Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 910: 2 plugs

Zhou Luan nodded and asked: "It is naturally not a problem to talk about the basic situation of the elders of the Zhang family.

I have permission to check even their cultivation techniques and spiritual roots.

But if you check their black material, this is very difficult.

These things can't be made public, and I have only been here for several decades.

There are some people under his hands, but it is impossible to put the spies everywhere.

Collect the secrets of Zhang's parents, I really don't have that ability. "

Based on the Zhang family's tens of thousands of years of foundation, Zhou Luan, a hall master who was not a direct descendant, entered the headquarters as the film master.

It is too difficult to find Zhang Family's black material.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "The one who knows you best is always your enemy.

You have nothing to do with the Zhang family, and it doesn't mean that the enemies of the Zhang family have nothing to do. "

Zhou Luan was taken aback, and then asked: "You mean the Xu family?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "The two of them have been fighting for power for tens of thousands of years. It is estimated that Zhang Dingming will spend the night in the concubine's house every day, and how long he will toss, Xu Qinghe can figure it out.

Without the help of the Xu family, with the two of us, if you want to bring down the Zhang family, you can only rely on your fists. "

"Then I will send a letter to Xu Qinghe now and ask him to come over to discuss matters."

After all, take out the jade charm to spread the letter.

A quarter of an hour later, Xu Qinghe came to the Zhou family courtyard.

As soon as he entered, Wang Daoyuan opened the formation in the small courtyard.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan being so careful, Xu Qinghe was startled.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Don't be so alarmed, I came to you because I wanted you to help."

Xu Qinghe arched his hands and said: "If you have any important matters, please let the Supreme Emperor speak bluntly.

The subordinates must do their best to help the Supreme Emperor complete it. "

What can help Wang Daoyuan is to pull in the relationship between the two families. He naturally cannot ask for it.

"It's no big deal. I just want to know which of the powerful elders in the Xu family has the worst reputation on the blood shadow headquarters."

Xu Qinghe, a shrewd person, immediately understood Wang Daoyuan's intentions when he heard this.

"My Xu family has fought with Zhang family for tens of thousands of years, and we have placed a lot of secrets in each other.

I didn't dare to say anything else, it couldn't be easier if I wanted to dig out which elder of the Zhang family's black material and knock him off.

It's just that the strength of the two sides is equal before, and once these black materials are used, it will be a loss for both sides.

Both sides restrained each other and didn't show these black materials.

If the supreme emperor wants to break the right man of the chapter and Dingming, I can give the black material of the Zhang family.

It's just that if the Zhang family retaliates, my Xu family will also be seriously damaged. "

Wang Daoyuan naturally understood what he meant, because he was afraid of losing both sides.

Zhou Luan smiled and said, "There are some senior elders in the Xu family, so there should be a few more.

If the elders with real power are vacant, I, the film owner, has the right to directly appoint an elder with sufficient qualifications to take over, and the elder has no right to interfere. "

Wang Daoyuan also said: "The Yan Guo and Xueyingshan North Branch jointly established the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, presumably Elder Xu also knows.

This comes and goes, and a lot of manpower is needed. What my Wang family lacks most is manpower. "

Upon hearing this, Xu Qinghe's eyes lighted up.

The meaning in Wang Daoyuan's words is that how many elders in the Xu family have been knocked out, and the Yan State and Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce will entrust their income with important tasks.

Xu Qinghe originally wanted a large number of tribesmen to work in the country of Yan, and even the future development of the Xu family was mainly based on the country of Yan.

I'm just worried that too many people will be sent over, which will cause suspicion.

Now that we have such a good opportunity, we can't miss it.

"Practitioners will inevitably have done some things that are not suitable for seeing the light. The more they are in a high position, the more so.

The elders of the Zhang family have a lot of black material, and among these elders, there are good and bad opinions.

Nothing is more hateful than Zhang Dingming's younger brother Zhang Dingyi.

This person is the youngest person in Zhang Jiading's generation, coupled with being Tianlinggen, he has been very favored since he was a child, which has also allowed him to develop an extremely domineering character.

He has been in Blood Wolf since he was a child, and he has become an idle elder in the two hundred years of his life.

Later, Zhang Dingming arranged for him a position to be the head of the first-level branch in Shenguoducheng.

Although Shen State is small, it is located at the junction of Chu State, Zhou State, and Zheng State. It is also a prosperous place.

He stayed there for more than a hundred years, and he had cultivated to the late Jindan stage.

As the financial elder sat down, Zhang Dingming transferred him back to the headquarters to serve as the financial elder.

So far, he is more than five hundred years old, but he has been the financial elder for two hundred years.

Since this guy came out of the mountain, he has done bad things.

In the capital city of Shen Guo, he had repeatedly bullied the deputy hall master and robbed the deputy hall master's daughter.

In the end, he was wiped out and all his family properties were invaded.

The deputy hall master also has a young son who escaped by chance and was protected by my Xu family. He holds Zhang Dingyi’s evidence of crime.

I don't know this evidence, is the Supreme Emperor still satisfied? "

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "It seems too deliberate to shake out such a large crime directly."

Xu Qinghe reacted immediately: "You want to show a little something to cause dissatisfaction with the blood shadow middle and low-level cultivators.

Bring the momentum to clean up Zhang Dingyi, and then the film owner ordered a thorough investigation of the matter.

Finally, let him out again, so that he will never stand up? "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "In this way, the shadow lord will follow the vast number of blood shadow disciples and dig out the moths in the upper ranks.

The prestige of the movie master rose greatly, and the Zhang family's reputation was discredited. "

Xu Qinghe smiled and said, "You don't need to find these little black materials at all. Zhang Dingyi is notoriously greedy and lustful.

He didn't do anything about bullying those female disciples.

When paying salaries to the blood shadow disciples, there are a lot of cases where they need to get a card.

Had it not been for Zhang Dingming to protect him, this guy wouldn't know how many times he had died. "

"Don't do it too deliberately. Start this matter among the middle and low-level disciples first, and then secretly fan the flames.

Before things get up, the Xu family shouldn't take action clearly.

When the crowd is excited, it doesn't matter if you know it is going to stir up troubles. "

"Understood, just wait for my good news."

After that, he bowed and retire.

Zhou Luan sighed, "Xu Qinghe doesn't usually do things so neatly. Talking about these conspiracies and tricks with you today, my mind turns faster than me.

If not for so many years with you day and night, I know you very much.

I'm afraid I don't understand what you two said. "

"This is the same as what the hero sees. Elder Xu and I have taken care of the bloodshadow and deserved the name of a hero."

Zhou Luan looked contemptuously: "He is calculating people secretly, and he speaks so righteously.

However, if Zhang Dingming used the influence of the Zhang family to force Zhang Dingyi to protect him, what should we do?

Is it necessary to have a showdown with the Zhang family in advance, and the two sides head-to-head? "

"My Lord, you are really smart and confused for a while.

If Zhang Dingming really gave up his old face and went to save Zhang Dingyi, then my mouth would be crooked.

What do elders think about Zhang Dingming? What do the masses of blood shadow disciples think of Zhang Dingming?

The prestige he has accumulated over the centuries will be lost for a while.

Zhang Dingming's ability to compete with you for power depends on the prestige and the support of the Zhang family faction. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Without prestige, only Zhang Jia's support is absolutely not enough.

If he abandons Zhang Dingyi, the elders of the Zhang family faction will probably be chilling.

The Zhang family faction is not all Zhang family, and many of them have three relatives and six affiliations.

He even gave up his own younger brother, and these outsiders of the Zhang Family faction, would they still follow the Zhang Family in their entirety? "

In Zhou Luan's pair of phoenix eyes, there was an expression of excitement: "So, not only did the Zhang family lose the seat of a powerful elder this time, they might also lose a lot?"

"Of course, the set I gave him is two-sided, prestige and supporters, he must give up one.

If you want to escape this set safely, unless you press it down completely before you gain momentum.

With you, the movie master, Zhang Dingming wanted to use the power in his hand to do things that harm the interests of Blood Shadow, it was impossible.

Secretly, there is Xu Jiafan Yinfeng lighting up the ghost fire. If you want to press the limelight, it depends on whether he Zhang Dingming has this ability. "

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