Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 909: New offensive round

Wang Shouye returned to Huangji Hall again, and Wang Mingchen couldn't help laughing.

"Twelve Uncles, you are really good at fooling people, and Song Shi was so scared that he was sweating profusely.

Seeing this posture, he would agree to whatever request San Bo made. "

Wang Shouye waved his hand and said, "Your father is the master in this regard.

Back then, Luo Jiuyou, the traitor, believed that Dao Yuan was loyal to the Netherworld Sect.

I hope this drama can fool Song Yan, and cooperating with this guy is really unreliable. "

Three days later, Wang Daochang brought Song Ren to Huangji Hall again.

Wang Mingchen and Wang Delin were dealing with official duties in the hall, but Wang Shouye never came.

Song Ren held two golden books in his hands: "His Majesty Yan, this is the peace treaty between the two countries that I discussed with Qingyunhou, and I also invite His Majesty Yan Huang to preview it."

Wang Delin stepped forward, took two golden books, and submitted them.

Wang Mingchen checked the two golden books, which marked all the industries that Song Kingdom had already occupied.

According to the agreement between the two parties, the southernmost part of Wanlong Mountain occupied by Song State only occupies about one-tenth of the entire Wanlong Mountain.

About one-third of the land at the northern end of Wanlong Mountain has been exchanged to the State of Zhao.

Most of the Wanlong Mountain is still in the hands of the Kingdom of Yan. It is good to take this place and exchange the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce to enter the Kingdom of Song.

It also stipulated that the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce will encounter attacks from other forces in the future, and Emperor Song needs to help.

This agreement was of great benefit to Yan Country, and Wanlong Mountain was inherently uncontrollable.

Now with Song Guo's help, he can earn it in his pocket, and there are two more sites the size of Qingli County.

This is all the territory within the Tianzhan Mountain Range, rich and rich.

Of course, Song State did not suffer. The previously occupied territory was recognized by the State of Yan.

Wang Mingchen looked at the two golden books, thought carefully, and did not rush to speak.

Song Ren was a little anxious now, for fear that Yan Guo would not agree to this agreement.

Want to talk, but a bit rude.

After waiting for a long time, Wang Mingchen said, "Just follow this agreement."

After all, take out the jade seal and use the seal on the two gold books.

Although the material of the gold book is extremely hard, it easily leaves a mark under the jade seal.

According to the rules, each of the two golden books should have one copy, and each should have the seals of the emperors of the two countries.

Both of these golden books were brought by Song Ren, and Song Emperor's seal had already been there before.

Wang Delin picked up a golden book and handed it to Song Ren.

The two sides said a few more polite remarks, and Song Ren resigned.

At this time, the blood shadow headquarters in Zhou's small courtyard.

Two little guys, Wang Mingyan and Wang Mingxian, each sitting on a futon in a decent manner, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan were both staring at them.

Soon, Wang Mingxian opened his eyes: "Father and Queen Mother, I feel a rush of heat in my belly."

Zhou Luan was overjoyed and quickly checked Wang Mingxian's body with his spiritual sense.

"Sure enough, there is a wood-attribute spiritual power in Mingxian's dantian, and it only took a little more than an hour.

Her talent is stronger than Mingchen, and it took Mingchen an hour and a half to cultivate a sense of breath. "

The two little guys are now five years old and have not eaten good food since they were young.

Needless to say, breast milk, they can also eat some of the spiritual things that Zhou Luan usually eats.

In terms of living conditions, Wang Mingchen was incomparable when he was a child and now.

Just five years old, the physical fitness is better than the average ten-year-old child.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan also let them start practicing, and Wang Mingxian cultivated a sense of breath, and officially embarked on the road of cultivation.

Her physique is rather strange, very similar to the wood spirit body, but has a strong vitality.

Wang Mingchen is a nine-inch seven-point spiritual root, and it took an hour and a half to cultivate a sense of aura.

If only talking about the spiritual roots of heaven, Wang Mingxian could not be so much faster even if he was a root of heavenly spirits.

After all, not everyone can compare with themselves.

Therefore, her special physique is likely to be a spiritual body.

This matter is not in a hurry for the time being. When I return to the country of Yan and let the two little guys recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, let the Pagoda of All Souls take a look.

He has lived for more than two hundred thousand years and is well informed, and he should be able to see the clues.

After another half hour, Wang Mingyan also woke up from entering concentration: "Father and queen, there is a hot air flowing in my belly, and it is still a little bloated."

The time he practiced was one and a half hours away from half a cup of tea, which was slightly better than Wang Mingchen.

It seems that Wang Mingyan's spiritual root talent should still be higher than Wang Mingchen.

Wang Daoyuan immediately checked his body with his spiritual sense, and a metal spiritual force did appear in his body.

Moreover, this metallic spiritual power is quite extraordinary, with a sharp aura in it.

With this sharp air, when you cast metallic spells in the future, your lethality and defensive ability will be stronger.

There is a special power in spiritual power, which is not uncommon.

The spiritual power of many monks has other powers.

But these special powers are all the reasons for practicing the exercises.

Wang Mingbian's practice is just the most common art of opening pulses.

It stands to reason that the spiritual power cultivated should be the most basic metallic spiritual power, and there should be no other things.

This sharp aura should come from his special physique.

This is so effective without cultivating any clever exercises.

In the future, after practicing the primordial technique of Baihutang in Ten Thousand Beast Valley, the sharp aura in his spiritual power will only increase.

At that time, he casts spells at will, and the power may be far better than the monks of the same rank.

Zhou Luan was already smiling, and from time to time he looked at Wang Daoyuan with contempt.

Just as she was about to ridicule, the movie master token received the news.

I took out the token and checked it: "It's the news from Mingchen, you can take a look."

Wang Daoyuan took the token and checked its contents.

Wang Mingxian asked: "Mother, who is Mingchen?"

"It's your eldest brother, the emperor of the Kingdom of Yan, who is more than a hundred years older than the two of you, and is a Golden Core cultivator."

"After that, when we go back, will he bully us?"

Wang Mingyan said to the side: "It's okay, if he bullies someone, we two will beat him together.

Together, we must be able to beat him. "

Wang Mingxian also nodded pretentiously, making Zhou Luan amused and laughing.

Wang Mingchen, who was hundreds of thousands of miles away, didn't know that the two kids in the open pulse state were going to beat him.

After reading the letter, Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Wang Mingkang, this kid is really capable, and he can come up with this kind of detrimental trick.

Following this path, Qi and Wu negotiated again, and Xu Guo, Zhong Li and other small countries that were not as big as Qingli County would also come automatically.

In this way, Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce will soon be able to stretch its hands from the north of the mountain to the wilderness of the south. "

Zhou Luan sighed, "Don't just see the good ones, the trouble is also coming.

A few days ago, Zhang Dingming took the Chamber of Commerce to talk about it. He said that Blood Shadow never cooperated with other big forces.

Now it is breaking the rules to jointly establish the Chamber of Commerce with Yan Guo. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little bit disdainful: "Zhang Dingming is really useless, he can even find out such a crappy excuse.

Before cooperating with other big forces, Kongming Mountain was besieged by Blood-Eyed Golden Winged Tiger and Xiaoyue Sirius. UU Reading www. When asked us for help, why didn't he mention it? "

Zhou Luan smiled and said: "He is also a shrewd man, probably because he has seen the potential of the Chamber of Commerce.

If this is the case, other branches will follow suit in the future and cooperate with Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

After the cooperation, the blood shadow branch will eat from the Chamber of Commerce and drink from the Chamber of Commerce.

In the future, will they listen to the Chamber of Commerce or the headquarters?

However, there are only a few people who have a long-term vision.

Except for the Zhang family, few other elders echoed them. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "It seems that Zhang Dingming's prestige has declined, and it is time for us to launch a new round of offensive.

Among the elders of the Zhang family's real power, who is the most unpopular, let's shake out what he has done.

Then remove his position and hand it over to non-primary elders.

After knocking out a few elders with real power, Zhang Dingming was also difficult to sing. "

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