Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 911: Fan the flames

The Financial Hall of Blood Shadow is in the Blood Shadow City, west of the Conference Hall.

Here is also a very lively place, after all, the training resources of the blood shadow disciples are basically obtained from here.

At this time, fifty or sixty people in the financial hall were in a long line, ready to receive their salaries.

At the front of the long line was a middle-aged purple mansion disciple wearing a white robe. He was standing in front of a counter.

Behind the counter, there is a gray-haired elder from the late Purple Mansion.

On the counter was an abacus and fifteen middle-grade spirit stones.

The white-robed monk looked flattering: "Manager Li, you can give me more.

My monthly salary should be ten middle-grade spirit stones, but I had another assignment last month.

The bounty should have 20 medium-grade spirit stones, plus one should be 30, you only have fifteen.

I lost half of my salary last month in vain. "

The old man looked displeased: "Can I manage this? Give you as much as it should be in the accounts.

Neither the accounts nor the spirit stones are my masters.

I will distribute it according to the above arrangements.

If you have any comments, go to the financial elder and tell me what the steward can say? "

The cultivator in the middle of the purple mansion was angry: "Who doesn't know the virtues of the financial elders?

I asked him for it, and I couldn't even pick out half of the low-grade spirit stone. "

Guanshi Li's face changed: "How do you say it? You, an ordinary disciple who doesn't even have a position, dare to slander the elder real power.

If this is investigated, do you still want to live. "

"Slandering the elders will naturally be punished severely, but what I said is true, how can it be regarded as slander?"

At this time, there are still many disciples in the financial hall, and they are all waiting in line to receive their salaries.

The quarrel between the two was clearly heard by others.

At this time, a cultivator at the top of the foundation asked: "There is still a salary deduction in our financial hall? Why have I never encountered it?"

A disciple next to him smiled and said: "You are a member of the shadow lord's clan, with Yan Kingdom as your backer, or a direct disciple of the second elder, unlike us who are helpless bottom disciples.

People in the Finance Hall will not trouble you for a few spiritual stones.

Not only you, but all the younger generations of the elders, as well as those blood wolf disciples, will not be deducted from their salaries.

Ordinary disciples of us are miserable, and the salaries we worked hard to get half of it would be pretty good.

I have been receiving only one-third of my salary for three consecutive months. "

This foundation-building peak monk was Wang Tongguang, a son of the Wang family, who had not been able to enter the blood wolf before, and worshiped Zhang Yue as his teacher.

He was not deliberately arranged by Wang Daoyuan, but just happened to catch up with it.

The other disciples in the hall were discussing the matter, and many people were glaring at Guan Li, which made him a little scared.

Once this matter becomes serious, the financial elders will not have any problems if they are investigated from above.

But he is a small manager, and he has no backing at the top. The possibility of him being a scapegoat is extremely high.

He had to shout: "Everyone, calm down, I'm not in charge of this matter.

There are so many spirit stones from above. If you don't send them according to the records on the account, I won't be able to make them for you. "

At this time, an early disciple of the Zifu Mansion shouted: "Calm down, don't you let us calm down? When do we have to calm down?

Where are all the spirit stones that should be sent to us, today we must give an explanation. "

This sentence ignited the anger of everyone, and the sentiment was excited for a while.

"Yes, you must give an explanation."

"Return my hard-earned money."

"If you don't give an explanation, go to the conference hall to find the movie master."

At this time, the treacherous smile appeared on the face of the early Zifu disciple who was shouting.

Guan Shi saw that the hall was in chaos, and knew that with his own ability, he couldn't help it.

Take out a letter of jade charm, directly crush it.

Wang Tongguangneng was selected by Wang Daojian and came to the blood shadow headquarters.

In addition to good talent, the brain is naturally more agile.

He took a look at the situation in the hall and quickly understood that this was someone fanning the flames.

Now that the situation is unclear, it is better to slip early.

So as not to get involved in disputes and cause trouble to the Taigong and the movie master.

While others were not paying attention, he slipped out quietly.

Someone in the hall was booing again: "This matter must be known to all the elders today. I don't believe that the financial elder can cover the sky with one hand.

Let him leave the account book, and hand it over to the film owner and the elders in a while.

I want to see which **** made this account book. "

Next, there was another echo and anger.

At this time in the conference hall, Zhang Dingming was still wrangling about the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

"Our blood shadows have always been alone. Although there is no explicit stipulation, they have been here for tens of thousands of years.

Now joining the forces of the Kingdom of Yan, what is going on?

In the future, will these branches listen to Yan Guo or our headquarters? "

Before the words were over, a late elder of the Purple Mansion ran in.

Zhang Dingming scolded angrily: "Have you not seen the movie master discussing matters with us elders? What kind of decent way is he who is so reckless?"

The cultivator of the Purple Mansion handed his hands and said, "The Shadow Master Qi and the elders, there is chaos in the Finance Hall.

Some disciples were arguing with the steward because they felt that the salary was too low.

Now there are dozens of disciples who are arguing in the financial hall and robbing account books. "

Zhang Dingming was furious: "Who dares to be so presumptuous? Attacking the financial palace, is this looking for death?

Immediately send disciples from the Palace of Criminal Law to arrest all these troublemakers.

The first evil was executed, and the others were also punished severely. "

At this time, a Jindan mid-term idle elder said: "The great elder wait a minute. As far as I know, the financial hall often deducts the salaries of disciples.

I am not born in a blood wolf, and I have encountered this situation many times before forming a pill.

If it is dealt with rashly, it may cause a mess. "

Several non-primary elders spoke in agreement. Zhang Dingming was a little unable to come to Taiwan, and winked at the elders of the Zhang family.

The elder who belonged to the Zhang family immediately said: "The Financial Palace is in this Bloodshadow City.

We elders continue to discuss the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, which is related to the future of Blood Shadow.

What counts as dozens of disciples making trouble? "

At this time Cao Jing spoke: "You can't say that. The future of Blood Shadow depends on these middle and low-level disciples.

Some of my people have also encountered this situation. Dozens of disciples will not cause trouble for no reason, it is better to check. "

As soon as this remark came out, the non-primary elders all agreed.

Most of them, or their descendants with poor talents, have encountered this situation.

Xu Qinghe looked at the elders with a bewildered look, and said with a strange air: "Elder, this is not a trivial matter.

There are dozens of disciples making trouble now, and there is uncertainty about how many there will be in the future.

It's better to investigate thoroughly. Whoever is at fault will be severely punished, and all the disciples will be convinced. "

As soon as this statement came out, the elders of the Zhang family group spoke out against it.

The entire conference hall suddenly became a vegetable market.

With Xu Qinghe fanning the flames on the sidelines, Zhang Dingming couldn't control it at all.

Zhou Luan let out a cold snort, and the aura of Yuanying's mid-stage burst out, and the court suddenly became quiet.

Wang Daoyuan spent more than ten years with her in the Blood Shadow Headquarters, with various spiritual things constantly, and her cultivation level finally broke through not long ago.

"All the elders are the pillars of the blood shadow, so noisy, in what manner?

Since there is no right and wrong here, let's go to the Finance Hall together to see what is going on. "

As soon as this statement came out, Xu's elders and most of the non-primary elders all echoed.

The number of Zhang family members is small, and they dare not say anything.

Zhou Luan led a group of elders out of the conference hall and headed to the finance hall.

At this time, the penalty hall disciples had surrounded the financial hall and were about to enter the hall.

Xu Qinghe shouted: "The disciples of the Palace of Punishment will retreat temporarily, and the shadow master has brought the elders to deal with this matter."

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