Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 912: scapegoat

Among the disciples of the penalty hall surrounded outside, a middle-level golden core monk walked out.

He bowed his hand to everyone: "See the movie master, his subordinates have received news that a disciple is making trouble in the financial hall and robbing account books.

According to the rules of the blood shadow door, these disciples should be brought back to the penalty hall for interrogation.

The first culprit was executed, and the others had to be punished severely, and the subordinates were arresting people in accordance with the rules of the door. "

Zhou Luan nodded: "You have done a good job. This matter is handled by the elders and I. You can withdraw first."

This golden core monk didn't dare to defy Zhou Luan's order, waved his hand, and the punishment hall disciples were on standby near the punishment hall.

Zhang Yue first walked into the penalty hall and shouted: "The shadow lord and the elders are all outside, staying honestly, this matter is left to the shadow lord to deal with.

Where is the ledger? One video is mainly checked. "

Manager Li took out the account book from the storage bag and put it on the counter.

Zhang Yue glanced at him: "Take out all the space treasures on your body, put them on the counter, and wait for the movie owner to check them."

Guan Shi didn't dare to confront the second elder, and honestly took out three storage bags and a Qiankun ring.

Zhou Luan and other elders entered the financial hall, and everyone in the hall bowed and saluted: "See the shadow lord."

Zhou Luan waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be too polite. I heard that the financial hall here is not paying fair salaries, which has caused the disciples to **** the account books.

Show me where this ledger is now. "

Zhang Yue turned all the space treasures of Manager Li upright, and found no other books.

He took this ledger to several other monks present to check: "Is this the ledger he used to pay you salaries?"

The white-robed monk who had had a dispute with Guan Li before took a look at the ledger: "It is the previous ledger. My monthly salary should be ten middle-grade spirit stones.

Last month, I had a mission, and I should get a reward of 20 middle-grade spirit stones.

A total of 30 yuan should be given to me, but Guan Shi only gave me 15 yuan.

I argued with him, and he said it was determined by the above, and he has no right to interfere.

Most of us disciples have been deducted from their salaries. Today, we can't bear it, so we have to **** the books and seek justice. "

Zhou Luan took the account book and checked: "Don't worry, disciples, I will definitely give you fairness."

After all, he pointed to the salaries of some of the disciples in the ledger and asked: "According to the rules, the salary of the disciples in the Purple Mansion is ten middle-grade spirit stones per month.

At the peak of the Purple Mansion, it will be doubled again.

Why is the salary in this account only half?

Some monks' salaries are even less than 30%. Who sets this account? "

Manager Li said, "I am a small manager, so I don't have the right to make this.

The ledger was handed to me by the Chief Financial Officer, and the spirit stone handed over to me was also based on the ledger.

I can only pay according to the amount on the ledger, and I can't get the extra one. "

The general manager of each hall is equivalent to the deputy head of the hall, who usually manages various chores in the hall, and is also held by the elder Jindan.

Being able to be the chief director of each hall can also be regarded as a powerful elder.

Zhou Luan asked, "Where is the Chief Financial Officer?"

A late Jindan monk walked out and said, "Zhang Mengguang, Chief Financial Officer, see the film master."

Zhang Jia Meng's generation is after Ding's generation, this chapter Meng Guang is Zhang Dingming's nephew.

"What's the matter with this account book? Why did the salary that should be paid to the disciple become half, or even less than 30%."

The sweat on Zhang Mengguang's forehead fell off, and he was not accused of deducting the salaries of his disciples and filling his own pockets.

Although he is also a member of Zhang's family, he is only a distant branch, and he is not very respected.

He was more than three hundred years old, and with his financial management ability, it took more than three hundred years to get such a position as a general manager.

If you bear this charge, I am afraid that your life will be hard to save.

There is no one among the offspring, and it may have fallen from then on.

But if you don't carry it, Zhang Dingming will die in the future.

While he was struggling, Xu Qinghe smiled and said: "General Zhang Da is to be honest, what's so scary?

If it's your own problem, as long as you can fill in the gaps, it's just a small life.

The film owner is kind and does not sin as much as his family.

If it is not your problem, then say where the ledger comes from.

To be honest, the movie master will protect you and your family. "

Hearing this, Zhang Mengguang's face was embarrassed.

Seeing that he meant to confess, Zhang Dingming also spoke up: "Meng Guang, just tell me if you have something.

With me, no one dares to plant you. "

Zhang Mengguang sighed: "In response to the movie master, I did indeed do this account."

"Since you admit it, it's easier to handle.

Where is the Lord of Punishment, take Zhang Mengguang down.

Now someone is sent to copy Zhang Mengguang's property and Dongfu to retrieve the stolen money. "

A late Jindan monk who looked very similar to Xu Qinghe walked out, bowed and said in salute; "Oh, yes."

Xu Qinghe also answered, "Qingquan, we must investigate carefully, and there must be no omissions."

Punishment elder Xu Qingquan is Xu Qinghe's younger brother, and his status is not low.

In order to balance the two families, Zhang and Xu generally took turns in charge of punishment and finances.

In terms of personnel appointment and dismissal, powers are divided by the chief elder, the second elder, and the third elder.

Asking Xu Qingquan to catch Zhang's pigtails is definitely a catch.

As soon as Xu Qingquan waved his hand, several disciples of the Palace of Punishment ran in and shackled Zhang Mengguang.

These shackles are not ordinary things, they are all special magic weapons.

The cultivation base of the person wearing it will be suppressed, and there is not much power to display at all.

Xu Qingquan yelled again: "Qinghui, go and check all Zhang Mengguang's properties and Dongfu. There must be no omissions.

All the proceeds from the check are brought here without error. "

The Jindan mid-term cultivator who had led people to surround the financial hall walked in and said yes.

Zhou Luan added another sentence: "Elder Han, you are known for being impartial and unselfish among the blood shadows.

It's up to you to supervise, lest anyone use the means. "

An elderly Golden Core Peak monk stepped out and said, "Yes."

After all, walk out of the penalty hall with Xu Qinghui.

"Second elder, you can find someone to check how many spirit stones are deducted from this account book."

Zhang Yue handed his hand and said yes, and then found a few non-primary elders to check the accounts together.

After half a day, Xu Qinghui and Elder Han returned to the Finance Hall.

Xu Qinghe took out three Universe Rings and handed them to Zhou Luan.

"The film owner, all the industries under Zhang Mengguang's name have been censored.

The property that can be brought is already here, and the land deeds of the cave mansion and the house are also here, and all the property calculations should be about 160,000 middle-grade spirit stones. "

Elder Han also handed his hand: "I am present for all the checks and calculations, and Mr. Xu's statement is correct."

Zhang Yue handed a few books to Zhou Luan: "The movie owner, the accounts have been accounted for.

This ledger recorded the expenditures of the Financial Palace for ten years, and a total of more than 30 million middle-grade spirit stones were deducted. "

More than 30 million middle-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for lower-grade spirit stones, which is more than 3 billion yuan.

Xu Qingquan snorted coldly and asked, "Zhang Mengguang, you said you did this account, what about the spirit stone that you deducted?

In this headquarters, there are fifth-order spiritual veins for support.

There is no need for middle-grade spirit stones for cultivation. Where did you hide these spirit stones?

The shadow master is kind, as long as you tell the truth, you can save you from death and protect your family.

To be a scapegoat for others, that is undoubtedly death.

How many people have you deducted from their salaries? These people want to kill your whole family.

Think about it, what will your family do after you die?

As far as I know, there are no outstanding characters in your descendants.

Will anyone spend a huge price to protect them? "

Zhang Mengguang clenched his fists, his muscles twitched, the blue veins on his forehead violently, and the sweat had soaked his robe.

He is also a member of Zhang's family, so he naturally knows how unfeeling Zhang Dingming is.

As a scapegoat, Zhang Dingming will never protect his family.

But if the confession is made, Zhang Dingming cannot be overthrown, and it will be difficult for the future.

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