Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 927: Dexterity defect

When he was in the Seven Star Sea Cultivating Immortal Realm before, he had already nurtured five embryonic artifacts.

So far, nearly sixty years have passed.

During the period, he received many gifts from the heavens and the earth, and the essence of the Five Elements Spirit Fire did not eat less.

Coupled with Ying Long's charm and strong air luck, the foundation of ordinary spirits can't be compared with the five of them.

Now they are in a state very close to the spirits that have been cultivated normally, but they are just the last step.

Ying Long spit out five light **** with a diameter of more than five inches, and the light **** quickly transformed into the five-element beast.

They are not weak in action and strength, but their intelligence is obviously insufficient.

As soon as the spirit of a device is born, its intelligence is close to human beings.

Moreover, they will have different personalities according to their own laws.

And these five prototypes of the spirits are completely at the mercy of others, with extremely low intelligence and only the most basic instincts.

The ancestor of Wanling came out of the Wanling Pagoda and looked at the prototypes of the five spirits.

Even if he was an old monster who had lived for more than two hundred thousand years, he couldn't help showing an expression of envy.

"These five little guys have been fed too many good things by you, and Ying Long himself has nurtured them, and their luck is too strong.

If it can become a real tool spirit, the possibility of further becoming a spirit race in the future is very high.

However, success is also the bottom line of failure.

They can't go further and become true spirits because of their strong background.

Your human geniuses and those half-god beasts will have a very strong tribulation, and the same is true for the spirits.

The five of them are equivalent to peerless geniuses in the human race. The endowment is too strong, and it is naturally difficult to form.

General spirits can be cultivated as long as they are Yuan Ying monks.

And the power of these five instrument spirits has now reached the fifth-order peak, after the birth of the spiritual wisdom, there will be a big breakthrough, and there may be a sixth-order as soon as it takes shape.

You are only a cultivator at the peak of the Nascent Soul, you can't raise Tier 6 Artifact Spirit at all.

When you break through the realm of the **** of transformation, there should be no problem. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "I thought it would be able to form, but I didn't expect to wait for a while."

Wang Mingyan and Wang Mingxian couldn't move their eyes away when they saw Qi Ling.

The spirits that are more than five inches long look like pets.

Wang Mingyan chased the white tiger spirit, while Wang Mingxian chased the blue dragon spirit.

The auras of these two spirits are similar to their special physique, which is very attractive to them.

The ancestor of Wanling said: "You are the spirit of the Guiyuan Sword Immortal. It must be the Three Treasure Artifacts.

When Guiyuan Jianxian created this secret technique for nurturing spirits, he also consulted me.

Seeing this, it should be a success.

The Three Treasures Artifacts are mainly for the cultivation of sword spirits. It seems that the sword body of the bright blade should be affected by this white tiger spirit.

It's just that your nurturing method is a little wrong. Putting it in Yinglong's body can certainly get extremely strong Qi luck and the charm of the five-element beast.

But after all, they are artifact spirits, and they can't keep in contact with the artifact for a long time, and the connection with the artifact is very weak.

Without the support of the artifact, the spirit of the artifact will be flawed.

It seems that this spirit hasn't been formed until now, and there should be a reason why there is less contact with the artifact.

If this continues, I am afraid that if you break through the realm of the gods, it will be difficult for them to form completely. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "I did keep them in Yinglong's body all the time, and only put them into the magic weapon when I used the lore method.

It seems that they will be placed in the magic artifact in the future. "

"By the way, Mingchen, how is the situation of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce?"

Wang Mingchen replied: "Now Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce has established a general meeting and four branches, and the general meeting is in this Qingli City.

The four branches are in Linhai Prefecture, Wanchuanfang City, Guiyan City, and Luoxingyuan.

The general president of the chamber of commerce is me, and there are two vice presidents, the Mingkang brother and the 27th uncle.

I just put a name on it, after all, for such a big industry, other people don't have enough prestige.

The usual affairs are managed by the vice president.

In order to be able to stabilize the place, the Mingkang clan brother has also formed a pill.

After the Chamber of Commerce was established, it recruited casual repairs.

Now it has recruited more than 30 casual cultivators in Zifu, more than 500 casual cultivators for foundation building, and more than 3,000 qi training casual cultivators.

This is because the Chamber of Commerce has just started and there are still too few pre-development industries.

After those industries begin to produce a large amount of resources, they can use these resources to recruit more casual repairs.

After the Zhang family surrendered, Mingkang and Uncle 27 also contacted the Sanhe Hall Master, and he also agreed to join the Chamber of Commerce.

As long as there are enough people here, and after discussing with Zhao Guo, chambers of commerce can be opened in various places in Zhao Guo. "

There are naturally some Wang family disciples in the Chamber of Commerce, as well as blood shadow disciples.

If they were added together, their strength was already comparable to the previous Netherworld Sect.

The Chamber of Commerce has only been established for five short years.

"It's done very well. I sent a letter asking you to set up several counties in Shanbei. How are you doing now?"

Wang Mingchen replied: "I divided a site with a length of 100,000 miles from east to west and a width of more than 10,000 miles from north to south to the west of Guiyan County, and set up Monan County to house the children of the Xu family.

In the future, there will be a Yuanying monk in the Xu family, and he can also come to serve as the prefect of Monan County.

In addition, in the west of Monan County and Luoxing County, a Hanhai County with a width of 20,000 miles from east to west and a length of 50,000 miles from north to south was established to house the Zhang family.

This Hanhai County is about the same size as Monan County, but most of the area is desert.

However, in the desert in the northern part of Hanhai County, there are many rivers that originated from Huiyan Mountain, but there are many oasis, which is much stronger than that in Luoxing County.

The Zhang family turned sincerity later than the Xu family, and went against the mother and queen again.

Even if he surrenders now, his treatment should be worse than that of the Xu family.

But in order to check and balance the Xu family, it shouldn't be too weak, so Erchen made arrangements like this.

If the father has no opinion, I can make an order at any time to appoint Zhang Dingming as the prefect of Yan Guo Hanhai County. "

Wang Daoyuan is very satisfied: "Yes, your ability to balance the forces of all parties has been learned.

I will leave the affairs of Yan State to you, and I have nothing to worry about.

I first bring Ming Blade and Ming Xian to recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors. You can do these things yourself. "

After that, Wang Daoyuan took back the five spirits and left the royal study room with his two children.

Take a flying boat and fly to Yuquan Peak.

In this more than ten years, the rank of Yuquanfeng's spiritual veins has improved a lot.

It was only the top grade of Tier 4 before, and now it has reached the pinnacle of Tier 4, and it is only one line away from Tier 5.

Of course, the spirit veins in Qingli City have also improved, and they have not yet reached the fourth-tier top grade.

After all, the spiritual veins over there are a bit weaker, and their growth is now a bit weak.

It will take a long time to grow to the fifth level.

When Feizhou landed on Yuquan Peak, the patriarch Wang Mingshan and Wang Daoshu came out to greet him.

The two little guys had a good memory, and when they saw Wang Daoshu, they rushed over, calling eight aunts in their mouths.

Wang Daoshu put them in his arms and smiled: "It didn't hurt you two little things in vain. I still remember my aunt now."

Wang Mingchen arched his hands and said: "Uncle Qi, the ancestor recognition is ready, and you can start at any time."

Wang Daoyuan smiled and nodded: "This matter should be handled by your patriarch."

Soon, the two put on the white robe with dragon fish pattern of the Wang family.

Wang Mingshan led them into the ancestral hall and kowtowed to the tablets of ancestors and ancestors.

Later, UU read the book and entered their names into the genealogy.

Pull out another ray of soul to refine the soul lamp.

At this point, the two can be regarded as officially recognizing their ancestors.

Wang Daoyuan took a look at the genealogy with his spiritual knowledge, and the ranking of the two of them was already after the five hundred.

There are so many people in the family, it is quite difficult to figure out who is big and who is small.

At this time, there was a wave of spiritual power in a cave by the Jade Dragon Spring.

Wang Daoyuan's divine sense probed the past, and it turned out that a tribe made a breakthrough.

He inspected carefully and discovered that this person was Wang Delin, the second Tianlinggen monk in the Wang family.

Now he is only in his thirties, and his cultivation has reached the ninth floor of the foundation.


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