames spurted from the mouth of the gourd, and the defensive formation on the Six Tiger Mountain was actually vulnerable under this flame.

The red sun real fire in the Meteorite Royal Fire Gourd was given to Wang Dezhao by Wang Daoyuan before to let him understand the law of fire attributes.

Although this is a rootless fire, it is ultimately a fifth-order flame after all.

Qingli County of Yan State is closer to the Tianzhan Mountain Range, and there is a thin fifth-order aura filling over.

With the fifth-order spiritual energy, and the meteorite Royal Fire Gourd protection, the power can barely be maintained.

The fourth-tier mid-level defense formation is nothing at all under the power of the fifth-tier spirit fire.

The Zhenshanzong Zifu monk was stunned. He dared to be so arrogant because he felt that Wang Dezhao and others could not break this formation.

But I didn't expect that the source of my confidence would be gone if I didn't.

Wang Dezhao sneered: "Now, do you dare to be tough with me?"

After all, he must control the flames and continue to attack Liuhushan.

At this time, a monk wearing a yellow robe flew out of the Six Tiger Mountain.

This person has a gray-haired look, and it seems that he is not young.

"Why should the two dao friends bully the junior? If you really want to do something, how about I accompany the two dao friends to discuss it?"

Before he finished his words, a large earth-yellow seal appeared in his hands.

Wang Dezhao glanced at him and transmitted to Wang Daoxing: "Second grandfather, what the Zhenshan Sect monk is best at is using the power of suppression.

I am a monk with the fire attribute. Although the fire is violent, it has no roots.

Although the Meteorite Royal Fire Gourd is brilliant, it is only a fourth-order middle-grade magic weapon.

Under the force of suppression, he could not exert much strength.

To deal with him, we must rely on you and this Tier 4 mid-grade flying warship. "

Wang Daoxing nodded slightly and sacrificed a silver long sword.

Wang Dezhao retracted the flame of the burning formation and poured spiritual power into the Royal Fire Gourd, ready to take action at any time.

The defensive array on the flying battleship was opened, and various offensive and defensive weapons were illuminated.

Wang Daoxing didn't have the thought to consume him, and with a wave of his long sword, a few silver lights were cut out.

He was a monk in the early days of the Golden Core, and his strength was not small compared to the Huangpao elder.

The big seal of the yellow robe old man's hand emits a few earthy yellow rays, easily blocking the silver light.

Wang Dezhao draws the flames from the gourd and condenses a red golden fireball.

The yellow robe old man's big seal was sacrificed, releasing the force of suppression and suppressing the fireball.

Although the flame is strong, it will not attack on its own.

In the end, he had to rely on Wang Dezhao to urge him, his strength was insufficient, and the flames couldn't fly past at all.

It's like a three-year-old kid holding a peerless magic weapon in his hand, no matter how powerful this magic weapon is, the three-year-old kid can't show it.

The flying warship did not show weakness, and several golden rays flew out.

The yellow-robed old man didn't dare to take it hard, and quickly used his escape technique to avoid it.

Wang Dezhao took the opportunity to spur the fireball, which burst at a distance of more than two hundred feet from him.

The red golden flames turned into countless flames, flying everywhere.

The yellow-robed old man could not completely avoid the flames, and a few small flames were stained on his robe.

His yellow robe is not simple, it is a Tier 4 high-grade defensive magic weapon.

But under the red gold flame, several holes were burnt in an instant, and the fire was still spreading.

He didn't dare to delay, and quickly threw off the yellow robe.

Other flames fell on the mountain and burned many Lingzhi.

Wang Dezhao urged the Meteorite Royal Fire Gourd to retract these flames.

The yellow-robed old man showed a greedy look on his face: "This flame is really good. Your gourd probably hasn't recognized the Lord, you can't display the true power of this flame."

Wang Dezhao smiled and said, "I really didn't recognize the lord. The owner of this gourd is my Seventh Uncle, who is also the Supreme Emperor of Yan Kingdom.

If you like it, I can give you the gourd. "

Hearing this, the old man's face changed drastically.

Monks seldom hand over the magical artifacts they are still using to others, usually they are the younger generations that they highly value, only then can they get the protection of the magical artifacts of the elders.

The identity of the golden core monk in front of him is definitely not simple.

Although his own strength is strong, but the earth attribute monk, the offensive ability is just like that.

In the early stage of dealing with two Jin Dan, plus a Tier 4 mid-range flying warship, the possibility of defeating the opponent is unlikely.

What if you win? Yan Guo wanted to clean up the mountain sect, and there was a way.

I wanted to stand on the moral commanding heights and let the Wang family cast a rat avoidance device, but I didn't expect that Yan Guo would not eat this set at all.

He laughed and said: "How dare the old man want the magic weapon of the Emperor Yan, since it is the descendants of the Emperor.

The mountain sect in our town is willing to surrender the occupied territory, please give us some time. "

Wang Dezhao replied: "After more than tens of thousands of miles, we also need to go back and report to your majesty, and by the way, bring Qishu Gong’s Golden Crow.

When we come back, if you have not retreated.

You know that this flame is in front of Tier 5 Golden Crow, and the power of this flame in my hand is just that. "

After that, he didn't pay any attention to the old man in yellow robe, and turned around and headed east.

Wang Daoxing asked: "De Zhao, we are not defeated, why are we leaving?"

Wang Dezhao sighed: "It's only tens of thousands of miles to the west of Guiyan County, and there are late Jindan monks guarding him.

But there are more than two hundred thousand miles to the west, and there is more than one Zhenshanzong who is not greedy.

With our strength, continuing to go west is of little use.

As for how to proceed, I have to ask your Majesty to decide. "

Although Wang Daoxing was reckless, he lived nearly 400 years old and knew himself well.

If you are not good at resourcefulness, just listen to smart people.

Feizhou flew east to One day later, we returned to Qingli City.

Wang Daoxing and Wang Dezhao entered the imperial study room and met Wang Mingchen.

Wang Dezhao took out a book of animal skins: "Your Majesty, the Tianzhan Mountain Range, Guiyan County, and the distribution map of the spirit vein mines hundreds of thousands of miles west are all here.

We met the people from Weiguo Town Shanzong in Liuhushan. They sent Jindan monks to run Liuhushan, and we fought with them.

He knew that the magic weapon in my hand belonged to Uncle Qi, so he didn't dare to continue fighting, promising to withdraw from Liuhushan as soon as possible.

The strength to occupy the spiritual veins further west will become stronger and stronger. We are not sure to win, so we will not explore further west.

How to proceed, please make your Majesty's decision. "

Wang Mingchen nodded: "You are doing a good job. Let's go and rest for a while, next time I will take my father's Akabane.

Among the Beiyuan people, there are not many people who can beat the Akabane Crow.

The countries near the Shanbei site are small countries, and no one can deal with him. "

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