Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 907: Song ambassador

Since Akabane Crow broke through the fifth rank, he was never willing to return to the Lingzhu space.

His favorite thing is to bask in the sun on the top of Tieping Mountain at the boundary between Yan State and Zhao State's Heyang County.

This guy is worthy of being of the Golden Crow bloodline, as long as he basks in the sun every day, he can continue to improve his cultivation.

The cultivation speed is not slow. Although there is a gap with the cultivation speed of human geniuses, it has far surpassed the semi-divine beasts.

Wang Daoyuan also asked him to inspect the Wang family's site when he was free.

The Golden Crow is also a **** bird known for its extreme speed. With the cultivation base of the fifth-tier low-grade, its flight speed has almost caught up with the fifth-tier middle-grade Gray Peng.

Because his strength has been strengthened during the day, he can quickly regain his spiritual power, and confronts the Hui Peng head-on, but only slightly loses the wind.

The human race of the entire Beiyuan Cultivation Realm, that is, the four top powers plus the sovereign of Zhou Kingdom and Blood Shadow, can defeat him with the handed down magic weapon.

Wang Dezhao and his entourage spent more than half a month in Qingli City and took the Akabane Crow and set off again.

At a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles, Akabane Ou was unwilling to fly over in person.

He condensed the flames all over his body, lying on the top of the flying warship to bask in the sun.

It doesn't seem to have the majesty of the Golden Crow alien, just like an ordinary crow.

The flying warship flew to Liuhu Mountain, and the Zhenshan Sect cultivator ran fast enough.

There was not one person left on the whole mountain. Even the buildings were demolished, and all the spiritual plants in the spiritual field were excavated and taken away.

When Wang Daoxing saw the situation, he was happy at the time: "Isn't Zhenshan Sect very tough at the beginning? Why did it run so straightforwardly?"

Wang Dezhao smiled and said: "Zhenshan Sect is not very strong in Wei, and there are only four or five golden core monks in the clan.

Relying on being close to Huiyan Mountain and guarding a narrow path through Huiyan Mountain, he dared to reach the north of the mountain.

As far as their family status is concerned, it is not worth mentioning in front of our Wang family.

Moreover, Wei State is in a state of dismemberment.

Any power that suffers major losses will be taken advantage of.

The imperial family of the Wei Kingdom is also a Zhou family member, and can continue with his Majesty.

If your majesty greeted Wei Huang, the two sides would deal with Zhenshanzong together.

Emperor Wei was also happy to destroy the Zhenshan Sect and take over all of its properties. "

The flying warship continued to explore the east, and from time to time, monks offered the flying warship and left the flying warship to explore other industries.

It might be because the last time there was too much noise, Zhenshan Sect had all escaped, and the casual cultivators here did not dare to oppose Yan Guo.

Within two to three thousand miles nearby, there were no more spiritual veins occupied by casual repairs.

Continue to go west, but there are some forces from other countries occupying some spiritual veins.

Wang Dezhao stepped forward to negotiate, and this group of people was unwilling to give up the site.

Moreover, the wording is very strong, even at the expense of Wang Dezhao and the others.

The Akabane Crow directly turned into a golden sun, and after a circle on the top of the mountain, their attitude changed dramatically.

Not only agreed to retreat immediately, but also left a lot of good things, which can be regarded as a reward to Wang Dezhao and others.

Of course, as the royal family of the Kingdom of Yan, how can they covet this little profit?

It's just that the other party walked in a hurry, and some things didn't have time to take away, so Yan Guo helped them keep it.

Although the territory of Shanbei is larger, there are not many spirit veins and mineral veins.

They only took one year to record all the spiritual veins in the entire Shanbei.

Afterwards, the flying warship returned to Qingli City with a group of people.

Wang Dezhao and Wang Daoxing came to the Imperial Study Room, Wang Mingzhi and Wang Mingkang were also here.

Wang Dezhao once again presented all the spiritual vein distribution maps in Shanbei. Wang Mingchen smiled and said: "The industry in the territory of Yan has finally been explored. The Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce has also set up a shelf and is waiting to develop the industry.

Two elder brothers, let's take a look at which industries are more suitable for development. "

Wang Mingzhi smiled and said, "Although I am good at managing money, I am far less knowledgeable in business than Mingkang.

He is still the head of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, so let him decide. "

Wang Mingkang did not refuse, but took the map of the spiritual veins and checked it carefully.

"The Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is in this Qingli City. The industries here are our own, and there is nothing to develop.

It just so happens that Qingli City is also a gathering place for business travelers. I plan to set up an auction house here to collect treasures everywhere.

At the same time, they also do some reselling business.

It is also possible to gather all the monks with a higher level of the alchemy talisman array in the general assembly.

There are a lot of idle spiritual veins in Wanchuanfang City, and it is also an important city for communicating with Linhai Prefecture, and there are a lot of casual repairs. .

Except for a few spirit veins and mines, it was developed by the children of the family themselves.

Other spiritual veins can be dispatched by the Chamber of Commerce to open up spiritual fields.

Even the cultivation of Linggu can sell for a good price.

Within thirty years, it would be good to be able to use these spiritual veins. "

"Linhai Prefecture does not have many minerals, but there are many casual repairs, so you can focus on transportation.

Buy all kinds of specialties from the sea from those casual repairmen who go hunting at sea, and transport them to other places for sale, all at high prices.

The Shanbei Branch of Guiyanfang City can be said to be the center of the entire Shanbei.

The surrounding spirit veins and mines are not intended to be occupied by the family, and they can all be taken care of by the Chamber of Commerce.

In particular, the Blood Wolf Mountain and Qingjian Mountain, which are adjacent to the Tianzhan Mountain Range in the east, do not have any high-value mineral veins, but their spirit veins are not low in rank, and many spiritual fields can be opened up.

As for the Fallen Star Plain, the prefect of Fallen Star County is the leader of the Qingyu Jiao tribe.

The entire county is a place where half-demons are placed, and there are not many spirit veins and mines.

Those with higher value have also been entrusted to various half-demon tribes.

Falling Xingyuan is also deep in the desert, and it is not suitable for opening up spiritual fields. For the time being, it mainly buys raw materials and sells magical implements and medicines. "

Wang Shouye nodded: "Mingkang's general plan is pretty good. It can make a lot of profits in the early stage, and it doesn't require the court to invest too much."

Wang Mingchen also nodded and said: "Then do it like this."

Before he could say anything, Wang Delin walked in from outside.

He bowed and saluted: "Your Majesty, the minister has received the news, and the envoy of the State of Song asks for a meeting.

At this time, he has arrived in Wanchuanfang City. "

Wang Mingchen was taken aback and asked, "Are we dealing with Song State?"

Wang Shouye shook his head and said: "The relationship is not much, it is Song Guo who came here to give gifts.

As for friendship, it really didn't happen at all. I have played against each other before.

What the two parties can get involved in is the problem of Zhao Guo.

Ever since Zhao Jingguo and Emperor Zhao Lingxiao broke through the realm of Yuan Ying, Song Kingdom has been so behaved.

Song State was a Yuanying monk in Song Yan, even if he had a magic weapon handed down, he was not an opponent of Zhao State.

Now he didn't even dare to take care of the little court of the Six Princes, and Zhao Guo had no plans to act on Song State.

I'm not sure why Song Envoy came. "

"No matter what, we can't lose courtesy. UU Reading

San Uncle, you go to meet the envoy of Song. "

Wang Daochang arched his hands and said: "Yes."

Then take a flying boat to Wanchuanfang City to receive the Ambassador of Song Dynasty and take him to Qingli City.

Feizhou returned after half a day, and Wang Daochang brought back a middle-aged late Jindan monk.

This person is dressed in a black robe, and there is a black bird pattern on his clothes. This is a pattern that can only be used by the Song family.

Wang Mingchen received the Song ambassador at the Huangji Hall, and Wang Daochang took the Song ambassador to the palace.

The Song Ambassador saluted: "Foreign Minister Song Ren, at the order of Emperor Song, come to meet Emperor Yan."

Wang Mingchen waved his hand gently: "Emissary Song doesn't need to be polite. I wonder if Emperor Song sent you to come, what's important?"

Song Ren replied: "Before the human race and the demon race had peace talks, most of the demon race east of the Tianzhan Mountain Range retreated to the east of the Tianzhan Mountain Range.

The northeastern part of the Song Dynasty bordered the Tianzhan Mountains, and our emperor sent people to occupy some of the spiritual veins at the southern foot of Wanlong Mountain.

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