Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 928: 0 Art Hall

Before he was thirty-five years old, he had cultivated to the ninth level of foundation building.

If he continued to cultivate at this speed, it took only three to five years for Wang Delin to open up the Purple Mansion.

The cultivators of the Purple Mansion who are less than forty years old are rare among the top forces.

Even if you want to accumulate in the Zifu realm, you will be able to form a pill at the age of a hundred.

Tianling root plus spiritual body, this cultivation speed is really terrifying.

Wang Delin is still just a nine-inch three-point water spirit root, his daughter's nine-inch seven-point wood spirit root, and a Yimu psychic body.

In terms of cultivation speed, it should be higher than Wang Delin.

Moreover, the peach kernels of the Xuantian Bilingtao in the Lingzhu space began to increase the height of the wood spirit root.

After the peach tree bears fruit, use peach kernels to increase the height of Wang Mingxian's spiritual roots.

In this case, it is really possible to create a one-foot-one spiritual root spiritual monk.

This kind of talent was only seen in Ten Thousand Beast Valley back then, and it was also nurtured by the peach kernels of Xuan Tian Bi Ling Tao.

After Wang Mingbian and Wang Mingxian recognized their ancestors, Wang Daoyuan took them away from the ancestral temple and came to the tomb of the Houshan ancestor.

Among the tombs of the Shouzi generation, there is a particularly tall tomb, which is the tomb of Wang Daoyuan's parents.

Ordinary people are buried in the tombs of their ancestors, and the tombs are mostly on the edge of the cemetery.

It is extremely rare to be buried with monks.

The tomb is bigger than other monks, and this is the only one.

"Daddy and mother, Zhou Luan and I have given birth to you a grandson and a granddaughter. Their cultivation talents are even better than Ming Chen.

Ming Blade Mingxian, this is the grave of your grandparents. Give them three heads and let them see their grandchildren. "

The two little guys were quite obedient, and honestly bowed their heads to their grandparents.

According to family rules, children who are underage and begin to practice should practice in the Wang Family Baiyi Hall.

This is done to help the children practice, and the other is to cultivate a sense of belonging to the family.

Of course, it is also to control them.

Teenage children are at the age when strength is useless.

But these children still have cultivation skills. If they are left unchecked, they can really poke a hole in the sky.

Wang Daoyuan took them to the western half of Yuquan Peak, where there is a flat land covering an area of ​​more than 20 acres.

More than 20 spacious wooden houses were built on the flat ground with spirit wood. In each wooden house, there are dozens to dozens of teenagers.

The sound of lectures and questions with children were heard from time to time in the room.

Of course, there are also cries of bear children that you love to hear.

Wang Daoyuan explored his divine knowledge and found a young clansman who was hitting the palm of a child's hand.

He said: "Each person draws twenty Huayu Talisman, just let you draw the runes, and everyone else has completed it, so you forgot to bring it.

Let you go back and get it, you said you forgot it in Qingli City. "

Wang Daoyuan couldn't help laughing, different worlds, the same excuse.

The appearance of this large building really resembles a school in a previous life.

This is the Wang Family Baiyi Hall. From the beginning of the cultivation, the monks must stay here and study.

After reaching the age of twenty, you can work in various industries according to your abilities.

Wang Mingyan and Wang Mingxian have a very good foundation, after all, two Yuanying monks Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan were personally trained.

What the two of them need to learn is the cultivation of immortals.

If it weren't for fostering their sense of belonging to the family, let them practice directly in the Qingli City Palace.

It’s much better to have the ancestor of Wan Ling, an old antique, than here.

Wang Daoyuan did not deliberately suppress his breath, and soon a young monk in the middle of the Purple Mansion came out.

He bowed and saluted: "Grandson Wang Dexiang, see Qishu Gong, see my uncle and sister-in-law."

This Wang Dexiang was not very young, only one hundred and fifty or sixty years old, and he had great hopes of consolidating alchemy.

He is the head of the family's Baiyitang, and is equivalent to the head of the Wang's private school.

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be polite, Ming Blade and Ming Xian are here for the time being to practice.

Your Seventh Granny and I have already taught them general practice knowledge, so you can arrange for them to learn how to practice immortality.

Mingxian is very talented with Lingzhifu, and Lingchu and alchemy can also be cultivated.

Bright blade is suitable for the path of refining, and the way of formation can also be taught.

Their cultivation speed is too fast, and I am worried that their foundation is unstable.

You can arrange for them as much time as possible to learn how to cultivate immortals. "

Wang Dexiang handed his hands: "Don't worry, Uncle Qi, I'll make arrangements."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Ming Blade Mingxian, you two are cultivating here, and you have to listen to the elders.

I have sent a letter to Wang You, and he will come over in a while.

He usually takes care of you, and he will notify me if he can’t solve the problem. "

Before the words fell, a white cloud floated to the southeast.

Soon, the white cloud fell on the top of the mountain, and a strong man wearing a black leather robe fell from the white cloud.

Wang Daoyuan introduced: "Ming Blade Mingxian, this is Wang You, you will call him Heibo from now on."

Wang Mingyan and Wang Mingxian saluted: "I have seen Uncle Hei."

"Da Hei, you will take care of these two little guys."

"Second Young Master, don't worry, I'm familiar with this.

Ming Blade, Ming Xian, I will protect you from now on.

If you don't practice well in Baiyitang, I will beat you up for your parents.

Your eldest brother, Wang Mingchen, was beaten by me when he was young. "

The two little guys looked at Da Hei's appearance, very similar to Wang Daoyuan, and they were not too scared.

Wang Dexiang called two younger generations to build a foundation, and brought Wang Mingyan and Wang Mingxian to two wooden houses to study with the children of other families.

Wang Daoyuan confessed a few more words to Da Hei, then left Yuquan Peak and flew east, while Da Hei found a place nearby to meditate.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Daoyuan came to the vicinity of the main line of the Tianzhan Mountain Range.

Previously, the fifth-tier high-grade sword puppet Xuanji was refined, but the space on the blood shadow headquarters was too small for it to be familiar with the battle.

The fifth-tier high-grade sword puppet has mastered the Guiyuan sword intent, and the strength is not inferior to those of the big demon kings.

Only Wang Daoyuan is the only one who can accompany it.

Wang Daoyuan released Xuanji and ordered it to attack himself.

It instantly turned into a silver light and attacked him.

After that, Xuan Ji used the Tiangang sword formation to surround Wang Daoyuan.

Wang Daoyuan also condensed the Tiangang sword formation, head-to-head with Xuanji's sword formation.

The result was naturally self-evident, Xuanji's sword formation broke directly.

Wang Daoyuan didn't make another move, but instead let Xuanji continue to attack.

Two months later, Xuanji was already able to skillfully use the sword repair spell he had learned.

Although under Wang Daoyuan, he was still vulnerable.

But dealing with the Great Demon King is definitely not a problem.

Especially Xuanji has two things for tracking the enemy, one is the compass and the other is the secret technique.

Wang Daoyuan used the hidden magic tactic, but he couldn't hide it.

Take Xuanji into the Lingzhu space and return to Yuquan Peak.

In these two months, Wang Mingyan and Wang Mingxian have also adapted to life in Baiyitang.

Whenever they were free, they would go to Wang Daoshu's place to eat and drink, and their life was pretty good.

A few days after Wang Daoyuan returned to Yuquan Peak, he received a letter from Master Lei Yan.

He brought Wang Daoyin and Wang Mingting to Yuquan Peak to see Wang Mingyan and Wang Mingxian. Now they are almost at the site of Yan Kingdom.

Wang Daoyuan also took a flying boat and headed south.

As soon as he arrived in Wanchuanfang City, he saw a flying boat from the Shenbing Pavilion coming from the south.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan came to greet him, UU reading www. Wang Daoyin stood on the bow and shouted: "Second brother, I am coming to see you."

After all, he flew directly from the flying boat in the Shenbing Pavilion.

He is now at the later stage of the Golden Core cultivation base. When the monsters were in chaos, True Person Lei Yan was ready to die in battle.

Disciples with high potential like him are all hidden in some secret realms.

After solving the Yaozu, Wang Daoyin has also been in retreat.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Third brother, we brothers have not seen each other for many years."

"No, you left Beiyuan Cultivation Realm for decades.

After you came back, I have been in retreat again.

Had it not been for visiting my nephew and niece, I am afraid that the respected master would not let me out. "


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